I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 980 : Chapter 486 Cao Ren's defeat

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When the storm broke out, Liu Zhang made peace with Lu Su. It is conceivable how Cao Ren would react. \%>_<%_小_说_网原_创造%>_<%\ Almost even his nose is crooked.

"Liu Zhang is a thief, a coward, a coward, and he has the same virtue as Liu Biao. No wonder the Han Dynasty is weak, dog thief, dog thief, dog thief." In the north of Ai County, in Cao Ren's camp, Cao Ren received the spies' report , yelling at the dog thief, his cheeks were flushed, his eyes were red, and the reaction was extremely excited.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah."

Immediately afterwards, Cao Ren uttered violent roars one after another, extremely shrill. [

Days of attacks caused heavy damage to Cao Ren's elite soldiers.Cao Ren was heartbroken. His face was thin and his eyes were almost protruding. After receiving such news suddenly, he looked like a ghost.

It's as ugly as it needs to be.

Despair, this is despair.In the last war, Cao Ren led his troops to fight, not only failed, but also lost the general Niu Jin.This battle was thought to be victorious, but the result was ups and downs. There was hope and then despair. After despair, there was still light, but in the end it was still the result of despair.

All kinds of things have forced Cao Ren's generation of generals to this point.

"General, what should we do?" At this time, there were several generals in the big tent. When Cao Ren broke out, they were afraid to make a sound because of Cao Ren's power. After a long time, they saw that Cao Ren seemed to have calmed down a little. Some, only generals dare to speak.

"Retreat." Cao Ren's expression suddenly changed from excitement to defeat, and he ordered.

"Just retreat like this? We only need to work harder to conquer Ai County. As long as we conquer Ai County, we can go straight to Xinye, General." The general who asked the question just now was stunned for a moment, and couldn't believe himself. ears, and then said excitedly.

The heavy loss is not only the pain of Cao Ren, but also the pain of all the generals.

The generals also believed that Ai County was already quite weak, as long as they continued to work harder, it would be enough to break through Ai County.

"Now Wenpin, Wang Wei has broken through Hanzhong, and will return to Xinye in a few days. At that time, Lu Su's army will definitely increase in power. If we attack urgently and fight against them on the battlefield, we will definitely suffer heavy losses. This is one of them. [-]. If Sun Ce, Liu Pan and others retreat, we will be defeated if we attack with an army. This is the second. There are still [-] field soldiers in Xinye City. Although the combat power is insufficient, they can still maneuver around. County, but also to attack Xinye, if it is difficult to conquer, it will be defeated. This is the third. Retreat." Cao Ren took a deep breath, waved his hand weakly, and said.

Hezong refers to several forces uniting together to deal with one force.The disadvantage of this situation is that when winning every victory, no matter who it is, it will concentrate on attacking.

But when there is a turning point in the occupation, even the most wise people will not rashly place their hopes on the integrity of others.

There will be a gap, and the retreat of troops will become an inevitable trend.

He went south to conquer Xinye, but failed twice.Cao Ren didn't want to do any more damage, because that would further reduce the defense of Wancheng in Nanyang County.

As a result, Xudu's southern defense became weak.Xudu is the most important thing in the world.Cao Ren didn't want to take any risks.

"Promise." Although the generals were unwilling to hear the words, they listened and did not dare to take risks. After a moment of silence, they all agreed.One by one, decadent, they walked out silently.

"Morale is broken." Cao Ren smiled wryly and sighed.

"Oh, if I knew this, I wouldn't be greedy about defeating Lu Su." Only now did Cao Ren regret attacking Lu Su.It's all the fault of greed.

As a result, stealing chickens is not enough to lose a handful of rice, and it is bad. [

It's really bad.

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