Douluo: Book from heaven turns into mortals

Chapter 225 The Gods Behind the Great Soul Fighting Arena

Chapter 225 The Gods Behind the Great Soul Fighting Arena (Please subscribe!!!)

A month later.

Xingluo City Academy has changed drastically.

In terms of order management of the academy, Su Wen recruited some independent soul masters and also transferred the management model from the Tiandou Empire.

Su Wen knew that this management model would soon be forcibly replaced by those nobles. As long as the academy's mountain of books and knowledge were opened up, with the acquiescence of the Dai family, many nobles would once again occupy the management rights of the academy.

But he doesn't care.

The reason why the Star Luo Empire is so strong now is because they feel that the Academy must rely on them in the future.

In fact, Wuhun Palace also has this idea, but no nobles from the Star Luo Empire are so eager. Wuhun Palace adopts a gentle policy and is prepared to slowly wait for the development of the academy, and wait until Su Wen's control over the academy declines. A little bit of erosion, from every angle, every dimension.

Unfortunately, all this is based on the fact that the Academy cannot independently realize its own unity.

Of the forces that spread across the entire continent, there are currently only three in the entire Douluo Continent. One is the Wuhun Palace, which has unparalleled dominance. This effect is obviously achieved on the basis of the Wuhun Palace's strong strength foundation and foundation.

After all, it was quite terrifying to hide a titled Douluo without saying a word, and a peak Douluo above level ninety-five.

In the past, in the soul master world, there was no record of any titled Douluo in the Great Soul Fighting Arena.

If the Great Soul Fighting Arena were to participate in the sect rankings, it would probably be higher than the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Family.

Xingluo City Academy.

"The Great Soul Fighting Arena has such a strong trump card." Su Wen sighed with emotion.

Even if they are close to the Academy, Wuhun Palace and Tiandou Empire absolutely do not want another true holy land to be born. ,

The academy is very good. As a phased product that promotes the development of the soul master world, let's just let it be divided and digested by the major forces.

Not only is this task itself extremely difficult, but it is also likely to be hindered by the Spirit Hall and the two major empires.

In any case, the fact that there is a titled Douluo in the Great Fighting Spirit Arena is obviously enough to shock the entire continent.

In other words, the higher-ups within Wuhun Palace knew this, but they did not record it in Wuhun Palace's data.

A titled Douluo, and a titled Douluo from the Great Spirit Fighting Arena.

Zhantian Douluo.

Su Wen welcomed a guest, a special guest.

Obviously, it is difficult for the Academy to achieve unified management.

Even in the records of Wuhun Palace, there is no record that there is a titled Douluo in the Great Soul Fighting Arena.

One is the Great Soul Fighting Arena, but even the Great Soul Fighting Arena is distributed in various cities in the mainland, and even has a complete system among them. However, in terms of overall unity, it is not as good as the Spirit Hall. It can even be said that It is a split type of management. Although the entire Great Soul Fighting Arena is integrated, the management is very scattered and each one operates independently.

"The Great Soul Fighting Arena, titled Battle Heaven."

With this title, his combat power is probably not weak, but in fact, Su Wen also felt a sense of oppression.

"I wonder what I should call you?"

Even the Tiandou royal family does not have any titled Douluo that can really be mobilized.

The last one is Su Wen's academy.

He could feel that the strong power of faith lingered in the body of this Battle Douluo. It was obvious that he was the guardian of the gods just like the Void Douluo.

It has to be said that there are really many inheritances of gods on Douluo Continent. Now as Su Wen's level increases, the inheritances of gods have begun to emerge one by one.

He probably wouldn't be able to access this level of information if he reached a certain level of strength. Didn't you see that Tang Chen, a peak ninety-ninth level Douluo, was also looking for the inheritance of the gods? Obviously, Tang Chen had not encountered much information about gods before he had the idea of ​​becoming a god.

Su Wen guessed that the difference was due to his own academy.

To be more precise, it is the reason why he created his own god.

If you have the idea of ​​creating your own god, if you have actual actions, if you have an overall plan, you may even have a high possibility of success.

The combination of these conditions, plus Su Wen's own visit, opened up the inheritance of these gods one by one and showed them in Su Wen's field of vision.

"The water in the Great Soul Fighting Arena is deeper than you think. I am just one of the worshipers in the Great Soul Fighting Arena, not the only one." Zhan Tian Douluo gave Su Wen a meaningful look.

Not the only one to worship?

"Senior, are you saying that there is more than one deity behind the Great Soul Fighting Arena, or are you saying that you are the worshiper of the same deity as your senior?" Su Wen's eyes narrowed and he asked.

Zhantian Douluo glanced at Su Wen in surprise.

"It seems that you have a good understanding of the gods." After being surprised, he said very directly: "The God of War is not the only god behind the Great Soul Fighting Arena. Many gods have joined forces to create the Great Soul Fighting Arena."


"God of War!" As if he felt that Su Wen didn't understand it thoroughly, Zhantian Douluo said the full name of the God of War.

Su Wen was truly speechless.

So, the inheritance of the God of War turns out to be in the Great Soul Fighting Arena?

"The God of Battle, there are other gods, there isn't a God of Speed, right?"

"Huh?" Zhan Tian Douluo was stunned and looked at Su Wen with a very strange look.

"How did you know?"

Su Wen was speechless.

"I also guess that there is a God of Defense, a God of Gambling and a God of Wealth behind the Great Soul Fighting Arena."

When Su Wen was casually complaining, he suddenly fell silent, because the face of Zhan Tian Douluo opposite him became even more surprised, as if he had seen a ghost.

"How did you guess that?"

Su Wen didn't want to answer such a childish question from Zhantian Douluo.

Since the Great Soul Fighting Arena was co-founded by the gods, its purpose is obviously to fulfill its duties and collect faith. As for the aspects involved in the Great Soul Fighting Arena, those related to fighting spirits are naturally combat speed and defense.

In addition, the Great Soul Fighting Arena also has various gambling and other rules.

Zhantian Douluo scratched the back of his head and felt that he should have asked some less nutritious questions.

"I didn't expect so many gods to be involved behind the Great Soul Fighting Arena." Su Wen murmured.

With so many gods, how much wool can be harvested?

After a second thought, Su Wen gave up the idea.

A second-level god, I guess there won’t be too much oil and water.

However, if a few second-level gods work together to gather a god-given soul ring, they should be able to gather it.

Su Wen thought for a moment and realized that he still had three vacant soul rings, one for the God of Space and one for the gods behind the Great Soul Fighting Arena. These were the two god-given soul rings.

As for the last one, there is no need to worry at all.

On the mainland, it may be difficult to find ferocious beast soul rings that are two to three hundred thousand years old that match Su Wen, but there are quite a few superpowers who are seven or eight million years old that are suitable for Su Wen.

After all, the abilities of several major spirit beasts that can grow to that level are suitable for too many martial spirits.

(End of this chapter)

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