Mortal cultivation begins with immortality

Chapter 101 God Transformation Inheritance

Chapter 101 God Transformation Inheritance

The original battlefield of the Golden Drum.

At this time, yellow sand filled the sky and dark clouds covered the sky. Both the sky and the ground were filled with densely packed monks. Some were wielding swords across the sky, some were riding Warcraft, some were traveling on the ground, and some were standing on battleships and airships. All the monks from the Demonic Alliance or the Seven Immortals Alliance understood that this would be an unprecedented monk war, and it would be more cruel and tragic than the war between mortal kingdoms. All the monks had solemn expressions at this time, with strong killing intent in their eyes. meaning.

Everyone knows that there are various factions of Nascent Soul Ancestors pressing the formation at the rear. No monk dares to retreat, because retreating will only lead to death, and if their own immortal sect is destroyed, then they will not be able to gain a foothold in the world of immortality. As for what to do As a casual cultivator, you have to survive first.

At this time, on the vast plains of the valley, the monks from the two forces were facing each other in awe, but the ones standing at the front were only the vanguard troops, and there was a long army of monks behind them who did not come immediately. After all, the confrontation between the two armies was You must first observe each other's strength, and then consider whether to use the main force to suppress it. If you find that the opponent's strength is too strong, it is best to retreat immediately and rearrange the layout.

Originally, before the Six Demonic Sects fully invaded the Yue Kingdom, they sent many disciples to infiltrate the Yue Kingdom to disintegrate the various forces in the Yue Kingdom and then surprise them during the decisive battle. They could also increase the number of monks on their side and reduce losses. However, When Xu Changsheng rose to power, he used thunderous means to integrate the power of the Yue Kingdom's immortal cultivators in a short period of time, and wiped out all the immortal cultivator families and forces that had completely surrendered to the Six Demonic Sects.

Xu Changsheng himself did not personally participate in the elimination of traitors in the Yue Kingdom's immortal world. He just used his words, and senior officials from the seven sects came to suppress them. Especially when several Yuan Ying ancestors of the seven sects appeared on the scene, those rebel forces There was no resistance at all, and in order to attract a large number of monks from the Six Demonic Sects, the Seven Sects also attracted many casual cultivators to increase their momentum.

Therefore, when the Nascent Soul stage monks are not dispatched, the number of Qi-training and foundation-building monks from the Seven Immortals Alliance is no less than that of the monks from the Six Demonic Dao Sects. However, this time, the Six Demonic Dao Sects actually sent many pill-forming monks to come. Xu Changsheng was a little surprised to participate in the decisive battle, but it's not surprising when you think about it. After all, the number and strength of the current Seven Immortals League's grassroots monks are much stronger than before. It seems that the Six Demonic Sects are preparing to take direct and powerful action. .


At this time, behind the army of monks from the Seven Immortals Alliance, an extremely huge warship and flying boat was hovering in the sky. Xu Changsheng and the ancestors of the Seven Sects' Nascent Soul were sitting on the thrones respectively, but Xu Changsheng was sitting at the top, and the Seven Sects were sitting on the throne. The ancestor of Nascent Soul is sitting below, and in front of them are eight Elders of the Core Formation stage. There are several smaller flying boats on both sides of the giant boat, with monks of the Core Formation stage from various sects and forces standing on them. The Yan family Yan Yan from Fort is also among them.

Xu Changsheng came out this time and placed several of his confidants in the main peak cave of Yellow Maple Valley. He did not want them to come to this dangerous battlefield, and they still had to fight before starting the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder World-Destroying Formation. Only in this way can the main force of the Six Demonic Sects be completely attracted. If the monks from the Seven Immortals Alliance show too little strength, then the senior officials of the Six Demonic Sects will feel that there is no need to send out the main force to suppress them.

"Leader, although the number of Qi-training and foundation-building monks in our Seven Immortals Alliance is about the same as the army of monks from the Six Demonic Sects this time, they are still a little behind in terms of cultivation. Moreover, the Six Demonic Sects sent us this time. The number of pill-forming monks is more than double that of mine, half of their Yuanying ancestors are here, and even the Hehuan Old Demon from the late Yuanying stage is here." Suddenly He Manzi, the Yuanying ancestor of Spirit Beast Mountain, was a little surprised. said.

Xu Changsheng couldn't help frowning when he heard this. He glanced at He Manzi indifferently. He Manzi shrank his head in fear. The Linghu ancestor beside him stroked his beard and smiled: "He Manzi, what are you afraid of? This This time we have the leader of the Seven Immortals Alliance in charge, and we have arranged the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder World-Destroying Formation in advance. What else do you need to worry about? Besides, if the two forces start a war, there will be no undead anywhere. If you want to invite you to the urn, you have to be willing to pay the price."

The other Nascent Soul Ancestors also nodded in agreement when they heard this, but they didn't know who was stronger or weaker between Xu Changsheng and the number one person in the demonic path, Hehuan Old Demon. After all, although Xu Changsheng had shown the ability before It is comparable to the divine consciousness of the divine transformation stage and the powerful means of teleportation directly, but it is hard to say if he really fights the old devil of Hehuan. After all, they have understood that Xu Changsheng's cultivation level is indeed still the same. The early stage of Nascent Soul.

The Six Demonic Sects have existed for so many years and have been inherited for a long time. There may be some trump cards that the ancestors of the Seven Sects of Nascent Soul don't know about, so everyone is not blindly confident. But now that Xu Changsheng is suppressing them, they will only fight against Xu Changsheng. As for the Six Demonic Sects, regardless of whether the Seven Immortals Alliance can defeat the Six Demonic Sects, these Nascent Soul Ancestors have no choice, because Xu Changsheng has the strength to kill them at any time.


Behind the army of monks from the Six Demonic Sects, there was also a giant battleship flying boat with a ferocious and strange shape high in the sky. There were also several small flying boats on both sides of it. Sitting cross-legged on the main seat of the giant flying boat was a man who rarely appeared on the high platform. Below the Old Demon Hehuan, also sitting cross-legged are the ancestors of the Nascent Soul from the Six Sects of the Demonic Way. Old Demon Yunlu is closest to the Old Demon Hehuan, as well as the Broken Soul Master from the Ghost Spirit Sect and the two brothers Wang Tiangu and Wang Tiansheng.

At this time, a banquet was actually being held on top of this giant flying boat. The birds were singing and dancing, and the sound of silk and bamboo orchestras could be heard endlessly. The banquet was filled with people drinking wine and laughing. It didn’t look like they were here to start a war at all. Instead, they were here to play. After all, for the Six Sects of Demonic Dao It was easy to deal with the Yue Kingdom this time, but after the extremely powerful Xu Changsheng emerged from the Yellow Maple Valley of the Yue Kingdom, many Nascent Soul Ancestors became interested. They just wanted to meet this junior this time.

The ancestors of the Nascent Soul are actually very boring at ordinary times. Most of them are practicing in seclusion and no longer care about various struggles for interests. However, Xu Changsheng, as a junior, is the first among the geniuses of his generation to break through to the realm of the Nascent Soul. Moreover, it is rare to be able to kill Wang Tiansheng, the leader of the Ghost Spirit Sect, with just one sword talisman. This growth rate is a bit astonishing. There may be some powerful opportunities, especially since Xu Changsheng also integrated the Yue Dynasty. The power of the national cultivator of the immortal world came to fight against the invasion of the six demon sects, and the old devil Lian Huan also became interested.

Of course, several Nascent Soul Ancestors from the Ghost Spirit Sect also jointly invited Hehuan Laomo to personally fight this time. After all, the country of Yue will be the territory of the Ghost Spirit Sect in the future, so they went to such trouble for insurance reasons. Although the Ghost Spirit Sect's The strength ranks last among the six demonic sects of the Tianluo Kingdom, but when the Hehuan Sect invaded other countries, the Ghost Spirit Sect made great efforts, and the six demonic sects were connected with the same energy, so the Hehuan Old Demon could not refuse, and he happened to be practicing I felt a little depressed for a long time, so I came out to take a look.

It's just that at this time, the warship flying boat where the Nascent Soul Ancestors of the Six Demonic Sects are located is relatively far away from the flying boat where Xu Changsheng is, so the two sides cannot directly detect it. However, Xu Changsheng's divine consciousness in the transformation stage can cover a radius of thousands of miles after using the secret method. , so he arranged the coverage area of ​​the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder World-Destroying Formation within a thousand miles, but he did not expect that the top leaders of the Six Demonic Sects were also quite stable and did not let all the main forces approach immediately.

At this time, after the old devil Hehuan took a sip of wine, he looked at Wang Tiansheng and said: "Master Wang, I heard that you had an indirect fight with Xu Changsheng, the leader of the Seven Immortals Alliance, and you lost. Can you tell everyone? Tell me about Xu Changsheng, I am somewhat interested." Wang Tiansheng couldn't help but look a little embarrassed when he heard the words, but at this time Hehuan Ancestor asked personally, and other Nascent Soul Ancestors also looked over, so Wang Tiansheng had to answer seriously: "I think that Xu Changsheng will definitely become a serious problem for my Six Demonic Sects!"

The Nascent Soul Ancestors present were a little surprised when they heard what Wang Tiansheng said. The old demon Hehuan asked, "Why did Master Wang say this?"

Wang Tiansheng said angrily: "Originally, our Ghost Spirit Sect has been infiltrating the Yue Kingdom's immortal world for a long time and has subdued many forces in the Yue Kingdom. Even He Manzi of Ling Beast Mountain, one of the seven sects, also has intentions. In order to move, my son Wang Chan even went to personally persuade the head of Yanjiabao, the number one cultivating family in the Yue Kingdom. Things went smoothly at first, but everything changed when Xu Changsheng broke through the Nascent Soul. Almost all the forces in the Yue Kingdom were At the same time, they all defected to the Seven Immortals Alliance, and even those dissatisfied forces were quickly wiped out.

My son was in Yanjiabao to activate the protective jade tablet I left for him. It contained a heaven and earth dharma that I spent a lot of time and money to condense, and it was also blessed by the power of runes. But the Yanjiabao castle The master just took a sword talisman given to him by Xu Changsheng and destroyed my heaven and earth dharma. The power definitely reached the late Nascent Soul stage.

Moreover, the strength of our Six Demonic Sects is many times stronger than the power of the Yue Kingdom’s Immortal Cultivation World. Even the number of Yuanying Stage monks is more than three times that of the Yue Kingdom’s seven sects. Could it be that those seven sects and the Yanjiabao Doesn’t the person in charge know? They must have known about it, but they still joined the Seven Immortals Alliance without hesitation, and even offered to fight me in a decisive battle with the Six Demonic Sects. They even chose their positions. This thing seems very strange. I still don’t know. After figuring out what happened, even He Manzi from Spirit Beast Mountain ignored me. "

The Nascent Soul Ancestors of the Six Demonic Dao Sects who were present were all shocked when they heard this. Their originally leisurely expressions became solemn, and the Hehuan Old Demon even waved his hand. Suddenly, the dance and music stopped abruptly, and the singers and musicians retreated one after another. Next, the scene immediately became quiet.

The old devil Hehuan held the wine glass and said: "According to the king's sect leader, this matter is indeed very strange. The ancestors of the seven sects of Nascent Soul are definitely not fools. They know the strength gap between the six sects and the seven sects of my demonic path. I still choose to invest in the Seven Immortals Alliance established by Xu Changsheng. Do you have some trump cards or a back-up plan? Master Wang, tell me what you think."

Wang Tiansheng felt a lot more at ease after hearing this. He finally directed the attention of all the Yuanying ancestors at the scene to Xu Changsheng. Now for the Ghost Spirit Sect who wants to occupy the Yue Kingdom, Xu Changsheng and the Seven Immortals he established The alliance is the biggest obstacle, so Wang Tiansheng sacrificed his old face and asked the old devil Hehuan to come out to personally fight the decisive battle in Jinguyuan.

After Wang Tiansheng stabilized his mind, he continued: "I think there is probably an expert in the late Nascent Soul stage behind Xu Changsheng. Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain why his growth rate is so amazing, and his secret methods are also It is extremely powerful and completely different from the secret method practiced by that guy Linghu. I began to suspect that there is a third party force interfering with the forces in the Yue Kingdom's world of immortality. It may be the Taizhen Sect Taishang Elder Zhiyang Master of the Righteous Alliance or the Nine Kingdoms Alliance. Wei Wuya, the Supreme Elder of Yimen, but after thinking about it, I think it’s impossible.”

After hearing what Wang Tiansheng said, the Hehuan Old Demon shook his head very firmly and said: "This is impossible. I know those two old guys fairly well. This is not their style of doing things, and Yue is just a medium-sized country. The cultivation resources are limited, and the only advantage is that we are in the middle of the four major forces in Tiannan. Our four major forces have maintained a balance for so many years, which has allowed the country of Yue to be neutral. But now our Demonic Alliance and the Righteous Alliance have agreed at the same time Even the Nine-Nation Alliance and Tiandao cannot stop us from expanding our territory.”

Wang Tiansheng was surprised when he heard this. He didn't know how to analyze it, so he simply stopped. Hehuan Old Demon looked at Yunlu Old Demon aside and asked: "Yunlu, what do you think?"

When Old Demon Yunlu, who had been silent all this time, heard the question from Old Demon Hehuan, a look of reminiscence appeared on his charming and handsome face, and then he said with a smile: "Speaking of Xu Changsheng, I met him hundreds of years ago. Once, but at that time, he was only in the Foundation Establishment Stage. I didn’t expect that he would break through to the Nascent Soul Stage so quickly, and he would also have the same status and strength as me.

I also specifically investigated him at the time. Although he was accepted as a direct disciple by the old guy Linghu, he was just a free-spirited person and did not teach him seriously. Therefore, I was also very puzzled that Xu Changsheng could improve his cultivation so quickly. So I think it is very likely that he got some big opportunity, maybe it was the inheritance of a certain ancient monk in the god-transformation stage. "

After Old Demon Yunlu finished speaking, all the Nascent Soul Ancestors of the Six Demonic Sects present showed gleaming eyes and greedy expressions. They knew that the ceiling of strength in the human world was the God of Transformation, and none of these Nascent Soul Old Monsters didn't want to They have been trapped in the realm of Nascent Soul for many years, and now they don't want to let it go even if there is a chance to get the inheritance of God.

Lian Hehuan, the old devil, was really interested. He knew very well that Xu Changsheng wanted to make the ancestors of the Yue Kingdom's seven sects obey him. He must have powerful means, and a person with no background and no master The fact that Xu Changsheng taught the secret technique but could so quickly improve his strength to a level comparable to the late Yuanying stage shows that Xu Changsheng has a high chance of having the inheritance of a monk in the transformation stage. And the old devil Hehuan is now in the late Yuanying stage. He He is more eager to inherit the transformation stage than other Nascent Soul monsters.

So the old devil Hehuan smiled and said: "Yunlu's analysis is very reasonable, so we can observe through this decisive battle with the Seven Immortals Alliance in the Golden Drum Plains. If Xu Changsheng really showed a cultivation level far beyond his With the strength and means, you will need to work together to capture it then, and then we can share the inheritance of the transformation of gods that Xu Changsheng possesses, how about it?"

After the old demon Hehuan finished speaking, the Nascent Soul old monsters from the Six Demonic Sects who were present nodded excitedly. For them, any territory is actually secondary. The inheritance and treasures that can enhance their strength are the most important. , they also felt that this trip might be worthwhile, so the ancestors of the Nascent Soul of the Six Demonic Sects sent out orders one after another, asking the army of monks from the Sixth Demonic Sect to speed up their journey in order to detect the details of Xu Changsheng.

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(End of this chapter)

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