Immortal forging

Chapter 169 The North Shadow Demon's Conspiracy

Jiang Gang has already offered sky-high prices for five earth-level flying swords.

That's right, that's the sky-high price.

In the world of cultivating immortals, how many earth-level flying swords there are, it can be said that they are pitifully few.

Five earth-level flying swords are given at once, which is an absolute sky-high price.

Although Jiang Chuan has thousands of handles, five handles are a drop in the bucket for Jiang Chuan, but for other people, even other Nascent Souls are absolutely sky-high.

However, no matter how high the price was, he did not get the Ruyi Sword, because the Demon Kingdom was afraid.Jiang Chuan's speed is too fast. If he obtains such a thin super-flying sword, the lethality it can cause will be even more terrifying. The Demon Kingdom has now regarded "Jiang" as a top-ranked enemy, so how dare he underestimate it.

Zhang Baarm is known as the Eight Arms and Eight Swords Style, and he has always liked to collect all kinds of flying swords. It can be said that he has long been fascinated by those various flying swords. However, in this case, even if So what if the heart is moved, if this sword is given to Jiang "afterwards.He needs to bear the terrible consequences caused, and I'm afraid he can't bear the consequences.

The transaction of Tianxing with five earth-level flying swords was also unsuccessful.

A voice of emotion.

But Jiang Chuan didn't care: "Oh, don't you want to sell it?"

"Of course not for sale. The more you want it, the more expensive it is." Chi Qingfeng's pretty face turned cold. She was not easy to get angry, but she didn't know why.When encountering "Jiang", it is always easier to get angry.

"Jiang" nodded, but he was not disappointed, at least in everyone's opinion, but many people thought in their hearts that "Jiang" only pretended not to care on the surface, but he probably cared a lot in his heart. As a result, at this time, Jiang Chuan Said: "Uh, I will forge it by myself after a while."

Although the words of this sentence are light, but everyone present is Nascent Soul, who can't hear it.

Jiang Chuan is definitely not a braggart.

If such a person dares to say such a thing, he must be quite sure.

And being able to forge earth-level flying swords also means that Jiang Chuan is a great forging master and can forge earth weapons. If this is true, then this is the only great forging master in the world of cultivating immortals.The world's number one forging master, this title seems to be quite impressive.

Surprised, of course, after a slight sound of surprise, everyone should do whatever they want.They exchanged and traded those ground tools with each other, and the transactions were almost done in this way. At this time, Sha Haitaotian wanted to leave. This place is very far away from Huangtumen, so he had to use the teleportation array to go back.

He stepped on a teleportation array, and the teleportation array was lit up with light. He saw that Sha Hai Jiutian and Dongfang Shanshui, two people from the Loess Sect, were about to leave here.But at this moment, with a bang, both Sha Hai Yitian and Dongfang Shanshui stayed where they were.But it didn't move a step, and it didn't teleport away at all.

At this time, Sha Hai Jiutian looked towards the Demon Kingdom: "What the hell are you doing?"

Chi Qingfeng was suspicious: "Did we mess up? We didn't mess up. What's going on?"

Sha Haizhitian looked at Chi Qingfeng with straight eyes: "It's really not the fault of your demon country."

Chi Qingfeng nodded: "Of course, I don't even know what it is."

At this time, other people also quickly asked Sha Hai Jiutian what happened, and Sha Hai Taotian said: "Just now, Dongfang Shanshui and I were going to teleport away with the teleportation array, but it turned out that the teleportation array worked."

"The teleportation array has been destroyed?" Chi Qingfeng wondered, at this moment, Feng Lian from the Tianfeng Sect among the seven major sects said, "I'll go and see." Then it turned into a gust of wind and went to another teleportation array.At the same time, at this moment, Yinhu said: "I'm going to try other teleportation arrays too." The silver fox turned into a silver light and flew in another direction.

Whether it is Yinhu's escape technique or Feng Lian's forgiveness of fire's escape technique, they are both quite fast. With such a fast escape technique, although the teleportation array is a little farther away, it can still return easily. Fox and Fenglian Shehuo basically came back at the same time.All the people present looked at these two people, and let's see what they said.

Feng Lianshe shook his head: "I went to a teleportation array, but the teleportation array there was also destroyed."

At this moment, Yinhu also said: "I also went to a teleportation array, and the teleportation array there was also destroyed, so I can't teleport."

At this time, all eyes turned to Jiang Chuan. Among the people present, "Jiang" was the fastest. And it was far faster than the others. Seeing that so many people were looking at him, "Jiang" shrugged, helpless.With so many people looking at me, I can only get on.It turned into a half-electric state at the moment, and flew out.

Jiang's speed is naturally extraordinary.

After a while, Jiang Chuan flew back and returned to the appearance of a human being, no longer in a semi-electric state: "I just went to see more than a dozen nearby teleportation arrays, and all of them were destroyed, and none of them were useful. . " Hearing this, the other Nascent Souls present.They were all a little surprised.

Surprised by Jiang Chuan's speed, it only took a moment for Jiang Chuan to detect more than a dozen teleportation arrays around him. You must know that the distance between the teleportation arrays in the world of cultivating immortals is not too close. , then there is no need to make a few more teleportation arrays, and "Jiang" can go back and forth in such a short period of time, which shows his astonishing speed.

Jiang Chuan is number one in the world, it really is not a lie.

The second surprise is the second surprise, whose handwriting is this.He has destroyed so many teleportation arrays, and what is he going to do to destroy so many teleportation arrays.Really strange thing, 26 Nascent Souls.At this time, they were quite puzzled, not knowing what kind of conspiracy this was.

At this time, Master Jin Yi of Chihuomen said: "This is not a plot by the Demon Ancestor, destroying all the surrounding teleportation arrays, and then killing us."

"We have evasion techniques, so it is the Demon Ancestor. It is not easy to kill us." Lu Tianyi said slowly: "This is the first, and the second is that the seven seniors of the seven sects are staring at the Demon Ancestor to death. , This is also known by everyone. It is not easy for him to kill us. As long as the time is delayed, the seven old seniors will take action and detonate the final decisive battle in advance. Such a thing, I guess Mozu will not Do it, so this matter is probably not the handiwork of the Demon Ancestor." Lu Tianyi's analysis was reasonable, and everyone heard that it was true, Chang Tianyi is known as Tianyi.Now it seems that it is so.

"Then, whose handwriting is it that dares to design the warriors so many of our Nascent Soul Stages?"

"Destroy the teleportation array." Jiang Chuan mused: "Just let us leave quickly, and Bu Chuan is in a certain place for the time being. Maybe at this moment, there are some waves in this place under the sky. It is very important. I'm afraid that we will go to help. So destroy the teleportation array here."

Chang Tianyi nodded, his thinking was careful, his thoughts were similar to Jiang Chuan's, and he thought so too. At this moment, after several flying swords and flying swords flew in, the person who received the flying swords sent them The letter was unfolded, and after reading the letter, all of them looked at Bei Ying Yao.

There, Beiying Yao was fiddled with his silver lightly, being watched by so many infants.He didn't feel too uncomfortable, he was at ease, and after the Nascent Soul's eyes were basically focused on him, he said leisurely: "That's right, this time, it was indeed my handwriting."

"Of course, to be precise, it's the work of Beiyingyao. I'm just one of Mr. Beiyingyao. It's just a stand-in." The one in front of me, Beiyingyao said leisurely.

"Then, who are you?" Lu Tianyi asked.

"Who am I?" Beiyingyao smiled: "I'm not human, I'm just a substitute for Mrs. Beiyingyao. Hercules." Yellow turban warriors are very popular in the world of cultivating immortals, and many cultivators use them. Of course, they all need a certain amount of magic power to drive them. If they don't have enough magic power, they can't be driven at all.

"Master Beiyingyao wants to carry out a plan this time. So I made a fake body." The yellow scarf version of Beiyingyao said calmly: "It seems that everyone is full of doubts, okay, as a A perfect imitation of the Yellow Turban Lishi. I will also tell you what happened this time slowly, so that you don't understand at all."

"First of all, we, Lord Beiying Yao, are not dealing with you, but Wan Guqing.

"Master Beiyingyao has a feud with Wan Guqing, the leader of your seven faction alliance. I think some of you know about it." Even Jiang Chuan has heard of the grudge between Beiyingyao and Wanguqing.It is said that it was because of an affair with a demon princess back then, and it is said that the highest purpose of Beiying Yao's life is.Not to revive the Yaozu, but to kill Wan Guqing.

People like Jiang Chuan, who are younger than the Dongji, all know this grievance. The other Nascent Soul Stages are people who have lived for hundreds of thousands of years. Who would not know this grievance? This is not a secret.

The yellow turban warrior Shi Shiran said: "We, Lord Beiying Yao, want to kill Wan Guqing, but it is not easy to kill Wan Guqing. The strength of Wanguqing itself is tyrannical, and it is a rare fifth-level infant transformation Period, of course, this is not the most troublesome thing. The most troublesome thing is that Wan Guqing is the leader of the Seven Faction Alliance. Since he is the leader of the Seven Faction Alliance, there are many people around him, including Yuan Yingqi No matter from which point of view, he is too terrifying, and his own strength is tyrannical. There are many masters from the seven sects gathered around him, making it impossible for Mr. Beiyingyao to make a move.

"Of course, our Master Beiyingyao. We are not afraid of Wan Guqing's astonishing strength. The most troublesome thing is the so many masters gathered around Wan Guqing."

"However, the opportunity finally came."

"It's this trip to the Nascent Soul Treasure House, where many Nascent Souls gather." The yellow scarf warrior version Beiying Yao Shi said calmly: "This trip to the Nascent Soul Treasure House is to take away many masters around Wan Guqing. Of course, preparations must be made, such as Mr. Beiying Yao. I made a fake body of mine and came to the Yuanying Treasure. ally."

"At this moment, there are definitely not many people by the side of the leader of the alliance."

"And not only that, the leader of the Wan Da Alliance must be very excited about studying the castle."

"Wan Guqing is the kind of person who is extremely ambitious, but with his strength, it is very difficult to realize his ambition. Yes, Wan Guqing is a rare baby-turning stage. In the world of cultivating immortals, with his strength, It can definitely be ranked in the top ten, such a strength. Logically speaking, it is definitely not weak, and it should be called the top. But his ambition is too big, so big that his strength can't support his ambition and dominate the world The alliance of the seven factions, to be the true leader of the seven factions, to move the seven factions with one word, to truly control the seven major factions." The Yellow Turban version of Beiying Yao continued: "Instead of just being a superficial leader now. What's the matter? It can only be decided after discussing with the seven deputy lords, what he wants is absolute control, not what he is doing now."

"Such a big ambition is to catch up with the ambition of the Demon Ancestor, but his strength is far behind that of the Hui Ancestor."

"There is no doubt that studying the extremely precious research materials of the castle can enhance Wan Guqing's strength, but the research materials have always been in the hands of Master Beiying Yao, and Wan Guqing dare not break in easily. After all, Master Beiying Yao is known as The baby lock is the strongest, good at attacking the enemy's flaws."

"And this time, Nascent Soul Treasure House, is the perfect time."

"On the surface, Lord Beiying Yao came to the Nascent Soul Treasure House, so when Wan Guqing's opportunity came, he would go to the castle to search for various research materials in the castle."

"In fact, Master Beiying Yao installed a fake body at the Nascent Soul Treasure House, and his real body has long been researching the Treasure House, waiting for Wan Guqing to come to his door."

"This is a perfect opportunity. Many Nascent Souls from the Seven Great Sects were attracted to the Nascent Soul Treasure House, and they needed manpower to deploy their own defenses. Therefore, no one would follow Wan Guqing to study the castle. Of course. Wan Guqing thought that Master Beiying Yao was not there. If you study the castle, you will be careless and won't bring anyone with you."

"Of course, because I was afraid that you would destroy it after leaving the Nascent Soul Treasure House, you destroyed the surrounding teleportation arrays long ago. These teleportation arrays were all destroyed at once, and if you want to fly away. Even if you use escapism, This place is extremely far away from the research castle, and it is normal to need more than ten days and a month."

"When you rush away, everything will be over."

"This time, it's the battle between Lord Beiyingyao and Wan Guqing to settle the grievance."

"Baci's perfect opportunity." The yellow scarf warrior version of Beiyingyao said slowly, and when he spoke, he was tinged with a bit of Beiyingyao's demeanor.Has indescribable calmness.

At this time, the other 20 people were all taken aback.It turns out that everything is like this.From the beginning of the Nascent Soul Treasure House, Bei Ying Yao has been laying out the layout, and at this time, the game has been closed, and looking at the appearance of the Yellow Turban Lux version of Bei Ying Yao, Wan Guqing has already fallen into the net.

It's time to close the net.Of course, although Wan Guqing was caught in the net, he was one of the top ten masters in the world of cultivating immortals, and at the same time the master of the Seven Sects.Impossible to fall easily.This battle is a battle of life and death, but also a battle of grievances and enemies. It must be a wonderful battle.

At this time, Jiang Chuan laughed, and the laughter attracted the eyes of more than 20 people present: "Beiying Yao, it seems that he has forgotten me. Although the teleportation array is completely destroyed, I am still here. I have to rush to study the castle. It doesn’t seem like it will take long, I think, it will take a little more than half a day, and I can catch up.”

From the Nascent Soul Treasure House to the research castle, it will take a little more than half a day just to appear on the stage, and the speed is the best in the world, it really is not a lie.

At this moment, everyone can only admire Jiang Chuan's speed a few times.

Yes, at this moment, "Jiang" is the only character who doesn't need a teleportation array.

Standing there, Jiang Chuan, the yellow scarf warrior version of Beiyingyao shook his head and said, "How could Lord Beiyingyao not remember Jiang Daoyou, Jiang Daoyou, your strength and record are astonishing, and your speed is now too fast!" I kept it from everyone, and I can’t forget you even if I forget anything.”

"Master Beiyingyao counts it as a legacy strategy. If you are missed, it doesn't seem to be considered a legacy strategy." The yellow scarf warrior version of Beiyingyao said: "So, Master Beiyingyao has already hired someone. It is specially used to Dealing with you will definitely prevent you from causing any damage to this battle."

"Oh, did you invite someone to deal with me?" Jiang Chuan couldn't help smiling: "If that's the case, I will study the castle even more. I also want to see who is the one who deals with me. So confident Can handle me."

Jiang Chuan was about to move, but at this time, he was cutting.Jiang, now that the Nascent Souls who have made friends with him have all come to him, at this time Lu Tianyi said: "All the teleportation formations have been destroyed, we probably can't help them, and you are the only one. You can go to support. If it can be done, try to save the leader Wan."

"Leader Wan is the leader of our seven factions. He is in the safety of the seven factions. When Lord Wan is in power, he must do everything by himself. He is a wise leader when he does things." Chang Tianyi said these words at the same time. The voice gave Jiang Chuan: "Although Wan Guqing is very fucked up and very ambitious, but now the seven major factions need him, and he is also capable, so if you can help Wan Guqing, try to help as much as possible, understand."

"I know." Jiang Chuan said: "I can still understand the big things and the wrong things. Now the seven factions are fighting against the Demon Kingdom, and the leader of the Wan League is responsible for the seven factions. If I can save it, I will definitely save it. But, Beiying This guy, it’s really a legacy strategy to do things. He’s said it all, and arranged for a character to deal with me. I’m afraid I really have some confidence, and I can only do my best.”

And a few words of nonsense with these nascent infants.Promising again and again that he would do his best, Jiang Chuan turned into a flash of lightning and disappeared.

Direction, fly straight to where the research castle is.

In fact, Jiang Chuan was also very curious, which one Beiying Yao had arranged to intercept him, and he was confident that he could intercept him.

When Jiang Chuan started flying, the whole world of cultivating immortals moved.

More than half of the Nascent Souls from the Seven Great Sects are trapped in the Nascent Soul Treasure House, not far away from the research castle, and the teleportation arrays away from the Nascent Soul Treasure House are all destroyed, so they can't be used.

As for the other Nascent Souls, they all have a certain set of defenses, if they all go to rescue Wan Guqing.I'm afraid that I will lose it here.

Therefore, there were basically no Nascent Soul stage bosses to save Wan Guqing. However, on the frontal battlefield, the Seven Faction Alliance also launched attacks one after another, attacking the defense line of the Demon Kingdom, trying to alleviate the situation. Some Wanguqing's pressure, however, can't do too much. After all, the research castle is deep in the territory of the Demon Kingdom, and the Demon Kingdom is now facing the Seven Factions, which actually has the upper hand.

The alliance of the seven factions and the Demon Kingdom came at the border, fought and fought back and forth.

The real turmoil is in the study of the castle.

At this time, the most powerful supporting army rushing to study the castle was probably Jiang Chuan.

"Jiang" has the best speed in the world, and "Jiang"'s strength is definitely in the top [-] in the world of cultivating immortals, and may also be in the top [-].

Jiang Chuan was flying.

If you can save Wan Guqing, Jiang Chuan will save it naturally.But there is another purpose, that is, Jiang Chuan wants to see the battle between Wan Guqing and Bei Ying Yao, these two people are outstanding people in the world, how exciting the battle between these two people will be, Jiang Chuan is curious, in this Amidst the chaos of thoughts, "Jiang" arrived outside the research castle.

Outside the research castle at this time, an enchantment had already been opened.

However, there is a door in this enchantment.

The door is open.

There was a person sitting in front of the door.

this is a.A middle-aged man with a thick beard, thick hands and thick feet, looks extremely mighty. From a distance, this middle-aged man with a silly beard has a quite calm aura.Such an aura made people secretly startled, "Jiang" smiled. He stopped in mid-air.

The middle-aged bearded man saw Jiang Chuan stop in mid-air, and murmured involuntarily, "It's so fast, it's so fast."

Jiang Chuan stopped in mid-air and looked at the bearded man: "Oh, are you the one arranged by Beiying Yao to intercept me?"

The puppet and bearded man said: "My name is Qianjianmojun, by the way, I am also Wanshou, and my name is Wanshou, is my nickname similar to yours? You are Qianjianjun, and I am Qianjianmojun. "

"Longevity, a sword demon?" Jiang Chuan stared at the big man with a silly beard: "I heard that there is a man who is not involved in anything, and is called Thousand Sword Demon. Jun, I didn't expect to meet you here.

The big man with a silly beard nodded: "It's good that you have heard of me, but I don't bother to explain more. You and I use the technique of a thousand swords, so let's give it a try." As soon as he raised it, thousands of pitch-black swords appeared in the void, enclosing Jiang Chuan in it.It is also the art of controlling the sword with a thousand swords. Jiang Chuan was in doubt, but at this time, the opponent was already approaching, so Jiang couldn't help but think about it.

What Jiang Chuan can control now are [-] flying swords.

And Wanshou, the big man with a silly beard and a thousand swords, can use more than 2000 swords. In an instant, four or five thousand swords are facing each other in the air, and the sword lights are shooting randomly. Thousands of immortal cultivators duel in the air.At least this is the case.

Jiang Chuan has never faced this kind of opponent before. He is so good against the thousand swords who are like swordsmanship, and he has the advantage of fighting more and less. But now, this is the only time. With the advantage of fighting more and less, the swords of the two kept clashing in the air.

The sword and the sword are clashing, the sword is bumping into the sword, the sword is constantly changing its position, and the sword's momentum is constantly changing.

Sword to sword, swords to swords.

Sword hits sword, flying sword breaks sword.

Jiang Chuan kept changing his sword stance, for example, in a part, he wanted more enemies and fewer enemies, but he found that Qianjian Demon Lord Wanshou changed his sword stance quite quickly, and also changed his sword stance in a part, and both of them seemed to be in the same position. It splits the mental body into an unknown number of parts, and the manipulation of the sword is the same.

What a Thousand Swords Demon Lord, what a formidable opponent.

"Jiang" stopped his hands, and immediately retracted his swords. Seeing Jiang Chuan doing this, Wanshou also retracted his swords, and the sky became calm in an instant, as if the extremely fierce fighting with nearly five thousand swords just now did not exist. In general, Thousand Swords Demon Lord Wanshou praised: "What an amazing character, Jiang Chuan, really extraordinary. "

Jiang Chuan said with a smile: "I've known the name of Demon Lord Thousand Swords for a long time. I didn't expect to be so extraordinary. It would be troublesome if I really want to beat you, but it's one thing to beat you, but it's impossible to get rid of you It's not difficult. Beiying Yao asked you to stop me, and it's impossible to stop me."

The bearded man Wanshou laughed: "Whoever said that I came to stop you, I just heard about Jiang Chuan's name, and I was thinking, if I have time someday, let's do a couple of tricks, that's all. I Among the demon cultivators, they have always been idle clouds and wild cranes. They have no friendship with other people in the demon country, and they have no friendship with Beiying Yao. How can they be entrusted by him to stop you? It's just an itchy hand. I just thought that you would definitely pass by here, so I just waited for you here."

"Aren't you here to intercept me?" Jiang was surprised.

"Of course not." Wanshou laughed loudly: "I don't have much friendship with them, okay. I have also fought against each other. Although it is just a few tricks, it is really good to test your strength. Maybe you are qualified to enter the hermitage Old circle, well, I have finished what I have to say, and I should go.

Yin Lao again, mysterious Yin Lao.

This is the third time Jiang Chuan has heard of the word Yin Lao.I heard about it when I was attacking Shengjing City before, and I didn't pay much attention to it at the time, but now I heard it for the third time, so it doesn't matter if I don't care about it.

After finishing speaking, Wan Shou laughed and left.At this time, Jiang Chuan looked at the empty gate.He couldn't help being startled, Bei Yingyao shouldn't have the need to lie, he should have arranged someone to deal with him.It's not that he has been famous for a long time, and it is said that the thousand-sword demon king is like a wild crane, so who is it?

But no matter who it is, they have already walked on such a road, and there is no need to dodge. Jiang Chuan flew in, and after flying in here.Seeing that halfway through the flight, the front opened up for a while. Jiang Chuan had been to the research castle before, and knew that this was a transfer station, and some not too important materials were placed here.

At this moment, Jiang Chuan felt a strong momentum.

This overwhelming momentum almost made Jiang Chuan stop breathing.

Who is it?There is such a strong momentum.

In fact, there is really no need to guess, this world.There is only one person who has such a strong momentum.Demon ancestor Zhang Xiebai.

Jiang Chuan immediately saw the Demon Patriarch Zhang Xiebai.He sat there calmly, with a leisurely attitude.

Jiang Chuan's mouth was a little bitter: "This, this. Here, Bei Yingyao said that someone can intercept me. It's not about you, the ancestor of the devil."

"Unfortunately, it's me." Demon ancestor Zhang Xiebai nodded, seeing Jiang Chuan's stunned look, Zhang Xiebai laughed: "Why, it's unexpected, in fact, the ancestor is also idle, you seven major factions Those seven old immortals have been staring at me all the time. It's really troublesome. I can't make a move. It just so happens that this time it's an interception mission. As long as you don't make a move, I won't make a move, and if you take the initiative to make a move If this ancestor makes a move again, even the seven old immortals of the Seven Great Sects will not be able to control you, how many people in this world can stop you, and this ancestor happens to be one of them."

After Jiang Chuan heard this, he couldn't help being stunned: "However, Demon Ancestor, will you be too talented and useless, you majestic Demon Ancestor, come and stop me."

"Oh, it won't happen." Zhang Xiebai sat there: "This battle is very critical."

"The battle between Beiyingyao and Wan Guqing is quite crucial. Beiyingyao is considered to be one of the top figures under my ancestor, and Wan Guqing should be No. 1 on the side of your seven factions, except for the seven old immortals. In such a battle, if Beiying Yao loses, then our Demon Kingdom will suffer a big blow, and if Wan Gu Qing loses, the seven major factions will also suffer a big blow, and the situation will change."

"If you mess up such a big battle. If Wan Guqing wins, wouldn't our Demon Kingdom be greatly damaged." Zhang Xiebai said: "Of course. This ancestor will not make a move, and this ancestor is quite scrupulous. The seven old immortals of your seven sects, because these seven old immortals are still there, the original ancestor has no choice but to stop, this is one of them."

"Secondly, I also want to see what Bei Yingyao, my favorite junior, can do. A person like Wan Guqing can be regarded as a hero of the generation. Although he is far inferior to this ancestor, but this ancestor I also want to see how far Beiying Yao can go without anyone interfering."

"Three things, this is the personal enmity between Beiying Yao and Wan Guqing. Let's take a look at it from the sidelines. It's not good if we intervene." Zhang Xiebai said.With a faint smile, calmly.

He said one, two, three, Jiang Chuan's words can be said.

Regardless of which.From a perspective, what he said is quite reasonable.

Of course, being reasonable is one thing, if "Jiang" insists on refuting it, it will be quite unreasonable.

But, is it necessary for him to refute? Even the Demon Ancestor is sitting here, and it is basically impossible for him to intervene again. Yes, he can avoid the Demon Ancestor abruptly, but don't forget, the Demon Ancestor However, he could use his anger to kill Wan Guqing abruptly, which would lead to the final decisive battle.

This kind of thing is obviously not what Jiang Chuan wants to see.

That being the case, at this moment, the only way to intervene is to watch the battle between Wan Fengqing and Bei Ying Yao.

Demon Ancestor Zhang Xiebai said: "Jiang" You are also my favorite junior, just as much as I value Beiying Yao. Since you are here, let me watch this battle with my ancestor. After all, Beiying Yao Although the battle with Wan Guqing was a personal vendetta, it was also a battle between the Seven Factions and the Demon Kingdom. "

"The audience on the side of the country is represented by the ancestor, and the audience on the side of the seven factions is represented by" Shan, enjoying the battle to the fullest. "The Demon Ancestor Zhang Xiebai said leisurely. Hearing what Zhang Xiebai said, Jiang Chuan had no choice but to smile wryly: "Since the Demon Ancestor said so, I can only go and watch. "

The Demon Ancestor is here, so he really can't intervene.

I can only look at it with negative hands.

Of course, if Wan Guqing is someone who cannot be saved, Jiang Chuan will offend the Demon Ancestor and summon Jiang Chuan to be immortal, and he will do something, but Wan Guqing is not a good bird, and it is not to Jiang Chuan's appetite, so why should Jiang Chuan We must save this person, no matter from which point of view, it is not quite right.

The place of extreme darkness.

This is a.In the cave with almost no light.

This cave is actually under the cliff.

In this place, there are bones everywhere, piled up in white, like a mountain of bones, like a forest of white bones.

But amidst the pile of bones and white bones, there was a bloody figure crawling slowly.In that bloody figure, only the face is slightly normal, but the rest is not normal. This face is somewhat handsome, but it is pale and pale, but it is Tie Youyi's face: "Damn it Yin Yuji, at first this young master thought he had hunted a sexy beauty, and was sighing that this young master is really beautiful and blessed, but unexpectedly, he met this female devil.

"Yes, my son's Yuanyang is about to be completely destroyed by that demon Yin Yuji, and this body's skill is completely destroyed." Tie Youyi stretched his bloody body: "Yin Yuji That female devil, did she come here like that, she started having sex. She kept doing it for a month without stopping, sucking my son's Yuanyang non-stop, she is really a terrible female devil."

At the bottom of this cliff, the bloody figure in the white collapse pile is obviously Tie Youyi, who is quite famous, but Tie Youyi's fame among the younger generation is not only because he met a senior female like Yin Yuji.Only he thought he was unlucky, that he was completely invincible, and that he was sucked into Yuanyang and was doing the whole thing.

Having absorbed so much Yuanyang, Tie Youyi was naturally having a hard time, and after Yin Yuji had absorbed Yuanyang, he had been hacked so many times that he was already on the verge of death.Yin Yuji also saw that Tie Youyi was bound to die.So I threw it into the cliff. I thought I could just throw Tie Youyi to death, but Tie Youyi was very fatal. Although he couldn't fly, he encountered a lot of branches on the way, and he fell to the verge of death, but there was no real truth. death.

"How can I die, my son is the root of the heavenly spirit, how can I die so easily." Tie Youyi let out a rough breath, but his magic power at this time was not enough.Coupled with the body at this time.It's still possible to move around, but if you're talking about flying, it's basically a dream, it's impossible.

Tie Youyi was crawling among the bones, at this moment, Tie Youyi saw a strange scene, he saw several blood-red worms rushing towards him like a tide, Tie Youyi was shocked: "Damn it, it's blood-sucking sky worms. Why are there so many of them?" Tie Youyi has also heard of the so-called blood-sucking sky worms. A single blood-sucking sky worm is not scary, but it is the combat power of the Qi training period. .But if they come together, one.Tie Youyi is small and difficult to defend against, so tens of thousands of attacks are probably more terrifying than tens of thousands of demon warriors. If he can fly in a normal state, Tie Youyi is naturally not afraid of these, but now his mana can no longer support flight.Seeing the blood-sucking celestial worms coming towards him like a flood, he wanted to run away, but at this moment, his body felt cold and cramped, damn it, that mother-in-law Yin Yuji put death force on her body.

The masterpiece of death, Tie Youyi can't even move a finger now.

Tie Youyi understood why Yin Yuji could kill herself, but she didn't kill herself. She threw herself into the cliff, probably planning to torture herself for a while before she died, and there are so many bones here, I'm afraid it's the same. The person who was played by Yin Yuji alive before dying, and then thrown down.

Yin Yuji this.Women, it's really scary.

Seeing that Tie Youyi was about to die here, Tie Youyi was suddenly violent, and he rushed forward a few steps, but the blood-sucking worm behind him was faster than him, seeing that Tie Youyi was about to die under the blood-sucking worm, at this moment, bang With a bang, a big hole appeared on the ground, and Tie Youyi fell into the big hole with a bang.

After he fell into the big hole, those blood-sucking celestial insects were going to jump into the big hole, but they seemed to have encountered some natural enemy, but they stopped suddenly and did not dare to jump again.At this time, Tie Youyi fell to the ground.I still don't know what time of the world this is.At this moment, he saw some faint light ahead.And on this slightly bright spot, an old man was sitting cross-legged.

This is a tall old man with white beard.

Tie Youyi didn't know who this person was.Leaning over: "I don't know who is the senior?" After saying nothing, he was there, and then continued: "Dare to ask who is the senior?"

He even said a few times, but there was no response at all.

Tie Youyi walked around to the front at this time, and saw this old man with white beard, simple face, eyes glaring with spirit, but he didn't move.Tie Youyi observed this man for a long time, and found that this old man with white beard did not move at all, Tie Youyi finally understood that this tall old man with white beard was dead.

There are still some words left in front of the old man.Tie Youyi looked over, and saw that there was a lot of content in front of the last row that read: "This is the last writing of Madman Yan".

Madman Yan, this name is very familiar, so arrogant, Tie Youyi thought to himself.

This name seems to have been heard before, and Tie Youyi immediately realized, no, no, this is the number one master thousands of years ago, the first benevolent madman, who reached the transformation god level in a relatively short period of time as an immortal cultivator, and defeated the seven major sects with one person, Invincible, the world's number one lunatic, is that also the madman Yan.

The reason why Tie Youyi remembered this name.One is that Madman Yan is too famous, and the only one who has been transformed into a god for so many years, if it is not for the resurrection of the demon ancestor, there will be no other god in this world. Mention this Yan madman in front of him.

This one is Madman Yan!

He finally fell here?

Tie Youyi was surprised.

Tie Youyi roared: "I don't die so easily, so what, subscriptions, monthly passes are thrown here and there."


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