Mortal cultivation begins with immortality

Chapter 237 The Land of the Abyss

Chapter 237 The Land of the Abyss

The expressions of these geniuses from super powers were all seen by Xu Changsheng, but Xu Changsheng did not attach great importance to them. This was mainly because for Xu Changsheng, no matter what kind of strength these geniuses originally had , no matter what kind of backer is behind him, it is impossible to affect Xu Changsheng's next actions.

Therefore, Xu Changsheng did not want to listen to the explanations of these powerful men. Moreover, although these geniuses knew that they had now controlled this space, they did not realize their true situation. Moreover, these practitioners felt that they could still pass Introducing his origins made Xu Changsheng scrupulous, so he would not attack them easily.

Even if the treasures they have now cannot be saved, if they can survive, they will have a chance to make a comeback. These practitioners feel that although Xu Changsheng is powerful, if he offends so many powerful forces at once, Then it will be very difficult to survive safely in this world and cultivate to a higher realm.

Because once these immortal cultivators are able to escape safely from this space, they will transfer all the news here to their own forces. Then, no matter how many means Xu Changsheng has, it is impossible for him to escape like this. Multiple forces united to pursue him.

Of course, this is also because these geniuses do not understand the methods Xu Changsheng has, which leads them to make such wrong judgments. However, Xu Changsheng soon made these cultivators feel what real despair is, because Xu Changsheng did not There are too many contacts with these immortal cultivators.

Instead, they directly began to use more powerful means to control their souls. In such a state, these immortal cultivators had no ability to resist. The most shocking thing to these immortal cultivators was that what they had on them was Some of the trump cards he possesses are completely unusable.

You must know that these trump cards of theirs are all arranged by those powerful monks who have the realm of refining the void and combining the Tao, just to give these immortal cultivators the means to defend themselves. You must know that these cultivators can come here to take risks, not only Just to enable myself to obtain more cultivation resources, I also came with a mission.

They will be responsible for exploring and obtaining precious resources for those powerful cultivators to bring out, and then give them to the powerful cultivators who are controlling behind the scenes, and who have the courage to come to this dangerous space to explore. What they have The strength itself is very powerful, and its position among the forces it holds is also extraordinary.

Under such circumstances, they will definitely become stronger and have enough confidence to explore here. Even if they encounter some very difficult beings to deal with, their life safety will be guaranteed, because whether they are Neither the trump card nor the identity they possess can form a very effective shield for them.

Basically, as long as there are practitioners living in this world, they cannot easily attack them. At most, they can only take away some of the treasures they have. However, Xu Changsheng did not operate according to what they thought at all. , that’s because Xu Changsheng is completely different from the powerful people known to these immortal cultivators.

For Xu Changsheng, he has now taken control of all the treasures owned by these immortal cultivators, and even turned them into his own, so his next step is to think about how to maximize the value of these cultivators. However, after thinking for a while, he thought it was better to control them.

This will prevent them from providing Xu Changsheng with more information among the forces where they are lurking. This is the most valuable thing. Therefore, Xu Changsheng will not think about the troubles that will arise after controlling these practitioners. After all, For him, even if the whole world is destroyed, it will not affect him.

Xu Changsheng is not from this world. He will definitely not lose his thinking from the perspective of this world. Even if the entire plane changes, and is even attacked by other powerful people, and finally destroyed. It is also possible to evacuate safely because Xu Changsheng has found a way back, but he will not do so easily. This is because he thinks it is easy to go back, but if he wants to come back to a higher-level world, he will It becomes very difficult.

Because space nodes are very unstable, if problems arise, it will be very dangerous for Xu Changsheng, so he decided to obtain more resources as soon as possible in this world and increase his strength to He will choose to leave here only after reaching a limit, but by then Xu Changsheng may not return to his previous world, but directly ascend to immortality.

For Xu Changsheng, he didn't care at all what these immortal cultivators thought now, so after making all the final preparations, he directly used the most powerful means to control the souls of these immortal cultivators, and placed them deep in their souls. He left the runes he controlled everywhere.

The entire arrangement process can be said to be very smooth and there will be no problems. This is because Xu Changsheng has already had rich experience in this area, and his own strength far exceeds all the immortal cultivators present, so It is very easy to achieve the effect you want.

Soon, the nervous expressions of these immortal cultivators who were still thinking about how to survive in the hands of Xu Changsheng changed directly. Now for these immortal cultivators, Xu Changsheng is the only person they should be loyal to, no matter because of What reasons caused their thoughts to change.

At least it has been settled now, so they can no longer think about such issues, so these cultivators have become Xu Changsheng's real subordinates. Next, Xu Changsheng will directly let all these cultivators go back, because Xu Changsheng needs By indirectly manipulating them, you can get more information.

It can be said that Xu Changsheng has obtained a large number of powerful people this time and also obtained a lot of cultivation resources. In particular, the treasures held in this space are of great value to Xu Changsheng. If Xu Changsheng can With so many treasures fully utilized, it will be much easier to break through to a higher realm than before.

Just after Xu Changsheng completed all this, he started to acquire all the resources in the entire space, because only in this way would he not waste this opportunity. When Xu Changsheng could walk out of this space, he discovered that No cultivator noticed the situation on his side.

This is a good thing for him. As long as no strong person knows what he has done, there will be no subsequent problems. Moreover, the immortal cultivators controlled by Xu Changsheng have not undergone any changes themselves. Their souls have just undergone some changes.

Therefore, no immortal cultivator can detect the changes. Xu Changsheng can also communicate with these cultivators to learn more about the entire world. Xu Changsheng's path of cultivation can be said to be smoother than before. He will move on to the next step. A place to explore, but that place is very dangerous, and the treasures contained in it will definitely be more precious.

Xu Changsheng felt that such a place was where he should take risks. Xu Changsheng had already made more detailed preparations than before. In order to get greater benefits for himself, Xu Changsheng always had an idea, that is, he hoped By taking control of all the spaces with the richest resources and the highest levels in this secret world, and acquiring all the treasures there, only then can we selectively attack other spaces. The place Xu Changsheng is going to now is called the Land of the Abyss, where there is a very precious resource called Life Crystal, which is something that contains very powerful power of rules and vitality.

Although Xu Changsheng has an immortal lifespan and does not need energy such as vitality, he can use it to increase the age of the medicinal materials he obtained before, so that the value of such treasures can become higher, and There are unexpected effects.

So Xu Changsheng came here after making preparations, but he knew very well that there was a very powerful creature called Shura. Although these creatures didn't look like much, they were very powerful. It is powerful, even if Xu Changsheng enters with the strength he currently possesses, he still needs to be careful in dealing with it.

In this case, Xu Changsheng definitely needs to know some information about this kind of space before entering it to explore, because Xu Changsheng only got some relatively simple information before. As for the specific content, Xu Changsheng It was not clear, so after some thinking, Xu Changsheng came to the conclusion that if he wanted to obtain more detailed information, he must contact the immortal cultivators who entered this space to explore.

It's just that Xu Changsheng felt that he would not be able to grow to the level he is today, so he rashly entered a dangerous place. When Xu Changsheng came here, he found that a very good market had been established here. Of course, this place must have been established by powerful immortal cultivators and turned it into a very long-term business.

The reason why this place is different from other dimensions, and so many immortal cultivators come here, and then they will use this place as a place for long-term exploration, is because Xu Changsheng wants to obtain the resources here. , then you must hunt down those Shura, because the life crystal is what only those Shura can possess.

The so-called life crystal is a very powerful treasure. It is usually formed after the realm where Shura grows. Therefore, as long as the Shura here has not been completely wiped out, if you want to obtain the life crystal, basically There is no possibility of exhaustion, which is very different from resources that cannot be formed after being obtained.

Because the life crystal here is a growable and renewable item, in order to have more resources here for a long time, such a prosperous market was formed here. The resources here are very There are many, but the only currency is the so-called life crystals. As long as you have enough life crystals, you can buy any item here.

But basically people who have life crystals will not do it easily, but choose to exchange things for things. This is because the value of life crystals is very high, even if they want to exchange for other items. Such treasures are also very cost-effective, but the problem is that people who have life crystals will basically collect them and will not easily let them appear on the market.

When Xu Changsheng came here, he did not see many life crystals, but this is not absolute, because there are differences in levels of life crystals. The powerful Shura and others can produce life crystals of higher levels. High, so this leads to differences in the grades of life crystals, so those life crystals that appear on the market are generally low-grade.

For Xu Changsheng, these low-level life crystals are of little value, because for Xu Changsheng's realm and strength, only those top-level life crystals can help him, but Xu Changsheng searched everywhere After going through the entire market but not finding the top-quality crystals he wanted, one thing can be seen from this aspect, that it is basically impossible for Xu Changsheng to obtain the treasures he wants here.

Although Xu Changsheng also saw some very good treasures while wandering around, they were not enough for him to get them, so Xu Changsheng finally came directly to the entrance of the Abyss. He now understood that he wanted to obtain the level In the end, you have to find higher life crystals by yourself. This is the safest thing.

However, Xu Changsheng also discovered that there were a lot of immortal cultivators gathered here, and their strength was stronger than any space he had explored before. Xu Changsheng felt that if he could obtain more resources in this space, then When the time comes, another method can be adopted, which is to control those adventurous immortal cultivators, so that they can concentrate all their strength and then deal with those Shura.

However, only the life crystals that can be formed by those Shura whose strength has reached the peak of existence in this space are what Xu Changsheng needs most. If he wants to rely on Xu Changsheng to challenge those dangerous Shura by himself, and obtain their lives Crystallization, then this is an inefficient and dangerous thing to do.

Xu Changsheng never likes to fight any enemy head-on on his own. He only likes to control everything behind the scenes and defeat or even eliminate the opponent with extremely powerful strength. Only in this way can Xu Changsheng have a sense of accomplishment and at the same time be able to Let him hide himself more safely. After Xu Changsheng made some preparations, he decided to find a team with good strength to join.

The space that Xu Changsheng explored before was not very powerful, so he could still explore it alone. However, once he came to these dangerous places, it would be very unwise to do so, so Xu Changsheng would first Choose a team and let them be your explorers. Only after you have a detailed understanding of the situation in the entire space will you choose to formulate a corresponding plan and implement it.

And if Xu Changsheng feels that the strength of the team members he joins is good, then he will take action and completely control them to become his most capable subordinates. Xu Changsheng continued to explore here, and soon he finally found a A powerful team gathered by cultivators of the peak golden elixir. In fact, there are many such teams here.

But the team members Xu Changsheng found have one thing in common, that is, these members seem to be very powerful and have a lot of cards, but at a glance they can tell that they are newcomers who have just come out to take risks from a super power. In this way It's easier to control.

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(End of this chapter)

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