Mortal cultivation begins with immortality

Chapter 156 Killing the Demon

Chapter 156 Killing the Demon

Xu Changsheng looked at the Nascent Soul Stage monks running in all directions, and he felt very speechless. After all, this time, the most powerful immortal cultivators in the entire Falling Demon Valley were gathered together. So many strong men besieged an ancient The demon cultivator was actually beaten to the ground and fled in the blink of an eye. If this was spread to the outside world, it would make people laugh.

From this, Xu Changsheng can see that the strength of these Nascent Soul cultivators in the human world is really poor, and their mental state is not that strong. Xu Changsheng also discovered that these Nascent Soul cultivators in the human world are really poor. The practitioners no longer have the idea and belief of sacrificing for the entire human race. After all, for the Nascent Soul cultivators, the most important thing they care about is their own lives and cultivation.

It can be said that immortal cultivators who can cultivate to their level have basically given up a lot of things, including the so-called conscience. It is basically impossible for them to fight this ancient demon cultivator here. , even Xu Changsheng couldn't do it, but Xu Changsheng knew very well that once this ancient demon cultivator really escaped, it would be a very terrible thing for the entire human world.

The first to suffer disaster will definitely be the immortal world and those mortals in the Tiannan region. This will also cause everything Xu Changsheng has done before to be wasted. In order to allow himself to have more cultivation resources in the future and ensure that his realm improves, That's why he spent a lot of time and thought to unify the entire Tiannan region. If this ancient demon cultivator really destroyed his layout, it would definitely not be a good thing for Xu Changsheng.

So after Xu Changsheng thought of this, he knew that he could no longer hide, so he immediately chased in the direction where the ancient demon cultivator was running. In just a few blinks, Xu Changsheng caught up with the ancient demon cultivator. , after all, Xu Changsheng has now mastered the great magical power of teleportation, and he is very powerful, so there is no need to worry about the threat this ancient demon cultivator poses to him. The only thing that needs to be paid attention to is this ancient demon cultivator. Are there any weird tricks that are difficult to prevent?

After all, the true realm of this ancient demon cultivator is the peak level of God Transformation. Even though his current strength has not reached the peak state, all his combat experience and methods belong to the peak level of God Transformation, so he has to be on guard, but Xu Changsheng He also knew that it was impossible for this ancient demon cultivator to keep him here, because Xu Changsheng had extremely powerful talent and strength in escaping.

Even a super strong person whose realm is one level higher than him can't trap him. It is precisely because of this that Xu Changsheng decided to take action. After all, he knew through observation before that although this ancient demon cultivator was a means Powerful, but not beyond his original expectations, but when Xu Changsheng chased after him, he saw the ancient demon cultivator devouring the mana of a casual cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage.

When Xu Changsheng saw this situation, he immediately took action and sent out a very powerful blue sword energy to bombard the ancient demon cultivator. However, Xu Changsheng was a little surprised when his sword energy actually landed on this ancient demon cultivator. When the demon cultivator was on his body, the ancient demon cultivator turned into mist and dissipated in the sky.

It did not cause any harm to him. On the contrary, the Nascent Soul Stage cultivator whose mana was devoured by him was turned into fly ash under the bombardment of the sword energy. From here, it can be seen that this ancient demon cultivator has a very powerful body. After all, the sword energy used by Xu Changsheng was very fast, and even carried some magical powers of teleportation. Even the immortal cultivators in the late Yuan Ying stage could not escape Xu Changsheng's attack.

But this ancient demonic cultivator was able to easily escape. Of course, the main reason was that the movement skills used by this ancient demonic cultivator were at the level of god transformation. Xu Changsheng just sensed this ancient demonic cultivator and discovered The realm has actually recovered to the level of Nascent Soul perfection. This recovery speed is really too fast. After all, when he was in that independent space before, Xu Changsheng discovered that the realm of this ancient demon cultivator was still in the early stage of Nascent Soul. degree.

However, in less than an hour, the realm of this ancient demon cultivator has been continuously improved by three small realms. If the ancient demon cultivator continues to recover, it is likely that he will be able to directly return to the peak state of becoming a god. In this way There is absolutely no advantage for Xu Changsheng. After all, Xu Changsheng's current state is still at the level of Nascent Soul Consummation. Although he is only one step away from breaking through to the state of becoming a god, he still needs a person to truly break through this bottleneck. Opportunity.

As long as there is no real breakthrough in the realm of divine transformation, it is very difficult to 100% capture this ancient demon cultivator, so Xu Changsheng decided to take action now, before this ancient demon cultivator has fully recovered. Eliminate them completely, so that you can maintain the strong power you have established in the Tiannan region.

As for the Nascent Soul stage casual cultivator who fell under Xu Changsheng's attack, it can only be said that he was unlucky. Originally, Xu Changsheng had planned to recover all these casual cultivators in the Tiannan area, or to eliminate them completely, so that he could truly Let yourself unify all the forces in the Tiannan region. Now they are exactly at the place where Xu Changsheng and this ancient demon cultivator are fighting. Therefore, if they are eliminated by Xu Changsheng's sword energy, they are also eliminated.

No strong person would take action for him. For example, after Xu Changsheng took action, the figure of the ancient demon cultivator quickly regrouped not far away, and the ancient demon cultivator looked at him very vigilantly. Looking at Xu Changsheng, because this ancient demon cultivator could sense the dangerous aura from Xu Changsheng, which made him feel very surprised, because the strength and various means he now possesses can threaten him in the human world. There are not many strong men left.

Only those powerful human monks whose strength has reached the stage of divine transformation can pose a real threat to him. However, the aura exuding from Xu Changsheng in front of him is clearly at the level of the early Yuanying stage, but just now Xu Changsheng sent out a The sword energy can instantly eliminate an immortal cultivator in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. This shows that Xu Changsheng's actual combat power far exceeds his current level, or that Xu Changsheng has very powerful concealment methods that can hide himself. The true realm is hidden, but no matter what the situation is, for this ancient demon cultivator, he must deal with Xu Changsheng in front of him.

Because only in this way can he truly concentrate his strength to devour all the mana of all the immortal cultivators in Fallen Demon Valley, allowing him to completely restore his peak cultivation level. This is also the purpose he wanted to achieve with his previous layout, and even They also made up legendary ancient elixir gardens like Lingmiao Garden as a means to attract the Yuan Ying stage cultivators from the human race, so that they could all be caught in one fell swoop, and they could also improve their own cultivation and open up the demon world. The space channel between the human world.

Finally, he led the army of the demon world over and truly occupied the human world, thereby completing the tasks previously assigned to this ancient demon cultivator by the adults in the demon world. Although he had already wasted countless hours waiting for such an opportunity, as long as If he can complete the task, there is still room for redemption. The current immortal cultivators in the human world are really too weak.

It is absolutely impossible to be an opponent of the demon world's army, so once the demon world's armies can be led over, it will be much easier than before to occupy the entire human world. When the time comes, those powerful sealed space passages from the spirit world If it is opened, then the demon world can use the human world as a springboard to invade the spiritual world. In the eyes of this ancient demon cultivator, all his plans are seamless. This is also what he arranged by observing the situation of the entire human world for a long time. .

In fact, when Xu Changsheng was watching the battle between the ancient demon cultivator and other immortal cultivators from a distance, the ancient demon cultivator had already noticed Xu Changsheng's traces, but the aura exuding from Xu Changsheng made him This ancient demonic cultivator didn't dare to take action easily, so he simply chose to ignore it. What the ancient demonic cultivator didn't expect was that Xu Changsheng Jingai chased him personally, apparently wanting to fight him. This couldn't help but make the ancient demon cultivator become serious. He wanted to know the specific strength of Xu Changsheng who could pose a threat to him, so a battle started between the two. Xu Changsheng wanted to win. , directly took out all five of his natal magic weapons, and even took out a few powerful top-level ancient treasures.

This led to the moment when Xu Changsheng took action, he was surrounded by powerful magic weapons, which looked like jewels. This scene shocked the ancient demon cultivator because he had never seen any. A Nascent Soul cultivator can control so many powerful magic weapons at the same time, and there are even ancient treasures that can threaten him.

No matter in any interface, for a monk to control magic weapons or even ancient treasures, he needs to consume a lot of mana. However, Xu Changsheng seems to have endless mana. He can actually control these magic weapons and at the same time, he can also emit powerful sounds. The sword energy was used to deal with it, but this ancient demon cultivator felt that the person he was fighting was not a simple Nascent Soul cultivator, but as if a large group of powerful immortal cultivators from the Nascent Soul stage were besieging him.

Moreover, Xu Changsheng has not yet shown his true strength. Now he seems to be testing the various methods of this ancient demon cultivator. This makes this ancient demon cultivator feel some pressure. After all, the magic weapons that Xu Changsheng possesses contain the All aspects, whether it is defense against attacks or body skills, have reached an impeccable level.

The result of this was that the ancient demon cultivator fought for a long time and was unable to cause any actual harm to Xu Changsheng. Instead, he consumed a lot of mana. In the end, he was attacked several times by Xu Changsheng during the battle, which caused his The soul body also suffered a lot of damage. The ancient demon cultivator immediately knew that Xu Changsheng wanted to defeat him through this war of attrition. If this continued, the ancient demon cultivator would definitely be the one to lose in the end.

So he no longer held back on this ancient demonic cultivator, but directly used powerful methods at the level of the God Transformation Stage. Suddenly, the ancient demonic cultivator directly transformed into a Nine Heavenly Demon Lord with a height of 100 feet. This is actually the God Transformation Stage. A powerful magical power that only monks can master.

This ancient demonic cultivator originally possessed the realm of peak god transformation, so it is not surprising that he used such a method, but his current strength has not yet fully recovered, so after using such a move, his mana is consumed It is even more serious, especially since the concentration of demonic energy contained in their current location is not as high as that of the previous independent space. Therefore, if this ancient demon cultivator consumes too much of his demonic energy, it will be difficult to replenish it in time. Did it.

Therefore, this ancient demon cultivator knew very well that he needed to achieve a quick victory, so when he next fought with Xu Changsheng, he showed that his methods were very powerful. Every move he made could change the surrounding landforms, regardless of the situation. Whether it was mountains or rivers, all were turned into fly ash, which directly caused space shock and the entire earth was trembling.

Even the hidden space cracks around them were revealed one after another. However, both the ancient demon cultivator and Xu Changsheng had powerful physical and magical powers, so they could easily avoid the threat of these space cracks. As the two of them performed During the battle, the surrounding human cultivators who were running away were very shocked, and some even turned back to look at the place where the two were fighting, because the two people were fighting with great momentum.

Even if it can be felt throughout the Falling Demon Valley, these fleeing human immortal cultivators can't help but guess which strong man is fighting the ancient demon cultivator. Could such a powerful energy fluctuation have appeared? A powerful human being in the divine transformation stage has come here. If this is really the case, then it is a good thing for all the human cultivators present. At least they can ensure that their safety will not be affected.

Of course, some of these immortal cultivators still know something about the situation, such as those Yuanying stage elders who originally belonged to the Seven Immortals Alliance. They know that the only person in the entire Tiannan region who has truly reached the power of becoming a god is their leader. , which made them speculate that the mysterious and powerful monk who had appeared now might be their leader.

After all, according to their understanding, their alliance leader often changes into different appearances, and hides his identity to travel to various places in the world of immortality. A powerful secret realm like Falling Demon Valley can attract the extremely powerful alliance leader. It will not be surprising if it comes. If this is the case, then this time the ancient demon cultivator may be eliminated by their leader, so that the entire Tiannan region will not be affected by the ancient demon cultivator, at least it can Keep them safe.

At this moment, all the human cultivators breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts. However, they did not dare to approach the place where Xu Changsheng and the ancient demon cultivator fought. Instead, they hurriedly evacuated. They wanted to leave this place directly. In Falling Demon Valley, they could only rest assured if they escaped outside. This resulted in the fact that only Xu Changsheng and this ancient demon cultivator were left in the entire Falling Demon Valley.

So they had no scruples when fighting, which directly led to the destruction of all the surrounding mountains and landscapes. This scene reminded the ancient demon cultivator of the ancient times when he led a large number of demon armies to invade the human world, and The scene of a war between those cultivators in the human world. However, after so many years, the spiritual energy in the human world has become thinner, and the general strength of the cultivators has dropped a lot, but he did not expect that there would be a person who could completely crush him. One of his human Yuanying stage monks.

You must know that this ancient demon cultivator has collected a lot of information about the human world through constant observation over the years, so he took action now. However, at this moment, he couldn't help but feel a little doubtful about the information he had collected. After all, Xu The strength and methods displayed by Changsheng are very similar to those of powerful immortal cultivators in ancient times, and are even more powerful than the methods of those powerful immortal cultivators in ancient times.

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(End of this chapter)

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