Devouring the stars

Chapter 138 Search

Chapter 138 Search

Cao Bing was so sad and angry that his heart was bleeding when he looked at the destroyed storage tank.

But since it has been destroyed, no matter how sad and angry he is, it will not help.

He now knows why the strength of the monsters in Forest No. 017 increased so quickly! The good guy drank a whole meal of "Chao Ling Lu Wine" into the underground river, and then was absorbed by these monsters, so how could the strength increase so quickly?

Remember that "Purple Light Dew" can make an ordinary person evolve into a warrior-level warrior after a few grams of it are diluted, but Chao Ling Dew wine worth thousands of times as much as Purple Light Dew can never be diluted in a river to evolve a group of beast soldiers and beast general level monsters. point!

Cao Bing estimated that the old turtle from before probably drank Chaolinglu wine before evolving into a king-level and becoming so big. Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain how this guy got in!

Cao Bing even speculated that the so-called great nirvana of the earth might have been caused by the leakage of something in the cosmic civilization! It might have been some specially prepared nutrient solution.

After all, although there are some things in the universe that are suitable for most people, they cannot be considered all. There are more than tens of millions of human species in the universe. Some things can harmlessly help one race to increase their strength, but they may be a fatal threat to another race.

Similarly, some things are treasures to some powerful people, but may be poison to weak humans. This is very possible.

Back to the topic

There are four storage tanks in the warehouse. Each storage tank has one ton of Chaolinglu wine. One kilogram of Chaolinglu wine costs 10000 Black Dragon coins. A meal costs 1 million Black Dragon coins. Thinking about it makes Cao Bing want to cry. A star in the universe 100 How much does a super slave cost? million!

Ten million black dragon coins can buy 10 stellar warriors! How could Cao Bing not bleed from his heart!

In order to prevent the remaining Chaolinglu wine from being damaged again, Cao Bing directly put these three storage tanks into the storage bracelet!

As for the red snake's scales, they were directly burned into ashes by the real fire of the stars in Cao Bing's hands! He is now angry when he sees this thing!

"Xiao Xing, is there anything else useful?" Cao Bing reluctantly calmed down and continued to ask Xiao Xing.

"Master, there are very few other useful things." Xiaoxing's voice came out. This was originally a transport ship, so besides the cargo, there were naturally very few other things of value!

"Xiao Xing, open the crew's bedroom!" Cao Bing calmed down and continued to order Xiao Xing.

"Okay master!" Xiaoxing responded again.

The crew's bedroom and pilothouse are the only areas of the ship that may be profitable.

However, Cao Bing was still disappointed. Most of the items in the crew's bedrooms were rotten, and there was nothing except some unpleasant smells.

Including the captain's bedroom.

"Let's go to the cab." A somewhat disappointed Cao Bing shook his head. However, Cao Bing expected that there was no gain. After leaving the crew bedroom, Cao Bing returned to the cabin door of the cab again.

But at this time, the hatch has been opened by Xiaoxing.

"These corpses are really weird!" Cao Bing said with a sigh as he looked at the dozens of corpses in the cab.

The corpses in the cab obviously came from different races of the human race, some with four arms, some with long tail bones, some with horns, and maybe even some with wings.

"The master's body with wing-shaped bones belongs to the captain of this transport ship." At this time, Xiaoxing told Cao Bing based on the information he learned from the internal information of the ship.

"Oh?" Cao Bing looked at the winged corpse in confusion and found that this corpse was indeed different. The combat uniforms on the other corpses in the cab had rotted away.

But only this man's combat uniform was still intact. There was no sign of decay.

"It seems to be of the same quality as my combat uniform!" Cao Bing carefully took off the combat uniform from the corpse.

This is a complete combat uniform. The coat, pants, boots and even gloves are all complete.

"Immortal for tens of thousands of years, this shouldn't be a second-level combat uniform, right?" Cao Bing thought excitedly.

Cao Bing remembered that the lifespan of a star in the universe is only more than 10,000 years. Of course, a specially refined combat uniform of the same level can live much longer than a human warrior!

Besides, how could a strong man with level nine stars not be able to afford a level two combat uniform?

Needless to say, Cao Bing put away this entire set of combat uniforms. Although it was worn by a dead man, Cao Bing definitely did not dislike it!

After looking for Cao Bing again, they found that there was another corpse wearing a combat uniform that had not decayed. Unfortunately, there was only a combat jacket.

But it was also a nice surprise for Cao Bing.

"Don't let go of the weapons!" As he said, Cao Bing picked up the weapons scattered by everyone beside the corpse. Since the strongest one on this spaceship was only a star, so the expensive space ring It is impossible for them to have weapons. They basically carry weapons with them, and they will naturally be scattered aside after death.

"There are five more that are in good condition, not bad!" Cao Bing happily took away the storage bracelets. As for those that were a little rusty and corrupt, Cao Bing did not let them go. After returning to the furnace and practicing again, he might be able to get one or two new ones. weapon.

"Master, you'd better take down the energy bar in the energy room before. According to the conventions of the universe, the value of energy is generally pretty good. Unfortunately, the energy bar storage room of this spacecraft has disappeared, and now there is only this one left. !" At this time, Xiaoxing reminded Cao Bing.

"Energy bar? Got it!" Cao Bing nodded, energy should be relatively valuable. "By the way, what did Xiaoxing Lei Shanju rely on to run before? Was it energy bars?" Now that Lei Shanju is his own spiritual weapon, he naturally relies on it. I provide spiritual energy support myself, but I don’t know what Cao Bing relied on before.

"Master, before I recognized the master, Leishanju was maintained by the spirit gathering array drawn by the old master. Even maintaining operation now will consume some of the previously stored energy. Xiaoxing suggested that the master release Leishanju frequently so that Leishanju can absorb the stored energy! "Xiao Xing immediately helped Cao Bing clear up his doubts.

"That's it." Cao Bing nodded.

Then he looked around and found that the value of the spaceship had been wiped out by him. The only thing that might still be valuable now was the wreckage of the spacecraft. However, this thing was garbage and was not worth much in the universe. .

Moreover, this spaceship is not made of pure metal, it is made of alloy which is cheaper. The outer shell can only be regarded as A-grade alloy, and only a few places are made of B-grade alloy.

"When Luo Feng and Babata repair the spaceship in the future, ask them if they want it. If they don't want it, I will dismantle the weapon and make it! Although it is an alloy, it is still A grade and not an ordinary metal. I will spend some time to refine it later. We should be able to mass-produce some low-quality spiritual weapons of poor quality! Well, with a little improvement, we should be able to buy them as first-order force weapons in the universe!"

(End of this chapter)

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