Chapter 198 Original Space

It can be said that the ferocious beasts in the territory of the entire secret world and the human immortal cultivators from outside have regarded Xu Changsheng as their biggest opponent. After all, Xu Changsheng has now used powerful means to conquer all the lords in the entire secret world. It led them to fight each other for territory and resources, which caused the world to begin to become chaotic.

In particular, Xu Changsheng also affected the restrictions in this world, and he only appeared as a ferocious beast from beginning to end, and did not reveal his true identity to the public.

Therefore, those lords who have not yet been controlled have all joined forces to deal with Xu Changsheng, because if Xu Changsheng really eliminates and controls them and becomes the controller of this secret world, it means that they will need to obey Xu Changsheng in the future. However, for these demon kings who have been lords in a certain field, they are not willing to just obey this existence that is more powerful than them.

Because this means that they cannot fully allocate the resources in the territory they own. If Xu Changsheng finally asks them to do something dangerous, they will not be able to refuse. Therefore, for all the lords, they are unwilling to accept this. This situation, so they are willing to join forces for a confrontation, rather than just give up resistance.

And based on the information they learned, it was clear that the demon kings in the territories that were finally controlled by Xu Changsheng did not fall in the end, but were controlled by Xu Changsheng and became his subordinates. This means that even if these demon kings let the lords By joining forces to fight against Xu Changsheng, there was no need to worry about the safety of his own life, and Xu Changsheng would still need to rely on them to control the ferocious beasts in the territory.

Therefore, after these demon kings guaranteed that their lives were not safe, they became bolder. They thought it would be better to resist. If they succeeded, then they would be eligible to re-divide the territory occupied by Xu Changsheng. , This way, you can have more territory and resources. Even if you fail in the end, there will not be a very serious situation. You will just need to carry out Xu Changsheng's orders.

Of course, if this secret world can finally be unified and controlled, there may be some unexpected situations, such as the loosening of the restrictive forces that originally suppressed them, and then they will have the opportunity to break through to a higher realm. In this way, you can gain greater strength, and in the end you may be able to leave this secret world and venture into a wider space.

So no matter what, they would not lose anything to these ferocious beasts. In this case, they were willing to unite and win over those human immortal cultivators to fight against Xu Changsheng. He felt a little helpless, because he really needed to use these demon kings to control these territories.

The reason for this is that Xu Changsheng himself is not a ferocious beast in this secret world, so he cannot often appear in front of these ferocious beasts, and his purpose of controlling this secret world is to obtain more cultivation resources. , and control these demon kings to become a powerful force for themselves, and finally use them to control the entire human world.

Although the strength of these demon kings has not reached a very high level, they have the talent and potential to improve their realm and strength. Now they just need a chance. The most important thing is that their number is large enough. Once obtained, Breakthrough, then Xu Changsheng will have a large group of Nascent Soul-level subordinates.

So under this situation, Xu Changsheng will naturally not kill these demon kings easily, and Xu Changsheng really hopes to indirectly control those different territories through these demon kings, and it is impossible for him to control them personally. , because that would waste a lot of his time. All Xu Changsheng needs is the training resources in the secret world and these powerful beasts to charge into battle for him. As for letting him personally manage the internal affairs of these beasts , Xu Changsheng does not have such time and thoughts.

And since Xu Changsheng had chosen the restricted core origin that controlled the secret world, he went directly to a seemingly inconspicuous valley in the center of the world, but his The powerful men did not stop attacking other territories at this time, so that Xu Changsheng could divert the attention of those ferocious beasts that had not yet chosen to join him.

As for the human cultivators who came in from the outside, Xu Changsheng did not take them seriously at all, because these cultivators were generally not that strong. Although they carried many powerful magic weapons in their hands, they could not resist Xu Changsheng's Attack, the most important thing is that they came here just to explore the situation here for their sect.

And as these incoming human immortal cultivators pass on the information, Xu Changsheng believes that more high-level immortal cultivators will come to this secret world, so if he wants to win them all by himself, then , that is impossible, even if he lets the powerful demon kings he controls attack together, it is impossible to do it.

In this case, if Xu Changsheng wants to achieve his goal in a happier and simpler way, then he needs to have a power that can directly control the entire secret world. The thing that can possess this power is naturally this The most powerful restraining power in the secret world of Fang can at least exert the same level of power as the rules in this secret world. This can be said to be the most critical step that can ultimately determine the outcome.

Xu Changsheng originally planned to improve his own strength by digesting the cultivation resources here. In fact, he would be able to use more methods before the rules were suppressed. However, he felt that this would not only waste time, but also probably have certain consequences. Risk, after all, as long as the power of rules exists, he will not be able to escape the shackles of the rules no matter how he practices.

In this case, why not directly control the rules, and finally use the power of the rules to suppress all the powerful people who came to this secret world, so Xu Changsheng's idea is very smart, and it is most in line with the actual situation and most in line with him. Once he can achieve the current interests, he will not only be able to completely master this secret world and obtain a large amount of cultivation resources, including these powerful demon kings, but also finally be able to visit all the immortal sects located nearby in Liaozhou. Those high-level immortal cultivators have all control.

Then Xu Changsheng's plan to conquer the entire world of immortal cultivation in the Jin Empire can be accelerated. Now the ferocious beasts and human immortal cultivators in the entire secret world have set their sights and main goals on fighting with each other. , so no other strong people paid attention to this valley area. Of course, another reason is that there does not seem to be anything strange about this valley area. If Xu Changsheng had not obtained more than half of the map, it would be difficult for him to deduce The core origin of the restriction that controls the entire secret world is actually here.

But this is good, at least there are no other strong people to interfere with Xu Changsheng's behavior. In addition, this action belongs to Xu Changsheng's personal actions, so it will not attract anyone's attention. Although there are some very strange spaces in the human world. , they can have some rules that are different from the outside world, but the problem is that they cannot say that this is an independent small world, and they cannot form such an independent law force at any time.

It is impossible for those beings living in space to realize that these rules are not actually the rules of heaven and earth formed by the power of laws. In addition, they do not understand the situation in the outside world, so they have been born under such space rules for a long time. After that, they felt that the rules of this world might be like this. Only those lords and demon kings in various territories can come into contact with the truth of this secret world, so they always want to improve their realm and strength, because once they can break through, it means that they will have a longer lifespan and more powerful weapons. Strength, but the problem is that even if they know the truth, it is difficult to change it, because they do not have such means, and they do not even know the specific location of the core origin of the entire secret world.

Even if they want to obtain maps of other territories, those lords will not agree. Therefore, in the passage of long time, no demon king knows the specific location of the forbidden origin core that controls their secret world. However, Xu Changsheng is completely different from these ferocious beasts and the foreign human cultivators. Because he has very strong powers of observation and happens to understand the power of the restriction, he can immediately detect the peculiarities of the entire secret world. Only in this way can we develop a more perfect and efficient plan.

It's just that Xu Changsheng is looking at this very wide valley area, and it is still a little difficult to find the place where the restricted origin core is actually buried. The reason for this is because this time the space can form a barrier for all the powerful people who come in. This kind of suppression, even their spiritual consciousness is like this, so he cannot directly detect the location of the source of the restriction.

This means that Xu Changsheng needs to explore this valley from beginning to end. Although it will take some time, there is no other way because he can only find the specific location of the origin in this way. , Fortunately, this valley area is not very empty, so Xu Changsheng finally found the origin place he wanted to find after searching for a few days, but Xu Changsheng discovered that the real origin place was actually in another layer of space. .

In other words, there is a deeper space in this secret world, but the problem is that Xu Changsheng does not have the secret to open this second level of space. After all, a very important place like this usually needs to be opened. There were corresponding means and keys, but Xu Changsheng didn't have any of them, which made him feel a little speechless. Even if Xu Changsheng had strong strength, he couldn't directly break through the space under the suppression of the current rules.

At least he can't do it now, so he can only look for the key or method to open the original space first, but he has no clue now and doesn't know how to find the answer he wants, so this makes him a little distressed, but He believed that the local demon kings living in this secret world must know something about the situation.

According to what Xu Changsheng knows, this secret world can be said to be ranked according to strength, so different lords are formed, and the more powerful lords occupy the most extensive territory, they can naturally have some other It is difficult for ferocious beasts to know information and methods, so Xu Changsheng felt that the most powerful demon kings at the top might know some information that he was interested in.

Xu Changsheng never thought that he could directly find the source of the ban and control it now. If it was really that easy, then the powerful ferocious beasts living in this secret world would have done it long ago, so why have they not really controlled it until now? The only explanation for the control of forbidden power is that even if those powerful demon kings know some of the origin of the forbidden power that controls this secret world, they cannot control it. So, is there some information that is difficult to detect? It seems very important.

After Xu Changsheng thought deeply, he decided to go to the territory of the number one demon king in person, and that demon king was now playing a decisive role in resisting Xu Changsheng's attack. Although Xu Changsheng had already It occupies most of the territory in this world, but there are still some lords in the territory who are still resisting.

Moreover, the strength of these lords is at the forefront. The thing that makes Xu Changsheng feel speechless the most is that these powerful lords are the most powerful in resisting Xu Changsheng, and they have always refused to obey Xu Changsheng. Changsheng's deployment of them felt that he wanted to show his strong strength in this way. Although they knew that they would not be able to resist Xu Changsheng's complete control of this secret world in the end, they also hoped that after making Xu Changsheng pay some price, When I can choose to join Xu Changsheng again, I will gain more status and rights.

After all, among the ferocious beasts in this secret world, they always have a common understanding that only powerful ferocious beasts can obtain higher status and resources. So how do they show their strong strength and the best The method was to make Xu Changsheng aware of their power through resistance. Finally, after Xu Changsheng truly conquered them, he knew how to distribute the territory and resources they could finally obtain.

In fact, all the ferocious beasts living in this secret world also long for the emergence of a strongest person who can truly lead them to control the entire world, because only in this way can they break the restrictions of this prohibition, finally gain freedom, and even become more powerful. strength, because Xu Changsheng's current identity is the same as theirs, they are both ferocious beasts, so they will not resist Xu Changsheng's ultimate control over them. For them, as long as someone with the strength to suppress them appears, A powerful and ferocious beast has such qualifications.

If Xu Changsheng directly revealed his identity as a human cultivator, then these ferocious beasts would not be able to agree to it anyway, so Xu Changsheng decided that after he really took control of this secret world, he would kill those powerful demon kings Use the soul secret method to control them so that they cannot escape Xu Changsheng's control, so even if they know Xu Changsheng's true identity, they will not be able to change the final result.

In order to obtain the information he wanted, Xu Changsheng came to the first territory as a human cultivator from the outside world, and met the most powerful demon king in the legend. Xu Changsheng just sensed it a little. He was a little surprised to be able to detect that this demon king actually had strength comparable to that of an intermediate Nascent Soul level.

Because under the rules of this space, Xu Changsheng can only display the strongest strength at this level. If it weren't for the fact that he could control those other demon kings, it would be more difficult for him to reach the level he is now. This made him understand why the number one demon king was able to master a powerful force to fight against him.

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(End of this chapter)

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