Chapter 166 Golden Palace

Although Xu Changsheng didn't know what kind of treasures there were in this ancient secret realm that could attract so many powerful people, he just happened to encounter it because of his luck. In this case, he naturally had to search for it carefully. I hope You can encounter treasures that you are interested in, or powerful inheritances and treasures left by powerful immortal cultivators in ancient times. After all, such things are not uncommon in ancient secret realms.

And no one would dislike the large number of treasures they possess and being able to attract so many powerful monks to adventure here. Even the saint from the Tianlan Temple came here regardless of the war with other forces. Treasure hunting, this shows that the value of the treasures is very high, Xu Changsheng wants to see what kind of treasures can attract the special attention of this saint.

However, after Xu Changsheng saw the appearance of this saint, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, because he found that this saint was really good-looking. Xu Changsheng had seen the saint over at Mulan Grassland. That saint She is also very beautiful, but her temperament is very cold, giving people a cold feeling without any emotions. Xu Changsheng has no interest in a saint like this, no matter how beautiful she is.

On the contrary, Xu Changsheng had a different feeling about the saint from Tianlan Temple. This saint seemed to have a unique temperament and was very quirky. She often had a cunning look in her eyes, which could give people a sense of wonder. He was very impressed, and Xu Changsheng felt that he could try if he had the chance to see if he could capture the Tianlan Saint.

The reason why Xu Changsheng had such an idea was not only because he saw that the Tianlan Saint was very beautiful, but also a very important reason was that Xu Changsheng wanted to control the entire Tianlan Grassland in this way. After all, the Saint was in Tianlan. The position in Lan Grassland is very special, a bit similar to the next controller of Tianlan Grassland.

After all, whether it is Mulan Grassland or Tianlan Grassland, they are all controlled by powerful temples, and each temple master is succeeded by the current saint, so the status of the saint is so high, even if Even those powerful divine masters have to obey the instructions of the Saint. The most important thing is that the Saint can master the most powerful method, which is the power to summon the holy beast.

Whether it is Mulan Grassland or Tianlan Grassland, the holy beast they enshrine is actually a dharma body descended from a very powerful beast in the spiritual world, but even so, it can possess powerful combat power comparable to the god-transformation stage.

Now the most powerful immortal cultivators in the human world are only at the level of becoming gods. It is precisely because Mulan Grassland and Tianlan Grassland have such powerful trump cards that they have been able to control the entire grassland for such a long time. , even the powerful forces around them did not dare to take action against them.

Whether it is the immortal cultivators in the Tiannan region or the powerful immortal cultivators in the Jin Empire, they will not easily attack the magicians in these two grasslands, mainly because they are worried that these two grasslands will directly summon the saints. The power of the beast will perish together with them.

However, even if the immortal sects in the Tiannan area and the Jin Empire do not take action against the two grasslands, the magicians from the two grasslands will eventually want to occupy the territories of these two forces. This is because these two major The resources for cultivating immortals in the grasslands are really too poor, and every time the temples in the two grasslands use the method of summoning holy beasts, they consume a lot of resources and lose many magicians as sacrifices.

Therefore, such a powerful method is not something they can use if they want to. Unless they have to, they will not summon the power of the holy beast, because once the holy beast is summoned and it still fails, it will be a huge blow to them, almost annihilating them. disaster.

Xu Changsheng had a basic understanding of the situation in these two grasslands, so he directly asked the Seven Immortals Alliance and the mages from the Mulan Grassland to join forces to occupy the Tianlan Grassland, because he would definitely do it next To attack the Jin Empire, if he could not open up the road to the Tianlan Grassland, then the execution of his plan would be hindered. As for sending ships or flying around the Tianlan Grassland, that would be impossible.

After all, there are many dangerous environments in this world, and there are powerful sea beasts in the ocean. If Xu Changsheng adopts a method of bypassing Tianlan Grassland to enter the Jin Empire, it will have a great impact on him, and maybe there will be There were many changes, which caused a lot of damage to the Seven Immortals Alliance under his control.

So Xu Changsheng needed to occupy Tianlan Grassland no matter what, but he knew very well that the immortal cultivating sects belonging to the Jin Empire that bordered Tianlan Grassland would not be able to agree.

Because once Xu Changsheng really captures the Tianlan Grassland, the war will definitely spread to the Jin Empire. It will be very disadvantageous for those cultivating sects. They are even willing to directly send a large number of cultivators to stop Xu Changsheng. The Seven Immortals Alliance took control, and then set the battlefield directly on the Tianlan Grassland, and were not willing to let the Seven Immortals Alliance fight over like this.

In fact, the actions of the Seven Immortals Alliance and the actions of various immortal cultivating sects in the Jin Empire have attracted the attention of the magicians here in Tianlan Grassland, especially the priests who manage Tianlan Temple and this saint. They have even guessed the plans of the top leaders of both parties.

In fact, the strength of Tianlan Grassland is completely unable to stop the battle between such large forces on both sides. In the end, it is only possible to involve the entire Tianlan Grassland. Therefore, no matter whether the two sides win or lose, in the end, the troops on Tianlan Grassland will In the end, the people will be basically exhausted in the war between the two sides, and even suffer widespread casualties.

The senior officials in Tianlan Temple who are in charge of the entire Tianlan Grassland are definitely not willing to see their territory become a battlefield between the two major forces. However, their strength is low, so they have no choice. However, in comparison , they trust the Jin Empire more. After all, the Jin Empire has not taken action against them for a long time, and the two sides have maintained a peaceful situation for a long time.

Moreover, the major cultivating sects in the Jin Empire have a lot of cultivation resources. It is impossible for them to look at such a barren place as Tianlan Grassland. Therefore, for the senior officials of the various sects in the Jin Empire, they would rather waste time to occupy Tianlan Grassland. Lan Grassland, why not use it as a transit point to separate the road between the Tiannan region and the Jin Empire.

Although there are not many immortal cultivation resources in the Tiannan area, there are also many immortal cultivation forces there. If they really have ideas about the Jin Empire and want to send troops to occupy the territory of the Jin Empire, they will eventually It will bring a lot of losses to the Jin Empire. In the past, the senior officials of the Jin Empire would not worry about the immortal cultivating forces in the Tiannan region, but it is different now.

This is mainly because there were many forces in the Tiannan region before, and they were in the stage of contradictions and conflicts. It can be said that they were scattered. But now with the rise of the Seven Immortals Alliance, the immortal cultivating forces in the entire Tiannan region have been All unified together, they naturally have very strong strength. In addition, Xu Changsheng has taken many measures during this period, which made the senior officials of the Xiuxian sect in the Jin Empire suspect that Xu Changsheng had the idea of ​​​​taking action against them, so They have to defend.

If it were the very powerful immortal cultivating sects in the heart of the Jin Empire, they would naturally not worry about the Seven Immortals Alliance in the Tiannan region, because although the various forces in the Tiannan region were very powerful when they gathered together, they still could not fight with them. The powerful immortal cultivating sects in the center of the Jin Empire were in conflict with each other, but they were a serious problem for these immortal cultivating sects on the fringes.

Moreover, the current Jin Empire no longer has a very united force like before, because it has generally maintained peaceful coexistence for a long time. During this period, many new sects were established, and these sects continue to this day. They carried out small-scale battles to seize territory and cultivation resources, so there were many conflicts between them, especially after some powerful cultivating sects grew up, they no longer obeyed the dispatches of the high-level empire sects. This has led to the emergence of powerful immortal cultivating sects in the Jin Empire, each occupying a territory, and then becoming almost independent existences. To be more precise, the core senior officials of the Jin Empire are no longer able to truly control the powerful immortal cultivating sects nearby. .

Therefore, after changes occurred on the Mulan Grassland, the immortal cultivating sects of the Jin Empire, which were very close to the Mulan Grassland, could only rely on their own strength to stop this change. That's why they sent a large number of disciples to gather here just to prepare. The Alliance of Seven Immortals is calling over.

Xu Changsheng already knows this information, because when he explores this secret realm, he will also find some elite disciples of the Jin Empire's immortal cultivation forces who are alone, so Xu Changsheng will naturally not let them go, and directly read them Memories, I learned a lot of information I wanted to know, especially about the countermeasures taken by the sects on the edge of the Jin Empire this time.

It's just that the top leaders of these sects are also very smart. They didn't take action immediately. Instead, they wanted to let the magicians on the Mulan Grassland side first come forward to block the forces on the Seven Immortals Alliance, and then finally take action to win it in one fell swoop. It is equivalent to sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight, and then sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

Xu Changsheng also felt a little speechless about the countermeasures taken by the senior officials of the immortal cultivating sects in the Jin Empire. He did not expect that these senior officials would completely ignore the losses suffered by the magicians on the Tianlan Grassland and would only take this kind of measures. With a cold-looking attitude, what they didn't know was that the strength of the Seven Immortals Alliance had actually far exceeded their expectations. It was impossible for Tianlan Grassland to cause huge losses to the Seven Immortals Alliance.

In other words, it is not that difficult for the Seven Immortals Alliance to capture Tianlan Grassland. The only thing that needs to be paid attention to is the holy beast that the saint of Tianlan Temple can summon.

However, Xu Changsheng came forward in person, so the senior officials of the Seven Immortals Alliance no longer worried about such a thing. After all, Xu Changsheng's strength can completely suppress the dharma body of the Tianlan Holy Beast, and Xu Changsheng will choose to use this method now. He appeared in Tianlan Grassland in this way, and he also came with this mission. His purpose of doing this was to minimize the losses of the Seven Immortals Alliance.

After all, the Tianlan Grassland is of average value to the Seven Immortals Alliance. Xu Changsheng just hopes that his monks can take him safely through here in the future, so as to reach the hinterland of the Jin Empire.

As for Xu Changsheng's true purpose, whether it was the senior officials of the Tianlan Temple or the senior officials of the immortal sects in the Jin Empire, they had only partially guessed Xu Changsheng's specific plan, because they felt that the current Seven Immortals Alliance's The strength is not enough to confront the entire Jin Empire, so even if Xu Changsheng takes action, he may just want to occupy the Tianlan Grassland in the end. Even if he has a bigger goal, he will only attack the weak immortal cultivating sects on the edge of Tianlan Grassland. Just take action.

In other words, Xu Changsheng wanted to occupy the entire Jin Empire and then control the entire human world. Even if Xu Changsheng said this, no strong person would believe it, because they would only laugh at Xu Changsheng's whims, because So far, there has never been a situation in the entire human world where a strong person can truly unify it, not even those powerful monks in the God Transformation Stage can do it.

The most important thing is that it doesn't make much sense to them, because for the powerful monks in the transformation stage, what they care about most now is to find a stable space node, and then use it to go to the inner spirit world. Climb a higher path to immortality, improve your realm, extend your life, and gain more power, that's all.

Therefore, they are not very interested in the interest disputes between various immortal cultivating sects in the entire human world, and they are even less likely to come out to fight for the interests of these immortal cultivating sects.

If it weren't for the fact that those powerful monks in the transformation stage are inextricably linked to many immortal cultivating sects in the human world, they would not pay attention to these mundane things at all, even if these powerful monks in the transformation stage have their names. On top of those powerful immortal sects in the core area, but if they encounter immortal cultivators of the same level as themselves or even more powerful than themselves.

They will not take action. Even if these sects are eventually destroyed, they will not really care. After all, nothing is more important than their lives. It is for this reason that Xu Changsheng has the courage. Go to the Jin Empire to explore, and even directly control various forces behind the scenes. This will make it easier to control the Jin Empire, unify the power of the entire human world for your own use, and collect a large amount of cultivation resources to combine your own strength and The realm has been raised to the limit of the current world.

Xu Changsheng, together with these powerful immortal cultivators and the saints from the Tianlan Temple, all rushed to the core of this ancient secret realm at the same time. They were not interested in the treasures that appeared around them at all, because they understood that in their realm, they also Only the treasures in the core area can have an effect on them. As for the other treasures, the level is too low. It will only be a waste of time for them to search for them. Instead of doing this, it is better to focus all their attention on the core area.

Because that was the real treasure house of this ancient secret realm. Soon Xu Changsheng finally arrived at the core area of ​​this secret realm, and then he saw a very magnificent golden palace. What’s interesting is that this palace was actually fully used. He also found a large number of Gengjing among several very high-grade materials, which shocked him. After all, Gengjing was a very rare and top-grade material in the entire human world.

This shows that the level of treasures in this palace must be very high. It is not in vain that Xu Changsheng came here to explore after such a long distance. Moreover, with the powerful spiritual power that Xu Changsheng currently possesses, when he directly explores Then I discovered that this palace turned out to be a heaven-reaching spiritual treasure. It might be a treasure left by a powerful ancient immortal cultivator, and it could also isolate it from all spiritual exploration.

However, using such a powerful treasure as the place of his inheritance is really a wealthy thing. Xu Changsheng wanted to see what was in it that could have such a grand appearance.

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(End of this chapter)

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