I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 995 : Chapter 494 Although there are thousands of people, I will go

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Chapter 490 Although there are millions of people, I will go

Dong Cheng's spies were able to hear the movements of the famous Hebei general Wen Chou, and of course Wen Chou could also hear the movements of Dong Cheng. [Baidu + Google search www>

At this moment, Wen Chou is leading an army to attack Baima.

It's just that the city of Baima City is tall, and the guards can be regarded as doing their duty.It cannot be captured immediately. [

Wen Chou rode his horse in front, urging the soldiers to attack.

"My lord has an order, whoever gets on the white horse first will be awarded the Marquis of Guannei and a thousand pieces of gold." Wen Chou shouted hoarsely, holding the spear in his hand.

Under the reward, there must be a brave man.

Seducing people with money and silk is the only way.

With Wen Chou's loud roar, the morale of the soldiers was high, and they rushed to kill even more desperately.

"General, general."

At this time, a general came to Wen Chen's side and shouted.

"What's wrong?" Wen Chou turned his head and asked.

"The spies found an army of about [-] in the south, with the banners of "Dong" and "Zhang." The general reported.

Wen Chou had already expected Cao Cao's reinforcements.Last time, his good friend Yan Liang was defeated by Cao Cao's reinforcements.

After returning to the camp, he was punished a lot.

This time, he was replaced.

What Wen Chou didn't expect was that the reinforcements this time were Yu Jin and Xu Huang from last time.But "Dong", "Zhang".

"Zhang? Is it Zhang Liao? Zhang Xiu? Dong? Could it be Dong Cheng?"

Wen Chou was very surprised, especially Dong Cheng.According to the intelligence of the generals in Cao Cao's army, there are very few people with the surname Dong, and only Dong Cheng is capable of fighting.

But Dong Cheng was actually trusted by Cao Cao.This is really surprising.

"Ming Jin withdraws troops, and then lists the formation. See if he intends to enter the town to defend, or to fight this general to the death." After pondering for a moment, Wen Chou ordered.


The general agreed. [

"Ding ding ding."

A moment later, the rush of gold and iron chimes sounded.The soldiers who received the order retreated like a tide.

After returning, [-] soldiers lined up in front of the camp, and Wen Chou rode his horse and stood in the middle, waiting for the battle.

In the future, there will be two options to guard the city or send troops to fight.But Wen Chou didn't think Lai Jiang would be able to make up his mind to fight him.

On the one hand, the force was reduced by two-thirds.On the other hand, in the last white horse siege, Xu Huang and Yu Jin defeated Yan Liang by relying on defense.

The third is Dong Cheng.

"This man surnamed Dong was a general of Dong Zhuo at the beginning. Later, he escorted the emperor to Xudu and was named a chariot general. Now he has changed his family and defected to Cao Cao. I don't believe that this old boy can work hard for Cao Cao."

Wen Chou said confidently to the general beside him.

"That is, Dong Cheng is born with a rebellious mind. It is possible to ask him to cut corners, but it is impossible to ask him to do his duty."

"Then Cao Cao sent Dong Cheng here, just to have a look?"

"Maybe it's a special gift for General Wen."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Who is Wen Chou? Hebei's famous general and Yan Liang Wen Chou are known as the duo.

With the roar of laughter from the generals, Dong Cheng seemed to be a repeated villain, and Cao Cao became an idiot who couldn't employ people.

"Hahaha." Wen Chou also laughed.

"General, the spies came to report. Dong Cheng didn't choose to enter the city, but came straight to us." A soldier hurriedly came to Wen Chou's front and reported.

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