Chapter 211 Kill it
Mo Fan held back a glance at Mayor Lauren and said disdainfully: "I am going to walk in front of you now and kill all those scumbag villains from the Red Ornament Union. If any of you dares to stop me, that person is the Red Ornament Union." His accomplices are a group of red-decorated trade union traitors wearing military mage uniforms, I will kill them without fail!"

Mo Fan had never been afraid of such people. He dared to mock the congressmen in his own country, let alone the little mayors of other countries.

"Asshole, don't think that just because you are a high-level mage, you can do whatever you want. We still have the power to defeat you as an emperor. Let me surround them!" Mayor Lauren yelled with a red face and furious.

After Mayor Lauren gave the order, the group of government mages immediately formed a formation and pressed their breath towards Mo Fan.

Zhao Manyan and Jiang Shaoxu immediately stood behind Mo Fan to express their attitude. Ai Jiangtu and Nan Jue looked at each other and stood behind Mo Fan. Jiang Yu also joined after a moment.

"Hundan, what are you doing? After the conflict with the government troops, the trouble will be even greater!" Showa Valley on the Japanese side yelled loudly.

Someone from the Indian national team also spoke out to persuade.

However, Ai Jiangtu and the others did not pay attention to the other countries. They were all geniuses and people who only believed in their own decisions, and they had the strength and power to take responsibility for their actions.

"We have restrained these government troops, and our actions have been more measured, and the trouble caused is not too big. Mo Fan, you go to the cruise ship to deal with the members of the Red Ornament Union!" Ai Jiangtu said, he knew Mo Fan well. Yes, impulsiveness is one of his synonyms, and throwing Mo Fan to the Red Ornament Guild is the right thing to do.

"You all go, it's enough to leave the three of us here!" Wang Quan Tianyou said. He didn't intend to follow Mo Fan to deal with the members of the Red Ornament Union. This didn't make much sense. The mage from the Freedom Temple was following them. Later, there was too little oil and water to mix in, and the Dark Lord's cloak was of no use to him. It would be better to let Mo Fan deal with it by himself. It would be easier for him to stay here and confront the government troops.

"Add me, I can't stand these idiots anymore!" A gentle man from the Japanese side joined the confrontation with fluent International dialect.

"I'll come too, I'll come too. This is so interesting. You can't do this without me!" A mature and enchanting woman from the Indian national team also joined the confrontation.

We are all young mages from various countries, some have bad tempers, and naturally some are timid and afraid of getting into trouble, but most of the second-generation magicians have similar tempers to Mo Fan.

They have tolerated these government troops for a long time and have long wanted to break in. Taking advantage of Mo Fan as the leader, they naturally joined in. The military mage who protects the murderous demon is a piece of shit. The military mage is a weakling and a cabbage. He is incompetent. It is their portrayal.

"You few are here to contain the government. The rest of us rush in with me. We can't let them get there first!"

"Since there is such chaos, it is more important to kill the Dark Lord's cloak. Leave a few people to confront each other, and the rest will rush in with me!"

The national government teams of the other two countries also quickly made a decision. Anyway, this is the case, and the leader has already appeared. Even if there is trouble, Mo Fan's biggest problem is Mo Fan. Coupled with the forces behind them, they are really not afraid of this kind of thing. Moreover, they are authorized by the mage of the Temple of Freedom, and they are the righteous party.

Of course, there are some who don't want to participate, but it's useless not to want to participate. The government troops on the opposite side have already attacked, and they directly regard these thirty people as their accomplices.

The three kingdoms were already very angry, and the military mage on the opposite side actually used magic to hit people first, so they couldn't be blamed. The entire dock turned into a chaotic battlefield, but it was not too chaotic. Most of the military mages were a group of mid-level mages. There were only three high-level mages available to Mayor Lauren, who were not from the government at all. Opponents of more than a dozen high-level mages.

A group of junior and middle-level mages and a group of high-level mages were fighting on the wall with a luxurious suit. The result can be imagined.

Any magic tool they took out from their national government team members would be worth more than the entire net worth of the opposing government army mage. The difference was huge.

Wang Quan Tianyou was among them and slapped a child. Wherever he went, the military mage on the opposite side fell like straw.

He used space magic to mix in, basically knocking someone out casually. He didn't do anything cruel, he just knocked him out. These people were still military mages. According to the magic convention, they couldn't be killed at will. Yes, and he is not the kind of killing master who does not distinguish between right and wrong. These military mages are probably also a group of pitiful people, but they may also be villains like the Red Ornament Union, but he can't tell. Since there is no way to tell, then unify After being knocked unconscious, the temple mage will naturally take over the follow-up matters. He will not handle it beyond the level. After all, this is a big magic.

On the cruise ship behind, Kasuo looked at the group of fighting government troops and universities from various countries and showed an indulgent smile. He laughed extremely wildly and said: "Look at these fools, they started fighting themselves, dog bites dog, one mouthful after another. It’s so gross, hahahaha!”

The other members of the Red Ornament Guild standing behind him were also laughing crazily. Five years ago, they were hunted down like lost dogs by the wizards of the Temple of Liberty. No matter where they hid, there were members of the Magic Association, hunters, and military mages everywhere. Hunting, but look at now, they are sitting on this luxury cruise ship, drinking wine, watching the monkey show below unscrupulously.

"Boss, the sea monsters in the sea area near Baektu City are very powerful. Do we really want to accept their recruitment and fight with those sea monsters?" asked a fat mage with big ears and belly standing next to Kasuo. road.

"How is it possible? How could I risk my brothers' lives to do such a thing? This is irresponsible to my brothers!"

"Whoever likes to fight against the Kraken can do it. Our responsibility is to use the identity given by that idiot Lauren to collect enough money before the Kraken comes. With the money, we don't want to Just do whatever you want?" Kasuo laughed.

"The boss is still smart and discerning!"

"Boss is wise!"

A group of senior cadres around Ka Suo echoed.

On the other side, Mayor Lauren saw Mo Fan and others rushing over and immediately ordered the military mage to stop them.

However, just a wave of summoned beasts by Jiang Yu interrupted the pursuit of this group of military mages, and after the beast wave disappeared, the group of military mages had no intention of pursuing, and they did not agree with Lauren's policy in their hearts. So I don’t really want to implement it.

Not to mention that Ai Jiangtu Wang Quan Tianyou had a military mage here, and even some military mages were actively cooperating with them. Before their group of national players could exert their strength, the opponent had already fallen.

(End of this chapter)

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