Chapter 271 Take action

In this space world, some immortal cultivators still know important information, but generally only the high-ranking figures in those forces can know it in more detail. As for ordinary cultivators, many of them even know the dynasty they belong to. It is difficult for them to go out, and it is even less possible for them to know the situation in the outside world. They don't even know that the entire space they are in is just a small world.

If they don’t know much about the situation in the entire world, they don’t have so many ideas. They will only focus on improving their own realm. Even if they cannot become powerful immortal cultivators, they can still experience a very exciting life. , at least they won't have such troubles.

But for those who have become the most powerful immortal cultivators in this world, if they want to become more powerful, or even want to ascend to immortality, they must change the existing structure, especially what happened in this world. What kind of things and how to obtain the opportunity for them to ascend are the most important.

As for changing the balance of various forces in the entire space and allowing them to fight among themselves, how many immortal cultivators will fall and lead to a situation of devastation for all living beings? For those powerful immortal cultivators, they will not care at all. It's because these immortal cultivators have been around for a very long time and have long looked down upon everything in the world.

They also have higher requirements for their own cultivation and realm, so they will not let themselves die in this small world like this. In order to become stronger, they can only make these ordinary practitioners pay the price of their lives. , even destroying the entire space.

Because as long as you can ascend to immortality, you can achieve the transformation of life levels, become immortal and immortal, and have a higher status and corresponding means and abilities. This is what all immortal cultivators dream of. Of course What Xu Changsheng pursues is actually no different from those of these local immortal cultivators, except that his requirements are higher. He will not just be satisfied with ascending to immortality.

Because Xu Changsheng knows the world in much more detail than other immortal cultivators, he naturally knows what he needs to do, and the higher immortal world is not that peaceful, and the dangers there are still very great, so Even if you ascend to immortality and become an immortal, you can only be considered a very low-level existence in the immortal world.

If you can't improve your strength and become stronger, you still won't be able to control your own destiny. Instead, you will be aggrieved and controlled by other immortals. That's why Xu Changsheng attaches great importance to the accumulation of foundation in the process of cultivation. After all, with With the abilities and talents he now possesses, it is actually not that difficult for him to ascend to immortality in a short period of time.

However, Xu Changsheng is looking at more long-term things. Ascension to immortality is only the minimum requirement on his growth path. He wants to become a powerful being above the level of Tianzun, and even be able to directly transcend the limitations of this universe and go to a broader universe. , to understand the truth of this world, and perhaps find your way back to the previous world.

Xu Changsheng believes that the universe is very vast. The world where mortals are cultivating immortality is definitely not the only universe. However, if it is difficult to get out of this universe, it will be even more impossible to see the broader scenery. Moreover, the so-called way of heaven says To be more straightforward, it is just the will of a universe.

Therefore, all existences in this universe are just ants, and it is difficult to escape the restrictions of the rules of heaven. Even the powerful Taoist can only choose to merge with the law of heaven, so that he has power beyond most living things in this universe. , but you will also lose the freedom and corresponding emotions you have.

Xu Changsheng felt that this way of improvement was very unwise. If he lost all his own will after practicing to the end, then what fun would there be? In order to make himself stronger in the future, and not be beaten by this Affected by Fang Universe's Heavenly Way, Xu Changsheng could only continue to become stronger, build the strongest foundation, and shorten the gap with those geniuses in the fairy world.

Moreover, the reason why Xu Changsheng felt that he had the opportunity to transcend this universe was because after he came to this world, he had a golden finger like the Immortality Dao Fruit. He did not need to fear the will of Heaven, as long as he had such a glimmer of hope. , Xu Changsheng can have the qualifications to escape from the constraints of this universe.

It's just that Xu Changsheng's current strength is still difficult to fully use the true ability of the Immortal Dao Fruit, so he now needs to continuously improve his realm and make himself stronger. Xu Changsheng has already gone through some performances to give that The elder was deeply impressed, plus he took out a semi-immortal weapon that could condense the spirit of the immortal spirit.

So he doesn't have to worry about which elder will take the bait, because even practitioners in the Mahayana period will be tempted when they see the treasure Xu Changsheng takes out. The key factor is whether the elder trusts him, but fortunately, it has been shown from now on Judging from the situation, at least the other party's level of trust in me is still a bit high, at least not to the level of rejection.

After all, the various methods used by Xu Changsheng have far surpassed most immortal cultivators. Although Xu Changsheng has not revealed his true identity, he does not have to worry about any accidents in the end. At worst, he can just leave here in the end. That's fine, as long as you can ensure your own life safety.

Then he has nothing to worry about no matter what he does in this space. As long as he can succeed, he can get a lot of benefits. Even if he fails, he can start all over again. He just changes his identity. Xu Changsheng believes that as long as he can persist.

In the end, he can master all the immortal cultivators in this space world, which will give him a greater advantage to deal with the immortal cultivators in the outside world. When Xu Changsheng was in the outside world, he originally planned to go behind the scenes through continuous The geniuses who control those forces will borrow their power after they grow up to control the various powerful forces, and ultimately achieve the unification of the entire mountain and sea world, and obtain more resources for themselves.

It's just that this method is very inefficient, because Xu Changsheng needs to control more talented immortal cultivators to do it, and he also has to ensure that they have enough time to grow up and gain the status of their power. If anything unexpected happened along the way, Xu Changsheng's efforts would have been in vain.

This is also because Xu Changsheng himself does not have the means or trump cards to deal with the powerful forces in the outside world, so he can only adopt this compromise method to complete his plan. However, this method still has a huge flaw, that is, those powerful forces There must be some powerful immortal cultivators among them.

They have always been hidden and have not appeared, so Xu Changsheng does not have a clear judgment on their strength. Even if Xu Changsheng can really control the high-level figures among their forces, once these powerful hidden ancestors Once they appear, they can immediately change the situation.

Unless Xu Changsheng can completely hide the sight of these ancestors, and wait until he breaks through to the Mahayana realm, he can suppress them all, but the risk of doing so is too great, because Xu Changsheng does not know what he will encounter in the future. What kind of problem, once his plan is known to those powerful immortal cultivators, he will immediately be attacked by a large number of immortal cultivators.

Xu Changsheng may really be in danger of his life by then, so he lacks the ability to fight against those powerful practitioners. However, Xu Changsheng no longer has such worries. As long as he can defeat the powerful practitioners in this small world, By mastering them all, Xu Changsheng will not only be able to speed up his plan to control the mountain and sea world. And once any problem arises, he can also let the powerful immortal cultivators in these small worlds take action for him to deal with the ancestors of those forces, so if Xu Changsheng can master all the powerful forces and immortal cultivators in this space world , which is equivalent to having a very powerful trump card. Even if any accidents occur, he can turn the situation around.

Therefore, in Xu Changsheng's view, it is really necessary for him to completely master this space world, and he also discovered that because this space world was separated from the fairy world, in fact, at its core, there must be something from the fairy world. If Xu Changsheng could master the original power, he would definitely become a more powerful immortal.

It is precisely because of the existence of the original core in this space that the fairy spirit in it has not completely dissipated over the long years. If Xu Changsheng can completely integrate this entire space world into his own small world, then it is very likely that It will improve your status as a small world owner, and maybe you can create another fairy world.

Then Xu Changsheng has a powerful means to compete with the will of heaven in this world. Xu Changsheng only needs to continuously improve the level of the small world he owns, and then he will have the ability to transcend this world. Of course, this is just an idea for the future. Whether it can be realized still needs to be explored slowly.

The most important thing to do now is to control all the forces in this small world, and rely on strong strength to suppress and control them. This can bring more benefits to himself. Since Xu Changsheng has reached an agreement with the elder from other forces, If he has a cooperative relationship, then he needs to find an opportunity to deal with the elder in the city he already controls.

Xu Changsheng can even set up a game by then, pretending that he chose to evacuate this city to deal with other cities, and then let the elders from Xuantian Holy Land in other dynasty border cities take the opportunity to take over his original location. This border town, as long as they all gather together.

Xu Changsheng can then concentrate all his strength to capture and control them. In this way, Xu Changsheng can directly have several elders of the Hedao realm as his subordinates, and then continue to attract more powerful immortal cultivators from Xuantian Holy Land to come here, and Arrange everything in advance, and when the time comes, continue to use soul control methods to slowly control this Xuantian Holy Land.

Then Xu Changsheng can speed up his process. Whether it is occupying more dynasties or infiltrating these powerful immortal cultivating sects, he will also be able to do it more easily. In fact, he has a lot of resources and strength in this space world. It’s still those cultivating sects.

Because any powerful elder among them can suppress a dynasty. Of course, this is only on the surface, but no force dares to do this, because it will affect the pattern of the entire space world, which is equivalent to and Other forces compete for resources.

Because in the eyes of these high-level forces, these hundreds of dynasties are just the scope of management they share, because the disciples they want to recruit and the corresponding resources need to be supplied by these dynasties, and if these immortal sects are left to control these dynasties, Then it will take a lot of time and thought, and if it is not managed properly, it will cause chaos in the entire space.

But it is different when these dynasties manage it, because even if there is a problem with this dynasty and a new dynasty is re-established, it will only be a replacement and will not affect these immortal sects, at least the fate of ordinary people. I won’t have any unfavorable thoughts towards these immortal sects.

They will only think that there is a problem with the managers of this dynasty, so they need to eliminate them, and they cannot completely underestimate the power of these dynasties. If there are only problems with one or two dynasties, there is nothing to worry about. But if all the dynasties united to resist these immortal sects, it would be equivalent to directly depriving these immortal sects of their survival foundation.

That's why these immortal sects will choose to cooperate with the management forces of these dynasties and will not interfere with them, because only in this way can they maintain their superior status. But the problem is that if this pattern is maintained in the entire space, then everyone In fact, in fact, it is a scattered situation.

It is even more impossible to concentrate the power of the entire space to explore the truth of the world they are in, and to break the rules and restrictions, giving them the opportunity to improve their realm and ascend to immortality. When Xu Changsheng was ready for everything, he directly ordered the people under his control All forces surrounded the city lord's palace and prevented any immortal cultivators from approaching here.

Next, he needs to wait for the elder who has a cooperative relationship with him to come here, and then he can take action against the elder from Xuantian Holy Land. In fact, when Xu Changsheng was doing all this, the elder who was practicing in the City Lord's Mansion The elder didn't notice what was going on around him, and Xu Changsheng didn't believe it.

It's just that the elder never showed up or took any action, so he definitely didn't know that Xu Changsheng had invited another elder to deal with him. He just felt that Xu Changsheng's current behavior was a bit overestimating his capabilities, because this whole situation The ones with the highest cultivation level in the city will not exceed the realm of transforming into gods. The gap between them and the realm of harmony possessed by this elder is too big.

Even if everyone unites together, they cannot be the opponent of this elder, so this elder is like this, because in his opinion, it is just a group of ants who want to attack him, and then he only needs to do whatever he wants Using a few moves, you can suppress them all.

As long as these people do not affect Xuantian Holy Land's plans, there is nothing to worry about. When the entire plan is fully launched, this border town will also become the first area used by Xuantian Holy Land to control the Qi Dynasty.

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(End of this chapter)

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