Mortal Cultivation: I Have a Mirror of Absurdity

Chapter 363 Chapter 362 sneak attack successful

Chapter 363 Chapter 362 sneak attack successful
"Those hypocrites were concerned about their face and refused to kill everyone and leave a bad reputation, but they just took advantage of me. So much flesh and blood, as well as the secret treasures and spiritual stones accumulated by the Poison Saint Sect for thousands of years, all become my property today, Jie Jie Jie... ………”

The Blood Blade sucked the flesh and blood of the Poison Saint Sect monks all the way to increase its power, and even gained the magical power to break restrictions. When it reached the top of the mountain, the last Poison Saint Sect monks gathered in a secret place, trying to rely on the formation to defend, but they were only attacked by the Blood Blade a few times. This time, the ban on the formation was broken.
The remaining ones immediately began to flee for their lives, but were caught up and killed by the Blood Blade.
Except for a few lucky ones, almost all the high and low-level monks from the Poison Saint Sect were spared.
A poisonous sect in Nuo Da was wiped out in an instant, and thousands of years of inheritance could be said to have disappeared.
The "Five Lakes Sanren" rushed to several secret places, only to find that there was nothing inside. All the treasures and materials inside had been moved in advance.
After frowning and thinking for a moment, Wuhu Sanren immediately thought of something and began to collect the storage bags left by the Poison Saint Sect monks that he had just dismissed.
Sure enough, in these storage bags, Wuhu Sanren found a large number of spiritual stones and materials, worth tens of millions of spiritual stones, including some extremely rare materials and secret treasures. Even if he lived for tens of thousands of years, It has been around for a long time and is rarely encountered or collected.
It seemed that the monks of the Poison Saint Sect had already planned to disperse and escape, but they did not expect that the Wuhu monks would come so quickly, be so powerful, and attack so ruthlessly, and they were all killed in one fell swoop.
Wuhu Sanren went down the mountain with great satisfaction and a happy mood. As soon as they came to the mountain gate and wanted to step out, something strange suddenly happened.
As he stabbed diagonally into the void, a flash of inspiration suddenly occurred, and a small golden sword was shot out. It hit the Wuhu Sanren like a meteor, causing a sharp sound of breaking through the air, which was breathtaking.
The Wuhu scattered people were shocked and turned pale. They hurriedly waved their hands and released their blood blades to meet the enemy. At the same time, they were about to drive away with the Escape Light, hoping to avoid the next wave of sneak attacks.
It's a pity that everything is too late.
Calculating mentally and unintentionally, a green wooden ruler suddenly appeared again in the void. After a flash of inspiration, a burst of Sanskrit Buddhist sounds sounded, and a large piece of five-color Buddha light appeared, covering a large space below.
The moment the five-color Buddha light appeared, the gray escaping light transformed by Wuhu Sanren immediately disappeared and became invisible, and the people were forced to stay where they were.
Just when Wuhu Sanren was stunned, the green wooden ruler trembled slightly, and with a flash of inspiration, a huge anemone appeared out of thin air above the former's head.
Wuhu Sanren's magic power suddenly became stagnant and congested, and he could no longer use it at all. He also stood frozen on the spot and became motionless.
At this time, a loud "bang" sound came.
It turned out that the golden thunder bamboo sword hit the bloody light of the blood blade, and it showed its strength for a moment, and was forced to retreat continuously. Seeing this, Wang Geng could only think about it, and the puppet of Queen Yuan released the golden thunder bamboo sword. In the sword, all the evil-fighting divine thunder is stored.
Although the blood light was not scattered, they were still locked in a stalemate with the Blood Blade, looking equally matched.
On the other side, the Wuhu San people naturally knew the Eight Spiritual Rulers. They were so horrified that they no longer dared not use their full strength. After a fierce light flashed in their eyes, they immediately bit the tip of their tongues and performed some kind of secret technique.
Suddenly, a deep beast roar sounded, and a series of "crackling" bones burst out from Wuhu Sanren's body. At the same time, his body size increased sharply, and white hair about a foot long appeared all over his body.
When its body grew to about ten feet in size, it immediately released countless corpse energy and turned into gray-white evil soul threads, covering the space above its head and winding towards the giant anemone.
The evil soul thread shot into the huge anemone, and suddenly a muffled sound of "chichichi" sounded continuously. The gray-white evil soul silk was continuously annihilated by the huge anemone, but the Ten Thousand Years Corpse Bear took this opportunity to drive up immediately. The light escapes outward.
The Eight Spirit Ruler is a spiritual treasure that reaches the heavens of Buddhism. Although it is designed to defeat ghosts and corpses, this restraint is also relative.
The Ten Thousand Years Corpse Bear comes from the upper world and has great supernatural powers. He has practiced the demon corpse for tens of thousands of years, and has already mastered the corpse energy. Although it is still unable to match the Buddhist magical power of the Eight Spirit Rulers, it can temporarily get rid of the Eight Spirit Rulers after using all its strength. Control is still possible.
Just when the Ten Thousand Years Corpse Bear was overjoyed and was about to escape from the area covered by the huge anemone, there was a sudden "chirp" sound in the void on the side, and a black arc as thick as the mouth of a bowl shot out of the air and struck the Ten Thousand Years Corpse Bear. .
After a muffled sound of "boom", the Ten Thousand Years Corpse Bear screamed, and was caught off guard. It was hit by the Yinming Divine Thunder and was covered in bruises. It flew backwards ten feet away and fell back under the giant anemone.
The evil spirit threads had been exhausted at this time. Amidst a burst of Sanskrit Buddha's voice, the giant anemone once again released a large amount of five-color Buddha light, covering the ten thousand year corpse bear below.
The Ten Thousand Years Corpse Bear stiffened up again. After a pair of bloody eyes flashed with cold light, it was about to use its secret technique again. Suddenly, a black light flashed in the void while diagonally stabbing. It shot out a jet-black strange blade, which struck the Ten Thousand Years Corpse Bear like lightning. On the bear's chest.
The corpse of the Ten Thousand Years Corpse Bear was originally extremely powerful and difficult to damage with magic weapons, but it was restrained by the magical power of the Eight Spirit Rulers and was unable to be used. After a muffled sound of 'pop', the chest was easily broken open by the magic marrow flying knife.
A cry of pain came out, and the Ten Thousand Years Corpse Bear was in unbearable pain. A large amount of light yellow corpse blood shot out from the wound, and the spellcasting was interrupted.
Wang Geng no longer gave him a chance. While the magic marrow flying knife returned quickly, he raised his hand and released nearly a thousand rays of golden light. Then he fired several spells with his ten fingers. The nearly a thousand golden needle magic weapons immediately released golden light and transformed into a sword. Zhang Xu had a long golden sword, Wang Geng opened his mouth and spat out another Yinming divine thunder, which attached to the huge golden sword.
As the black electric arc kept beating on the Golden Sword, the huge Golden Sword made a buzzing sound, then jumped up, turned into a ray of golden light, and quickly slashed towards the Ten Thousand Years Corpse Bear.
The Ten Thousand Years Corpse Bear had no way to avoid it, and was pierced by the magic marrow flying knife and the huge golden sword. It screamed and fell over.
Before the body fell to the ground, a ball of green light suddenly rose up. He rolled up the storage bag around his waist and ran away quickly towards the distance.
When Wang Geng saw this, he immediately raised the corner of his mouth, chuckled, raised his hand and took off a spirit beast bag from his waist, and released the strange beast Hau Dou.
As soon as Fu Dou appeared, he discovered the Ten Thousand Years Corpse Bear that was escaping quickly, so he immediately rolled his strange eyes, revealing a pair of silver pupils, and a ray of silver light suddenly shot out and shot into the void, like It teleported across hundreds of feet and hit the ten-thousand-year-old corpse bear demon soul.
The Ten Thousand Years Corpse Bear was unprepared for this, and was suddenly rolled back. After a few breaths, it was dragged into the mouth of the alien beast Huidou. After chewing a few times, it was swallowed into its belly.
Wang Geng smiled slightly when he saw this but did not stop him.
The demon soul of the Ten Thousand Years Corpse Bear is a great tonic for Hu Dou, and can be used to increase his level.
Half a quarter of an hour later, Wang Geng put away his treasures and a bunch of storage bags, drove away from the Poisonous Holy Mountain in the Escape, leaving no trace behind.
A few days ago, Wang Geng came to the vicinity of Kunwu Mountain. He thought that if he entered Kunwu Mountain this time and would not hit the bottleneck of becoming a god, he would never go out. A large amount of materials would inevitably be used, so he suddenly decided to go to a nearby market and planned to use a large amount of materials. After purchasing the materials, I unexpectedly heard that the Poison Saint Sect was killed by the Wuhu San people.
After hearing about the bloody methods of this Wuhu Sanren, Wang Geng immediately guessed that he was the Ten Thousand Years Corpse Bear that had attacked him in Kunwu Mountain that year, so he came to the Poison Saint Sect to ambush him on the spur of the moment, taking advantage of his carelessness. , and then they were killed in one fell swoop and avenged for the past.
(End of this chapter)

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