Mortal cultivation begins with immortality

Chapter 123 The Tree of Spiritual Eyes, Xuantian Immortal Vine

Chapter 123 The Tree of Spiritual Eyes, Xuantian Immortal Vine

The monks present looked at the Ancient Sword Sect Yuanying Elder Fire Dragon Boy and were a little at a loss. They didn't know what the Yuanying ancestor was doing here. This stone hall was obviously the only way to the Yunmeng Mountain forbidden area. , especially the spies hidden among the monks were even more frightened, Xu Changsheng just looked on coldly.

After the fire dragon boy finished playing chess with the alchemy monk, he looked directly at the monks present and said: "Today, I am here to eliminate the spies of good and evil, so you don't need to worry, you, you, and you , should I stand up and die on my own, or should I do it myself?"

The three spies from the Righteous Alliance who were pointed out by the Fire Dragon Boy all showed frightened expressions when they heard this. As foundation-building monks, they thought they were well hidden in the Luoyun Sect, but they didn't expect to be discovered so quickly. In fact, they Hiding among the three sects was also for the Spiritual Eye Tree, but they did not want to obtain the spiritual liquid, but wanted to directly steal the entire Spiritual Eye Tree. They originally thought they had finally waited for the opportunity after hiding for so many years, but they never expected that they would The entrance to the forbidden area was blocked by a Nascent Soul Ancestor.

The three foundation-building monks from the Righteous Alliance knew that they had no way out, so they turned evil and targeted the outstanding disciples of the three surrounding sects. They felt that they would drag these three Yunmeng Mountain sects even if they died. The geniuses were buried with them, but before they could take action, suddenly a flying sword pierced them one after another in the blink of an eye, and then the three of them fell heavily to the ground without making any sound. The one who took action was not the Fire Dragon Boy, but playing chess with him. Elder Jiedan.

Seeing this, Xu Changsheng found it a bit interesting, because Du Dong beside him was not caught by the Fire Dragon Boy. Xu Changsheng didn't believe it when he said that the ancestor of Yuanying could not detect the cold aura produced by Du Dong's practice of magic skills. , it seems that the top leaders of the three sects of Yunmeng Mountain have a bigger plan, but this has nothing to do with Xu Changsheng. He decided to get the treasures in the forbidden area of ​​Yunmeng Mountain first, especially the tree of spiritual eyes. If he rashly reveals his identity, it would be bad if all the ancestors of these three sects were to die together.

The pill-forming monk who took action was called Du Hui. He was an elder of Baiqiao Academy and the contemporary patriarch of the Du family, a cultivating family. Du Dong joined the Luoyun Sect in the name of a branch of the Du family. After all, he did not have a complete origin. He didn't borrow the name of a casual cultivator, so it was just a joke in front of the head of the Du family. However, Du Hui just looked at Du Dong calmly without any embarrassment. This made Xu Changsheng wonder, could it be that the top leaders of these three sects wanted to Through Du Dong's long-term plan to catch big fish, it turns out that behind Du Dong, there are really high-level officials from the Six Demonic Sects involved in the layout.

As the leader of the Seven Immortals Alliance, Xu Changsheng came to the Tiandao Alliance to investigate its details and also for the Spiritual Eye Tree. Only three Nascent Soul ancestors knew his whereabouts, one was the Linghu ancestor and the other was the Hehuan ancestor. Demon, and the other one is Old Demon Yunlu. After all, the strength of the three of them is second only to Xu Changsheng in the Seven Immortals Alliance, and they are also the ones who make suggestions. Therefore, most of the monks in the Six Demonic Sects do not know that Xu Changsheng I also want to know who is behind this.

Soon Xu Changsheng followed the disciples of the three sects through the stone hall and came to a long bluestone passage. After twists and turns, he finally came to the end, and then he found another stone door, with a man sitting cross-legged at the door. A monk at the peak of pill formation, he looked like he had been guarding here for who knows how many years. This made Xu Changsheng feel that the three parties in Yunmeng Mountain protected the forbidden area very well. They set up three levels before and after, and they all had a They are gatekeepers in the Dan Formation stage. These gatekeepers also have tokens that control the prohibition circle. Once there is a change, any gatekeeper at any level who activates the prohibition can kill future criminals.

Of course, it's a different matter if the attacker is too strong. There are limits to the cultivation level of the monks who come during the restriction. But after Xu Changsheng has perfected the Xuan Breath Technique, he can converge and disperse the breath at will, so There is no need to worry about being discovered by the forbidden power. After all, with his current strength, if you want to find out his details, you need to have at least the strength of the peak of Void Refining. However, it is impossible in this human world, even if it is forbidden here. in this way.

The old man guarding the door just glanced at all the disciples present without saying a word. After he took out the token that opened the restriction and activated it, the stone door slowly opened. Suddenly everyone present saw the fairyland-like scene inside the stone door. There is extremely pure spiritual energy emanating from the stone door, which makes people feel relaxed and happy just by approaching it.

So the disciples present no longer hesitated, and they all ran towards the stone gate. Xu Changsheng also followed. He knew that the spiritual energy in this forbidden area was so rich because it was the core of the holy vein of spiritual energy. Naturally, in the holy vein The key node has the Spiritual Eye Tree, one of the three sacred trees. It may have been planted by a powerful person in ancient times, and then took root and sprouted after being nourished by the spiritual energy of the holy vein for a long time. It can also condense extremely pure spiritual liquid on a regular basis. , it is excellent for refining elixirs that increase cultivation.

When Xu Changsheng and others entered the forbidden area, they soon came to a cave. The cave was extremely vast and had many passages. It looked densely packed. If there was no guidance, they would just get lost in it. Just when everyone was at a loss. , a voice came over: "Don't panic, I will open the way for you!"

Although this voice was very unfamiliar, everyone knew that it was probably from the gatekeeper they met before. As the voice fell, a ray of light suddenly appeared at the top of the cave and directly bombarded the void in front of them. A wave of space fluctuations appeared. Immediately everyone was surprised to find that a light door appeared in front of them, which was the real passage to the Spiritual Eye Tree. If there was no gatekeeper to open it and blindly entered it, they would end up being trapped in the maze and unable to escape. Xu Changsheng also felt that Somewhat frightened.

Because Xu Changsheng discovered that after he used his divine consciousness at the stage of transformation to quietly explore, he found that this place could actually block the exploration of his spiritual consciousness. That is, if he really fell into the maze, it would be difficult to find the right path. This made Xu Changsheng glad that he did not rely on his strength. If you are strong, do whatever you want, otherwise you don’t know how he was tricked in the end. It seems that the three Yunmeng Mountain sects still have some tricks, and they can actually control this forbidden land in their hands. It seems that they also paid a lot of effort in the first place. It was done at a price.

Immediately everyone entered the light gate one after another, and then came to a vast island in the middle of the lake. In the center of the island was a green plant that looked like a stone pillar. It was very slender, and there were many holes on the surface. The spiritual energy that turned into mist emitted from the holes. If it weren't for the extremely pure spiritual energy in this space, it would be difficult to imagine that this was the legendary tree of spiritual eyes. It looked like a crude handicraft.

However, the spiritual energy emitted by this spiritual eye tree is enough to form the top cultivation treasure land in the human world. If you can practice with this spiritual energy, it will definitely be twice the result with half the effort, but the outside of this spiritual eye tree is protected by a layer of golden forbidden light, and in There is a very simple blue jade bottle placed under the Tree of Spiritual Eyes. Through the jade bottle, you can find extremely pure spiritual liquid in it. This should be the most precious thing that the Tree of Spiritual Eyes has condensed over a long period of time.

There were foundation building disciples who impatiently wanted to take away the jade bottle, but before it could get close, it was bounced away by the golden restraint. At this time, the gatekeeper's voice sounded in the space: "The spiritual liquid has not been completely collected yet." It’s over, you can practice here and wait for the opportunity.” So the monks present all sat down and began to practice. Only Xu Changsheng used his spiritual consciousness to constantly explore the restricted spiritual eye tree. He found that this spiritual eye tree The Tree of Eyes happens to grow on the dragon veins of Yunmeng Mountain, and has been integrated with the dragon veins. If you want to take it away completely, you need to take away the entire dragon veins, but that will be besieged to death by all the ancestors of the three sects. , because this is destroying the foundation of the spiritual veins of the three sects. Once this is done, the holy spiritual veins will be completely destroyed.

Even if the spiritual eye tree is dug away with its dragon veins, it will only cause the spiritual energy to drain quickly, and the gain is not worth the loss. Therefore, Xu Changsheng decided to just get the spiritual root of the spiritual eye tree. Then he can also use the innate green wood source to activate it. Having a complete spiritual eye tree, and its power in the future will be even stronger than the spiritual eye technique here, this is also a major foundation for Xu Changsheng to break through to the peak of Yuanying and even become a god.

There are many monks here now, and the gatekeeper who controls the restriction is watching, so Xu Changsheng cannot blatantly seize the spiritual roots of the Spiritual Eye Tree, so he uses secret techniques to cover his aura and remove a drop of innate green wood. The source dripped into a blue spirit tree seed, and then used divine consciousness to control the spirit tree seed into the ground. The spirit wood seed quickly turned into a vine underground, and the vine quickly extended to the ground where the Spiritual Eye Tree is. .

At the same time, Xu Changsheng also used his spiritual consciousness to explore everything in this space, including the disciples of the three sects who were meditating and practicing, especially Du Dong, who was gathering with several monks for spiritual sound transmission. However, their methods had no secrets at all to Xu Changsheng, so Xu Changsheng inquired for a while.

Sure enough, this Du Dong and several monks around him are from the demonic path, but they are Qianhuan Sect and Tiansha Sect, and this Du Dong is the young master of Qianhuan Sect, and he also came here to obtain the spiritual fluid of the Spiritual Eye Tree. In order to save the Xuantian Immortal Vine, Xu Changsheng became interested.

Qianhuan Sect and Tiansha Sect are average in strength among the six demonic sects, and they have kept a low profile since joining the Seven Immortals Alliance. Xu Changsheng did not pay much attention to them. He did not expect that they would organize this operation, and they actually had the Xuantian Immortal Teng part. Fragment, this Xuantian Immortal Vine is an ancient spiritual root that first appeared when chaos was born in a certain world. The spiritual flowers and spiritual fruits it blooms have powerful magical powers that ignore the laws of the world, and the spiritual fruits can even be cultivated. Xuantian's magic weapon Xuantian Spirit-Slaying Sword has terrifying power that can break the laws of chaos, so Xu Changsheng was moved.

It turns out that before the Six Demonic Sects attacked the Yue Kingdom, the top leaders of the good and evil sects had already found the withered Xuantian Immortal Vine, so they had been thinking of using various methods to revive the Xuantian Immortal Vine, but all ended in failure. Originally The plan to come to the Yunmeng Mountains to obtain spiritual liquid to try to revive the Xuantian Immortal Vine had already been made. However, it was not until the Yunmeng Mountain forbidden area was opened, so the plan was not implemented immediately. However, both the good and the evil paths have sent disciples in Yunmeng. Work as an undercover agent in the Shansan sect, waiting for the opportunity.

As a result, with the rise of Xu Changsheng, he established the Seven Immortals Alliance, and finally annexed the six demon sects, causing the good and the demons to form a hostile relationship. Therefore, in the end, the Xuantian Immortal Vine was divided into more than a dozen pieces, and each sect obtained the Xuantian Immortal Vine. A small part, but actually no one had any hope of resurrecting the Xuantian Immortal Vine, so the Yuanying Ancestors of the Six Demonic Sects did not report the matter to Xu Changsheng. After all, they knew that they had sworn an oath of heaven to be loyal to Xu Changsheng. As long as Xu Changsheng's interests are not harmed, there is no need to report everything.

But with the opening of the forbidden area in Yunmeng Mountain, the top leaders of the Demonic Qianhuan Sect and Tiansha Sect decided to send Du Dong, the young master of Qianhuan Sect, to lead the undercover disciples placed in the three sects of Yunmeng Mountain to seize the spiritual liquid and resurrect Xuan Tianxian. Teng's plan also made Xu Changsheng know that he had misunderstood the senior officials of the Six Demonic Sects. After all, this plan was made before the establishment of the Seven Immortals Alliance. Now he just didn't want to miss out on giving it a try. Although Xu Changsheng knew that even if the evil demons The two spiritual liquids obtained from the Spiritual Eye Tree cannot match the Xuantian Immortal Vine.

However, Xu Changsheng became interested in the fragments of the Xuantian Immortal Vine in the hands of the Six Demonic Sects. He decided to ask them to hand it over when he returned, and then used his innate green wood source to try to see if he could resurrect the Xuantian Immortal Vine. If he could do it, After that, Xu Changsheng might be able to obtain Xuantian's magic weapon Xuantian Spirit-Slaying Sword, which is the Xuantian's treasure that ranks third on the Chaos Spirits List in the spiritual world.

As for Xu Changsheng's opportunity to rob Han Li, in the current timeline, no one stipulates that these opportunities must belong to one person. As long as he is strong and has good luck, whoever gets it will belong to him. Things involved in Han Li's Sky Control Bottle It was too troublesome, so Xu Changsheng did not snatch it later, but Xu Changsheng would not let go of other opportunities and treasures. The road to immortality is extremely bumpy to begin with. If you don't fight for it, you will end up being treated like an ant like a mortal. , even if Xu Changsheng has the Immortality Fruit, there is no guarantee that he will become an immortal and have invincible power to protect himself.

If Xu Changsheng does not have strong strength, once the secret of the Immortality Dao Fruit is leaked, it will be the end of Xu Changsheng. After all, even immortals will covet this golden finger, because the Immortality Dao Fruit can exert many incredible abilities, and immortality is only the most It is just a basic ability. Being able to resist inner demons, guard the mind, and ignore the constraints of the oath of heaven are extremely heaven-defying abilities. Moreover, Xu Changsheng discovered that his Immortality Dao Fruit still has some abilities that he has not developed, otherwise he would have the patience to do it. try.

After Xu Changsheng learned the ins and outs of the matter from the secret talks between Du Dong and others, he would not take action against these people. He also knew that after the Six Demonic Sects were merged into the Seven Immortals Alliance, those senior officials were indeed against them. He has no second thoughts, but Xu Changsheng will not give up the spiritual liquid here and the spiritual root of the Spiritual Eye Tree to anyone. He needs to use it well.

So Xu Changsheng controlled the spiritual tree seeds and went to the roots of the Spiritual Eye Tree to intercept a small part. He also used the trick of changing the world to replace the sacred tree spiritual liquid with a bottle of extremely ordinary spiritual liquid. , the whole process was covered by the secret method used by his spiritual power, and no one discovered it. As for the gatekeeper monitoring here, Xu Changsheng found out after investigation that that person could only vaguely sense what happened in the forbidden area through the forbidden token. , but it was completely impossible to detect Xu Changsheng's little moves, so Xu Changsheng accomplished his goal very easily.

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(End of this chapter)

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