Chapter 250 Disguise

The cultivators who were originally present had no basis for trust themselves, so the plan they mentioned before actually had great limitations in operation. First of all, not to mention whether there were more than 100,000 powerful monsters around, Just say that even if they disperse all these immortal cultivators, to what extent can they eventually spend time controlling these monsters?

Moreover, the information that they are all here must have been noticed by those powerful Shura, so these Shura will definitely be on guard. Xu Changsheng also noticed that these Shura themselves will also control some monsters, even if the number is not large. , but the strength is strong enough.

Instead of wasting time here, it is better to gather all the monsters directly. Only after these monsters form a powerful force can they pose a very powerful threat to those Shura. In fact, those living in the abyss These Shura and monsters in the force have been fighting for an unknown amount of time before.

Even if these monsters themselves do not have high intelligence, their instincts will make them regard those Shura as enemies. Therefore, Xu Changsheng and other immortal cultivators can control all the powerful local monsters with just a casual control. Gathered together, the beast tide formed by these monsters will be extremely powerful.

Whether they are humans or monsters, they all have a common characteristic, that is, if they want to rely on their own strength to deal with a large group of coercion, they will definitely not have the courage. If a large number of similar people are gathered together, then they will Have a strong will to fight.

Then the destructive power formed by gathering all these monsters together is enough to smash through these very tall cities in front of them. Then Xu Changsheng and the others can use this time to enter these cities to explore and search for treasures, Shura They also have a very special ability, which is that they can sense whether the other party is of their own race through spiritual links.

This is a special magical ability that comes from blood. Xu Changsheng remembered that those existences, whether they were immortal cultivators or something else, it was basically impossible for them to disguise themselves as Shura, and it was only in appearance. They are very similar, but this does not mean that Xu Changsheng and the others have no chance, because they also have great conflicts and hostility between Shura.

In normal times, they would not easily use magical powers such as spiritual links to detect each other, because this is a very disrespectful behavior among Shura. Xu Changsheng felt that if they could seize the opportunity, they would still have a great chance. Having achieved his goal, what he has to do now is to quickly gather all the scattered monsters together.

It would be difficult to achieve this step with just a few cultivators, so in the end, after discussion, everyone decided to use an encirclement method to drive the surrounding monsters towards the center. Although if the monsters really gathered in They are very capable in fighting together, but they themselves do not have strong judgment ability.

So in order to gather these monsters together in a short period of time, these immortal cultivators took out some treasures they found on the road and placed them in a fixed location, which was closer to these Shuras. The city walls they built, as long as these treasures emit obvious aura fluctuations, can form a strong attraction to those monsters.

Of course, these treasures only have this effect on monsters, and do not have much effect on Shura. Therefore, these immortal cultivators do not have to worry that Shura will take advantage of this time to destroy the traps formed by these treasures. In addition to using treasures In addition to attracting those monsters, these immortal cultivators also used powerful market methods to make those monsters fearful, thus helping to gradually gather them together.

Because the entire arrangement process was very secretive, those Shura did not react immediately. They did not even know what Xu Changsheng's plan was, but no matter what Xu Changsheng and other cultivators did, in the eyes of those Shura They are all meaningless actions.

This is mainly because these Shura are strong enough, and they have such a tall city wall as protection. If those monsters can really break through their defense, how can they persist until now? These immortal cultivators gathered together before , when we came here, the scene looked quite spectacular.

But they quickly dispersed. In the eyes of those Shura, they thought it was because the cultivators saw it. They felt fear after building the city wall, so they chose to evacuate. Even though these Shura were very intelligent, they I am still very confident in my own strength.

So in terms of mentality, they don't care very much about these people who are cultivators of immortality. Of course, another important reason is that these people are restricted. They have come here to explore more than once or twice. Many Shura have actually practiced with humans. After fighting, they also understood that human immortal cultivators were not as powerful as they imagined.

And the human immortal cultivators who can come here to explore, although their strength is at the forefront of the entire secret realm, they are lacking in both combat experience and various methods. To put it more bluntly, these immortal cultivators lack Experience, but these Shuras are different. Each of them grew up in battles, so they were able to survive in the end and grow up to this day.

All-round abilities are very powerful, especially combat experience, which is definitely not comparable to those of ordinary cultivators. However, as time goes on, these Shuras feel more and more strange, because they find that there are a large number of Monsters were approaching them, and a large number of powerful monsters appeared on the ground and in the sky.

The scene formed was so grand that it could be called the earth shaking. What appeared in front of them was something that these Shuras had never thought about and had never encountered before. Although these local monsters sometimes formed some smaller-scale monsters. Tide, but it is not much of a threat to the tall city walls.

Because these monster beasts only have instincts and little intelligence, it is difficult for them to gather together to form a large-scale and organized beast tide. Because they lack a unified leader, so even if they really gather together, It's often a very chaotic situation, and these monsters can't coordinate the fight perfectly.

Therefore, during the battle, we can only rely on instinct to continuously carry out various attacks. In this case, the final situation is that once these Shura and the others join forces, they can defeat all these monsters in a short time, but this The situation this time was completely different, because the number of monsters gathered this time was too many, and soon reached tens of thousands.

You must know that a beast tide of this scale has not appeared for a long time, but now it is happening. The only possibility is that the immortal cultivators who came here before most deliberately controlled these monster beasts to attack them, and The number of specific requirements is increasing, once the number of these monsters reaches the same level as the number of these Shuras.

At that time, it will bring unparalleled destructive power to Shura in the entire land of the abyss. This situation makes the senior leaders of Shura feel very angry, because according to the information they have learned before, this situation has never happened before. , let alone any other immortal cultivator who would deal with them in this way.

In fact, these Shura also understand that they are now completely restricted in the secret world and cannot escape. Moreover, outside the secret world, there are extremely powerful immortal cultivators guarding them. Therefore, these creatures have no influence on the immortal cultivators in this world. It's just a means of training. However, the power of the rules here is also severely limited. With the power of these powerful immortal cultivators, they do not dare to come in and explore at will. This also maintains a relatively balanced situation between the two sides, as long as the immortal cultivators do not give them these They can bear the damage brought by native creatures.

But the scene in front of them was completely beyond their expectations. They felt that the visitors this time were not evil. Maybe the immortal cultivators came here just to catch all the wealth and treasures that they, the asuras, had gathered. Of course, no matter what In this way, the only thing that needs to be done now is to quickly deal with the trouble at hand.

Otherwise, it will be a very difficult scene to deal with when the time comes, especially those monsters. Once they are caught in a battle, they will not care about any situation around them, and these monsters themselves have no consciousness. There will be no feeling of pain. As long as they identify the enemy, they will definitely attack without hesitation until they are finally eliminated.

This also lets those Shura know that there must be some extremely intelligent people among human immortal cultivators. These cultivators know that they are not strong enough and difficult to deal with, but these Shura actually want to use the power of local monsters to defeat them. Bring these Shuras into chaos.

It can be said that such a plan is very unfavorable to Shura. These Shura also understand that they have really encountered an enemy that is difficult to fight this time, but this is also an opportunity for them to learn about various other differences. Combat mode, even if this situation occurs again in the future, we can deal with it.

Moreover, these Shura are very strong, and there are some old Shura who cannot be hidden. They are the most powerful fighting force in the entire Shura tribe, so these Shura do not feel that they will be in any danger in such a large-scale beast tide. It's just that it would be a little troublesome to completely resolve the scene in front of me.

So the senior leaders of these Shura hurriedly took action and asked a large number of Shura to form an army formation and begin to leave the city. The purpose of this was to wipe out all the gathered monsters in the shortest time. Although the number of monsters would be It keeps increasing, but as many as can be destroyed now will still be more destructive than those monsters that will be gathered together.

This led to a very large-scale battle between those Shura and the local monsters. It can be said that the battle scene was very chaotic, and this allowed those cultivators to see the opportunity. The other cultivators didn't know what they were thinking. Xu Changsheng only knew that he should take action now.

At these critical moments when Shura and monsters were fighting, Xu Changsheng immediately transformed into a Shura, and by the way, he blended into the battlefield and fought with some monsters. In this case, he would not There were so many Shuras observing all the details of the entire battlefield.

Moreover, after Xu Changsheng did this, other immortal cultivators also saw it, so they began to imitate Xu Changsheng's behavior and began to control it. However, some immortal cultivators did not have much research on this disguised method of change. , so I can only watch helplessly.

More practitioners are actually watching with cold eyes, because they feel that even if they become Shura and enter those cities, it will be troublesome to avoid the detection of the Shura themselves, not to mention that it will be quite difficult at that time. So we entered Shura's base camp.

The level of danger must be unimaginable. As long as there is any accident, they will understand what it means to be surrounded on all sides. Rather than taking such risks, it is better to observe for a while. If these immortal cultivators who have blended into the crowd fight with those Shura, It might cause even greater chaos.

Then there will be a greater chance of obtaining the treasures treasured by Shura. Xu Changsheng knows better than them the thoughts of these immortal cultivators, but Xu Changsheng feels that if he does this, although he is very cautious and safe, It is also high, but it is not that easy to obtain real treasures.

Because these Shura and their treasures will definitely be carefully guarded and placed in very important positions, and there will be a large number of troops to protect them. If they don't change into Shura and sneak in, it will be very difficult to find the real hiding place of these treasures. It was difficult, let alone bringing out these treasures, and Xu Changsheng still had such confidence, which was a very important factor.

It's because he can simulate his spiritual consciousness into the spiritual link that other Shura can have. In fact, this is a very precise method of control. Because Xu Changsheng can achieve perfect control over all his powers, the spiritual link is actually A special way to use the power of the soul.

It's just that this method can only be effective for a short period of time. If you want to be like those Shura, you can't have the ability to turn it into an instinctive magical power. However, this is enough for Xu Changsheng. As long as he can return to the level with those Shura who come out, then he will have the opportunity to go on a journey to find treasures there.

Of course, although these Shura look the same, there are still obvious differences in subtle places. If you look at it from a human perspective, you can't feel the difference, but the Shura can clearly feel it. Xu Changsheng He knew very well that Shura with such high intelligence must also be very strict in personnel control.

Then these Shura soldiers who came out must have corresponding identity records. If Xu Changsheng blended into them like this, no one has yet observed his identity because of the chaos in the scene, but once he entered the city, it would not be certain. So the best way is to replace one of the Shura warriors that has been eliminated.

This is not difficult for Xu Changsheng at all. He has already turned into a Shura, and he just needs to change it in subtle ways. As for the original Shura soldier he replaced, he has been replaced by the local Shura soldiers. The monsters were wiped out into nothingness, so that no other Shura could discover Xu Changsheng's identity.

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(End of this chapter)

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