Chapter 143 Ancient Heritage

Xu Changsheng followed the crowd into the teleportation array, and then as the array was activated, a white light shrouded them and disappeared instantly. When Xu Changsheng felt that his feet felt like they were stepping on the ground, he found that he It was on a very desolate-looking hillside, surrounded by rolling mountains. There were no other living creatures at all, not even vegetation.

Xu Changsheng had collected some information about the Fallen Demon Valley before he came in. His family knew that the Fallen Demon Valley was very wide. Although it was only about 100,000 miles long when viewed from the outside, it contained a lot of information. An independent space has a diameter of one million miles. Such a large area is comparable to the earth in the previous life. From here, we can see how powerful the monks in the ancient times were.

After all, the Falling Demon Valley can be regarded as an independent secret realm. The space in it actually does not belong to the human world in a strict sense. It is very likely to be at the junction between the human world and the demon world, so here Only those monks from the demon world wanted to invade the human world through here, but the human monks in the ancient times were very powerful and fought with the demon monks.

In the end, all the demon monks were resisted in the Falling Demon Valley. Although they paid a huge price, they were able to ensure the safety of the entire human world. Therefore, Xu Changsheng knew that there was probably a path leading to the demon world in the Falling Demon Valley. Space nodes, otherwise how would those monks from the demon world come in? However, although the strong men from the human world stopped the monks from the demon world, they could not destroy the space nodes here. Therefore, those powerful immortal cultivators from the ancient times would come here. There are dense ancient restrictions outside.

It is to completely seal off this space, and also to prevent monsters or monks from the demon world from invading the human world again. However, the demon world is very powerful and can compete with the spirit world, so those giants in the spirit world later The capable monks simply used powerful means to block the passage between the human world and the spiritual world. Their purpose of doing this was to prevent the demonic monks from the human world from entering the spiritual world and causing trouble.

Therefore, for those cultivators in the spiritual world, they no longer pay attention to the situation in the human world. In order to completely suppress the demonic energy in the human world, the powerful monks in the spiritual world directly took more than 90% of the human world. This has led to the current cultivation environment in the human world becoming worse and worse, and the spiritual energy becoming thinner and thinner, which naturally leads to fewer and fewer resources for cultivation.

Therefore, the current strength of immortal cultivators in the human world is generally not high. There are very few immortal cultivators who can cultivate to the level of Nascent Soul and above. As for the immortal cultivators in the transformation stage, there are even fewer, and even if they have extremely high talents in the human world By chance, one can practice to the stage of becoming a god, but it is impossible to go to the spirit world, because the great power of the spirit world has completely blocked the passage to ascension.

In the end, those powerful monks in the human world who are in the stage of becoming gods can only find ways to find space nodes. Can they enter the spiritual world through these space nodes and continue their path to immortality? So for the entire human world It can be said that this Falling Demon Valley is a very strange existence. It can be said that any immortal cultivator who has reached a certain level of cultivation will not come to such a place to have a good experience. Wouldn't it be a wasted trip?

As for Xu Changsheng, he also wants to enter the Falling Demon Valley to search for resources, and at the same time, he can also see what the so-called ancient demon cultivators and those monsters look like, so that he can also increase his knowledge, and this Falling Demon Valley It is very broad, but the cultivators who have just arrived here generally only have the qualifications and courage to reach the late stage of elixir formation or above.

Therefore, for the entire world of immortal cultivation, the number of high-level immortal cultivators who can enter the Falling Demon Valley is actually very small. With so few immortal cultivators gathered here, the possibility of encountering them is not high. After all, the teleportation outside The formation can only be used for random teleportation, but it has to be admitted that the teleportation array constructed by the Nascent Soul monks from various forces is quite good. It seems that they also conducted detailed investigations before preparing to enter the Falling Demon Valley, and then made Well prepared.

In fact, Xu Changsheng couldn't help frowning when he looked at the desolate environment around him, because no matter how desolate it was, it couldn't be without any life. Moreover, Xu Changsheng also found that the surrounding environment did not look like a natural composition. Man-made, this made Xu Changsheng wary. After all, he didn't know what kind of danger there was in the Falling Demon Valley. He only knew that some monks in the Nascent Soul stage had fallen here, and they had fallen. The way is very strange.

Then Xu Changsheng immediately radiated his powerful spiritual consciousness, and he immediately felt a powerful repulsive and restrictive force. This showed that the powerful restriction in the Falling Demon Valley had a suppressive effect on his spiritual consciousness, but Xu Changsheng The powerful spiritual consciousness he possesses can still explore a hundred miles around him. If he were replaced by other immortal cultivators in the late Nascent Soul stage, he would probably be able to explore a dozen miles, which would be the limit.

However, Xu Changsheng found that after some exploration, he still found no trace of other living creatures, let alone those cultivators. Regarding such a strange situation, Xu Changsheng would not take any immediate action, but Observing his current environment carefully, he found that he was in a valley, and the edge of the valley was the hillside where he appeared before.

The interesting thing is that based on Xu Changsheng's knowledge, he knew that this valley was probably bombarded by the powerful means of those cultivators in ancient times, and they only used one magic spell. The practitioner has a clearer understanding of the strength. You must know that such a large valley can be artificially created and directly change the entire terrain with just one move.

This kind of power is only available to high-level immortal cultivators in at least the late Nascent Soul stage or even the Divine Transformation stage. Moreover, after so many years, there are still fluctuations of spell energy in this valley, which directly leads to the collapse of the entire landform. The surrounding environment is barren, which shows that the magical powers and secrets of those cultivators in ancient times were far superior to those of today's cultivators.

Xu Changsheng was very eager for such a method. For Xu Changsheng, the many secret techniques he practiced helped him to create a very powerful foundation, allowing him to possess far more magical power than other immortal cultivators. However, Xu Changsheng discovered that he The power of the various secret techniques he cultivated has not reached its maximum, and only the methods of those powerful immortal cultivators in ancient times can truly allow Xu Changsheng to fight heartily and display his most powerful combat power.

This is also one of Xu Changsheng's purposes for coming to the Falling Demon Valley, which is to collect the inherited secrets left by those powerful immortal cultivators in ancient times. However, he will not copy them completely. After all, the environment of the current era is different, so he needs to Using this as a reference, he created a powerful magical power that was more suitable for him, so Xu Changsheng immediately began to fly here, because he knew that the Falling Demon Valley was very strange and contained many unexpected dangers, especially since there was still some space here. Cracks, or powerful restrictions placed by those powerful immortal cultivators in ancient times.

It would be very unwise to act rashly. Xu Changsheng would not directly use the earth spirit escape or teleportation he had practiced here. However, in order to ensure his own safety, Xu Changsheng continued to use his own skills during the flight. His powerful spiritual consciousness detects the surrounding environment. If he encounters a danger that he cannot detect, he will directly avoid it, thus ensuring his own safety.

The Fallen Demon Valley is very vast, but there is no detailed map. Moreover, many high-level immortal cultivators have entered it to explore over the years and still have not come up with a complete map. This makes Xu Changsheng feel a little strange, but it also shows that Due to the strange environment of the Falling Demon Valley, Xu Changsheng could only choose one direction and fly all the way. He chose this direction, which happened to be in the west, but he didn't know it. The reason why Xu Changsheng chose this direction was because he had previously obtained all the inheritance and treasures left by Master Cang Kun, among which There are some road maps about Falling Demon Valley, but these road maps are places that Master Cang Kun has experienced himself, and there is no reference at all, so Xu Changsheng does not know where the specific location is, but Xu Changsheng used a powerful After comparing the road map with his spiritual consciousness, he still found the corresponding direction.

Rather than searching blindly in the Fallen Demon Valley, it is better to follow the road map that you already know. This way, you can at least know some situations in advance, and maybe you can encounter some unexpected gains, and follow the instructions that Master Cang Kun originally left. Along the way, you may encounter the powerful Fire Toad Beast. From the information, Xu Changsheng can know that there is a spiritual fruit, the Fire Candle Fruit, which is an essential ingredient for refining the Creation Pill. Although this Creation Pill is not suitable for For Xu Changsheng, the effect is not very big.

But it has a good effect on his Taoist companions. In fact, Xu Changsheng's current state, if he uses it, it will have a big effect on him breaking through the God Transformation Stage in the future. It can at least help Xu Changsheng feel what the God Transformation Stage has to offer. The real changes brought about, thus laying a solid foundation for him to break through the divine transformation stage in the future. The more important thing is that the place guarded by the fire toad beast also has the remains of a powerful monk from ancient times, so there is likely to be that monk there. The ancient inheritance left behind.

The ancient inheritance is what Xu Changsheng cares about most when he comes to the Valley of Chasing Demons. Although Xu Changsheng has collected a lot of treasures and inheritances left by those who cultivated immortals in ancient times, whether in Chaotic Star Sea or Tiannan area, But many are incomplete and have changed beyond recognition over the years.

Therefore, Xu Changsheng has never found a complete, clear and accurate set of ancient inheritance, so Xu Changsheng hopes to get what he wants there. If he can get it, then he and his party can really do it this time in Falling Demon Valley. To achieve perfection, just as Xu Changsheng was flying, a sword light suddenly flew from a distance. Xu Changsheng's powerful spiritual consciousness could immediately discover that this sword light was actually an ancient treasure.

The monk who controlled this sword light was now hiding behind a hill. This made Xu Changsheng feel very speechless. He did not expect that he did not take action against other monks who came to take risks, but those monks actually had time to come. Looking for him, trying to snatch the treasures from him. After all, Xu Changsheng now hides his cultivation level and only shows the realm of the early Yuanying stage.

The monk who attacked Xu Changsheng was a casual cultivator in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. Xu Changsheng could be so sure about the situation of the immortal cultivator who attacked him because his powerful spiritual consciousness had already detected that the immortal cultivator had no What kind of powerful secret method inheritance, and the treasures on his body are very rare, and he is also very old, and has almost reached the limit of his lifespan. It seems that this immortal cultivator came to the Falling Demon Valley, most likely looking for something that can extend his lifespan. treasure.

It's a pity that it is very difficult to obtain such treasures during the process of falling into the Demon Valley, so the immortal cultivator set his target on the other cultivators who came in, but this old man made a wrong calculation. , because the person he initially ambushed was Xu Changsheng, and now he knows Xu Changsheng, the Nascent Soul cultivator from various forces in the entire Tiannan region, including the Mulan Grassland.

After all, in order to strengthen management, Xu Changsheng had asked them all to visit the Yellow Maple Valley, the headquarters of the Seven Immortals Alliance. Therefore, even if they were disguised, the Nascent Soul cultivators from various forces could not escape Xu Changsheng's spiritual detection, but those who belonged to the casual cultivators The immortal cultivators are not under Xu Changsheng's complete control. In fact, Xu Changsheng has given orders to all the senior leaders of the Seven Immortals Alliance, asking them to incorporate those powerful casual cultivators into the Seven Immortals Alliance, no matter what method is used.

If those casual cultivators are disobedient, Xu Changsheng does not mind using powerful control methods to turn them into soul servants. After all, the entire Tiannan region is now his territory in Xu Changsheng's eyes, and he will never allow anything beyond his control. There are powerful cultivators, but it takes time to execute, so now Xu Changsheng will not feel so strange when he sees a Nascent Soul stage casual cultivator attacking him.

It's just that the old man chose Xu Changsheng as the target of robbery. Xu Changsheng didn't want to waste time on this old man, so he directly used his powerful spiritual consciousness to immediately smash the old man's sea of ​​consciousness, and at the same time used his own magic weapon. The flying sword Qing Lei Sword instantly penetrated the old man's Dantian, annihilating the Nascent Soul within it into nothingness.

It can be said that Xu Changsheng directly killed the old casual cultivator in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. Even the old man fell like this without reacting. After Xu Changsheng put away the old man's ancient treasures and all the treasures on his body, he could still see Seeing the frightened look on the old man's face, although the value of the old man's treasures as a casual cultivator is not very high, it is still a good fortune for Xu Changsheng. He can give these treasures to his fellow Taoists. Practice.

After Xu Changsheng simply dealt with the old man, he continued to move forward. On the way, he saw many immortal cultivators fighting among themselves. This made him understand that in this chasing devil valley, in addition to the original dangers, In addition, there are also sneak attacks from other immortal cultivators, but there are not many immortal cultivators taking action against Xu Changsheng now.

After all, Xu Changsheng has now directly manifested the realm of the late Nascent Soul. The purpose of doing this is to avoid troublesome things like the old man sneak attacking him before. Compared with the treasures on the bodies of these immortal cultivators who came in, Xu Changsheng's ability to fall into the demon I am even more interested in the ancient inheritance and treasures in the valley.

Of course, if some blind cultivators attack him, Xu Changsheng will not be polite and will just eliminate them and rob them of their treasures. Xu Changsheng has long been familiar with this process, but Xu Changsheng During his flight, he also discovered some dangerous beams of light coming out of the space cracks, but with the protection of his natal magic weapon, he didn't have to worry at all. As long as he didn't get caught in the space cracks, he would be fine.

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(End of this chapter)

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