Chapter 275 New Plan

Xu Changsheng's idea of ​​controlling the power of all the dynasties here and then uniting them to deal with those cultivating sects actually seems a bit unrealistic, because if Xu Changsheng really starts a battle sweeping the world, this will not only lead to A large number of immortal cultivators joined in, which eventually led to the devastation of life, and would only bring corresponding losses to Xu Changsheng.

Because in Xu Changsheng's view, all the immortal cultivators in this space world are his property, Xu Changsheng will transfer them to his own small world, and let them help him develop and create a complete civilized world. When the time comes, he will need The number of cultivators must be very large.

If they lose their lives now because they have started a battle between dynasties, it is not worth it. Also, the real power of this world is in the hands of those cultivating sects, so even if the power of unifying the dynasties is It is impossible to really control or eliminate all those cultivating sects.

If Xu Changsheng really adopts his previous plan, he may have already revealed his ambitions before he has mastered one or two dynasties. By then, more immortal cultivators may take action against him, including those from the sects of cultivating immortals. Instead of having such trouble, it would be better for powerful people to directly control those cultivating sects. After restraining and controlling their top combat power, it will be easier to control the entire space world.

However, because Xu Changsheng's current cultivation and strength cannot suppress all immortal cultivators, he can only control those elders or actual managers at the Hedao level, and in the process of executing this plan, he also needs to Be careful not to let other forces know your plans, let alone attract the attention of those who are cultivating immortals above the combined level.

Therefore, Xu Changsheng can only deal with it carefully. The most important thing he should do now is to control the elders sent by the nearby immortal sects, but Xu Changsheng also knows that these people are from Xuantian Holy Land, which means that Xu Changsheng The first immortal cultivation sect that Changsheng needs to control is Xuantian Holy Land.

According to the ranking of the major forces in this space world, Xuantian Holy Land can only be ranked twenty, and among them there are only eight combined-level immortal cultivators, and there is no Mahayana-level powerful person in charge, but such a force Xu Changsheng felt very incredible that he dared to adopt a plan to unify and control the entire space world.

Because they feel that the senior figures in Xuantian Holy Land are very unwise. Don’t they know that the highest combat power they possess cannot achieve this level? However, Xu Changsheng learned more information through the two elders he controlled. After much time, I realized that the senior figures in Xuantian Holy Land had no choice but to do this.

There are still a relatively large number of immortal cultivators in this space world, especially those with very high realms. However, the scope of the entire world is only so small, so the resources it possesses are not many. If it were not for This space world is an existence separated from the interface like the fairy world, and it cannot provide so many powerful immortal cultivators for cultivation.

But the problem is that after a long period of consumption, the resources of this world are still unable to meet the needs of those powerful practitioners, so they can only gather all those precious resources together by unifying the forces in the entire space. If they can Create a stronger existence for them.

When the time comes, gathering the power of all the immortal cultivators may be able to break the rules and go out to obtain external resources. Then they will not be troubled by the shortage of resources. However, only the top-ranked ones can really achieve this level. Those powerful forces in the tenth place, because only such forces have the highest combat power, that is, Mahayana level immortal cultivators.

As for those forces outside the top ten, they have no such opportunity. They are likely to be annexed by those powerful forces in the end, thus losing the corresponding resources and unable to provide them with continued cultivation and improvement. For those cultivators who do not have high returns In fact, they don't have any opinions, let alone care.

Because they don’t know how long it will take to reach that level, but for those cultivators who have already reached the integration level, they can’t wait to break through and become powerful monks at the Mahayana level. In this kind of Under the circumstances, forces like Xuantian Holy Land can only give it a try. Although the possibility of success is very low, they can only try, even if they cannot succeed in the end.

They will not regret it. If I succeed, they will get other benefits. Even if they fail, they will just die prematurely. Because they cannot achieve a breakthrough in the realm, their life span cannot be increased, and then they will fall sooner or later. .

Another important reason why Xuantian Holy Land does this is that they know that there are still many forces like them. Once they start to take action, the senior figures of other forces will definitely take corresponding actions, so Many things, including those so-called battles, were caused by those high-level figures.

Because only they hope to achieve further improvement and have higher special requirements for resources, so in order to achieve their own requirements, they will not hesitate to let everyone participate in the battle. As for how many immortal cultivators will perish by then It has nothing to do with them. They only care about whether they can achieve a realm breakthrough and gain more lifespan.

Therefore, most of the immortal cultivators are very selfish. They must feel their strong strength and long lifespan. After bringing benefits, they will not give up. For this reason, they can plunge the entire world into chaos. No matter what, after all, people who live longer have a more indifferent view of the entire world and emotions, so they have reached a level of ruthlessness.

Xu Changsheng felt that there was nothing wrong with the thoughts of the higher-ups of these forces, but they ignored what the powerful superpowers thought. After all, when they took these actions, how could they escape from those powerful immortal cultivators? Pay attention, even people have already guessed the behavior of these forces, so they have planned it in advance.

At least so far, the information Xu Changsheng knows about the top ten superpowers in this space world has not taken any action, which means that they are just waiting for the opportunity. The higher the reputation of the power, the less likely they are to take action easily. What action to take, because they need to wait for other forces to bring chaos to the entire world, then they will come out to clean up the mess, and they can also eliminate or control all the resisters.

In this way, not only can they achieve their own goals and obtain greater benefits and resources, but they can also avoid losing the support of the people. In Xu Changsheng's opinion, this is the smartest way to do it. Therefore, the power of those dynasties is really very weak. They can't even There is no value in participating in the battle between these forces. After all, they can only be controlled and unable to resist in the end.

Therefore, the plan to concentrate the power of these dynasties to surround the immortal sects will not work, because by then, as long as those super powers send some Mahayana-level immortal cultivators, they can all be suppressed, so Xu Changsheng He could change his plans, but now he felt it wasn't too late to start over.

At least those super forces have not really taken action yet. Even those forces that want to take advantage of this chaotic opportunity to obtain some cultivation resources and cultivate powerful immortal cultivators have only just begun their layout. It is just right for Xu Changsheng to reorganize his layout now. Of course, those The super forces will definitely not be able to deal with them directly, because there are too many strong immortal cultivators among those forces, and their levels are also very high. Then Xu Changsheng can start from these weaker cultivating sects, such as those with combined-level immortal cultivators. Of course, Xu Changsheng's strength is currently unable to fight head-on with the combined-level cultivators, so he can control these forces first. Elders from the Hedao realm, and then after gathering them together, focus on dealing with these combined immortal cultivators.

Xu Changsheng has mastered very powerful magic circles and restraint methods, but if he wants to deploy them and maintain strong power, he needs more immortal cultivators to participate, and the level cannot be low. By then, Xu Changsheng only needs to master more Many fusion realm cultivators are setting up corresponding traps with them, and then lead those fusion realm cultivators here to control them together.

Then Xu Changsheng can control them very easily. As long as Xu Changsheng controls enough powerful people, he will be able to form a qualitative change. At that time, he may be able to have a corresponding impact on the Mahayana-level immortal cultivators and control them. It is also possible that since the plan has been made, Xu Changsheng will begin to capture and control those elders in the Hedao realm.

From the information collected, Xu Changsheng knew that Xuantian Holy Land now has eight Supreme Elders in the Fusion Realm and 16 Deacon Elders in the Hedao Realm. As for those stewards at the God Transformation level, there is no need to pay attention to them, and This time Xuantian Holy Land, in order to grasp more power of the dynasty as soon as possible, they actually sent half of the elders in the Hedao realm at once.

Of course, they will not let these elders take action directly, but choose to cultivate corresponding forces so that they can grow and become stronger, and eventually control the power of the entire dynasty. Then they can control these dynasties behind the scenes to eventually continuously expand their own strength. It also explains why there are several elders from the Hedao realm in the border town where the Xu Changsheng statue is now located and in the border towns of other imperial cities adjacent to it, and they are also from the Xuantian Holy Land.

These elders did not appear here to protect these border towns. Instead, they chose to stand by and let the major forces in these border towns fight among themselves until the final winner emerges. Then these elders will Take control of these victorious forces, and then let them start their plan to conquer the dynasty.

However, not all of these dynasties have reached a state of chaos, and controlling these imperial cities cannot be achieved in a short time. The best way is to focus on those dynasties that are about to change dynasties. You can focus first Use the power of this dynasty to control it, and then use the power of this dynasty to influence the surrounding dynasties.

In the end, by continuously occupying and controlling it, comprehensive control can be achieved, and this method is very secretive. In fact, the method adopted by these high-level officials of Xuantian Holy Land is no different from the plan Xu Changsheng had thought of before, except that they had to think It is easier to execute than Xu Changsheng.

After all, Xu Changsheng is only one person. Even if he controls the forces in a small border town, it is still difficult to truly control the major dynasties. That is why Xu Changsheng chooses to use a long time to complete all this. But now Think about it, if this plan is really implemented, it will be very inefficient and risky. In addition, there are now more forces involved, especially the super forces who have begun to have the same ambitions.

Xuantian Holy Land is a powerful force that has been passed down for thousands of years. There are many immortal cultivators in it. Even the powerful immortal cultivators still have some. If they want to control the power of several dynasties, it is relatively easy, but they Once his ambition is revealed, he will be resisted by other immortal cultivating sects, and it will become even more chaotic.

Once they start to implement their plan, the entire space world will be in chaos. At that time, both those cultivating sects and the forces in these dynasties will definitely want to take advantage of this opportunity to fish in troubled waters, and maybe they can really get some benefits, but among those The top leaders of the superpowers seemed to be taking advantage of the best opportunity to control the entire space world, so in the end it would only become a competition between the superpowers at that time.

If the entire space world is really in chaos, it will be of great benefit to Xu Changsheng, because without chaos, he will not be able to take advantage of this time to implement his plan, so he feels that the Xuantian Holy Land originally adopted the method of controlling the dynasty. The plan still needs to be continued.

The most important thing is that the powerful immortal cultivators of super power are paying attention to these things. If Xuantian Holy Land suddenly chooses not to take action, it will arouse the suspicion of many powerful people. Xu Changsheng does not want this situation to happen. , like those low-ranking forces, after they see Xuantian Holy Land's successful implementation of the plan, they will take this opportunity to imitate others, and they will not be able to truly achieve their goals until the whole world is in chaos.

So Xuantian Holy Land is just the beginning of taking the lead. Xu Changsheng is now leading the two elders of the Hedao realm under his control to quietly sneak into the border town of the Dayan Dynasty opposite.

Xu Changsheng wants to control all the elders in other nearby border towns, so we cannot let them know, let alone reveal the news here. We only need to control them all before we can start heading to the headquarters of Xuantian Holy Land. Implementation plan.

If it was just Xu Changsheng who wanted to control the elders in the Hedao realm, it would still be difficult, but now that he has two helpers, it is different. Moreover, Xu Changsheng will repeat his previous methods and can be near the elders in advance. Arrange the corresponding enchantment array.

Then implement the plan. It will be easier to control it. This is also very secretive. At least the immortal cultivators from the outside world will not know the situation here. However, Xu Changsheng found that these elders are basically in various border towns. In the City Lord's Mansion, and if Xu Changsheng wants to set up a large formation, he will definitely enter the City Lord's Mansion and alert those people inside.

So before that, Xu Changsheng still needs to control those city lords together. Only by letting those city lords cooperate with him will it be safer. Xu Changsheng feels that it is okay to do this. After all, he just wants to take advantage of the environment here to make himself more secure. It's just a good self-planning. As for the city lords under control, they are basically at the peak of god transformation. Xu Changsheng feels that even if they are taken out in the future, they will have good combat effectiveness.

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(End of this chapter)

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