Mortal cultivation begins with immortality

Chapter 116 The True Film of the Brahma Saint, the Qiyuan Sea

Chapter 116 The True Film of the Brahma Saint, the Qiyuan Sea

Wen Siyue led Xu Changsheng towards a stone door, which was considered the inner chamber of this stone palace. When Xu Changsheng entered the door, he discovered that there was a universe hidden here. It was a very spacious hall, and there was a hall in the center. There is a huge round stone table with a circle of wooden chairs placed around it. There are many alchemy monks sitting on the wooden chairs. They are accompanied by one or two gorgeous maids. They look very happy. Xu Changsheng understood what Wen Siyue was here for.

Xu Changsheng also understood that Wen Siyue was assigned to Han Li in disguise at first. However, when the proprietor Yun Tianxiao saw Xu Changsheng who was at a higher level, he directly asked Wen Siyue to accompany Xu Changsheng. It seemed that Mr. Han The devil still moved Fan Xin, otherwise why would he show a dissatisfied look, but Xu Changsheng had to admit that Wen Siyue was indeed beautiful.

When Xu Changsheng sat upright on the wooden chair, Wen Siyue immediately leaned over, looking like a cute little bird. The fragrance was fragrant. For Wen Siyue, who was only in the period of practicing Qi, Xu Changsheng was very different from Xu Changsheng in terms of appearance and appearance. Her cultivation level is very outstanding, better than the mediocre person just now. If she can be favored by Xu Changsheng, then she will be prosperous. All the qi training maids here think so, and for them it is also Only beautiful appearance can be used.

Xu Changsheng felt that the monks in this chaotic sea of ​​stars would enjoy it, but he did not reject it because he was the enjoyer. So Xu Changsheng looked at Wen Siyue and smiled and said, "What is Miss Wen's full name?"

When Wen Siyue heard Xu Changsheng ask this question, her bright eyes immediately brightened. The late-stage pill-forming monk in front of her actually asked her name, which meant that she was interested in her. So Wen Siyue smiled sweetly and said: "The slave's name is Wen Si moon."

Xu Changsheng raised his eyebrows when he heard this. Sure enough, he guessed that this gorgeous maid was really Wen Siyue. Moreover, Xu Changsheng discovered that Wen Siyue was still practicing the inner sect skills of the Miaoyin Sect, so Xu Changsheng asked directly He said: "My Miss Guanwen's practice seems to be the method of the Miaoyin Sect in the past. Could it be that the girl and the Miaoyin Sect are related to each other?"

Wen Siyue couldn't help being startled when she heard Xu Changsheng's words, but she quickly recovered. After all, the Kung Fu of the Miaoyin Sect was not a secret. It was not surprising that Xu Changsheng, as a pill-forming monk, knew about it, so Wen Siyue told Xu Changsheng After Wen Siyue was born, Wen Qiang and his wife took Wen Siyue back to Miaoyinmen, but they encountered a robbery on the way. , Wen Qiang and his wife died, and Wen Siyue was taken to Nanli Island by Jie Xiu and sold to Yuntian Xiao, becoming a humble maid.

After hearing Wen Siyue's ups and downs, Xu Changsheng couldn't help but sigh that the timeline had indeed deviated again. However, Wen Siyue could also be regarded as a descendant of the Miaoyin Sect, and Wen Siyue had always wanted to leave the shackles of Nanli Island and go to the Miaoyin Sect. Now, She didn't know yet that the Miaoyin Sect had been changed to the Miaoyin Immortal Sect. After all, Nanli Island was far away from the outer sea of ​​​​stars and the information was blocked. The information that the low-level monks here knew was naturally very limited.

So Xu Changsheng directly sent a message to Wen Siyue with his spiritual consciousness: "Miss Wen, the current Miaoyin Sect has been changed to the Miaoyin Immortal Sect. I am Xu Changsheng, the contemporary leader of the Miaoyin Immortal Sect. As a descendant of the Miaoyin Sect, wait for this I will buy you back after the exchange meeting is over, and you can stay with me from now on, how about it?"

Wen Siyue received a message from Xu Changsheng. Her face looked both shocked and delighted. She was just a minor Qi practitioner, while Xu Changsheng was a real person in the late stage of pill formation. Wen Siyue felt that Xu Changsheng did not need to lie to her. As for Xu Changsheng being the contemporary sect leader of the Miaoyin Immortal Sect, Wen Siyue was a little confused, but she didn't ask any more questions because she knew that Xu Changsheng, as the sect leader, must have had his own purpose in suddenly coming to this remote Nanli Island, and she didn't care. She only needs to know that Xu Changsheng can take her out of this pit of fire, even if becoming Xu Changsheng's concubine is an opportunity for her.

So Wen Siyue said in her heart: "Senior Xu, I am willing to follow you, and I hope you will have mercy on me."

Xu Changsheng laughed happily when he heard this, which made Han Li, who had just sat on another wooden chair, frown again. In fact, Han Li was interested in Wen Siyue because he recognized that Wen Siyue was his. The daughter of a former friend, Wen Qiang, so Han Li wanted to help, but now that Wen Siyue was with Xu Changsheng, and Xu Changsheng had also been disguised, Han Li couldn't act rashly, so he decided to wait until the exchange meeting was over. , it seems that Xu Changsheng can have a chat.

The wooden chairs surrounding the stone table in the hall were finally filled by the Danjie monks who came. At this time, the proprietor Yuntian Xiao appeared as the host of the trade fair, which meant that the trade fair was about to officially begin.

Yun Tianxiao said with a smile: "I, Nanli Daofang City, welcome all fellow Taoists to participate in this exchange meeting. I, Yun, feel very honored. The rules are still the same as usual. Everyone takes out the treasures they want to exchange, and then Just make an exchange, but you have to follow the rules and don't take it by force. Yun doesn't want anything unpleasant to happen."

After Yun Tianxiao finished speaking, he motioned to all the alchemy monks present to take out the treasures they wanted to exchange. Xu Changsheng directly took out a piece of century-old gold and a millennium elixir from the storage bag and placed them on the stone table, and then smiled. As the other pill-forming monks took out their own treasures, some monks took out high-level demon elixirs, some monks took out ancient treasures and magic weapons, and some monks actually took out the corpses of sea monsters. Xu Changsheng has always been He was indifferent, and he found that Han Li on the opposite left also looked completely uninterested.

It wasn't until a dark-skinned middle-aged monk placed an old copper piece and a bone bar on the stone table that both Xu Changsheng and Han Li were attracted. Xu Changsheng even narrowed his eyes. His powerful spiritual consciousness swept across it silently, and found that the copper plate was indeed engraved with demonic inscriptions. Xu Changsheng had learned it when he was bored these years. This is the true film of the Brahma Saint, a sacred object passed down from generation to generation by the Naihai clan. , the demonic text above records a set of methods for using magical powers. If you collect the body-refining technique Ming Wang Jue and the Man Beard's Tuotian Demonic Kung Fu, you can synthesize the Brahma Saint True Demonic Kung Fu. Xu Changsheng is very interested in this ancient magical technique.

Xu Changsheng's current methods are actually a bit lacking. If he can master the Brahma Saint's true demonic skills and integrate them into various powerful skills, then he will be able to have the means and confidence to defeat the demons in the future. You must know Demons and demonic monks are not the same type. An additional powerful method can also increase the chance of saving one's life.

Xu Changsheng also noticed that Han Li was also interested in this Brahma Sage true film, but everything in the current timeline has just begun, and there is no rule that these adventure treasures should belong to Han Li. Xu Changsheng can naturally compete for it. As for Xu Changsheng, Han Li's Sky Palm Vase, could now fight for it, but he didn't take action because he thought it would be troublesome. After all, the Sky Palm Vase was related to the Lord of Samsara Hall, and it had limited effect on Xu Changsheng now.

As for that bone strip, it is just the spiritual bone of an eighth-level demon beast. It is very precious to the alchemy monks, but it has no value to Xu Changsheng. Xu Changsheng is only a little interested in the real film of Fansheng, so Xu Changsheng Changsheng directly used magic power to force the copper piece into his hand, which shocked the alchemy monks present. They didn't know what Xu Changsheng wanted to do, and Han Li even clenched his fist.

As the proprietor, Yuntian Xiao and the original owner of the copper plate both showed dissatisfaction with Xu Changsheng's behavior. The original owner of the copper plate even said directly: "What does this fellow Taoist mean? Everyone is here." We are exchanging treasures peacefully, what do you want to do by taking them without asking?"

Yun Tianxiao also said: "Fellow Daoist Xu, you are interested in this copper piece, but other fellow daoists may be too, so we can all take turns bidding and competing."

When Xu Changsheng heard this, he just said calmly: "This copper piece is destined to me, so I hope everyone can give Xu some face, and I will also take out the treasure corresponding to the value of this copper piece."

As Xu Changsheng spoke, he used his magic power to deliver the century-old gold and the thousand-year elixir to the original owner of the copper piece. Although the swarthy middle-aged monk was a little dissatisfied, he felt that the treasure Xu Changsheng took out was indeed worth exchanging for the unknown owner of the copper piece. He just wanted to take the opportunity to let the Danjie monks present bid and get greater benefits, but Xu Changsheng's later cultivation of Danjie made him have no choice but to endure it. But as the proprietor of this underground fairy workshop, Yun Tianxiao was very dissatisfied with people like Xu Changsheng who openly broke the rules he had set. He just kept it secret, but what Xu Changsheng said next made Yun Tianxiao He was so angry that he directly used his natal magical power White Bone Yin Fire.

"Master Yunfang, I am very satisfied with this Miss Wen. She will be my concubine from now on. This thousand-year-old elixir is compensation. Hey, why is Master Yun so ready to take action?" Xu Changsheng said jokingly.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, you have crossed the line. You broke the rules I set, and you want to steal the maid I have carefully trained. If every monk is like you, how can Yun still hang out in this alien sea? Although Yun has not been out for a long time, It's a good move, but it's not a fool's errand. Today, everyone here will be shown Yun's methods!" Yun Tianxiao suddenly roared.

Seeing this, Xu Changsheng suddenly shouted coldly: "Noisy!"

Immediately, a coercion belonging to the middle stage of Nascent Soul emerged from Xu Changsheng's body, and immediately pressed all the monks present except Wen Siyue to kneel on the ground, and the bones and yin fire in Yun Tianxiao's hand were directly shaken away, and Yun Tianxiao couldn't help but He suddenly spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and his face became extremely pale.

"Yuan, Yuanying Ancestor, Xu Dao, no, Senior Xu, please spare your life!"

Yun Tianxiao was shocked and frightened at this time and kept kowtowing and begging for mercy. He broke the floor that was as hard as diamond and his forehead was covered with blood. But he knew that if he didn't do this, his life would be in danger. He didn't expect that Xu Changsheng turned out to be an old monster of Nascent Soul. This was too low-key and too low-key. The other Dan-forming monks were also shocked and lowered their heads and trembled all over. Even Han Li quietly moved to an inconspicuous corner. We are ready to run away at any time.

Seeing this, Xu Changsheng also chuckled. As expected, no matter where you are, as long as you are strong enough, you can be unreasonable and do whatever you want. However, he did not continue to argue with these alchemy monks. His purpose of coming to Nanli Island has been achieved. , obtained the true film of the Brahma Saint and also got a beautiful concubine, so Xu Changsheng teleported away from the stone palace with Wen Siyue, who was still in shock and had not recovered.

When Xu Changsheng took Wen Siyue and teleported directly to a desert island not far from Nanli Island, he put Wen Siyue down and said with a smile: "Why, Miss Wen hasn't recovered yet?"

When Wen Siyue heard this, she looked shy and said, "The Nu family just didn't expect that Senior Xu was actually a Nascent Soul cultivator, so he was numb just now."

When Xu Changsheng heard Wen Siyue's words, he smiled and said: "It's okay, you are still perfect, and you will be Xu Changsheng's Taoist companion from now on. But I can tell you first that I have many Taoist companions, and you are just one of them. But I treat every Taoist companion with my heart, and I will cover your future cultivation resources, how about that?"

Wen Siyue had a bright smile on her face when she heard this. She didn't care how many Taoist companions Xu Changsheng had. In the world of immortal cultivation, it was common for a powerful monk to have many Taoist companions. She just needed to get Xu Changsheng's favor and resources. Just help, after all, isn't that what those beautiful female cultivators are attached to powerful male cultivators, and it is better to be the concubine of a Nascent Soul cultivator like Xu Changsheng than to be the furnace of those demonic cultivators.

So Wen Siyue immediately smiled and said: "Thank you Xu Lang, the slave family is so happy. With Xu Lang here, the slave family does not need to live such a hard life of fear. But Xu Lang, where are we going now? We are going back to the Miaoyin Immortal Sect." ?"

After hearing this, Xu Changsheng thought for a while and said: "I finally came to the outer star sea, so I have to get more treasures. Do you know where there is information about monsters above level eight?"

When Wen Siyue heard Xu Changsheng's words, she smiled charmingly and said: "The Nu family happens to know the lair of a transformed monster called the Split Wind Beast, but it is very dangerous near the abyss, so Xu Lang should not go there."

Xu Changsheng raised his eyebrows and smiled when he heard this: "Wind Splitting Beast, interesting, that guy is not my opponent, but he does have some good things in his hands. I just happened to go get them, but we can rest on this desert island for a few days first. Let’s start again tomorrow.”

Wen Siyue knew what Xu Changsheng wanted to do by looking at Xu Changsheng's eyes, and her cheeks couldn't help but blush.

Two days later, Xu Changsheng came out of the temporarily opened cave. He breathed in the salty sea breeze, then sat down and took out the copper piece he had obtained before. As his consciousness scanned the demonic writings on the surface of the copper piece, there were immediately A picture of a monster with three heads and six arms appeared, and it looked lifelike.

With the injection of mana, the monster picture actually started to move directly. With its hands pinching the magic formula, a map of the movement circuit appeared. Xu Changsheng was delighted when he saw this, and he immediately began to memorize it. There were thirty-six weird things in total. Other monks can't understand his movements, but Xu Changsheng, who has read a lot of books, can naturally understand it, but he still needs to study it carefully. After all, this is an ancient magic skill. If human monks want to practice it, they need to perfect it and adapt it to their own abilities. Practice, otherwise you will become neither human nor demonic, which will be very dangerous.

After Wen Siyue came out of the temporary cave, Xu Changsheng took her to the Qiyuan Sea Area, which is close to the abyss and is where a large number of high-level monsters gather. After all, most of the top monster clans in the outer star sea are stationed in On Qiyuan Island, there are still some strong men from the Counter Star Alliance who want to take Qiyuan Island back. It can be said to be a very dangerous place, but for Xu Changsheng, it is a treasure trove of fishing in troubled waters.

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(End of this chapter)

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