Chapter 281 Suppression

As the mana possessed by these eight elders was consumed more and more, Xu Changsheng knew that he should take action, so Xu Changsheng immediately activated the ancient restriction that he had arranged before. At this time, a powerful aura wave appeared, Then the light formed by the formation enveloped the entire valley.

The process of all this formation was very short. This was because Xu Changsheng considered that if these elders, whose cultivation levels had plummeted, discovered something abnormal while he was activating the formation, they might flee immediately. Then Xu Changsheng would It's not that easy to get them back.

The most troublesome thing is that if any of the elders spreads the news about the appearance of immortal weapons here, it is very likely that those practitioners of the Fusion Realm in Xuantian Holy Land will also be attracted here. Then Xu Changsheng will have no choice but to He evacuated with the immortal weapon he took out.

In order to ensure that there would be no accidents, Xu Changsheng had already thought of how to open the forbidden circle in a short time. Fortunately, Xu Changsheng did it in time, so these elders found themselves before they could react immediately. It has been enveloped by a powerful formation and cannot leave.

Although these elders also knew that the sudden appearance of a semi-immortal weapon in this valley was very strange in itself, so they guessed that someone was planning it here, but they did not think that the immortal cultivator who planned all this was strong enough. How strong they are, otherwise they would not have dealt with them in this way. They were only elders in the Hedao realm, which meant that the other party definitely did not have any cultivation above the level of the Hedao realm.

Because for powerful immortal cultivators above the Fusion realm, even if the eight Hedao realm elders present join forces, they cannot be their opponents. As long as they ensure that the other party's cultivation is not as high as theirs, then they actually have nothing to worry about. , but what these elders did not expect was that Xu Changsheng would place such a powerful ancient restriction here in advance.

Although they didn't know how powerful this forbidden magic circle was, they could clearly feel that the aura fluctuations emanating from this magic circle were very powerful, making them all feel a very big threat. Just when these elders did not While thinking about countermeasures, Xu Changsheng appeared above these people with the eight elders he controlled, and this time they did not continue to hide their identities.

So when they appeared, the other eight elders present were very shocked. Although they did not know Xu Changsheng, they definitely knew the elders led by Xu Changsheng, because these people originally came from the same force in Xuantian Holy Land. , even though we rarely have contact with each other and basically practice in seclusion, we still know everyone’s identities very well.

At this moment, the eight elders who had consumed most of their mana began to think about the causes and consequences of all this, because they felt that it might be a test for them by the elders in the combined realm. These elders would have such thoughts. , because they don’t feel it.

The other eight elders were suddenly controlled by an outsider, and it was even more impossible to obey his orders. Moreover, the fluctuations in cultivation level exuded from Xu Changsheng were only at the peak level of God Transformation. He was different from these elders. Two great realms, so these elders do not think that Xu Changsheng is the mastermind of the trap this time, but they are very curious about Xu Changsheng's identity.

Because they found that the elders looked like Xu Changsheng's subordinates and were very respectful to Xu Changsheng. Especially Xu Changsheng looked very young. In the space world, he could be so young at such a young age. If his cultivation has reached the level of the peak of divine transformation, it means that Xu Changsheng's background is not simple, and maybe he comes from those super powers.

If this is really the case, then everything can be explained. First of all, Xu Changsheng was able to use a day and a half immortal weapon as bait to let these elders gather here to set up a trap. Moreover, the ancient restriction now formed is very powerful. Being able to make the other eight elders completely obey his orders and arrangements shows that Xu Changsheng's identity is definitely not simple.

They would not think that Xu Changsheng was able to conquer those eight elders through his own strength, because this is completely impossible on the surface. After all, the gap between Xu Changsheng's cultivation and those of those elders is too big. , it would be reasonable to only control one or two elders, but it is absolutely impossible to control all eight elders.

So at this moment, these elders did not take action immediately, but were waiting for Xu Changsheng's next move, wanting to see the situation before deciding whether to take action. Regarding the plans of the Supreme Elders in the Fusion Realm in Xuantian Holy Land, , these elders who only have the realm of Hedao are actually very clear about it, and they are quite repulsive in their hearts.

Because all smart people know that it is very difficult to realize the plan of the Supreme Elders, even very difficult to achieve, because their Xuantian Holy Land is not very strong in the entire space world, and the strength of the entire Holy Land is not very strong. The most powerful ones are only the elders in the combined realm. It is completely impossible to compete with those super forces for control of the entire space.

Even if they can finally control all the forces of the major dynasties, their strength will not be able to confront all the super forces head-on. Therefore, those ordinary elders know very well that their supreme elders know that the plan is difficult to realize, and they still want to In fact, the real purpose of insisting on execution is to obtain more resources and help them break through this chaotic situation.

Because as long as those Supreme Elders can break through and reach the Mahayana level, then they will have the opportunity to obtain a higher status and join the super power. Even if all the other immortal cultivators in Xuantian Holy Land are wiped out by then, they will not It affects these supreme elders.

In other words, those Taishang elders have completely ignored the other immortal cultivators in Xuantian Holy Land. Then the ordinary elders in the Hedao realm who are the main executors will definitely not have a good end, so these elders are very worried. Resistant and worried, because they know that even if they continue like this, they will not get any benefits in the end and will lose their lives.

But if they can find a way to break the situation, they will definitely be willing to do it. For example, they can join a certain super force now, even if it is to give the core members as guardians. It is precisely because of these considerations , so these elders only took the risk to come here after they knew that a semi-immortal weapon had appeared.

As a result, they now see eight other Hedao realm elders in the Holy Land appearing behind a young man. If this young man really comes from a super power, and his status must be very high, then this means that the other eight The elder has found better support.

Since they can do it, these eight elders can also do it. As long as they understand the details of Xu Changsheng and confirm their thoughts, they can bargain with Xu Changsheng and agree. Xu Changsheng became Xu Changsheng's protector, or joined the super power behind Xu Changsheng.

If it weren't for the fact that the Supreme Elders of Xuantian Holy Land were much stronger than ordinary elders like them, they would not have taken such a desperate risk, because they knew that Xuantian Holy Land would definitely be destroyed by those Supreme Elders once they betrayed them. Since So you need to find a stronger backer. Because only in this way can we get rid of the current predicament and have the opportunity to make further progress and obtain more resources. Any smart person will do such a thing, but it is a pity that they overestimated Xu Changsheng's identity. This space world does not belong to any force. He came here from the outside world, so Xu Changsheng naturally could not tell these elders which force he came from, nor could he produce the corresponding tokens.

Although Xu Changsheng could also guess some of the thoughts in the minds of these elders, he also knew that if he just made up a random origin, it would be impossible for these elders to believe it, and he must have corresponding tokens to prove his identity. , instead of being so troublesome, it would be more effective for Xu Changsheng to directly suppress and control them all.

Therefore, Xu Changsheng did not explain anything, nor did he explain his abilities to these elders, because he felt that it was not necessary. These elders thought that Xu Changsheng would persuade them next, and then show off the power behind him. Let these elders willingly join your faction, or become Xu Changsheng's dependence.

As a result, Xu Changsheng actually directly ordered the eight elders behind him to start sending a large amount of mana into the forbidden magic circle, and then the powerful pressure formed by the forbidden magic circle increased several times than before. This situation made those elders feel very Shocked, they did not expect that Xu Changsheng would immediately take action at the first disagreement, and had no idea of ​​explanation.

The most important thing is that this magic circle has formed a powerful force. Now the eight elders present have suppressed it, weakening their original strength by several percent. This directly caused the strength of these elders to only drop to the level of the human body. God level, and they found that they could not replenish the consumed mana immediately, because this magic circle isolated the surrounding spiritual energy, as if it was an independent space carved out of this world. This method can be said to be unheard of.

It is difficult for even a Mahayana-level immortal cultivator to arrange such a high-level restrictive array. However, Xu Changsheng was able to arrange such a powerful array at such a young age, which shows that Xu Changsheng is ahead of the restrictive array. It has already reached a very high level, which shows how powerful Xu Changsheng will be in the future.

If Xu Changsheng really came from a certain super power, after he showed such methods and became these elders, he would definitely choose to join them without hesitation. But the problem is that Xu Changsheng did not give them this kind of treatment at all. opportunity, this is because Xu Changsheng was unable to come up with reasons and background for these elders to join him.

Moreover, Xu Changsheng deliberately did not explain, but instead made these elders worried. In fact, they elders also had some trump cards in their hands that they did not dare to use easily, because these things were obtained after they paid a huge price, and Even if they use it here, it may not be able to change the existing shortcomings. Instead, it will offend Xu Changsheng, because they don't know how Xu Changsheng will choose to deal with them.

The means and strength Xu Changsheng has shown now indicate that Xu Changsheng must come from a certain super force, otherwise he would not have such a background. Therefore, if Xu Changsheng has the idea of ​​recruiting these elders, then they will definitely not refuse. If Xu Changsheng If he really wants these elders to surrender to him, then it will be a good thing for these elders.

If Xu Changsheng really wanted to eliminate them, he would have done it long ago and would not wait until now. Therefore, for a while, these elders did not understand what Xu Changsheng's purpose was, especially the arrangement here. A trap, and then let these elders fight with each other after coming here, weakening their strength, and later set up such a large prohibition circle.

Especially in order to get these elders to come over, Xu Changsheng even took out a semi-immortal weapon as bait. This act can be said to be too big. If it was just to deal with these eight elders in the Hedao realm, it would be too much. It was extravagant, because as long as Xu Changsheng was willing to pay such a price, it would be relatively easy to let a cultivator in the combined realm do things for him.

How could these elders have thought that Xu Changsheng's real purpose was to completely control them, so that there would be no surprises? As long as he turned these elders into his subordinates and left control runes in their soul consciousness sea, Then these people will never be able to betray them for the rest of their lives.

Moreover, Xu Changsheng will rely on them to deal with the immortal cultivators who are integrated or even in the Mahayana realm. After controlling them all, they can control everything in the entire space world. Naturally, it is impossible for Xu Changsheng not to have control over these. Even if he told the elders, they would not believe him. Instead, they would think that Xu Changsheng was weird.

And even if Xu Changsheng really wants to drag out all his plans, these elders will definitely resist desperately when they know about it. It will only bring more resistance to Xu Changsheng. In this case, Xu Changsheng simply does nothing. He said that only after controlling them all, even if the elders knew about it, it would be difficult for them to resist, let alone regret.

As the suppressive power emanating from the forbidden circle became stronger and stronger, the elders present felt that they were restrained and unable to move. This made them feel very speechless, because they really wanted to join Xu Changsheng directly because they went out. That's why they have such thoughts, but they don't know what Xu Changsheng wants to do, so they can only wait patiently for the time being.

However, as these elders discovered that they could not even use the magic power they possessed in the end, they began to panic, because this meant that their trump cards could not be used. Xu Changsheng noticed that these elders With their demeanor, I knew that they must be thinking about checking the situation first, and then whether to use their trump cards.

It's just that they didn't expect that the power of the forbidden magic circle possessed by Xu Changsheng was so powerful. Now they can't even use it as a last resort. If Xu Changsheng really wants to control these elders, or uses some method that they don't know, Then these elders have no ability to resist. They feel regret now, but it is too late. They just hope that Xu Changsheng will not go too far.

Xu Changsheng saw that the time was ripe, so there was no need for him to hide, so he simply came to these elders and immediately used his soul control methods to control the runes in the sea of ​​consciousness of these elders. It took a moment for these elders to understand Xu Changsheng's true purpose, but they had no power to resist. Although they were very angry and unwilling in their hearts, they could not change.

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(End of this chapter)

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