I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 987 : Chapter 490 The Amazing Transformation of the Battle of Guandu

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Chapter 490 The Surprising Transformation of the Battle of Guandu

The world of the Han Dynasty was in chaos.Read the latest chapter of VIP\Valley>

Everyone in the world thought that the overall situation was settled.

However, there was also a great war in the south.The four princes joined forces to attack the newly-emerged Lu Su. [

The situation has slowly changed since then.There has been an eye-catching change in the world. After the battle of Guandu, there has been a battle of Xinyehe vertical and horizontal lines.

The princes of the four directions unite vertically, and Xinye Lusu connects horizontally.

This war in the south is also closely related to the battle of Guandu in the north.The rise of Lu Su gave Yuan Shao great hope.

Therefore, Yuan Shao reduced the strength of his attack, and Cao Cao's defense became more and more difficult.

Constantly mobilized a lot of troops from the rear.

The attacking party feels happy, but the attacking party does not feel regretful.Because Cao Cao felt that if Lu Su could be eliminated, the population would increase by hundreds of thousands.

After a little training, they will be able to deploy and supplement the war in the north.

But unfortunately, the four parties failed.

Just like in history, the six countries joined forces to deal with Qin, but the result was that Qin even broke through and swept the six countries.Although Lu Su was not as exaggerated as Qin, he also eliminated the weaker Zhang Lu and occupied Hanzhong.

This change was unexpected by Cao Cao.

What is this?This is losing his wife and losing his army.

Guandu, inside the large tent of the Chinese army in Cao Jun's camp.

After Cao Cao looked at the bamboo slips that Xun You brought over, he was slightly stunned for a short time.As if something incredible happened.

"The ancients said that things on the battlefield are the most mysterious, and they often change rapidly, which makes people unexpected. This time, I have understood it." Cao Cao smiled wryly, put down the bamboo slips, and said.

Ahead, Xun You's face was still dull, but his heart was not calm.There has been no news of Liu Feng, and I don't know where he went.But the existence of Lu Su can just make up for this problem.

Xun You didn't know why Liu Feng went to Yangzhou and found Lu Su.But he knew that the Han Dynasty, which was already dead and could not die any more, suddenly had a little hope.

When he was in Xudu back then, his uncle Xun Yu rushed over without hesitation.But Xun You felt that the trapped beast would still fight and perish sooner or later.

But the development of the situation now is beyond his expectation.

Resurrected. [

At this moment, this word appeared in Xun You's mind.In the pre-Han period, the minister Han Anguo's wise words.

It seems that it is not inconceivable that the ashes can still be revived, and the Han Dynasty will revive.

Therefore, Xun You was not at peace.However, Xun You still didn't remind Cao Cao that he paid more attention to the relationship between relatives than the relationship between the monarch and his ministers in this troubled world.

He will not betray Xun Yu.

Therefore, Xun You remained silent.

After Cao Cao smiled wryly, he began to solve the matter.The development of the matter was unexpected, but Cao Cao knew that there should be no more sharp conflicts with Lu Su now.

That would put him in the crosshairs.

The only good thing is that in this war, Lu Su was offended not only by him, but also by Sun Ce and Liu Cong. These two forces can reduce some of Lu Su's hatred.

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