Mortal cultivation begins with immortality

Chapter 120 Mu Peiling, the new situation in Tiannan

Chapter 120 Mu Peiling, the new situation in Tiannan

The apprenticeship process was different from what Xu Changsheng thought. He originally thought he would let them choose the right master, but in the end, these peak masters did not give the seven newcomers a chance to choose. They decided on their own. After all, the seven of Xu Changsheng The information is already known, so it is natural for the master to choose the apprentice. Only the disciples with extraordinary talents have the opportunity to choose the master.

However, Xu Changsheng was lucky enough to be accepted as a disciple by the peak master of the largest Tianquan Peak in Luoyun Peak. Of course, he was an outer disciple, and there was a big gap between him and the inner disciples. He needed to complete some tasks regularly, and the inner disciples Disciples have no such requirements and can always practice with peace of mind.

Xu Changsheng didn't care. He actually had the purpose of refining his mind this time. Now he could experience a different life of cultivating immortals again. Of course, it wouldn't take long. He would leave after finding out the details of the Tiandao Alliance. It was when the Seven Immortals Alliance attacked the Tiandao Alliance.

Along the way to Tianquan Peak, the disciple named Yu who took Xu Changsheng to Tianquan Peak kept explaining various precautions to Xu Changsheng. He was a very enthusiastic person. This person also talked about some so-called master uncles and masters in Tianquan Peak. Xu Changsheng just listened patiently to the ancestor's affairs. The disciple who was selected by Tianquan Peak at the same time as Xu Changsheng was a simple and strong man with a cold air all over his body, but Xu Changsheng was not interested in this person.

Soon Xu Changsheng and others arrived at the training platform of Tianquan Peak. There were many young Qi-training disciples practicing here. However, when they saw the young man named Yu, they all smiled and said hello. There was no reason for the difference in cultivation level. As for the status alienation, it seems that the young man named Yu is very popular. If you have anything, you can ask him for information.

The peak master of Tianquan Peak is a real person named Dan. In fact, when the young man surnamed Yu took Xu Changsheng and the honest and strong man to Tianquan Peak, he had already been detected by his spiritual consciousness, so the peak master soon became Using magic power, a voice was heard, and the young man surnamed Yu took Xu Changsheng and two people into the hall. This young man surnamed Yu was the direct disciple of Master Tianquan.

Xu Changsheng and the honest and strong man walked directly into the hall. The interior was a very elegant and simple hall. In addition to a few sets of seats, there were some spiritual plants and calligraphy and paintings. Sitting on the main seat of the hall was a man who looked like a Confucian scholar. A middle-aged man, this man was in the middle stage of alchemy formation. He looked like an immortal and gentle. His first impression on Xu Changsheng was quite good. He must be the peak master of Tianquan Peak.

There are two foundation-building monks, a man and a woman, sitting on wooden chairs on both sides below the peak master. The man is a energetic old man. Although he has white hair, his eyes are bright, and the woman looks to be in her twenties. , with beautiful appearance and mature temperament, but with a cold expression, she can be regarded as an iceberg beauty.

Seeing this, the young man surnamed Yu immediately stepped forward and saluted. By their names, you could tell that the old man and the female cultivator were his senior brothers and sisters. This scene was unremarkable, but it was in line with the fairy scene that Xu Changsheng imagined when he first came to this world of cultivating immortals. , the start in Yellow Maple Valley was about surviving in danger, but now Xu Changsheng has the mentality of playing with the world. After all, he is no longer the confused mortal.

As the leader of the Seven Immortals Alliance, Xu Changsheng was a major cultivator in the later stage of Nascent Soul. No matter how much he concealed himself, his powerful and calm temperament still attracted attention. This made the master of Tianquan Peak and his two disciples present. They all looked at Xu Changsheng with strange eyes, but no matter how they probed, they only found out that Xu Changsheng was at the ninth level of qi training. Therefore, they judged that Xu Changsheng had an extraordinary temperament that was cultivated by having a very high status in the mortal kingdom.

After Xu Changsheng and the honest and strong man saluted like the young man named Yu, the master of Tianquan Peak stroked his beard and said with a smile: "I don't care what your status was before in the mortal kingdom, but now you have joined me, Luoyun Sect Tianquan Peak, Then from now on you will be one of our own, and I will be the peak master of Tianquan Peak, you can call me master."

Xu Changsheng's mouth twitched vaguely when he heard this. A mere monk in the middle stage of alchemy formation dared to call himself me, and he wanted him, a great cultivator of Yuan Ying, to call him his master. When they got down, he and the honest and strong man both reluctantly said, "Greetings to the master."

Later, Xu Changsheng also knew that the honest and honest man's surname was Du, and that this man gave Xu Changsheng a strange feeling. However, it was not easy for him to investigate him at will. What if he was a hidden boss? Xu Changsheng actually had many details in the mortal world. He doesn't know that much, especially after he discovered that the timeline has undergone many changes, and he won't make random judgments.

The peak master of Tianquan Peak looked at the two foundation-building disciples beside him and said, "Let each of you lead one of these two new disciples. They need your guidance on their cultivation. If you have any questions, you can help them." They do it.”

The shrewd old man and the Yan Leng female cultivator both nodded, but when they were choosing who to bring, the shrewd old man said directly: "Junior sister, I choose this Junior Nephew Du, he looks very powerful and can give me Let’s start, and Junior Nephew Xu has a handsome appearance and extraordinary bearing, so he can be given to you, Junior Sister. Junior Sister, you have to take good care of him. You have been so cold and you still don’t have a Taoist companion, hey.”

After the shrewd old man finished speaking, he winked playfully at Junior Sister Yan Leng. He looked like an old naughty boy. The veins on Yan Leng's forehead were throbbing. She snorted coldly and said, "I don't need Senior Brother to worry about."

As the Yan Leng female cultivator spoke, she glanced at Xu Changsheng coldly. Xu Changsheng looked puzzled. After saying a few words to the peak master of Tianquan Peak, this woman stood up, equipped herself, and left. When she passed by Xu Changsheng, she said calmly: " Keep up!”

Seeing this, Xu Changsheng just raised his eyebrows, and then followed the Yan Leng female cultivator out of the hall. The Yan Leng female cultivator directly took out a red gauze-shaped top-quality magic weapon and threw it into the sky. The red gauze immediately turned into a huge ribbon. As if floating in the void, his light body flew up and stood on the red gauze. Seeing this, Xu Changsheng also imitated this, and he was going to take it back to the cave.

Sure enough, not long after, Xu Changsheng followed the Yan Leng female cultivator to a spiritual medicine garden, which also contained several wooden houses and a hill. This made Xu Changsheng understand that this female cultivator in the middle stage of foundation building turned out to be an alchemist, and he had never The name of the female cultivator known by the name of the peak master of Quan Peak that day was Mu Peiling. Wasn't this the concubine of Han Li in Luoyun Sect later on? It's a pity that the two of them were famous but not related, and they didn't know each other later. That’s it.

Master Mu Peiling was planning to let Xu Changsheng be the medicine boy. Thinking of this, Xu Changsheng's face flashed with unnatural expressions. If it were another Qi practitioner who could be replaced by a beautiful girl, The cold Foundation Establishment female cultivator would definitely be very excited and happy when he accepted him as his disciple, and he would even have wild imaginations. However, Xu Changsheng is actually a Nascent Soul cultivator, and asking him to work as a medicine boy for a Foundation Establishment female cultivator would be very embarrassing if it were revealed. , but he is now wearing Xu Xiang's vest. What is embarrassing is what relationship Xu Xiang has with him, Xu Changsheng. So Xu Changsheng became the medicine boy who helped Mu Peiling guard the elixir garden. Those three wooden houses were Xu Changsheng's residence, and Mu Peiling lived in a cave on the hill. Mu Peiling also gave Xu Changsheng Xuan Bing Xu Changsheng didn't throw it away. He also wanted to see how the Luoyun Sect's technique was, but unfortunately it was mediocre. Xu Changsheng understood it after just reading it once, and he even transformed it into a top-notch technique. Can perform various ice-type ultimate moves, such as Ice Age.

Naturally, Xu Changsheng would not really be a medicine boy. He took out a low-level puppet from his storage bag and asked it to transform into his current appearance and be busy in the medicine garden. Then Xu Changsheng used a secret technique to hide it. His body became transparent, he walked out of the wooden house, and then flew towards the cave where Cheng Tiankun and Lu Luo, the two early Yuan Ying elders of Luoyun Sect, lived. He wanted to find out what the Tiandao Alliance was planning behind the scenes.

The Tiandao Alliance originally did not exist. The simultaneous expansion of good and evil forces allowed the neutral factions in the north to form the Tiandao Alliance. However, in fact, it had already taken shape. It was formed by Long Han and Feng Bing, two mid-stage Nascent Souls of the Luanming Sect. The couple jointly used some kind of magical power to threaten the monks in the late Nascent Soul, so the Tiandao Alliance became a force on the surface. Otherwise, how could it be established in a very short period of time.

Xu Changsheng had heard from Hehuan Old Demon before that the Tiandao Alliance was actually stronger than the two paths of good and evil put together. However, the Tiandao Alliance did not have the overhaul of the late Nascent Soul to be in charge, and if the two paths of good and evil were really put together, they would have The high-level combat power of two late Nascent Souls and dozens of early and middle Nascent Souls.

If we just look at the comparison of combat power on the surface, the Tiandao Alliance should not have an advantage, but the old devil Hehuan can't explain it. He only knows that the nameless great master who unified Tiannan tens of thousands of years ago was born in The area where Luan Ming Sect of the Tiandao Alliance was located made Xu Changsheng wary, so he wanted to find out where the Tiandao Alliance had the confidence to suddenly attack the Seven Immortals Alliance.

As the Luoyun Sect is a member of the Tiandao Alliance, their Nascent Soul ancestor must know something. Xu Changsheng originally planned to turn the two early Nascent Soul elders Cheng Tiankun and Lu Luo into his blood contract servants, but he During the training process, he discovered that human monks and demon cultivators are still different. The soul power of the human monk is undoubtedly stronger and it is possible to escape, and the soul control secret method he obtained is mainly used for demon beasts, so Xu Changsheng will let the Seven Immortals Many Yuanying monks in the alliance swore an oath of allegiance to him, instead of forcing the use of secret soul control.

Xu Changsheng has already used the Soul Secret Technique to control several transformed demon cultivators in the Chaos Star Sea, and the number of powerful people he can control is limited, so now he can only guarantee that nothing will go wrong when he uses the Soul Secret Technique again unless he can advance to the God Transformation stage. We can only explore the secret behind the Tiandao Alliance from the side.

Soon Xu Changsheng came to the cave where the Yuanying ancestors of the Luoyun Sect lived. He radiated his consciousness in the transformation stage, and then he found that in a huge cave, there were three Yuanying monks sitting cross-legged and talking about something. Xu Changsheng guessed from the sect clothes they wore that the two of them were Cheng Tiankun and Lu Luo. As for the third Nascent Soul monk who looked like a child, although Xu Changsheng didn’t recognize him, he looked at the clothes on his clothes. The sword-shaped mark is somewhat similar to the standard of the Ancient Sword Sect, and this third person has a strong sword intention. It is very likely that he is the Yuanying Elder Fire Dragon Boy of the Ancient Sword Sect.

"Brother Lan, is the Seven Immortals Alliance really that powerful?" Cheng Tiankun asked.

Huo Longtong, the Yuanying Elder of the Ancient Sword Sect, whose surname was Lan, heard Cheng Tiankun's words. He shook his head and said, "I don't know much about it, but I got the news from the two Taoist friends Long Han and Feng Bing of Luanming Sect. Then The leader of the Seven Immortals Alliance, Xu Changsheng, is very mysterious. He has just broken through the Nascent Soul stage and can directly integrate the Yue Kingdom's Immortal Cultivation World and the Six Demonic Sects. Without strong strength and means, it is impossible to do it. Now The power of the Seven Immortals Alliance is enough to threaten our Tiandao Alliance."

Lu Luo on the side frowned when he heard this and said: "But how could the two Taoist friends Long Han and Feng Bing from Luanming Sect be able to judge that the Seven Immortals Alliance would definitely take action against our Tiandao Alliance? Moreover, they actually took the initiative to test the Seven Immortals Alliance. With his attitude, aren't you afraid that it will really cause a war between the Tiandao Alliance and the Seven Immortals Alliance? Then there will definitely be a loss of life. Although the great god-incarnation united the entire Tiannan tens of thousands of years ago, it was only to help him find space nodes. It’s just to collect cultivation resources, but now the entire Tiannan has very few cultivation resources, is it going to happen again?”

The Fire Dragon boy puffed up his little face and said with some frustration: "The two Taoist friends Long Han and Feng Bing from the Luanming Sect have made up their minds, so what can we do? They are originally his descendants, and the trump cards they hold in their hands are so powerful. It’s not like you don’t know that the magical power left behind is just one of the inheritance. If it weren’t for the high cost of using the trump card and the limit on the number of times, our Tiandao Alliance might have unified the entire Tiannan. Now even that The Seven Immortals Alliance has no such plan, but it definitely has the ambition to unify Tiannan."

Xu Changsheng, who heard this outside the cave, narrowed his eyes. It turned out that the leader and his wife of the Dao League that day really had a powerful trump card, and they were also related to the nameless god from tens of thousands of years ago. The Tiandao Alliance is confident that its trump card to unify Tiannan must have power comparable to that of a god. However, Xu Changsheng doesn’t know what the specific means is. Whether it is some kind of high-level magic weapon or the incarnation of Can Nian’s magical power, no matter which one it is, it is very important to Xu Changsheng. It was dangerous, so Xu Changsheng decided to be careful. There was no need for him to fight to the death with the Tiandao Alliance.

Xu Changsheng also knew that the three Nascent Soul cultivators in the cave did not know what the powerful trump cards held by Long Han and Feng Bing of the Luanming Sect were, so there was no point in continuing to inquire, so he returned directly to the Spiritual Medicine Garden. After he returned to the Spiritual Medicine Garden, he began to think about the reason for the sudden change in the Tiandao Alliance.

In the Tiannan region, there are the Righteous Way, the Demonic Way, the Nine Kingdoms Alliance, and later the Tiandao Alliance. These four forces are actually fighting overtly and covertly to compete for cultivation resources. However, they maintain a basic balance, so the Yue Dynasty, who is in the middle of the four major forces, The immortal cultivation forces in countries such as the Kingdom of Yuanwu and the Kingdom of Yuanwu were able to maintain their neutral status. However, as the poor cultivation resources in the Tiannan region were not only consumed, but also led to the decision of the righteous way and the evil way to expand to neutral countries at the same time. The Tiandao Alliance took the opportunity. The bright side appeared and then waited and watched with the Nine Nations Alliance.

Among the four major forces, the Righteous Way and the Demonic Way are the weakest. Even if they are strengthened, they cannot compete with the Tiandao Alliance and the Nine Kingdoms Alliance. However, when the good and evil forces expand, the Tiandao Alliance and the Nine Kingdoms Alliance are still very greedy, but they Due to geographical reasons, we could not take action immediately.

But what shocked the Tiandao Alliance, the Nine Kingdoms Alliance and the Righteous Way was that the little-known Xu Changsheng rose up and established the Seven Immortals Alliance. Not only did he integrate the Yue Kingdom's immortal world, but he also annexed the six sects of the Demonic Way at the minimum cost, and even the Righteous Way. They also had to stop their expansion, which resulted in a large amount of territory in the central and eastern parts of the Tiannan region being occupied by the Seven Immortals Alliance. The right way was not to dare to compete with the Seven Immortals Alliance, but the Nine Nations Alliance was unable to resist the Muran people. Take action, as long as the Tiandao Alliance has the strength and confidence to fight against the Seven Immortals Alliance.

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(End of this chapter)

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