I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 959 : Chapter 475 The fierce confrontation in Chengdu

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Few people would think of launching an offensive with salt, which requires a certain understanding of people's livelihood. \%>_<%_小_说_网原_创造%>_<%\ In addition to understanding people's livelihood, there must be enough opportunities to display it.

But this time, it is a great opportunity for He Zong to deal with Lu Su.

This is Zhang Zhao's top strategy in his life, and if he wins, it will be recorded in the annals of history.Since the end of the Han Dynasty, there have only been a few wars against the princes from all walks of life.

The heroes □□Dong.Sun Ce, Liu Bei, Cao Cao □ the puppet emperor Yuan Shu.And this time the princes of the Quartet are Lu Su.The first two wars were huge wars, enough to be recorded in the annals of history. [

And this time the war joined the princes, and the princes who joined were more than the first Yuan Shu.Also more important.And the source of everything was that he, Zhang Zhao, managed to defeat Lu Su.

Although Zhang Zhao has a deep city and a lot of talent, he is not at the point where he has no desires and no desires.If it can play an important role and be recorded in the annals of history, Zhang Zhao can't help but be tempted.

In this case, Zhang Zhao received the first news.Wenpin, after Wang Wei broke through Hanzhong, he could barely eat, and his heart was cloudy and rainy.

The temper is also a lot more irritable.

But suddenly hearing Wenpin, Wang Wei had a war with Gao Pei, beheaded Gao Pei, and entered Jiameng Pass.Zhang Zhao's reaction was ecstasy.

Ups and downs ah.After experiencing failure, he suddenly became tired of opportunities for success.This feeling made Zhang Zhao want to stop.

Almost even sleeping, Zhang Zhao fell asleep with a smile on his face.

"Although the old man is dozens of years old, he didn't enjoy many happy things, just a few of them. This time, it was the most enjoyable thing in his life. Lu Su, Lu Su. I want to thank you You, your failure, has made the old man, hahaha."

Zhang Zhao laughed out loud.


Liu Feng occupied Hanzhong, and Gao Pei brazenly launched an offensive.Liu Feng counterattacked without thinking, defeated Gao Pei in the first battle, and advanced to Jiameng Pass.

In the eyes of Zhang Lu, Sun Ce, Zhou Yu, Cao Ren, Zhang Zhao and others, this incident was tantamount to digging their own grave, thinking that victory was beckoning to them.

But the result was as Liu Feng expected.Success or failure is only between five and five.

Gao Pei went to the battle, not only failed to win, but was killed in the first battle, and even lost the front-line pass, Jiameng Pass.When the news reached Chengdu, it immediately caused an uproar.

Chengdu City, originally the capital of a state, belongs to the world's first-class big city.After the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Liu Yan came to power and established his own power, followed by Liu Zhang.

After two generations of management, Chengdu City not only has a thick city wall, but also has a great increase in prosperity, becoming the top-notch city in the world.

This is true of Chengdu City, and so is the whole of Yizhou.

But Yizhou has prospered, its economy has improved, and its strength has also increased.But in stark contrast is Liu Zhang's weakness.

Why is Liu Zhang weak?On the one hand, it is because of the factors of character and ability, more than enough benevolence, but not enough talents.There are also errors of decision. [

For example, Zhang Lu in Hanzhong was originally a dog raised by Liu Zhang's father Liu Yan at the gate of Yizhou. Zhang Lu cut off the relationship with the Han Dynasty and established his own kingdom.

But Liu Zhang killed Zhang Lu's mother and turned against Zhang Lu, which made his power shrink a lot.

In addition, there are various problems in Yizhou, which lead to Liu Zhang's weakness.

When Liu Yan entered Yizhou, he relied on the support of local forces in Yizhou.But after Liu Yan entered Yizhou, not long after, tens of thousands of people from Sanfu's family poured into Yizhou.

Among these tens of thousands of families, some are extremely prominent noble families.These clans allied with each other to form Dongzhou Scholars.

With the addition of Dongzhou scholars, Liu Yan immediately turned his face, eradicated many Yizhou local forces, and beheaded more than ten states in a row, which consolidated his position.

At the same time, it also led to the intensification of contradictions, which lasted until Liu Zhang's era.

This formed two distinct forces, the local forces in Yizhou and the scholars in Dongzhou.Among them, there are conservatives and strong ones.

There are also the half-hearted faction, the loyal faction, the generals faction, and the literati faction.

All kinds of factions and characters are fighting each other, and the complicated relationship is not clear.Under such circumstances, if you are a promising king, you can certainly make drastic announcements to strengthen Yizhou.

But it turned out that Liu Zhang had no talents, so Yizhou was very weak due to various reasons, and was bullied by Zhang Lu.

Under such circumstances, it is of course difficult to decide to send troops.In addition, Wenpin and Wang Wei killed Gao Pei neatly according to Liu Feng's order.

Under the deterrence of the extremely strong fighting power displayed, many conservatives and half-hearted factions are holding back.Whether to send troops or not is even more difficult.

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