I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 957 : Chapter 474 Liu Xun's Anxiety

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"General Zhao knows the reason for Sun Ce's sudden madness?" Liu Xun suddenly turned his head and asked. (www>

"Ah, I just received the news that something happened in Yizhou." Zhao Yun nodded, and casually told the news he just received.

Liu Xun's face suddenly turned from livid to pale.

This time it was really big.Even as an ally, even though he admired Lu Su in the past, Liu Xun still couldn't help but question him. [

Gao Pei's attack was an accident and there was nothing he could do about it.But the contingency measures of the generals in Hanzhong are too bad. They can send people to sue for peace, or stick to the city, or even give up Hanzhong.

Yes, Hanzhong is very good, it is a huge granary.But that also has to be enjoyed.Losing Hanzhong, if you can make peace with Liu Zhang.

Even if it's hypocrisy and submission to Liu Zhang, that's fine.

Now Gao Pei has been beheaded, and Liu Zhang has turned against him.It doesn't matter about the war, if Liu Zhang also learns from other princes and cuts off the salt in the four counties of Xinye.

Then they will lose.

Liu Xun began to question Lu Su's employment, and the change was so fast.

Even, Liu Xun had an urge to withdraw from the matter.However, Liu Xun also knew that it was impossible for him to get out of the matter. If Sun Ce wanted to dominate Yangzhou, he would be the first to bear the brunt.

He fought with Sun Ce again and again, and if he was captured by Sun Ce or surrendered to Sun Ce, it would not end well.He would rather lead his troops to surrender to Cao Cao than to surrender to Sun Ce.

Furthermore, Liu Xun still had a little luck in his heart.Although Lu Su went too far this time, Lu Su seems to have a magical power, which can save danger every time.

"Although I got dizzy for a while, it seems that there is some kind of God's help in the dark, so it's a big gamble. I bet that Lu Su can save the day and sit on five counties. When Lu Su's defeat is settled, he will lead his troops again." It is not too late to go north and join Cao Cao."

The only comfort left in Liu Xun's heart calmed him down.

But Liu Xun knew very well that his self-comfort was really unreliable, Liu Zhang, that was Liu Zhang.It's true that it's a little weaker, but it's still a force with hundreds of thousands of armor.

Among other things, Liu Zhang is much stronger than Zhang Lu in terms of dangerous passes.

Alas, Liu Xun sighed in his heart.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Liu Xun's thinking like this, a small force and a fool.In addition, Liu Xun's ability is not good enough, and his self-confidence is not enough.

I don't know much about Liu Zhang either.When these things are put together, there will naturally be such a kind of heart.

Zhang Lu, Zhou Yu, and even Sun Ce, who is now launching a further offensive, don't they continue to attack the Xinye forces because of their hearts?

It can be said that Liu Xun's heart is ordinary and normal.

However, there are abnormal people in this world.That is the civil servants and military generals of Liu Feng's forces. Pang Tong chose to stick to the city without any doubts. [

The same goes for Huang Zhong and Meng Jian.

Zhao Yun is even more so.

"It's just a small wind and a small wave. When he was in Xudu, His Highness dealt with Cao Cao and Liu Bei, and even fought against Cao Cao. At critical moments, he could always fight with his life and save the day. This time, it may be the same for His Highness." So be it. With His Royal Highness’s heart, it’s impossible to give up Hanzhong. How can you give up the meat of your mouth? It’s a joke to let Hanzhong seek Liu Zhang’s favor. Fighting for life is His Highness’s choice, and it’s the right thing to do. choose."

Zhao Yun has unlimited confidence in Liu Feng.

"Your Majesty Liu, don't need to think too much. General Lu will definitely win a big victory. Let's defend the city." Zhao Yun couldn't help but said when he turned his head and saw Liu Xun's expression changing, with incomparable trust in his heart.

"I'm really confident." Liu Xun smiled bitterly, but he still didn't have much confidence.

However, no matter what, Liu Xun has made up his mind.Keep your guard up and watch the situation change.He would not hold back, he nodded fiercely, and said, "Okay."

Immediately, Zhao Yun and Liu Xun performed their duties and began to guard the city.

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