Immortal forging

Chapter 179 Cultivated to the God Transformation Stage the palace.Yin Fengji continued to set the path! "The struggle at the end of the chaotic era of the past years, the domination of the world by the Immortal Fire Emperor, and many things happened in the middle, the fall of Madman Yan, the fall of Wan Gutian, and the reappearance of Zhang Xiebai, all of these things Among the major deeds, there are shadows of the activities of law enforcement officers."

"For example, Zhang Xiebai has only been around for so long. Where do you think he got the four laws? The laws are left between the heaven and the earth, so it's hard to find them."

"For example, in the final decisive battle, didn't you invite Yun Jiao to come, but Yun Jiao never came? Yun Jiao was blocked by the second leader of the law enforcement, so he couldn't come. Longwei's law enforcement organization is controlling the development of the entire continent by remote control, and it has been like this for tens of thousands of years."

"We are all just puppets in the play."

When Yin Fengji said this, she was a little excited, her breasts rose up and down.

Jiang Chuan listened, at this time, Jiang Chuan knew that the reason why Yunjiao didn't come was that it was actually blocked by the second leader of the law enforcers, that earth dragon, no wonder.

Yin Fengji looked at Jiang Chuan, as if observing the change in Jiang's complexion.

It's a pity that Jiang Chuan's complexion basically didn't change at all.

Yin Fengji is not in a hurry: "This continent has always been under the rule of the two dragons of heaven and earth, and the rule of law enforcers. They have set various laws and regulations. There are all kinds of prohibitions, they say it nicely, they want to maintain the bottom layer of the world of cultivating immortals, the bottom layer will not be destroyed, and the development will be good, so that more geniuses can emerge. As a result, when the catastrophe comes, Then retreated out. Let everyone fight, and in the end there will be many deaths and injuries in the city and in the wild. It is uncountable."

"This is what the two dragons of heaven and earth do, and this is what law enforcers do."

"And more than 1 years ago, there was a scholar named Yang Tatian, who accidentally stepped into the road of cultivating immortals. This person is amazingly talented, and his talent is probably similar to that of Yan Kuangren in the past. , and soon arrived at the Nascent Soul Stage, but when he was in the Nascent Soul Stage, he accidentally discovered this. The truth of the world, the true face of law enforcement, and the true face of the two dragons of heaven and earth."

"He doesn't want to be a puppet on the stage, he wants to resist."

"He quickly cultivated to the God Transformation level. He originally thought that it would be useful after reaching the God Transformation level, but he found that after reaching the God Transformation level, his strength was still too weak compared to the two dragons of heaven and earth. It was too small. Where did it go, and at this time, this Yang Tatian knew that relying on the strength of one person alone, there is no way to fight against the law enforcers and the two dragons of heaven and earth, so he thought of forming an organization in the same way. This organization is called organization."

"That is the current Heavenly Organization."

"Yang Tatian is also the original name of Daoist Tu Tian. Afterwards, while improving his own strength, Yang Tatian was absorbing all kinds of talents into the organization. What kind of talents do he want? Generally, he absorbs all kinds of talents from the time. It is meaningless for the top three in the world to enter the heavenly organization, if the strength of the person is weak."

"In this way, for 1 years, some of the top three in each era will enter the Heavenly Organization."

"Of course, the price offered by the Heavenly Organization is to prolong life by 1000 years. Yang Tatian has figured out a way to prolong life for thousands of years. You know, for people like us, what longevity means."

Of course I won’t talk about it anymore, Na Jie.Will not know what life represents.

In the eyes of mortals, immortal cultivators naturally have their lifespan exhausted.

However, the Qi training period is 200 years, and the foundation building period is 500 years.The Dandan period is 1000 years, the Nascent Soul period is 2000 years, and the Spirit Transformation period is 4000 years.

This is the limit of life.

Once the limit is exceeded, it will fall.

Don't look at these years for a long time, but in these years, they are basically used to practice. There are very few people like Jiang Chuan who are close to becoming gods at the age of [-], and basically spend all their time to form Nascent Soul , Formation of God and so on, when the formation is about to be completed, your lifespan is about to reach its limit, and you have to spend more time to cultivate to the next level.

Time is chasing you, and if you run too slowly, you will die.

Cultivation against the heavens, the heavens and the earth are always particularly cruel to those who defy the heavens.

And the higher the level, the more pitiful you feel when you bend down and look at the powerless mortals. Of course you don't want to just fall away, reincarnated as mortals, and possibly other livestock. Even worse.

No one wants to die. The more powerful a person is, the less he wants to die. If he is barefoot and has nothing, he is not afraid of death.

Experts in the world of cultivating immortals may lack this or that, but what they lack most is definitely time.

And this Xiaotian organization can use a strange method to add 1000 years of life to people out of thin air, no wonder it can attract people to join it.

Yin Fengji went on to say: "Realist Tudi should also be a person from 1 years ago, and the other eight people who followed did not have such a long lifespan. They are generally the one-time talents who joined in the past 1 years. At that time, these outstanding people In that era, they were all ranked among the top three, so living up to now, with some exercises and pills taught by the organization, their strength has reached the level of transforming gods."

"By the way, the Beiying Yao was inspected by the organization back then. His method of prolonging his life was also passed on by the organization. However, he finally refused to join the organization because he had a big revenge that he had not avenged. If he did, If he didn't take revenge, he would have no other intention to do other things. He could only continue to take revenge. He should have greater potential, but in the end, he was blinded by hatred and stopped at the infant lock stage. Unfortunately, pity."

When she said it was a pity, Jiang Chuan interjected, "Maybe he himself would not feel it a pity." Yes, when Beiying Yao fell, he was quite peaceful, because his great revenge had been avenged.

Yin Fengji didn't argue about this issue anymore, because there was no need: "With the current strength of the Heavenly Organization, if the top ten Huashen want to get involved in the hegemony of the mainland, it can be said that it is not difficult to do what the demon ancestors did back then. It's a pity that we are not interested in doing that, what we have to deal with is the law enforcer, the two dragons of heaven and earth."

What she said is indeed the truth. In the current world, apart from law enforcers and heavenly organizations, there is not even a half-devil.It is easy for them to sweep the world.

The only thing that can be regarded as an obstacle is "Jiang", and only Jiang Chuan has this strength.

Of course, it's impossible for Jiang Chuan to deal with the top ten Huashen, at most he can stop them a little bit.

Yin Fengji looked at Jiang Chuan: "Now I will explain to you the two most mysterious organizations in the world, the Law Enforcer and the Heavenly Organization. How is it? There is a hatred one... interested in joining our organization. The little girl asked. This is her The purpose, public. With so many old establishments, the reason is to absorb Jiang Chuan into the organization. "Jiang" has great potential. Joining the Heavenly Organization can make the Heavenly Organization even stronger.

Jiang Chuan looked at Yin Fengji, then shook his head: "I'm not interested in joining any organization right now."

Seeing Jiang Chuan shaking his head, Yin Fengji didn't say anything else.

"Jiang" is a firm-willed person, and the things he decides are definitely not something that can be persuaded.

Therefore, Yin Fengji did not speak any more.

Jiang Chuan took Lu Bing away calmly.

During the flight back to Tianjinmen, Lu Bing asked, "Why do you disagree with Master's words?"

"I don't know much about the Heavenly Organization, and this is just a one-sided statement from the people of the Heavenly Organization. If you believe in one sided statement, you will rashly join an organization and face a bigger and stronger enemy. Are you stupid?"

"I'll talk about everything later. Anyway, now I'm in the No. 1 position in the world on the bright side. Except for the law enforcement officers and the heavenly organization, I'm the only one. Sooner or later, something will come to me." Jiang Chuan Shiran said Said.

Let's say that after Jiang Chuan left, the ground at Yinfengji's feet suddenly split open, but no one came out, only a man in khaki clothes lying in it.

"Taoist Lord Tu Di, what do you say?" Yin Fengji asked.

"A junior who is three hundred years old can actually improve his strength to this point. It's really terrifying. What are we doing here? When we were young, we were all weaker than him, except Tu Tiandaojun." This one was buried in the soil The person in the middle is the second-ranked Daoist Tu Tu in the Heavenly Organization.

"According to what he said, he didn't fully believe what we said, and with his temperament, it seems that he will neither favor our heavenly organization nor the law enforcers. Ignore him for the time being." Since Daoist Tu Di said this sentence, basically, it was regarded as giving sex to this matter.

Regarding Jiang Chuan's attitude, the Tian organization temporarily ignored it.

Stay alone quietly.

According to the color of the setting sun, the golden yellow is turning to blood red.

On the dividing line between light and shadow, it seems that elves are jumping all the time.

A person just sat cross-legged quietly like this.

The dispute between the heavenly organization and the law enforcers has nothing to do with him.

The current self is just sitting here and practicing with peace of mind.

All the problems are actually problems of strength.

Let you have all kinds of tricks and methods, I have my own strength, so naturally I don't care about anything.

The organization of the sky is very strong, this point is admitted.

The law enforcement organization is also very strong, and this is admitted, but this is none of my business.

I can't see the truth of the matter now, and I don't want to get involved in this matter. Now my first priority is to improve my strength, and everything else is fake.

Now my goal is to attack Huashen.

Only at the Transformation God level can one become tougher, but what exactly is Transformation God?There are a few incomplete copies in front of him, all of which were left by the founder of the sect 5 years ago. In the past 5 years, there are not many people who can reach the level of Huashen even in a sect like Tianjinmen .

Therefore, the experience of impacting the gods is pitiful, not to mention that in the past, Madman Yan once broke into the Tianjin Mountain to find the secret book, so this isolated copy is a bit severely damaged. Looking at it, it is dilapidated and incomplete.

The experience of these predecessors was almost destroyed by that time, which is a pity.

Jiang Chuan carefully looked at the few broken and lonely books in front of him, and found that the transformation gods recorded in these books all have similar characteristics, that is, the perfect control of the body, the perfect control here, but It doesn't mean that you have to control your mana and perfectly control every part of your body.

According to the records of these few isolated books, in the deepest part of the human body, those blood streams, those bones, and those muscles are not the smallest, and there are even smaller things, and those smaller existences constitute blood, bones, and muscles. These.But to perfectly grasp the smaller ones, one can reach the transformation of the gods.

What is a smaller being?How can I feel the smaller existence in my body?

This is the biggest difficulty in the stage of transforming gods. I don't know how many people died of this difficulty at that time.

Once you reach the stage of transforming gods, you can perfectly control any part of your body. This is the function of the stage of transforming gods. Don't underestimate this function. After the stage of transforming into a god, any point of oneself can exert a great effect, not just the mana part.

Mana, muscles, blood, fur, bones, internal organs, everything can be used perfectly after reaching the transformation god level.

This is the horror of the transformation god level.

For example, how badly you have been injured here, it is clear when you reach the transformation god level, you can use mana perfectly without wasting a single bit, and you need to use less mana to fight here, and you are also clear. , fur, bones, internal organs, etc., can all burst out the mana in the tiny existence inside, and draw out more powerful power.

Below the Huashen level, only the power in the small universe can be used.And at the level of transforming gods, the whole body, every part of existence, has power to use.

This is the difference between the Huashen stage and the Nascent Soul stage.

And now, Jiang Chuan is going to hit the level of Huashen, but the problem now is that in these few isolated books, the recorded bodies exist everywhere, but what is the tiny existence observed with the technique of inner vision?If you can find this, you will have broken through too many levels.

Jiang" was guessing, could it be cells?

That's right, the human beings on the earth are basically the same as the human beings in the world of cultivating immortals. It's one thing to be able to cultivate immortals like the Immortal Fire Emperor who was born on the earth. The human beings on the earth are smaller than what we can see with the naked eye, so they are cells. Whether it is muscle, blood, fur, bones, internal organs, etc., there are cells in them.

That is to say, the cultivation of the God Transformation level requires all the cells in the entire body to be cultivated, and this is called the God Transformation Level.

Could it be so?Jiang Chuan doesn't know if this is true now, but he just thinks about the practice of this world based on the science on the earth, and combined with the words in the broken and lonely books, Jiang "estimates that there is an [-]% possibility that the so-called The tiny existence, that is, cells. One's own cells are refined to see if they will become chemical

Jiang Chuan divided his spirit into [-] parts, each with a mana, and directly refined the cells. The cells in the world of cultivating immortals are naturally extremely hard, compared to ordinary people, but they don't contain much mana. And this time, it is necessary to refine the cells to be full of mana.

After practicing like this, "Jiang" realized that he had to stop. He had no mana. The mana kept refining the cells and entered the body of the cells. After practicing like this, three thousand copies at a time, he actually had no mana. No way. Let's rest for a while, take some elixir, and continue practicing when the mana recovers.

As soon as the mana was restored, he began to refine the cells again.

Time is passing by.

Use the spiritual body to guide the mana to refine the cells. When the mana is exhausted, take the elixir to replenish the mana, and continue to refine the cells.Routine, looping back and forth non-stop, back and forth non-stop, back and forth, non-stop, after a long time, finally this matter is almost resolved.

In the mountains, the practice does not count the years.

After an unknown amount of time, "Jiang" opened his eyes.

Now all the cells in my whole body, which can be counted, have been refined, and now I only feel that my whole body is full of power, because now the cells start to store mana in the body, and before only the small universe stores mana, so to speak.The current mana is several times more direct than before.

The current mana is powerful, far surpassing that of the Nascent Soul Stage.

Is this the Huashen level?

There has always been this saying in the world of cultivating immortals, to cultivate a perfect body and reach the level of transforming gods.

Now I finally understand this sentence. I now have a lot of mana in every cell, which is far from comparable to before. Is this the so-called perfect body?Since every cell has mana, Jiang Chuan can now be sure that he will definitely regenerate.

In addition, the mana is not comparable to that of the Nascent Soul Stage. The perfect control of every cell in one's body can greatly improve one's combat power.

No wonder the Huashen level is far better than the Nascent Soul stage, so that's how it feels.

This feeling is really happy.

Looking up at the sky, I found that the sky has been filled with clouds of seven colors. What's going on?Why is there a huge colorful cloud over ten miles wide on the top of the head, could it be that Jiang "immediately flipped through the lonely book. I saw that on the last page it explained that once the little girl cultivates into a perfect body and reaches the level of transformation god, it will attract colorful clouds from heaven and earth, There are even huge rainbows with a width of tens of miles, which can be seen within a thousand miles, which makes people understand that these have the appearance of the God of Transformation.

The previous practice was the Nascent Soul stage.They also practice their own, and have nothing to do with heaven and earth.

But now, instead of practicing independently, you have reached the stage of becoming a god, and you can see it from thousands of miles away.

But at this time, a sword light rushes here, this is Lu Tianyi's sword light, Lu Tianyi is not far away: "You have already transformed into a god?"

Jiang Chuan nodded: "Yes, I have already transformed into a god."

Lu Tianyi now feels that he wants to spit out a mouthful of blood. Don't blame Lu Tianyi for being so excited. Among the talents, it takes 5 years for the shortest one to become a god of transformation, but how long did it take Jiang Chuan?He only used it for five years.

In five years, he has become a god of transformation. This is too exaggerated.

In fact, the reason why Jiang Chuan has such a fast speed is also very simple. Jiang Chuan often splits his spiritual body into thousands of parts and refines the cells together, while other immortal cultivators can only refine them step by step even if they reach the peak of Yuanying. Slow down, if it didn't take a long time to restore mana in the middle, it might not take five years at all.

Another five years, but five years worth it.

Because the current self is already in the stage of transforming into a god.

Although it is only the initial stage of the transformation stage, it is still quite worth it.

There are four grades in the stage of transforming gods, which are the early stage of transforming gods.In the middle stage of the transformation of the gods, in the late stage of the transformation of the gods.The Peak of Transforming Gods, each of these four periods has its own characteristics, but there are too few people who have reached the stage of transforming gods, and there are very few materials. Even a big sect like Tianjinmen doesn't have this aspect For the information, Jiang Chuan should explore by himself.

After Chang Tianyi was shocked, he didn't express anything. After all, he had been shocked by Jiang Chuan too many times, and it happened that Jiang Gang had reached the level of Huashen. He thought that Jiang Chuan's strength was already the enemy of the world, but another Xiaotian organization came out. , There were actually ten supernatural beings in the organization that day, which was shocking.

Fortunately, Jiang Chuan also quickly reached the Huashen level.The current Tianjinmen is swaying in the wind and rain. Fortunately, Jiang Chuan has reached the Transformation God level, otherwise it would be really difficult.

Then naturally many congratulators came to the door, forming Huashen, and colorful clouds appeared, which could be seen from thousands of miles away. Other sects were wearing eyeliner outside Tianjinmen. How could they not know about this? They brought gifts to congratulate each other, and other people also came to congratulate each other, and this time, even the Demon Kingdom also sent congratulatory gifts. They had long wanted to send people to congratulate, but they were afraid that Jiang Chuan would not accept them, so they simply called Chi Qingfeng came, anyway, Chi Qingfeng and Jiang "have some friendship, it can't be regarded as no friendship at all.

It was another bustle in the world of cultivating immortals, a grand gathering, but Jiang Chuan's mind had long been absent from this grand gathering, and having managed to cope with the bustle this time, Jiang "started retreat again.

This retreat is based on the rules of the scriptures.

Now in my hands, there are various laws, the law of gold, the law of rain, the law of stone, the law of swamp, the law of forest, and the law of earth, a total of six laws, and a total of fourteen laws in the world of cultivating immortals , As a result, by chance, six of them fell into his own hands, which naturally made him want to practice more.

As a result, this time of retreat, I found a big problem. It turned out that in the early stage of the transformation of the gods, there are at most three laws, and it is impossible to practice six laws. I think I have already refined the law of rain.Then he chooses two more among the other five. After choosing and choosing, Jiang Chuan chose the law of gold and the law of earth.

The law of gold can enhance the lethality of one's own flying sword.

The law of the earth can allow oneself to have an escape technique similar to that of the earth escape. Anyway, if you are idle, you are idle, so you can learn the law of the earth.

The matter of refining law is not too difficult.

After another half a year, Jiang Chuan left the customs again.Jiang Chuan, who left the customs this time, is already in the early stage of transformation, plus he can hold five thousand flying swords.In addition, after refining the two principles, all kinds of strengths can stand on both knees and fight. Now it is the middle stage of transforming gods, and I don't need to use any big sword array, I guess I can win it by myself.

The current self is far more than everyone else in the Six Great Sects and the Demon Kingdom. However, there is still a Heavenly Organization and a Law Enforcement Organization. These two are also big problems.

Difficult problems are difficult problems without solving them.

After leaving the customs, someone came to find him.

It was Lu Yuyi who came to the door.

"What should we do next?" Tianyi asked, "Is it to destroy the Demon Kingdom, or to unify the world. Or do we have some contacts with the Heavenly Organization?" Lu Tianyi asked Jiang Chuan what to do next, after all, Jiang Chuan now " His strength is too strong, the next move of Tianjinmen depends on him.

"Next, there's nothing to do next." Jiang "said: "By the way, I think about what to do next. Next, I plan to give birth to a son and a daughter. "

Originally, Lu Tianyi was concentrating on listening to what Jiang Chuan would do next, but when he heard such a result, his jaw almost fell off after hearing such a result. He originally thought that Jiang Chuan would have some grand plan, "Qian Ping Demon Kingdom, In order to unify the six sects, crusade against the Heavenly Organization, and unify the whole world, Lu Tianyi's ambition was fulfilled. Unexpectedly, Jiang Chuan suddenly said that he would have a son and a daughter in the next time.

This change is really too big.

Lu Tianyi coughed a few times in a row, obviously he was a bit overwhelmed. He didn't know why there was such a change, but he felt that Jiang Chuan's thinking was too detached.

Jiang Chuan said: "It's very simple. The strength of the Heavenly Organization is not something I can shake at all. Why should I ask them? And the law enforcers, to be honest, if the Heavenly Organization is telling the truth, then they are two mediators. An old monster that has lived for tens of thousands of years is different from Zhang Xiebai who came back to life after 5 years. It is an old monster that has lived for tens of thousands of years. Can I beat it? Besides, These two small organizations are now sworn enemies of each other, and no matter which side, they have no intention of interfering with the world of cultivating immortals. They only intend to fight to the death in secret. In the current situation, as long as it is not necessary, I will never get involved. It's horrible to have a kick in it."

"The most sensible thing to do now is to watch the drama from the sidelines. The law enforcers have watched the drama for so many years, and the Heavenly Organization has also watched the troubles for so many years in secret. It's rare that these two organizations are about to start working together. Why should I go in and get mixed up? Of course it’s sitting by the side and watching a movie, it’s just sitting and chatting, so let’s create more people.”

"It's such a pleasure to create a human being." Jiang Chuanbi said comfortably.

Hearing what Jiang Chuan said, Lu Tianyi had to nod his head. The two huge organizations hidden behind the world of cultivating immortals are both monsters. The age is longer than the time when Tianjinmen founded the sect.There is really no need to mess with these two organizations.

At this moment, Yizha Xiaodaotong Yujian came: "Senior Su Yaohuo from the Yaozu came and said that he wants to see Master Jiang."

Hearing what this person said, Jiang Chuan's complexion suddenly turned bitter. It would have been fine if Lu Bing hadn't been there, but Su Yaohuo came to the door at this time, and he had promised to take her as a concubine to preserve the Yaozu.

Now, big trouble.

But there are some things that cannot be avoided, and what has been said and the promises made cannot be violated, Nai shrugged: "Okay, let her in."

After a while, Su Yaohuo came in. Su Yaohuo was indeed quite beautiful, with a goose-shaped face, black hair raised high and hanging down casually, quite comfortable. As soon as she arrived, I felt that the atmosphere of the whole world changed. After a while, Zhong Tiandi's beauty is all in one body, really like colored glaze, for a moment, it seems to be in the fairyland.

"Congratulations to Jiang Lang for entering the stage of transformation." Su Yaohuo's voice was soft and pleasant.

"Jiang" couldn't help but a wry smile, it was indeed a helpless wry smile, because at this moment, a pretty young woman in white clothes with a sword was already standing not far from the door, looking at Jiang Chuan coldly, while Su Yao Confusion is what kind of strength, she is now the magic power of the infant stage, stronger than Lu Tianyi, how can she not know that Lu Bing is coming behind her, she can't help but turn around, and smile: "Isn't this Lu Bing's sister. "

Her mana is stronger than Lu Bing, her seniority is higher than Lu Bing, her power is greater than Lu Bing's, her popularity is higher than Lu Bing's, and she is more beautiful than Lu Bing's.

Regardless of the point, she had ignored Lu Bing, and at this time she claimed to call Lu Bing her sister, obviously to recognize the identity of the Jiang family.

In fact, Lu Bing had vaguely heard about this after returning to Tianjinmen, but now her pretty face was tense, and she didn't know what expression it was. Only Jiang "Lu Bing, Su Yaohuo, and the three of them were left, and Jiang Chuan felt a headache. It turned out that Jiang Chuan felt that if he could break all magic with one sword, he had to be strong enough. As the saying goes, no matter how much you change, I will break it with one sword." .

But now, Jiang Chuan discovered that there are some magic spells that cannot be broken by the sword.

Difficult, difficult, difficult.

It's really not that difficult.

Jiang Chuan had never faced such a situation before, but at this moment, Lu Bing's pretty face appeared, and he smiled sweetly: "So it's sister Su Yaohuo." Hearing this, Su Yaohuo also felt relieved, knowing that Lu Bing was considered a sister. Admitting this point, to be honest, if it wasn't for the preservation of the Yaozu, Su Yaohuo, although she loves Jiangchuan a little bit, would retire, because her heart is already tired, and her friends, enemies, and colleagues from back then are all dead. The death of her, the hermit's hermit, the path she will take will be the same, but the reality cannot tolerate her so much, a heavy burden is placed on her, and the only person who can carry this burden is Jiang Chuan in the world of cultivating immortals.

Forget it, let yourself unload this burden and be a little woman for a while.

A spoiled little woman.

When she was thinking this way, Jiang Chuan was in great pain, because Lu Bing wanted to pinch him. It was nothing to be pinched by a woman, but he was afraid that his current God-level body would hurt Lu Bing, so he actually wanted to squeeze some of his muscles. The mana in the upper cell was removed, so I had no choice but to say that I was also a murderer, and I killed a lot of beauties, but when facing my wife, I was not so masculine, I really had no choice.

Five years later.

"Actually, it's good to be a coquettish little girl." When Su Yaohuo said this, she was still graceful and noble, but her figure was not as good as it was five years ago, and her waist was much thicker. The glory of a mother, she is about to become a mother, and she is already pregnant with Jiang's child.

Every pregnant belly is bigger and smaller, and the figure is impossible to be good, everyone is the truth six

Jiang Chuan touched Su Yaohuo's belly.

Of course, it's the left hand.

The right hand was stroking Lu Bing's belly, and Lu Bing was no longer cold at this time, her mother's radiance flashed on her pretty face, because she was also pregnant.And the number of months is not short, and it is estimated that the child will be born in two or three months. At this time, Jiang Chuan's right hand is touching Lu Bing's belly, and he doesn't know what to say in his heart.

These two women have a very good relationship on the surface.Chang Bing is a wife, and Su Yaohuo is a concubine. They usually never blush, but they have to compete for everything. For example, they are pregnant at about the same time, and they are both about six or seven months old now, but to be honest , it feels so good to be a father.

In the afternoon, the sun was not too strong, and the sun was shining warmly, making people lazy and feeling comfortable and strong. In the past five years, the Heavenly Organization did not look for Jiang Chuan again, and the law enforcement officers did not look for Jiang Chuan. That time, they did not appear again, and have never appeared.

In this world, the two hidden forces continue to lurk, and I am still No. 1 in the world on the bright side.

Of course, these two forces are about to fight each other.It is impossible for me to do anything, I am trying my best to avoid getting involved in that incident, so I have not left Tianjinmen for a few times. In the past five years, I have been playing with wives and concubines. Too much, too little time to spend with my wife, now spend more time with my wife.

For the past five years, the two of them have been on the verge of not leaving, they are stuck together, and their affectionate affection has envied many people.

Of course, Su Yaohuo, the only concubine, has more and more chatter with her. Su Yaohuo is indeed worthy of being the number one beauty of the fox clan, and she often has new tricks. Even after five years of marriage, she often feels new. I don't know how comfortable and happy the life with my wife and concubine is.

It really wouldn't be exchanged for a god.

These five years can be said to be the happiest days in my life, but I found that my bones are about to rust.

Su Yaohuo leaned against Jiang: "Actually, do you know that when I was going to marry you, half of it was because I loved you, and most of it was because of the demon clan. As a result, after five years, you love this concubine like this, and I feel it too. Now, most of it is because I love you, and the lesser part is because of the Yaozu, I am very happy now, thank you." She said soft love words in her ear, and did not shy away from Lu Bing next to her at all.

Lu Bing is about to become a mother now, and only thinks about her baby, so she didn't pay attention to these things. She looked at the lazy afternoon sun outside the house: "Husband, what do you think our son will be called after birth?" She didn't ask her daughter, Knowing that it is not a woman, the world of cultivating immortals can easily see whether a pregnant woman is a man or a woman, which is much easier to use than the so-called.

Of course, a deity-level like Jiang Chuan is more powerful than ordinary cultivators. Not only can he see that Lu Bing is a son in his body, but also find that his son's spiritual root is a single-line golden spiritual root. This kind of spiritual root is comparable to his own. Much better.

"Your son, how about calling him Baby Jiang?" I have to say that Jiang Chuan's skill in picking names is too bad.

"How can there be such a name, it's too girly, not like a man's name." Lu Bing said angrily, obviously not satisfied.

"My name is Jiang Bashang. I was born in Bashang Village. Jiang Chuan took my name and continued to rot, even worse than the first one.

"Heng Qiong snorted, obviously even more dissatisfied.

"Jiang Changjian, his father used a sword. If people knew about Jiang Chuan's skill in naming, Jiang Chuan, who is at the level of a god, would be laughed to death.

"Huh Qiongbi hum again, she is quite dissatisfied now, Lu Bing snorted: "I asked you to name it, you wouldn't come up with a better one, what a treasure, slap, long sword, thanks to you getting it , If you use a knife, it's called Jiang Dadao. "

"A good idea. As a result, this good idea was just out of my mouth, and I was bitten by Lu Bing. Jiang Chuan now found that his two wives and concubines are quite good at biting. And he likes to bite himself very much.

"Hmph, don't ask you to take it. Seeing Su Yaohuo giggling beside her, Mrs. Lu Bing and Mrs. Lu were very unhappy. If you say she is the head of the house, she is extremely dignified, but Su Yaohuo Mana is the peak of Yuanying, far better than himself, and he has been the commander of the clan for so long, and his means and skills are far better than himself. Lu Bing is also very sorry for this Su Yaohuo, but fortunately, her husband has always been more partial to himself. If my husband doesn't favor me, I can't beat Su Yaohuo at all: "I'll take it myself.

Lu Bing shook his head: "By the way, it's Jiang Jianjun."

When Jiang Chuan heard this, he also nodded: "That's right, the name Jiang Jianjun, he was born with a golden spirit root, I can teach him my Qianjian Yujian technique, it's really good to be called Jiang Jianjun."

Lu Bing just chose a good name here, and Su Yaohuo shook Jiang Chuan's hand: "What is the name of the concubine's son?" Unfortunately, from the perspective of immortal cultivators, Su Yaohuo conceived a man, that is to say, "Jiang" came to two agencies at once. Son, Jiang Chuan didn't have a daughter, which made Jiang Chuan very regretful. He wanted a boy and a girl.

However, thinking that if it was a man and a woman, the one who gave birth to a daughter would probably cause trouble. Forget it, it would be better if both of them were men. A name related to fire, why not call it Jiang Huo'er."

Su Yaohuo had just learned about "Guo Jiang"'s naming skills, but when he heard "Jiang" speak, he wanted to object.After listening to it later, and thinking about it carefully, I found that Jiang Huo'er's name was indeed not bad, and most importantly, it was chosen by her husband, so she said flatteredly: "Just ask Jiang Huo'er to say that the beautiful eyes have prostituted Lu Bing." With a glance, it was obvious that he was showing off that his son was named by her husband. Chang Bing snorted back.

These two little women, two women are enough for me to worry about, somehow in some stories, dare to marry seven or eight "ten Lai Jie" are all powerful and powerful, which makes my generation admire, but To be honest, the feeling now is really pretty good, the feeling that I am about to have a son.

It would be even better if there was a daughter or something.

This is a happy life, and it would not be exchanged for a god.

Two sons, one Jiang Jianjun.Jiang Huo'er, my ability to choose names is regressing. I think back in Heifeng, the protagonist's two sons were named Zhuang Yu and Zhuang Huo.Well, the protagonist's two sons will grow up in the next chapter. The so-called Nezha grows up against the wind, and we grow up in one chapter, which is not inferior to the predecessors.

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