Mortal cultivation begins with immortality

Chapter 234 Catch them all in one swoop

Chapter 234 Catch them all in one fell swoop

Now Xu Changsheng is looking for and collecting the treasures he wants, and those geniuses are constantly gathering here, and because Xu Changsheng deliberately spreads the news, they can find more precious medicinal materials and spiritual fruits, but those geniuses None of them dare to directly refine and absorb the medicinal materials they obtained in this space to improve their cultivation.

This is because they no longer have such time. If they do this in this dangerous space, they will be attacked by other strong men, and Xu Changsheng will not allow these geniuses to directly digest all the treasures they have obtained. After all, to Xu Changsheng, these geniuses are just tools to help him collect treasures.

Therefore, Xu Changsheng would sometimes immediately control the plant-type monsters in this space to continuously attack those geniuses, so that they would not have the chance to digest the treasures of heaven and earth. Xu Changsheng was like a very patient manipulator behind the scenes. Everything is arranged, waiting for the day when the net is closed, so so far no immortal cultivator has noticed the existence of Xu Changsheng.

They didn't know that Xu Changsheng had laid such a dangerous trap for them in advance. The most interesting thing is that Xu Changsheng also noticed that in addition to these geniuses who came here to explore, there were also those from the Golden Core stage of ordinary forces. The core members, these people may not be the geniuses among their forces, but they still have very good potential.

If Xu Changsheng controls all these immortal cultivators, it will be easier for him to control their forces. After all, it will take time and resources for those talented people to grow up. Although they have higher prospects and can eventually become Although he was at the top of his force, he was unable to bring maximum benefits to Xu Changsheng in a short period of time.

Therefore, Xu Changsheng also hopes to control more immortal cultivators with considerable strength and authority. Xu Changsheng can obtain both short-term and long-term benefits. However, Xu Changsheng also noticed that some cultivators are just like him. , is a relatively cautious and steady existence.

After they got some precious medicinal materials, they did not want to continue exploring, but wanted to evacuate directly from here, because for them, it was very good to get one or two precious medicinal materials. , if you continue to stay here, you are likely to have conflicts with other immortal cultivators, and may even be attacked by the plant monsters here, causing you to perish here.

But how could Xu Changsheng let them leave? If these practitioners were allowed to leave, he would have some problems in achieving his goals, so Xu Changsheng simply controlled those relatively powerful plant-type monsters to control the space. The exit was directly guarded, so the immortal cultivators could only go in but could not come out.

The result is that the number of immortal cultivators gathered in this space is increasing, and they also realize that they seem to have fallen into a dangerous situation, because this situation is impossible to occur in any space, and There seems to be a strong person controlling these plant monsters.

Otherwise, why can these plant monsters achieve such perfect cooperation? After all, these monsters have great conflicts with each other. They also live in this space, and they must also fight with each other to compete for different resources, but Now these monsters seem to have given up all their hatred, just to control all the human immortal cultivators from different forces present here.

Regardless of whether they are immortal cultivators, they can feel the strange situation in this space, but the problem is that after they come in, it is difficult to get out. After all, these monsters are very powerful, and just one of them coming out is enough to make these monsters. Practitioners find it very difficult.

Now let alone they join forces to deal with these immortal cultivators. In this case, although these immortal cultivators are also very curious and fearful, they have no ability to resist, mainly because these cultivators do not know the final outcome. Who is controlling all this? Of course, no matter what the situation is, the ultimate controller will definitely appear in front of them.

It's just that these immortal cultivators think that the person behind the scenes is probably also a powerful monster, and it is also the kind of monster with extremely high intelligence. They never thought that the person controlling all this is just like them, they are human beings. An immortal cultivator, and also an inner disciple from the Qingyun Immortal Sect, this was something they could not have expected.

As the precious treasures in the space were found by these immortal cultivators, Xu Changsheng found that it was time for him to appear, because most of the treasures in this space had been collected, and then it was time for Xu Changsheng to have a great harvest. , so Xu Changsheng did not hesitate, but directly controlled these plant monsters and restrained those cultivators.

The whole process was very fast, leaving those cultivators no chance to resist, because Xu Changsheng was fully prepared, and directly let the plant monsters tie up these cultivators in an instant, and directly killed them. Hanging high in the void, as the breeze blows, these immortal cultivators are swaying in the wind like willow branches, which makes these immortal cultivators still in a state of enlightenment.

They never imagined that their search for treasures in this space went very smoothly without any problems. Although they had guessed that something unexpected might have happened in this space, so these monsters cooperated to deal with them, but they had already They were prepared to fight these monsters, so they were not defenseless.

But the problem is that these monsters seem to have received a certain order at the same time to completely control them. If the person behind the control of them has malicious intentions towards them, then it is really the end of the road for them. situation, so these immortal cultivators felt very nervous at this time, and they were worried about what kind of impact they would be affected next.

Just when these immortal cultivators were uneasy, suddenly a figure teleported from a distance. This was Xu Changsheng who arrived. However, in order to hide his true identity, Xu Changsheng changed his appearance and aura fluctuations. , after all, Xu Changsheng's original identity after coming to this world is still very important. He needs this identity to hide his whereabouts.

Then he can do more things. Only by retreating behind the scenes can he truly achieve his goals. Xu Changsheng's current identity is very suitable for Xu Changsheng to control everything, and no strong person will doubt Xu Changsheng's body, so Xu Changsheng is not worried about these practitioners discovering his identity and passing it on to the outside world.

Xu Changsheng knew that many immortal cultivators had various weird ways of contacting each other. For example, they could transmit relevant information across a long distance. Therefore, in order to prevent these immortal cultivators from making things here public, Xu Changsheng had deployed a very large defensive barrier here in advance.

The function of this barrier is to restrain these immortal cultivators from leaving, and at the same time, it can better control all the monsters in this space. Of course, it is impossible for these immortal cultivators to spread the news here, because Xu Changsheng The barrier set up can isolate any information, and even the fluctuations of spiritual consciousness cannot be transmitted.

So no matter how these bound immortal cultivators used various methods, they found that the messages they sent seemed to fall into the sea without getting any reply. Any smarter immortal cultivators could guess something, so they looked towards Xu Changsheng's eyes were filled with shock and fear. Because Xu Changsheng's methods made them all feel very scared. In their understanding, if you want to reach this level, you must be a practitioner above the Nascent Soul level, and in this special space, in such a short time Being able to deploy such a powerful defensive barrier silently is something only those powerful monks above the God Transformation stage can do.

But the problem is that so far, this space has strictly prohibited immortal cultivators above the Nascent Soul realm from entering to explore. Even those cultivators with very high cultivation levels cannot suppress their own realm and then come here to take risks, because Rather than doing this, it would be safer to control the immortal cultivators and enter them to find treasures for them.

Therefore, all the practitioners present were very curious about Xu Changsheng's identity. However, after seeing Xu Changsheng's appearance and comparing the information they obtained, they could not find anything related to Xu Changsheng. So the only It may be that Xu Changsheng hid his true information and identity, and these immortal cultivators could not see through Xu Changsheng's disguise even if they had very powerful treasures in their hands.

Therefore, these immortal cultivators do not know what kind of existence Xu Changsheng is. They actually dare to come to this dangerous space alone to suppress their cultivation and compete for resources with these immortal cultivators who only have the golden elixir level. Although in this space, There are a lot of resources and the level is very high.

Even those cultivators at the combined Mahayana level will be more interested in the treasures and inheritance here, but they will not easily come here to look for treasures. This is mainly because the result of doing so is very dangerous. If it were them It is impossible to do this after reaching a high level.

Because the higher the level of cultivation, the longer their lifespan is, but they will also need more resources. In this case, if you have to rely on yourself to find treasures, the efficiency will be too low, and if an accident occurs , then they will lose all their previous efforts, and all their cultivation will be in vain.

Xu Changsheng does not know the specific thoughts of these immortal cultivators, and he has no interest in knowing at all. Xu Changsheng is like a farmer who comes to harvest crops. He looks at these immortal cultivators hanging in the sky as if they are watching the ripening of crops. Like rice, those cultivators who were looked at by him felt chills in their hearts.

Xu Changsheng did not waste time, because he still had more things to deal with, so he simply collected all the treasures possessed by the immortal cultivators present, including the heavenly materials and earthly treasures they had obtained from previous explorations, and When Xu Changsheng did this, the immortal cultivators all looked very angry but helpless and frustrated.

So far, they have understood that the mysterious person who controls everything behind the scenes is actually the person in front of them, and they are not at the same level as Xu Changsheng in front of them. Even the plans that these immortal cultivators had originally made, have not been revealed until now. It has no effect. Even those cultivators who wanted to struggle were already noticed by Xu Changsheng when they wanted to take action.

And they have increased their control over them. The final result is that these immortal cultivators can only watch the treasures they finally obtained being taken away by Xu Changsheng. However, these cultivators now even control their lives. In Xu Changsheng's hands, they didn't know how Xu Changsheng would deal with them next, so they all felt very scared.

Xu Changsheng also noticed the emotions of these immortal cultivators. He did not keep them waiting for a long time. Instead, he directly used powerful soul control methods to control them in an instant. These immortal cultivators who were originally afraid of Xu Changsheng immediately controlled them from their souls. Thoughts of respect and loyalty to Xu Changsheng emerged from deep inside.

This is the powerful control method that Xu Changsheng possesses. Regardless of any cultivator, as long as their strength and soul strength are weaker than Xu Changsheng, then Xu Changsheng can control them and directly attack from the source of the soul. This method is It cannot be changed or restored with any medicine or secret technique, unless the soul of the person being manipulated is completely broken and then reorganized.

But the problem is that if you do this, it means that the immortal cultivators will immediately be destroyed physically and mentally. Therefore, Xu Changsheng's control method is inextricable, and no cultivator can destroy it. Moreover, the immortal cultivators controlled by Xu Changsheng, they originally Their thoughts and memories will not be changed, and even their thinking logic will not be any different from before, so the fluctuations of their spiritual consciousness and aura will not change.

Even the most powerful Mahayana cultivators cannot find the problem, and Xu Changsheng can control these cultivators from a distance at any time to obtain the information and some precious resources passed by these cultivators. Xu Changsheng is With such means, he was able to reach the current level in such a short period of time. He felt that as long as he controlled more immortal cultivators like this, then over time, the forces in the entire interface would eventually be controlled by him.

It's just that it takes more time to do so. Unlike when Xu Changsheng was in the human world, he would take action in order to achieve his goal in the shortest time and let the forces under his control directly fight. Of course, the reason for doing that It was because Xu Changsheng's strength had already become the pinnacle of the human world at that time, and he was very worried that there were dangers in the human world that he could not predict, so he took this approach.

However, the plane Xu Changsheng is currently in is completely unknown. In addition, there are many powerful immortal cultivators, and there are many more powerful beings than Xu Changsheng. In this case, Xu Changsheng must be It's better to take this safe and robust approach.

Just after Xu Changsheng took control of all these practitioners, he directly issued orders to these practitioners, asking them to directly explore other spaces in this secret world to find more resources for themselves, and then collect them in Give Xu Changsheng a certain period of time, so that the efficiency of obtaining treasures is much faster than searching for it alone.

Unless there are some places that are very dangerous and have high-level treasures that cannot be taken out directly, Xu Changsheng will go there to investigate in person. The combination of the two can achieve Xu Changsheng's goal in the shortest time.

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(End of this chapter)

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