Chapter 127 Tiannan Fair

Xu Changsheng has practiced the Qingyuan Sword Art to the top thirteenth level, which is the level of the peak of divine transformation, but he has never mastered the essence of it because his realm is still in the late stage of Nascent Soul. The reason why he can cultivate it to such an extent is because he has magic power comparable to that in the middle stage of the God Transformation stage. However, Xu Changsheng knows that many of the thirteenth level techniques involve magical powers that can only be truly experienced by monks in the God Transformation stage. .

However, Xu Changsheng was not in a hurry. After all, he also knew that with his current strength, it would be difficult to completely control the last move of the Qingyuan Sword Technique. However, this was just a matter of time for Xu Changsheng, so he entered the forbidden area. Zhong constantly consumes a lot of resources to increase his mana reserves. The Da Geng Sword Formation is very powerful. The more flying swords it transforms, the stronger it becomes.

In order to increase the power of the Da Geng Sword Formation, Xu Changsheng tried to incorporate the power of the five elements he had mastered into it, including the power of thunder and the power of sky fire, so that even if the number of flying swords remained unchanged, the The power is also more powerful, especially the Purple Gold Divine Thunder and Emperor Fire that Xu Changsheng masters. These are two powers that have surpassed the extremes that can be achieved in the human world.

Xu Changsheng knows very well that if he can perfectly combine these two powers with the sword formation he has practiced, then he will have a very powerful trump card in the future, which can threaten even the monks in the transformation stage. Using powerful methods, just when Xu Changsheng was in a good mood, he walked out of the forbidden area of ​​seclusion, and then came to the highest meeting place of the Yuanying-stage ancestors of the three sects of Yunmeng Mountain.

Xu Changsheng, as the actual controller of the three sects of Yunmeng Mountain, naturally had to attend. During the meeting, Xu Changsheng also received a very important news, that is, the entire Nascent Soul stage monks in Tiannan would hold a large-scale exchange. Yes, this is a good thing for Xu Changsheng, because if he wants to refine more flying swords, he will need a lot of Gengjing.

At the same time, some unused treasures that Xu Changsheng possesses can also be exchanged for some important resources that he wants. In the past, Xu Changsheng's cultivation level did not reach this level, and since he broke through to the Nascent Soul stage, He has been practicing in seclusion, and no Nascent Soul Ancestor has told him about the Tiannan Trade Fair.

As for the Nascent Soul senior officials of the Six Demonic Sects, they thought that Xu Changsheng had a strong inheritance of the Divine Transformation Stage, so they would probably look down on the treasure exchange meeting held by the Yushen Soul Stage monks in Tiannan area, and in Tiannan Regional Nascent Soul Stage Monk Exchange Conferences are held regularly within a certain period of time, and the intervals between them are also very long.

Just after Xu Changsheng broke through seclusion, he had been waiting for this opportunity, so Xu Changsheng decided to go and take a look, and by the way, see what the top powerhouses in the Tiannan region looked like. After all, there were no gods in the Tiannan region. In the case of strong men in the Nascent Soul stage, the ancestors of the Nascent Soul stage are the highest beings, and Xu Changsheng also knows very well that the value of the treasures that can be exchanged by the Nascent Soul stage monks is naturally very high.

This time the exchange meeting was held in the Yu Kingdom of the Nine-Nation Alliance, which made Xu Changsheng even more interested, because his original plan was to unify the Tiannan region, and he had already controlled the six demon sects. Then there are the other three forces. Whether it is the Righteous Alliance or the Tiandao Alliance, some high-level powerful men are now under his control. With these powerful monks as internal agents, it is only a matter of time before Xu Changsheng wants to control these two forces.

Xu Changsheng has a lot of time to wait for the layout, so he is not in a hurry to control all these forces immediately. What he needs is a complete force with strong combat power, rather than a loss of life, so he wants to use this easy and simple method without losing any blood. Able to accomplish one's purpose.

Of course, controlling the Nine Kingdoms Alliance is naturally part of Xu Changsheng's plan. However, he has never had the opportunity to contact the Nascent Soul Stage monks from the Nine Kingdoms Alliance. This time, he can take this opportunity to get to know each other and experience the Nine Kingdoms Alliance personally. Those strong men in the National League, what level of strength are they at?

Moreover, the location of the Nine Nations Alliance has a very important position, because they have to guard against the powerful threat posed by the magicians from the Mulan Grassland. Without their defense, the Tiannan region will really be threatened by the Mulan Grassland. The intrusion was naturally not what Xu Changsheng wanted to see.

Moreover, Xu Changsheng wants to get the Geng Jing that he is collecting at this trade fair. If he can have a large amount of Geng Jing, he can use it to refine a lot of flying swords, which will help him display the best performance. The powerful Da Geng Sword Formation can also make up for the lack of understanding he has not yet achieved. Of course, even if he does not get the Geng Jing he wants at this Tiannan large-scale trade fair, he can still go to Da Jin in the future. Find it in the empire.

After all, the Jin Empire is the most powerful holy land for cultivation in the human world. Whether it is the Tiannan region or the Chaotic Star Sea, it is not as powerful as the Jin Empire. Of course, Xu Changsheng will not tell anyone his own plans because he wants to hide himself Xu Changsheng also used the three sects of Yunmeng Mountain to collect information about the Jin Empire, especially the accurate information about the powerful ones at the level of gods.

This time, the highest-level trade fair was held in the Tiannan region. Xu Changsheng decided to participate alone and would not go with other Yuan Ying ancestors. So after Xu Changsheng briefly explained to his Taoist companions, he Then he used teleportation to fly towards the location of the Nine Kingdoms Alliance's Yu Kingdom. The location of this trade fair was located in an inaccessible and remote mountain in the Yu Kingdom.

However, because there is a very good spiritual vein here, a huge city was built here. However, this city can only be reached by monks with advanced cultivation and is not open to mortals at all. This is also the headquarters of the Nine Kingdoms Alliance. Given the location, it is not surprising that this trade fair is held here.

Moreover, after Xu Changsheng came here, he simply scanned it with his spiritual consciousness and found that there were a lot of powerful monks here. At a glance, they were all monks with good spiritual roots, and there were monks in the Nascent Soul stage alone. There are dozens of them, including powerful monks who have reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul. Xu Changsheng found that the monks here are generally relatively strong. This is mainly because the monks here have been fighting with the magicians in Mulan Grassland, so they His actual combat experience and combat methods are very clever.

If in the entire Tiannan region, which force's monks have the strongest overall combat ability, it is definitely the Nine Nations Alliance, especially in the city where the headquarters is set up. No matter whether the monks are from any force, they must be careful. Being able to act blindly and recklessly, because it is very likely to offend a powerful person, and thus have a way to kill him, Xu Changsheng also discovered that a very powerful guard formation was arranged above this super city. The defensive power of the formation can even withstand a full blow from a powerful person in the transformation stage.

From here, it can be seen that the foundation of the Nine Nations Alliance is stronger than he imagined. At this time, a large number of strong people have gathered here, including many casual cultivators. Although this trade fair is mainly aimed at Yu Yuan Ancestors in the infant stage and above will also come with their outstanding descendants to participate, which allows them to see the world. At the same time, these powerful men in the Nascent Soul stage can also take out the treasures they don't need and give them to these golden elixirs. Exchange with monks below the period. These treasures are difficult to imagine and come into contact with for monks below the Golden Core stage. Naturally, it is a grand ceremony for the entire city, so the so-called trade fair is actually aimed at all levels of immortal cultivators in the entire Tiannan region. Organized by practitioners, Xu Changsheng couldn't help but become interested, and now many immortal cultivators have gathered here. They want to buy those precious resources first. If they come late, they won't be able to buy them. Here comes the good stuff.

When Xu Changsheng came to this giant city, he did not hide his cultivation in the Yuanying stage. Of course, it only showed the cultivation in the early stage of Yuanying, so it did not cause great concern among other immortal cultivators. Attention, but all the monks who noticed the situation on Xu Changsheng's side showed respectful expressions, and then made it very easy to enter the city in the future.

Moreover, through Xu Changsheng's spiritual exploration here, he also learned some interesting news, that is, the four major forces in the Tiannan area. The strength of these forces was originally in a relatively balanced state, but since the Zhengdao and After the expansion of the Demonic Way, both the Tiandao Alliance and the Nine Kingdoms Alliance felt threatened. Later, with the appearance of Xu Changsheng, the Seven Immortals Alliance was founded, and then the Six Demonic Dao Sects were merged into it, which suddenly broke the entire Tiandao Alliance. The pattern of going south.

The Seven Immortals Alliance under the leadership of Xu Changsheng occupies a large territory, and naturally has obtained a lot of training resources. This caused the strong men of the other three factions to send spies to find out the news. At the same time, they also began to try to deal with the Seven Immortals. Therefore, Xu Changsheng went to Yunmeng Mountain to conduct exploration in the areas controlled by the Alliance. In the end, he secretly controlled the forces of these three factions through his own strength, and also obtained some Yuanying and Yuan Ying of the Righteous Alliance. The allegiance of the strong men in the Golden Core stage.

In this way, he can easily control the Righteous Alliance and the Tiandao Alliance. Now the Nine Nations Alliance has the same idea. They also want to get a share of the pie while the other three parties are in a tense state, because they also have control over the entire Tiandao Alliance. Other territories and cultivation resources in the southern region are very coveted, but because they have been entangled by the magicians in the Mulan Grassland, they have difficulty dividing their time.

Therefore, the purpose of holding the trade conference here this time is to see if they can get some benefits, especially because the top leaders of the Nine Nations Alliance want to spread the cost of dealing with Mulan Grassland to all the forces through this trade. After all, Once the magicians from the Mulan Grassland really invade the entire Tiannan region, it will not only be the Nine Nations Alliance that will be threatened, but the other three factions will also have difficulty escaping.

The Nine Nations Alliance has been relying on its own strength to resist the invasion of Mulan Grassland, so they also have their own plans. While Xu Changsheng was wandering around the city, a group of powerful immortal cultivators suddenly flew toward him. Coming over, Xu Changsheng just used his spiritual sense to sense it, and found that among the immortal cultivators flying towards him, there was a powerful Nascent Soul cultivator. Judging from their appearance, they should be heading directly towards Xu Changsheng. I have something to do with Xu Changsheng. After all, Xu Changsheng's strength is very conspicuous at this level.

Then Xu Changsheng was surprised to find the extremely grand appearance of the group of monks flying towards him. First of all, there were two rows of immortal cultivators wearing golden armor guarding them on both sides. In the middle was a suspended luxurious sedan, and the sedan There were many beautiful female cultivators beside them. They were still waving flower petals. Such an arrogant way of appearing made Xu Changsheng twitch his lips. He seemed to have guessed who the Nascent Soul Stage cultivator was. Who is it? Isn't this the Nanlong Marquis? Xu Changsheng dares to say that even the great masters in the transformation stage don't have such an exaggerated appearance.

This made Xu Changsheng realize what kind of character this powerful immortal cultivator had, but this had nothing to do with Xu Changsheng. He just hoped that Nanlong Marquis would not be too arrogant, otherwise Xu Changsheng might not be able to help but take action, and soon The Marquis of Nanlong specifically asked about Xu Changsheng's identity, but Xu Changsheng found it troublesome and did not reveal his true cultivation level and identity.

He just said that he was a casual cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage who had just arrived here. The reason why Nanlong Hou was interested in Xu Changsheng was because he found that Xu Changsheng looked very strange, and his appearance was very young and full of charm. The strong vitality shows that Xu Changsheng is not old, but such young Nascent Soul monks are very rare.

What also surprised Xu Changsheng was that Nanlong Hou actually wanted to compete with him. Xu Changsheng had no such interest at all, so he just smiled and did not agree. Although Nanlong Hou felt that It was embarrassing, but he did not take action blindly. After all, Xu Changsheng's current strength and cultivation were similar to those of Nanlong Hou. However, if Xu Changsheng had powerful attack methods, Nanlong Hou would also feel troublesome, and Fighting between monks is prohibited in this city.

Unless they arrive at a specific competition platform, but because Xu Changsheng rejected Nanlong Hou’s invitation to compete, Nanlong Hou can only say that he has kept Xu Changsheng in his heart, and if he meets him next time, he will give Xu Changsheng some advice. A lesson, and Xu Changsheng just looked at the arrogant and domineering Nanlong Marquis with an indifferent expression from the beginning to the end.

Xu Changsheng decided that if he met this guy next time, he would not hesitate to teach him a lesson, and turn him into his soul servant, let him serve him forever, or directly eliminate him, Xu Changsheng decided. Changsheng is a troublesome person, but if someone who can't see the situation clearly takes action against him, he doesn't mind sending the opponent on his way. Moreover, Xu Changsheng directly used the mysterious method to leave a deep mark on the Nanlong Marquis, regardless of whether he Xu Changsheng could sense his presence wherever he went.

Xu Changsheng is such a vengeful person, and Nanlong Marquis saw Xu Changsheng's indifferent attitude towards him, which made him very unhappy. Although he could not directly use powerful means to attack in this city, if he used obscure magic If he could attack with consciousness, then even if he was discovered, nothing would happen, so the Marquis of Nanlong actually used the consciousness attack method that he was proud of directly on Xu Changsheng.

But before his consciousness attack could land on Xu Changsheng, his soul consciousness felt intense pain, and he fainted directly on the luxurious sedan. It didn't take more than a few seconds before and after. The immortal cultivators who observed the situation here were not only shocked, but also did not dare to continue exploring here, because they had realized that Xu Changsheng might be a powerful cultivator who had hidden his strength.

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(End of this chapter)

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