Mortal cultivation begins with immortality

Chapter 109 The evolution of the gold-eating insect, the Miaoyin Immortal Sect

Chapter 109 The evolution of the gold-eating insect, the Miaoyin Immortal Sect

Xu Changsheng admired the sea view of Chaotic Star Sea, then he directly hid his cultivation until the Dan Formation stage, and then drove the flying boat to Kuixing Island. He had left a nest of gold-eating insects in Xiaozhufeng Cave in Qingyun Mountain on Kuixing Island. , so many years have passed, I wonder what happened to those gold-eating insects.

When Xu Changsheng went to the Xutian Palace to rob the Xutian Cauldron, he used the vest named Xu Que, so now he just keeps his original appearance without fear of being discovered by others. This is not because Xu Changsheng is afraid of the chaos of the various forces in the sea of ​​stars. The baby monsters are just troublesome to him.

Soon half a day passed, and Xu Changsheng landed on Kuixing Island. This was because he deliberately hid his strength and did not show the flight speed of the Nascent Soul stage. As he returned to the cave at Xiaozhu Peak in Qingyun Mountain, he discovered that the jade in the cave was There were densely packed gold-eating insects in the room, and these gold-eating insects looked extremely fierce and aggressive.

Xu Changsheng didn't know what happened during the long years he kept these gold-eating bugs free, but these gold-eating bugs had already lost their silver shells and turned into pale gold, and the power they exuded was very extraordinary. It seemed that they were devouring each other. Evolution has been achieved, but these gold-eating insects were not afraid when they saw Xu Changsheng. Instead, they waved their sharp claws, preparing to bite their master.

"Huh, after they have been kept for a long time, they all no longer take me as their master seriously."

Xu Changsheng snorted coldly, and his divine consciousness in the transformation stage immediately suppressed the soul origin of these violent gold-eating insects. At the same time, he activated the blood contract runes left by the original refining gold-eating insects, and then these gold-eating insects let out painful screams. Neighing, these gold-eating insects finally lay down on the ground and did not dare to offend Xu Changsheng.

Seeing this, Xu Changsheng nodded with satisfaction. With a flick of his finger, a drop of red blood appeared, and then under the control of his divine consciousness, it was divided into countless threads and integrated into the bodies of these gold-eating insects. Suddenly, the blood contract runes in the soul sea of ​​these gold-eating insects changed. It is extremely solid and can be manipulated according to Xu Changsheng's will. Even if these gold-eating insects are allowed to die, they cannot resist.

There are millions of these gold-eating insects, and each one has evolved to a very strong level. It seems that they have devoured the spiritual energy in the Qingyun Mountain spiritual veins over the years, even the resources Xu Changsheng left behind. It was also devoured by these gold-eating insects, but now it has grown into Xu Changsheng's trump card. As long as it is properly cultivated, it will be good to use against the monks in the transformation stage.

Xu Changsheng put these gold-eating insects into a high-level spirit beast bag. Less than three days after he returned to the cave in a low-key manner, the island owner and two deputy island owners of Kuixing Island came to visit.

Xu Changsheng was a little surprised when he saw the master of Kuixing Island, Mu Longzhenren, and the two deputy island masters, Yuan Jun and Kanqin, because these three people were all his acquaintances in Qingyun Mountain when he first came to Luan Xinghai. The three of them have become the controllers of Kuixing Island, but Xu Changsheng is still as young and handsome as a boy at this time, while these three are already middle-aged and old, which makes Xu Changsheng feel that things are different and people are different.

After Xu Changsheng simply reminisced with these three acquaintances, he went directly to Lezhuxuan in Kuixing City and found the deacon of Miaoyin Sect here. The deacon here looked in disbelief after seeing Xu Changsheng, and then It was a surprise to report the situation to the senior management in the door.

After Xu Changsheng talked with the deacon of the Miaoyin Sect, he learned that the Miaoyin Sect had undergone changes in the years since he left. The original head of the Wang Sect passed away, and the young sect leader Wang Heng succeeded to the throne after reaching the stage of forming an elixir, and also married Zuo. But this also broke the Miaoyin Sect's rule that female cultivators have always been the sect leader, so the newly appointed left and right envoys Fan Jingmei and Zhuo Ruting were dissatisfied. The elder Keqing checks and balances the master Wang and his wife.

When Xu Changsheng heard the deacon of Lezhuxuan talking about these things, he felt a little strange. After all, this deacon was only in the early stage of foundation building and actually knew so many secrets in the sect. After the deacon explained, Xu Changsheng found out about this The deacon is the confidant of Zhou Yuan, the current mistress of Miaoyin Sect, and the deacon said in such detail that he is deliberately trying to win over Xu Changsheng. Now several elders of the Miaoyin Sect's Jiedan Keqing have also been won over by the envoys on the left and right.

The Miaoyin Sect has been divided into two camps. One is dominated by Wang Heng, the master of the Dan-formation period, and his wife Zhou Yuan, and the other is dominated by the two envoys on the left and right. It is really a small temple with a strong wind. Xu Changsheng was speechless after hearing this.

Xu Changsheng knew that there was no young sect leader Wang Heng in the original timeline. The successor of the Miaoyin Sect was still a woman. However, the timeline Xu Changsheng was in now was a bit messy. It was not the mortal world he was familiar with. It's just that the general events are similar, and it is true that Wang Heng and Zhou Yuan gave birth to a daughter Zi Ling who was stunning in the country, and was also rated as the most beautiful woman in the Sea of ​​Stars.

A few days later, Xu Changsheng took a merchant ship from Miaoyin Sect to Miaoyin Island, which is where the mountain gate of Miaoyin Sect is located. Moreover, not far from Miaoyin Island is Tianxing City, which also makes it convenient for Xu Changsheng to obtain precious cultivation resources. Although He is powerful, but he cannot be an enemy of all monks. He still has to abide by some rules of the world of immortality.

Xu Changsheng went to the Miaoyin Sect this time to completely control the sect, and then control the entire Chaotic Star Sea through the Miaoyin Sect. He originally planned to control the Chaotic Star Sea by controlling the Star Palace, but Xu Changsheng was worried about what powerful cards the Star Palace had. It will threaten him. After all, it is not easy for Xinggong to control Chaos Xinghai for so many years.

There have been many changes in this mortal world, and Xu Changsheng did not dare to judge the strength of other forces based on the timeline he knew. He decided to first support the Miaoyin Sect, then test the Star Palace, and then control the Star Palace. After all, Xu Changsheng It is better for Changsheng to create a new force based on the original force.

If Xu Changsheng can control the Tiannan area through the Seven Immortals Alliance, and then control the Chaotic Star Sea through the Miaoyin Sect, then he can more easily obtain the training resources and information he wants, and then he can march into the Holy Land of Cultivation, Dajin, until he unifies the human world. .

Xu Changsheng thought for a long time when he was in Yellow Maple Valley. If he wanted to compete with the geniuses and old monsters in the spirit world, he would need to have stronger foundation. Moreover, the skills and secret techniques Xu Changsheng practiced required a lot of resources, and this lower world is It is a treasure land for him to obtain resources. He will only venture into the spiritual world after he has prepared everything.

Now the Anti-Star Alliance has been established, but they have not yet performed any amazing feats. They are also testing the Star Palace through various methods.

Although Xu Changsheng knew that the Heavenly Star Twin Saints in Xing Palace had fallen into a bottleneck because of their cultivation of Yuan Magnetic Divine Light, and were currently in seclusion, so the news of the Heavenly Star Twin Saints' accident spread in the Chaotic Sea of ​​Stars, but Xu Changsheng knew that he should not underestimate the Heavenly Star Twin Saints , otherwise the Six Paths Supreme Saints of Holy Demon Island would have taken action long ago.

Xu Changsheng felt that the steady way of Xiang Zhili, the great power of transformation of gods, was very good. Xiang Zhili had already reached the ceiling of the human world and could still pretend to be practicing Qi for so many years. This state of mind was very rare. If it were replaced by others, Immortal cultivators have become so arrogant that I don’t know how arrogant they are. It’s just that Xiang Zhili was unlucky and didn’t have the aura of the protagonist, so it was a tragedy in the end, otherwise he would have become a legend again.

A month later, Xu Changsheng came to Miaoyin Island, and then he was personally received by Wang Heng, the leader of the sect, and his wife Zhou Yuan. Fan Jingmei and Zhuo Ruting, the two envoys of the Miaoyin sect, were also present. Xu Changsheng saw The two of them felt that these were two very scheming women in the city, and several elders of the Jiedan Keqing were also confused by these envoys and could not find their way to the north.

Even the left and right envoys used their proud charm skills in front of Xu Changsheng. Unfortunately, in front of Xu Changsheng's divine consciousness, it was like a clown performance. Xu Changsheng directly released a trace of divine pressure. This made the two women tremble and were so frightened that they could not speak.

But it also made several elders of the Miaoyin Sect's Jiedan Keqing a little angry. After all, in their eyes, the two envoys Fan Jingmei and Zhuo Ruting were their women, and Xu Changsheng was also an elder of the Jiedan Keqing. In front of them, To do so is to slap them in the face. At the banquet in the main hall of the Miaoyin Sect, an elder from the Miaoyin Sect looked at Xu Changsheng and sneered: "Elder Xu, you have been away quietly for so many years, and now you are so powerful when you come back. If we hadn't maintained it all these years, , the Miaoyin Sect has long since disappeared, and we only attended your reception banquet to show Master Wang’s face.”

In the main hall, Master Wang Heng and his wife Zhou Yuan watched silently. They also wanted to use Xu Changsheng to suppress the other elders of Jiedan Keqing, so they did not intervene to persuade them to make peace, but were still sitting beside them. A beautiful girl wearing a purple shirt, this girl's face is stunning, her eyes are flowing with charm, Xu Changsheng also noticed this girl, this is the Purple Spirit Fairy, she is indeed beautiful.

While Xu Changsheng was admiring the beautiful face of the Purple Spirit Fairy, the woman's clear and bright eyes were also looking at Xu Changsheng curiously. Xu Changsheng felt that compared with the Purple Spirit, the two envoys on the left and right were not even worthy of carrying shoes, yet they dared to Perform a charm in front of him.

Now Xu Changsheng heard the provocative words of the elders of the Danjie Keqing again, and he felt a little unhappy. Xu Changsheng just used his spiritual consciousness to casually explore these elders of the Danjie Keqing and knew that they had been hollowed out by the two envoys on the left and right. , the combat power is weak to the point of scum.

So Xu Changsheng glanced at the elder Jie Dan Keqing who made rude remarks, and then snorted disdainfully. Suddenly, a powerful force of spiritual consciousness directly shattered the consciousness of the elder Jie Dan Keqing.



With a sound, Elder Jiedan Keqing, who was still questioning Xu Changsheng, stared directly, and then fell straight down. Even his breath completely disappeared. It was obvious that he had died. This scene made all the monks present feel shocked. He was extremely frightened. On the surface, it seemed that Xu Changsheng had just snorted and killed an elder of the Keqing who was in the alchemy stage on the spot.

But the monks present all understood that Xu Changsheng could achieve this step, which shows that Xu Changsheng's own strength is far beyond the pill formation stage. What Xu Changsheng used just now was pure spiritual power, and even the peak pill formation powerhouse could not To achieve this step, only great monks at the Nascent Soul stage and above have such great power.

Immediately, both the Wang family leader and his wife, the left and right envoys below, and several Dan Keqing elders stood up and looked at Xu Changsheng with frightened eyes. If Xu Changsheng really broke through to Nascent Soul after being away for these years. period, then they are still qualified to sit on equal terms with Xu Changsheng, especially the two envoys on the left and right who are shaking like chaff.

Master Wang came down directly with his wife and daughter. His expression was filled with fear, surprise, and expectation. He looked extremely complicated. He opened his mouth and wanted to ask something, but he didn't dare to ask. He just stood there in the main hall and seemed Very embarrassing.

When Xu Changsheng saw the face of the Wang Sect Master, he knew what he wanted to ask. After all, in this chaotic sea of ​​​​stars, only the Nascent Soul stage forces dare to be arrogant. Like the Miaoyin Sect, there are only a few ordinary Danjie stage monks to fill the facade. The small sects can only survive by becoming vassals of those big forces. This is why the Miaoyin Sect has trained many beautiful female cultivators and then given them to powerful monks as concubines, just to have more protection.

Xu Changsheng was still sitting and drinking spiritual wine at this time, looking very leisurely and relaxed. In this world of cultivating immortals, as long as you are strong enough, you can do whatever you want. It is important to understand one thought. Of course, before your strength reaches invincibility, you should be steady or steady. After all, there are many It often happens that high-level immortal cultivators fail inexplicably.

Xu Changsheng glanced at the many cowering monks in the hall. When the envoys on the left and right and the elders of the Alchemy Guests saw Xu Changsheng, they were so frightened that they lowered their heads. Only Master Wang and his family could remain calm. , so Xu Changsheng did not hide too much. After he emitted the extremely powerful spiritual pressure of the mid-stage Nascent Soul, many monks in the hall collapsed on the ground in fear.

"I said, Master Wang, you are not good at being the master of this sect. I have only been away for less than three hundred years, and the Miaoyin Sect has become so smoky. Even the two left and right envoys in the foundation building period dragged a few The useless elixir-forming materials that are close to your lifespan can almost knock you out of the water. Maybe your Miaoyin Sect will become a place for other monks to have fun." Xu Changsheng said suddenly indifferently.

When Master Wang heard this, his face immediately turned red with anger. Xu Changsheng was right. He and his wife, Zhou Yuan, two monks in the alchemy stage, could be suppressed by his subordinates even if they were still there. What if they were not here one day? Now, how should their daughter Zi Ling deal with herself, especially if Zi Ling's beauty is not protected by the power, she will become a vassal of other strong men, and there will be no freedom at all.

At this time, as Xu Changsheng's words fell, the hall immediately became quiet as if a needle had dropped. For a long time, Master Wang suddenly brought his wife and daughter and knelt down in front of Xu Changsheng. Master Wang was even more ashamed. Said: "Senior Xu, I, Wang Heng, am willing to give up my position as the master of the sect and let you take over. I hope that you can protect the Miaoyin Sect and develop it. Although you can't look down on my Miaoyin Sect with your strength, I Miaoyin Sect is willing to follow your lead, and we are willing to make an oath of heaven!"

Xu Changsheng couldn't help but curl his lips slightly when he heard this. It seems that the Wang Sect Master is very sensible and can guess that he wants to control the Miaoyin Sect. However, this is not an opportunity for the Miaoyin Sect. Once Xu Changsheng becomes the Miaoyin Sect, With the new sect leader, the Miaoyin Sect will immediately become a first-rate force in the chaotic sea of ​​stars. At that time, those powerful monks in the alchemy stage will take the initiative to seek refuge without them deliberately wooing them.

Xu Changsheng looked at Master Wang and smiled and said: "Since the Wang family is willing to give up the position of master, I, Xu Changsheng, will take over. From now on, the Miaoyin Sect will be changed to the Miaoyin Immortal Sect, and you need to hand over a treasure. I am the only one who will agree to your allegiance. As for the two envoys on the left and right and a few good-for-nothing elders in the alchemy stage, die!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!..."

As several figures fell down one after another and lost their breath, the hall became dead again.

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(End of this chapter)

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