Mortal cultivation begins with immortality

Chapter 214 Fruit of Creation

Chapter 214 Fruit of Creation

Xu Changsheng knew that this power of silence was very difficult to deal with, so he simply controlled the puppet to continue exploring in the cave. Because the puppet was not a living creature, he had no such worries at all, but if it was just that simple, he could avoid it. It was dangerous, and it was too easy to obtain the treasures inside, so Xu Changsheng felt that he still needed to be careful and explore it carefully.

As Xu Changsheng continued to explore, he discovered that there was a strange-looking tree in the center of the cave. Xu Changsheng said that this tree was strange because it looked lifeless, just like a piece of rotten wood, but this tree There is a green fruit that looks full of vitality hanging on the tree.

Xu Changsheng didn't know what kind of fruit it was, but it looked very strange when it appeared in such an environment, so Xu Changsheng directly controlled the puppet and used his powerful spiritual consciousness to continue to explore the tree. As expected, Xu Changsheng discovered The strange thing is that this tree is actually absorbing the surrounding vitality. If this is true, it means that this tree is the culprit that caused the entire valley to become the desolate scene it is today.

However, this tree will only swallow the surrounding life. It seems that it is to be able to condense such a powerful fruit. Xu Changsheng has a feeling that if any immortal cultivator swallows this fruit, he can immediately gain a lot of lifespan. For immortals like Xu Changsheng, this fruit is not attractive, but for other immortal cultivators, it is a priceless treasure.

Xu Changsheng did not expect that he would encounter such a valuable treasure just after arriving in this secret world. Even if he could not use it himself, he could obtain it and exchange it for what he wanted, so Xu Changsheng decided to use this treasure. He got a fruit full of vitality, but he also understood that there must always be a guardian near the treasure, maybe a powerful beast.

Xu Changsheng did not act rashly immediately, but after thinking for a while, he used some powerful means to bombard the area near the ancient tree. He just wanted to use this all-round attack to see if there was anything hidden around him. As expected, a very powerful-looking earth dragon appeared from the ground soon after Xu Changsheng launched an attack. This actually surprised Xu Changsheng.

Because so far, Xu Changsheng has never seen a real dragon. After all, it is a powerful divine beast that cannot be seen in the human world. But after he came to this higher plane, he knew very well that here There are some very powerful ancient mythical beasts, so-called dragons, phoenixes or unicorns, which are very common in such higher planes.

Xu Changsheng saw a real earth dragon today, and Xu Changsheng just sensed it and found that this earth dragon actually has power comparable to the Yuanying level. No wonder that so far, the fruits here have not been snatched by other immortal cultivators. , it seems that all the cultivators who came here to snatch this fruit were wiped out by this powerful dragon.

However, because the power of rules currently formed in this secret world suppresses all the local ferocious beasts in it, the most powerful realm cannot exceed the level of Yuanying, and only some powerful ferocious beasts with special bloodlines can display abilities comparable to those of Yuanying monks. The earth dragon in front of him has strong combat power. If it were other cultivators who saw this powerful dragon, they would definitely choose to evacuate immediately. But Xu Changsheng need not worry, because he is truly The strength can suppress this dragon.

Although Xu Changsheng is now suppressed by the rules of this world and cannot exert his strongest fighting power, it is still very easy for him to use some means to deal with the dragon in front of him. Of course, Xu Changsheng also noticed that this dragon in front of him was This earth dragon is not a pure real dragon. To be more precise, it is just a dragon. However, it is also a very good high-level spiritual beast in such a plane.

It would be great if Xu Changsheng could control it and turn it into his own pet beast. After all, for any immortal cultivator, it is very honorable to have a dragon as a pet beast. Another reason is that this dragon has The opportunity to transform into a real dragon, so as long as Xu Changsheng can improve his strength, then he can cultivate this dragon when he can obtain some more treasures that can promote the evolution of his bloodline.

Then even if he ascends to the immortal world in the future, he will have a very good helper. Therefore, for Xu Changsheng, both the fruit and the dragon are very valuable treasures. Xu Changsheng feels that he is lucky. Just now Coming here can get such a harvest, so he was not polite and immediately controlled the puppet to fight the dragon in front of him.

Although Xu Changsheng also knows that his puppet may not be able to defeat the dragon in front of him, but it can also weaken its strength, and then he can take it down when the time comes. Xu Changsheng discovered this during the battle. Jiaolong doesn't know how to use any powerful secret techniques. All his methods are born with magical powers, but they are also very good, at least much stronger than those of the same level of immortal cultivators.

If it is an ordinary cultivator, even if he has the cultivation level of the peak golden elixir realm, he cannot be the opponent of the dragon in front of him. He will probably die directly during the battle. However, the puppet controlled by Xu Changsheng itself is quite powerful. As a result, his consciousness extended, so Xu Changsheng could use all the powerful methods he had through puppets. Only then could he increase his combat effectiveness to a very high level, and be able to fight against the dragon in front of him while still in an advantageous position. .

Especially Xu Changsheng put the best spiritual crystals in the puppet as an energy source, so he has extremely powerful mana during the battle. In addition, the puppet has no emotions, and there is no negative condition such as fatigue, so and The dragon in front of him showed more and more strength during the battle.

This made the dragon fighting Xu Changsheng very surprised, and even a little worried, because it waited here for such a long time in the hope that the creation fruit in front of it could be swallowed by it when it was fully mature, thereby improving its bloodline. Level, Xu Changsheng didn't know the specific function of the fruit in front of him, but he could guess some. Fruits with such strong vitality were usually used to enhance the bloodline of powerful monsters.

If Xu Changsheng can control this dragon, then it doesn't matter if he gives the creation fruit here to this dragon, mainly because this fruit has no effect on Xu Changsheng, even if he uses it with other practitioners Exchanging it for other treasures is just an idea of ​​Xu Changsheng's. It would be very good if he could turn this dragon into his own pet beast, and then use this fruit as an item to cultivate the dragon.

The reason why Xu Changsheng values ​​this dragon so much is because he feels that monsters with the blood of dragons have very high potential. If they can be cultivated, it will be a great help to him in the future. In fact, with Xu Changsheng's strength , it is not that difficult to deal with this dragon. He mainly wants to see what kind of strength this dragon has, and then evaluate the means it has before he can choose how to cultivate it in the future.

It's just that the dragon opposite him now has a lot of wisdom. He can clearly feel that the human being in front of him is very powerful, but he didn't immediately take action to destroy it. He immediately thought that Xu Changsheng wanted to kill it. He accepted it as a pet beast, so he fought with it patiently. When the dragon thought of these things, he felt very angry in his heart, because as a descendant of the dragon, how could it be willing to be a pet of humans? Beast, this is completely unacceptable to him. Moreover, this dragon feels that as long as he can swallow the mature fruit of creation, his bloodline will be greatly improved, and he may be able to evolve into a real dragon in the future. In this case, this dragon is fighting In the process, the methods he used became more and more powerful, and he even did not hesitate to consume some of his original power to drive Xu Changsheng away.

But how could Xu Changsheng just let go of this dragon that seemed to have very good growth potential? Moreover, Xu Changsheng had fully understood its strength through fighting with it. Xu Changsheng felt pretty good and could serve as a dragon. He will be his partner on the road to growth in the future, so the magical powers Xu Changsheng will use next will be much more powerful than before.

This immediately made the dragon in front of him feel tremendous pressure. He never thought that the human being in front of him was so powerful. If he continued to fight, he might really fall here, but he couldn't let go of the fruit of creation that was about to mature. As the dragon's aura became weaker and weaker, he clearly felt that he could no longer hold on, so he finally decided to evacuate.

Even though the Creation Fruit in front of him was very important to him, it was not as important as his life. This dragon was still very straightforward in the process of choosing between life and Creation Fruit. However, this dragon never expected that when it kept escaping to At the exit of the cave, they directly met Xu Changsheng's true form, which gave the dragon no time to react. Xu Changsheng's true form was much more powerful than that puppet.

Therefore, Xu Changsheng was not polite and directly used his magic palm to trap this powerful dragon. He did not care about the dragon's thoughts at all. He directly used soul control methods and began to perform the master recognition ceremony on this dragon. Although this dragon has felt that he is now facing a huge crisis, he has no ability to resist in front of Xu Changsheng. After all, he has consumed a lot of energy in the battle before, and now his strength has been weakened. Facing Xu Changsheng, who was in peak condition, naturally had no strength to resist.

In this way, Xu Changsheng easily completely controlled the dragon in front of him, and left the original contract control runes on its sea of ​​consciousness. Xu Changsheng had already controlled many powerful monsters before, so he had no idea how to control it. He still has a lot of experience in controlling monsters, so there were no accidents when he used his control methods.

As Xu Changsheng completed the control process, the dragon in front of him immediately became respectful and well-behaved when he looked at Xu Changsheng's expression, because this dragon found that he had a natural affinity for Xu Changsheng from the origin of his soul. Feeling, and will completely obey any order issued by Xu Changsheng. Even if there is any dissatisfaction with Xu Changsheng in his heart, it will be directly wiped away by a powerful force, which makes him completely incapable of resisting.

The soul control method used by Xu Changsheng was obtained from the inheritance left by those powerful immortal cultivators in ancient times, and the final version was formed after modification and improvement by himself. It can be said that the control ability is very powerful. Once The monsters controlled by Xu Changsheng, even if their realm and strength are stronger than Xu Changsheng, cannot escape his control.

Xu Changsheng looked at the dragon in front of him. He was very happy, because it meant that he had a powerful monster that could help him travel. And as long as Xu Changsheng controlled this dragon, he would be able to face any threats. He was able to cope with them all, and even saved him a lot of trouble. Of course, another very important reason was that traveling with a demon dragon would look very handsome, so Xu Changsheng did not begrudge the fruit full of life in front of him, and directly let him This dragon was devoured.

Sure enough, after the dragon devoured the fruit in front of him, Xu Changsheng could clearly feel that his bloodline had become more powerful than before, and all the vitality in the entire valley was exhausted just to cultivate such a capable person. A fruit that enhances bloodline. From here you can see what is unusual about this fruit.

After Xu Changsheng established a spiritual connection with Jiaolong, he quickly understood the specific information of the fruit in front of him. It turned out that this fruit was called the creation fruit. It could not only improve the bloodline of monsters, but also help cultivators. Xu Changsheng was a little surprised to improve his physique, but Xu Changsheng knew very well that no matter how miraculous this creation fruit was, it would not be as powerful as his innate green wood origin.

However, Xu Changsheng is still very interested in the tree in front of him that can cultivate the fruit of creation, because this tree is called the sacred tree of creation, and it is actually one of the top ten sacred trees in the world. It is very valuable, and if Xu Changsheng Changsheng can transfer it and cultivate it, and more creation fruits can be born. If it is other immortal cultivators, they can do nothing even if they know such news.

However, Xu Changsheng had previously obtained a space-type fairy weapon in the human world, and there was an independent secret world in it. Therefore, Xu Changsheng could completely transfer the divine tree of creation in front of him to the secret world, but Xu Changsheng needed to use the secret world. The power of world rules completely separates the area where this sacred tree of creation is located, otherwise it is likely to have an impact on the ferocious beasts living in the secret world.

After all, this divine tree of creation can actively swallow all the vitality around it, which can be said to be very domineering. Xu Changsheng was worried that the vitality of those ferocious beasts would also be swallowed by this powerful divine tree, so after Xu Changsheng made up his mind, he directly used powerful methods He transferred the divine tree of creation in front of him to his space fairy weapon, and Xu Changsheng directly mobilized the powerful vitality of the entire secret world into the divine tree of creation. Then Xu Changsheng saw that several more fruits of creation appeared.

This made Xu Changsheng very happy, because such a precious creation fruit, even if he cannot use it, can still be used to cultivate those powerful pet beasts, and can also be used to exchange other treasures with other immortal cultivators, and can even be exchanged for Those powerful techniques that you need.

After Xu Changsheng finished these things, he understood that he had obtained the opportunity in this valley, so he immediately controlled the dragon in front of him and headed to other places around him. There must be something in this secret world left over from ancient times. Xu Changsheng can't wait to get more precious cultivation resources.

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(End of this chapter)

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