Chapter 218 Hail Killer

After throwing his brother to the healing mage, Oluna announced that they had won. Her tone was so calm that there was no ripple at all.

Initially, she didn't have much feeling that the Guoguan team would win, but she became even more indifferent after hearing that there was a mage in their team who was ranked second on the yellow list.

But this did a good job of explaining to her the reason why Ka Suo was lying on the ground motionless at that time. There was a high-level space mage who used gravity to suppress him. If he could still move freely, he would be in trouble.

The strength of Mo Fan, who can fight with Kasuo, and Wang Quan Tianyou, even among the official national players in the United States, are at the level of perverted monsters.

Boblin was just a little bit unwilling. Their winning streak for such a long time was interrupted. However, he soon regained his energy. The gap was too big. It was not shameful to lose to such a strong man. Moreover, he It is also clear that they will not be able to hold on for much longer. Several magical powers will arrive in their country one after another, and their winning streak will be broken sooner or later.

"We lost. I will change the information on the board now. I apologize for my previous arrogance. You are very powerful!" Boblin said seriously. Excluding King Quan Tianyou, that Mo Fan is just The few moves they showed reached the level of their official members, not to mention they still had a captain who didn't play.

The attitude of the United States is very sincere. That's how they are. They talk peacefully to the strong, and point fingers to the weak. But that's okay. A person's outlook on life has a lot to do with the environment in which he grew up. They are like this. In this country, it is rare for someone to be too modest.

It didn't take long for Oluna to send the national team badge over. She was also one of the teachers of the national team. Moreover, the American national team had just lost the battle, and the real mentor was too embarrassed to come out.

After playing with the United States National Pavilion, everyone planned to walk around New York and feel the prosperity of the city.

Everyone was still very happy at this time, and there was nothing else to do, so Jiang Shaoxu directly called out everyone she could.

Nan Jue, Zhao Manyan, Jiang Yu, Wang Quan Tianyou, Mo Fan, Mu Ningxue and Jiang Shaoxu, there are six people in total.

As for Ai Jiangtu, he originally wanted to go out for a stroll, but unfortunately he is the captain of the national team. He has much more work to do. He also has to deal with the other members of the United States, and there are all kinds of materials and letters waiting for him to sign.

Needless to say about the others, Guan Yu is annoyed by Mo Fan, Mu Tingying is annoyed by Mu Ningxue, Zu Jiming has a grudge against Jiang Shaoxu, and Nanrong Ni said that she wants to accept a sum of resources from her family.

Walking on the bustling streets of New York at night, Zhao Manyan took Mo Fan to look left and right. They had let themselves go.

After walking to the largest park in New York, the sky suddenly started to snow.

"Zhou Cao, what month has it been? Why is it snowing? Is there someone more unjust than Dou E?" As soon as Mo Fan complained, a big hailstone fell from the sky and hit it hard. On Mo Fan’s head.

"Nima, what's going on? Why is there hail in this summer?"

"Zhao Manyan makes a small slope to hide!"

Zhao Manyan hurriedly used earth magic to build a small earth house. Everyone hid in this small earth house with a simple structure and looked at the big hail that suddenly fell in the sky with some confusion.

"Pa bang bang~~~"

The hail was getting bigger and bigger, hitting the small earthen house made by Zhao Manyan like a machine gun. Fortunately, there were not too many people in the park, but there were quite a few. There were exclamations and wails from people, and they began to find places to take shelter. Everyone used their own skills to find a hiding place.

"Holy Shield, Waters~"

Zhao Manyan hurriedly added two more magic defenses to his small earthen house and then yelled: "What is going on in the United States? Such a big hail can fall in this kind of place and this kind of weather. Is there any mistake? What do temple mages do?" Oh, this hail is as powerful as mid-level magic!" They clearly remembered that before they went out, the sky was clear and crisp. Why did the temperature suddenly drop so quickly, and the hail was so fierce? The hailstones were as big as sandbags.

"The shopping plan has been ruined again!" Jiang Shaoxu complained.

"Don't worry about your shopping plan. What's not obvious is that we were attacked. There should be mages releasing magic nearby. I heard that there are some hidden fallen mages here in the United States, and they might be targeting us! Be careful." Nan Jue affirmed.

"What are you afraid of? Since they are targeting us, take the initiative and I will go out to explore the way." After Mo Fan said this, he walked out despite the hail. A layer of flames radiated from his body, and he immediately The hail that fell from the sky melted and evaporated.

"I feel……"

Just as Mo Fan was about to speak, he suddenly felt a coldness coming from his intuition. It was the body's natural reaction when encountering danger. This spider sense made him feel uneasy, and he subconsciously turned on the mysterious snake. The armor was on.

In the black night, a series of ice picks came from different directions. They formed a circle to surround Mo Fan, and the tips of those ice picks had only one target, and that was Mo Fan.

The power of the ice picks was astonishing, and because they were sneak attacks in the dark, they were so fast that Mo Fan had no time to react.

However, this speed is pitifully slow for Wang Quan Tianyou.

"Nan Jue sent a message to Mo Fan and told him to pretend to be seriously injured!"

"Space transfer~"

After Wang Quan Tianyou told Nan Jue, he directly changed the space in front of the ice picks. There was originally a simpler way, which was to use mind control to control the ice picks. However, in order not to alert the snake, he directly changed the space in front of the ice picks. The space allowed these ice cones to pass directly through Mo Fan, allowing them to collide in pairs and disintegrate on their own.

After hearing Nan Jue's message, Mo Fan lay down on the ground.

"Mo Fan!"

Nan Jue, Jiang Yu and others quickly ran out and helped Mo Fan up in a pretentious manner.

While supporting Mo Fan, Nan Jue conveniently stuffed two blood bags on him and smeared a little blood on him for him to see, thus pretending to be real.

"Tsk, you're not dead yet, you're really lucky!" In the dark woods in the park, a man in blue and a hood laughed sarcastically.

Huge hailstones were still falling intensively in the sky, but not a single hailstone fell where the man was standing.

"They are probably members of the Black Church, everyone, be careful!" Nan Jue said solemnly.

With such a arrogant way of acting, coupled with the fixed blue clothes of the Black Vatican, Wang Quan Tianyou immediately confirmed his identity. Even if he was not a member of the Black Vatican, he was not a good thing. He had already taken a look and touched it.

(End of this chapter)

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