Devouring the stars

Chapter 135 What an old tool sword

Chapter 135 What an old tool sword!

"Is it really okay to deceive yourself like this?" Cao Bing couldn't help but feel a little funny when he looked at the old turtle shrunk into a shell. What's the difference between shrinking into a shell like this and letting yourself be slaughtered? Its shell is not fully protective. Whether it's the limbs or the big hole at the tail of the head, no matter which hole he enters through, he can't kill it!

Of course, forget about the tail. If you stab it with a knife, hundreds of kilograms of orelli will be pierced, which will not be good!

After all, this is in the water.

So Cao Bing finally came to the front of the old turtle's left forelimb.

"Come in from here!" Cao Bing chuckled, staring at the soles of the old turtle's feet with his spiritual consciousness, planning to use his sword to dig a hole in and directly pierce the old turtle's heart.



The earth shook and the mountains shook, and the embarrassed Cao Bing pulled himself out of the wall.

As soon as he got close to the soles of the old turtle's feet, the huge turtle's claws shot out like springs! Because Cao Bing was too close at that time and couldn't dodge, he was stepped on by the old turtle in the blink of an eye. On the underwater wall.

"I was tricked by a turtle!" Cao Bing's face turned dark.

But there was no time to think too much. I didn't know how the old turtle did it. The two claws on the right side were on the ground. The old turtle turned over and hit Cao Bing with its huge turtle shell.

"Oh my God!" Cao Bing's face turned dark at that time. The old turtle came crashing into him like a mountain. Cao Bing really had nowhere to hide. Although Cao Bing was fast, the turtle shell of more than a thousand square meters was really It was so big that there was no time to move away.

rumble rumble

The commotion caused this time was far greater than the previous ones. Cao Bing was once again mounted on the wall. If it weren't for the protection of the spiritual weapon, several of his bones would have been broken.

"Old turtle, get out of here!" With a roar, Cao Bing finally pushed up the old turtle's huge body, and then kicked the old turtle a dozen meters away with a strong kick.

"If I hadn't thought that you have a good shell and are a good material for refining shield-type spiritual weapons, I would have cut you in half!" Cao Bing said bitterly. When Cao Bing saw this old The turtle instantly remembered that he knew Uncle Hong Xin. He was a master of shields. Using the old turtle's shell to refine a low-grade shield-like weapon for Jie Hongxin would definitely increase Xie Hongxin's combat effectiveness.

It is said that Cao Bing did not use a sword to destroy the old turtle's shell, otherwise with the sharpness of the high-grade spiritual weapon, he could directly drill a hole in the old turtle's back and fight his way in!

After escaping from the pressure of the old turtle, I looked again and saw that the old turtle had retracted itself into its shell again, looking like it was waiting to come again.

"You really thought I had nothing to do with you!"

Cao Bing was furious at the time.

Although Cao Bing has been fighting in close quarters, it does not mean that he does not know how to wield a sword. How to wield a sword!

I saw two swords circling out in an instant. This time, they did not move their limbs. Cao Bing directly controlled the flying knives. The swords struck at the old turtle's head.

It was the same scene. When Cao Bing's two swords came close to the old turtle's head, suddenly the old turtle's head popped out and he bit it down.

But this time the old turtle was completely in trouble. Cao Bing was not only prepared for it, but his spiritual consciousness was always watching the movements of the old turtle's head, and his body was no longer here.

The old turtle didn't bite anything else, but instead swallowed Cao Bing's sword.

You must know that the Devouring Star World does not have the true energy to interfere with Cao Bing's command of the sword in the old turtle's body. Of course, the huge qi and blood of the old turtle will also cause interference, but the old turtle does not know how to control it, and the qi and blood Interference is relatively weak compared to true energy.

So this old turtle is in bad luck!

The two swords kept rotating the fighter up and down, left and right, and the old turtle kept roaring in pain, but it couldn't spit it out, so it could only let the two swords cut off its life in its body!

It is much easier to attack from the inside than from the outside, especially against those who are good at defense. After Cao Bing's sword entered the old turtle's mouth, it easily penetrated the old turtle's head and cut off his head. The brain was turned into a paste.

This old turtle doesn't even know how to defend himself.

So the old turtle died neatly, without any unnecessary resistance except rolling twice under the water and hitting the wall twice because of the severe pain.

"Look, if you didn't resist, you would have suffered so much!" Cao Bing looked at the old turtle that he had just killed with a pitiful expression that didn't deserve a beating.

If this sentence was heard by the old turtle, he would probably be so angry that he would live and die all over again!

"Fortunately, I refinished Wu Xing's storage bracelet. Otherwise, I really don't know how to store such a big turtle."

The storage bracelet Wu Xing used was not very well made. After Cao Bing added a little Naxu Stone, the storage space increased several times. Even if he could hold such a big old turtle, there was still some room. Remaining.

Next, we have to see what the thing that Uncle Guan and I saw is.

Cao Bing's spiritual consciousness swept down and found that the thing that looked like a metal wall that he and Guan Yong had seen seemed to be just the tip of the iceberg.

Cao Bing forced his spiritual consciousness into a straight line two meters wide and explored the metal wall for more than two thousand meters without even reaching the end.

"It really looks like a spaceship. Why is there only half of this spaceship left?" Yes, during Cao Bing's exploration, this metal wall seemed to be the stern of a spaceship.

I just don’t know what kind of force actually cut such a spaceship several thousand meters long in half vertically from the middle, and crashed here!

"No matter how it crashed here, go in and take a look. Maybe you can find some good things!" Cao Bing's eyes flashed and he licked the corners of his mouth. Although only half of the spaceship was left, there was still the remaining half. It seems to be well preserved.

It's just that the hatch of the spacecraft has not been found, and it can only be entered through the incision. However, the incision seems to be buried very deep. It is estimated that it will have to dig hundreds of meters down from the bottom of the water to find it.

"It's really hard to kill the old turtle, but he still has to dig a hole!" Cao Bing smiled bitterly and took out the low-grade flying sword Wu Xing used from his storage bracelet.

How could he possibly use a war knife or a high-grade spiritual weapon to dig holes and make holes? If other cultivators find out, they will form a group to beat him!

Therefore, this flying sword is the only one he has at hand that is suitable for digging holes. However, considering that he recently used it to hit Thunder Dragon King's thunder ball some time ago, Cao Bing decided to refine it again after a while to help it improve. A level, at least it will be faster next time you use it to dig holes!

What an old tool sword!

(End of this chapter)

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