Chapter 267 Completed

Now there are only Xu Changsheng and the city lord in the entire hall, but the city lord is staring at Xu Changsheng with a scrutinizing look. This is because his daughter regards Xu Changsheng as a being who can rely on her whole life. If If Xu Changsheng could really become the son-in-law of the city lord, he would soon be able to take control of the city with the help of the city lord's power, and even obtain relevant information about the capital of the Qi Dynasty.

Xu Changsheng thinks that this is not bad, at least it can reduce the resistance for himself. He does not mind becoming the son-in-law of the city lord, and he also hopes to understand how powerful the city lord is behind him, but this city lord Sir, he didn't look very happy because he didn't know Xu Changsheng well.

Especially since he has not regarded Xu Changsheng as his satisfactory son-in-law candidate yet, he feels that he still needs to conduct some inspections, which can be regarded as a check for his daughter. The city lord knows very well that his daughter has very She has a good talent for cultivation, but because her daughter is so well protected, she has experienced very few things and has never experienced any major setbacks.

Therefore, it is not strange to suddenly meet a young and handsome man with good cultivation talents in front of his daughter, and then make his daughter fall in love at first sight. If it is just from the appearance, this Lord of the City He felt that Xu Changsheng was quite good, but he still wanted to know where Xu Changsheng came from.

However, no matter how the City Lord tried to test Xu Changsheng, he always remained tight-lipped, and now Xu Changsheng wanted to tell the City Lord some important news, but the City Lord did not expect too much from Xu Changsheng's so-called news. Thoughts, the two faced off awkwardly, but Xu Changsheng had already enveloped and controlled the entire hall by using the magic circle barrier, so he didn't have to worry about anyone interrupting his actions next.

However, Xu Changsheng's arrangement made the city lord very surprised, because such a brilliant and high-level formation was completed in an instant. This kind of method is definitely not available to the monks in the foundation building stage. In such a situation, At this moment, the city lord immediately thought that you may have hidden your cultivation, and even if you react now, there is no chance to escape. The only way is to defeat Xu Changsheng and interrogate clearly what Xu Changsheng wants to do. important.

But what the Lord of the City was very shocked about was that just when he was about to take action, he found that all the magic power in his body was sealed and completely unable to be used. In other words, the Lord of the City, who had the peak level of God Transformation, Now he has become like a mortal and has lost all his power.

However, the aura fluctuations on Xu Changsheng's body continued to increase. It did not stop until it reached the same level as the city lord's original cultivation level. This situation made the city lord feel even more shocked, because according to this From what the city lord knows, Xu Changsheng is only eighteen years old now, a very young man, but to be able to have the same realm as him is completely unbelievable.

You must know that this city lord was once a genius in the capital of the Daqi Dynasty, but he also practiced for hundreds of years before he could achieve his current level of cultivation. However, Xu Changsheng was able to become even more powerful than this city lord at such a young age. With such strength, even if he started practicing since he was young, he would never be able to reach such a state.

At this moment, the city lord thought about many things, but he never thought that Xu Changsheng came from the outside world, and Xu Changsheng’s real age was not eighteen. Fingers, it is impossible for him to maintain the physical appearance and bone age of an 18-year-old, but any cultivator who can understand his specific situation will be very surprised.

So this can also reflect from the side that Xu Changsheng has extraordinary abilities, or that he has unparalleled inheritance opportunities, but no matter what the situation is, Xu Changsheng is destined to have a very good future, and will even surpass most immortal cultivators. , it is also possible to eventually become an immortal.

But the problem is that in the entire space, I have never heard of any genius from any dynasty who can have such a talent. Even those powerful immortal sects cannot have such disciples, but the cultivation that Xu Changsheng is showing now is real. Yes, this made the city lord feel very confused. He felt that if Xu Changsheng really had such means and talents, then his daughter would not be worthy of Xu Changsheng.

Moreover, the magic circle that Xu Changsheng casually arranged was able to completely suppress him, a powerful cultivator of the Immortal Transformation Stage, with no ability to resist at all. Such a method is similar to the power of rules, which is difficult to find anywhere. At least no one in this space has such an ability.

However, the city lord was still unwilling to be controlled like this, so he used his last strength to send the message out, so that the elder who was practicing in the city lord's mansion could quickly come to save him after receiving the message, but what happened next The situation shocked the city lord, because he found that the message he sent out was directly blocked by this powerful magic circle.

And until now, the elder has not noticed the abnormal situation here, let alone rushed here, so the only possibility is that the powerful formation arranged by Xu Changsheng can isolate all aura fluctuations, and even the powerful monks in the Hedao realm cannot Observing this, this made the city lord feel a little weird, because he knew very well how powerful the ability was to achieve this level.

However, after Xu Changsheng now had the means and strength to completely suppress the city lord, the city lord had completely accepted his fate, because he felt that it would not be a loss for him to die here, but he did not know that Xu Changsheng did all this. What was the purpose? It was difficult for him to know what kind of plan Xu Changsheng had, but he always felt that it was not a good thing.

Xu Changsheng has been observing the city lord's expression, just to know what he is thinking. In fact, if Xu Changsheng could, he would not use soul control to completely control the city lord. That's because This will cause the city lord to lose the potential for further improvement.

However, for his current plan, Xu Changsheng thought that he could test it out first to see if he could subdue the city lord. If he couldn't do it, he could only use soul control methods. So far, those controlled by Xu Changsheng Among the immortal cultivators, the one with the highest cultivation level is only at the Nascent Soul level.

The city lord in front of you is actually very good in terms of management ability and talent. Being able to break through and become a monk at the peak of god transformation at such an age also shows that his future growth potential is also very great. As for Xu The reason why Changsheng himself can behave like this is because he actually spent a lot of time to achieve it, and he can only do it because he has a powerful golden finger on his hand.

Therefore, if Xu Changsheng can really conquer this city lord, then he can train him to be a very good subordinate, who can provide more value to his power in the future, and it is also possible for him to become one of the managers. Things, and Xu Changsheng actually likes the daughter of the city lord. After all, she is a very beautiful and simple-minded girl.

So next, Xu Changsheng told the city lord his true origin, especially explaining to him that he came from the outside world and was not a local immortal cultivator in this special space. Xu Changsheng even told the city lord He popularized the relationship between the immortal world and the mountain and sea world, as well as some specific situations. However, when Xu Changsheng told this information, the city lord did not believe it at all, because the city lord had been living in this space and had not left. However, he has a fixed mindset that it is impossible for other outsiders to enter this world, and the Lord of the City has no idea what the outside world is like.

Not to mention things related to the Immortal World, and Xu Changsheng told him that this special space was actually an area separated from the Immortal World, which was even more unbelievable. Xu Changsheng was not surprised by the performance of the city lord. , because he had expected it, so to prove what he said.

Xu Changsheng could only reveal some of the powerful immortal weapons he possessed, and he also took the city lord into his small world and showed him the power contained in it as well as some local monsters, especially Xu Changsheng. Many of the treasures and various skill inheritances that Changsheng has in his hands are not in this space.

The result of this is that the city lord is somewhat suspicious of life, and his three views have been completely reshaped by Xu Changsheng. Although all this seems a bit ridiculous to him, after Xu Changsheng produced numerous evidences , let him understand that what Xu Changsheng said was indeed true.

So the city lord went from being confused at first to being excited later, because he knew the existence of the outside world, so he felt that he could go out from here and see a wider world. In fact, the powerful immortal cultivators living in this space, They can get some specific information about this space, and they also understand that they are actually bound to a small world.

Although the cultivation resources of this small world are also very good, due to the restrictions of the rules here, it is impossible for them to break through and finally ascend to immortality. No matter how strong their talents are, if they are restricted by the will and rules of the entire world, It is impossible for them to change, and in the end they can only watch their lifespan disappear and then perish.

Xu Changsheng brought new changes to the city lord. So far, I have never heard of anyone being able to come to this space from the outside world. Similarly, no immortal cultivators in this space can leave here, but Xu Changsheng You can directly bypass the restrictions of this space and forcibly take the immortal cultivators out of their small world. This will solve the problem of these local cultivators being suppressed by the rules.

Therefore, the city lord finally chose to be loyal to Xu Changsheng, because for him, if he could obtain a more powerful cultivation level and have the opportunity to become an immortal, then his current status would be worthless. I admire this city lord very much for being able to accept everything in such a short period of time, and knowing how to measure things and what he should do.

But this does not mean that Xu Changsheng will not have any means to control the city lord, because what he wants to do is very dangerous, so there cannot be any risk, but Xu Changsheng is not willing to use soul control means , because this method would have many hidden dangers, Xu Changsheng felt that doing so was very unfair to the city lord.

Since Xu Changsheng has planned to train this city lord, he will not go back on his promise, and Xu Changsheng feels that this will be a very good subordinate. In addition, Xu Changsheng will become the son-in-law of the city lord, so he has no intention of using it any more. Control means, but Xu Changsheng still asked the city lord to make an oath of heaven and choose to be loyal to him. In fact, in this world, the oath of heaven is better than other control methods, but he needs to take the oath himself.

This difficulty is more difficult than using powerful means to control directly, because it requires the cooperation of the other party to complete. However, for most strong people, it is easier to use means to control if they have such time. Although the Oath of Heaven is more important to Xu Immortality has no binding force, but it has very strong binding power for the creatures in this world. They dare not disobey easily because the price is too high.

After Xu Changsheng finished all this, he canceled the formation, and the city lord who was still aloof now looked much more respectful to Xu Changsheng than before. Then Xu Changsheng asked the city lord to put the city lord in the city lord's mansion. All the important people were found and gathered together.

The cultivation level of these people is not bad, and as the manager of the entire border town, Xu Changsheng must be controlled by them. Xu Changsheng has nothing to be polite to them, but directly adopts the simplest soul control method Let them take control and become subordinates.

Of course, Xu Changsheng did all this very carefully and did not attract the elder's attention, because now even if Xu Changsheng gathered all the power in the border town, he would not be the opponent of the elder. But fortunately, the elder Now he only cares about whether other dynasties will take action against the Daqi Dynasty, because this is the purpose of his coming here. If the Daqi Dynasty was destroyed because of its own internal conflicts, then it has nothing to do with him. .

And Xu Changsheng and the others can now be regarded as members of the Daqi Dynasty, so as long as they do not let in people from other dynasties and provide them with internal support, then no matter what they want to do, they will not arouse the elder's attention. Hostile, even if this elder knew that Xu Changsheng and the others planned to control the entire Daqi Dynasty, he would not take any action. He would even hope in his heart that Xu Changsheng and the others would speed up the action quickly, because this would allow him to complete the task and leave here early.

There are many reasons why this elder came here, but basically it was because of external forces that forced him to come here. In fact, he was unwilling to come to such a small border town. After all, the concentration of spiritual energy here is very low, and It is not suitable for cultivation, and it wastes a lot of time on observing the surrounding environment, so this elder from the Immortal Cultivation Sect has long wanted to leave here.

Moreover, after Xu Changsheng appeared in the city lord's mansion, he was actually under the observation of the elder, but he did not pay too much attention to it, mainly because Xu Changsheng and the city lord knew each other and had some kind of cooperative relationship, so this The elders did not bother to investigate Xu Changsheng's origins.

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(End of this chapter)

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