Immortal forging

Chapter 229 Daughter Country

Chapter 220 Nine (1) Daughter Country

Next, what do you do?

Jiang Chuan stopped in the air at this time, lying in the white clouds and thinking.

In his hand, he took a wine bottle.

The broken family has already set off, heading to the north to break wasteland.

Knowing that the three demon kings of the Che Chi Kingdom that he had appeared had all died in his hands, none of them remained.So what do you do next?Lying on the white clouds, looking at the white clouds, suddenly, Jiang Chuan thought, yes, he has something to do now, and he can challenge Jilei Mountain to go.

Of course, what I really have to do is to find trouble with True Immortal Ruyi.

True Immortal Ruyi, the existence of this person is a big trouble for the human race.

This person is good at divination, and many things have been calculated by him.

This person has been living next to the Luotai Spring some distance away from Jilei Mountain, guarding the Luotai Spring there. Of course, the human race has never troubled him. There are three reasons. One is that this person predicts the enemy, If the divination is in danger, he will leave early, where can he be caught.

Second, this person formed an enemy with various formations at will. When he was about to deal with Jiang Chuan, he forcibly transformed the mountains, rivers and rivers of hundreds of thousands of miles into one formation.

Three, this person himself has an immortal body, among the human race, there are really not many people who can do nothing to obtain his immortal body.

Therefore, although this person does not live in Jilei Mountain and is an important member of Jilei Mountain, no one has dared to trouble him.

This trouble is not easy to find.

Should I try to find the trouble of True Immortal Ruyi? If possible, kill True Immortal Ruyi. However, Immortal Ruyi should have more mana than me, and it is not so easy to kill Immortal Ruyi with an immortal body. , It would be great if the blood-transforming sword is in hand, but it is a pity that the blood-transforming sword has fallen into the hands of the White Elephant Demon King of Shituo Kingdom.

All kinds of thoughts pass through my heart.

Then, everything went back to the origin of the question, what on earth should I do now?

Ruyi True Immortal, Falling Taiquan.

By the way, Zimu River.

daughter country.

A strange land in the spiritual world is naturally the kingdom of daughters.

For Daughter Country, Jiang Chuan has long admired the name, why not go to Daughter Country and see what is going on in Daughter Country?The spiritual world is so huge, and a country is so weird, it is called the country of daughters, and there are only women in this country, which is really weird to the extreme.

Anyway, I have nothing to do now, so I might as well go to the daughter country.

Of course, you have to be careful when going to the country of daughters.

Next to the Daughter Kingdom, there are three super powerful forces, one is the six-eared sage, this one has supernatural powers, but don't worry too much now, he has gone to Fengtian, and as the top ten top demon kings, he will naturally go Feng Tian, ​​the second is the power of Jilei Mountain represented by Ruyi Zhenxian, and the third is the power of the poisonous enemy Shan Pipa Empress.

Next to a daughter country, there are three big forces, and each one is so big.


What is the secret of this daughter country?

Jiang Chuan became more and more curious now, so he adjusted his direction immediately and flew straight to the location of the Daughter Country. Although it is exaggerated to describe it as horizontal resistance, it is not too exaggerated.

Flying straight all the way, I saw that I was about to reach the sky above the daughter country. After reaching the sky above the daughter country, I casually transformed into a bamboo hat and went to the daughter country.

Only then entered the kingdom of daughters.

Sure enough, the scenery is different from other places. I saw that here, people are all in long skirts and short jackets, with pink faces and oily heads, regardless of age. They are all women, and they are doing business on the two streets.Looking at the two sides, there are salt and rice sellers, teahouses in wine shops, currency exchange on drums and towers, and curtains hanging in flag pavilions and waiting halls. It's just that all the people wandering around are women, and one of them is a man.

It's interesting, Jiang Chuan looked at it casually, Jiang Chuan was wearing a bamboo hat at this time, and he couldn't tell the difference between men and women, and Daughter Country is quite famous, and men would come here to see surprises from time to time, so he was wearing a bamboo hat at this time Jiang Chuan, the daughter of the country, was not too surprised, and still went about their own business.

Jiang Chuan watched casually while walking on the road.

Women, many women.

Of course, not all of them are beautiful women, the beautiful ones are in the minority, and most of them are ordinary-looking women.

After casually watching for a while, Jiang Chuan also felt a little boring.

After all, apart from the fact that the country of daughters is full of women, everything else is similar to other places, without much change.Jiang Chuan looked around for a while. At this time, he faintly felt that there was something strange about this place, but he couldn't tell where the strange thing was for a while. Now he started to walk along the daughter's country at a neither fast nor slow speed. After walking around the Naughty Country for nine times, Jiang Chuan suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind. He knew something was wrong. There was indeed one thing that was wrong, and that was—— This Daughter Country can't be seen on the surface, but as long as a formation master like myself really observes it carefully for a few days, he can still observe it.This daughter country actually has a well-hidden formation. This formation looks a bit weird, and Jiang Chuan immediately began to think about it. What kind of formation is this, and how can it be broken?

Fortunately, I am an expert in breaking the formation. After I started to meditate like this, I thought that I would be able to think about how to break the formation soon. Then I realized that this formation is really weird, not only weird, but also Quite strange, this formation, with my own level, actually took three days and three nights to solve it almost.

How should I say this formation? It is still composed of ten basic formations. The ten basic formations have been explained many times, so I don’t need to talk about it again. Instead, I used these ten basic formations, and added a series of chaotic changes in the middle. The cloud computing method makes everything in it quite complicated.

Jiang Chuan can say with certainty that there are no more than three people in the entire spiritual world who can break through this formation. There are no more than three people in the formation, one is myself, and there are two, one is Ruyi Zhenxian.

So, is this formation created by the Ruyi True Immortal?As for True Immortal Ruyi, what is the purpose of setting up such a formation?At this time, Jiang Chuan was also quite puzzled, wondering what kind of tricks and tricks True Immortal Ruyi was playing?At this time, there are really many doubts in my heart.

However, let's break it first, and see what kind of formation it is, what is hidden behind the formation, and what is hidden. After three days and three nights of research, it is very fast to break at this time. After breaking it, I immediately discovered that the formation in Daughter Country was not a complete formation.

Once the formation was broken, the point it was pointing to was actually the southwest.

Southwest, that is the direction of Luotai Spring.

And at this time, Jiang Chuan also announced that this formation has a great relationship with Luotai Spring and Zimu River. Zimu River and Luotai Spring seem to be quite weird. What?At that moment, Jiang Chuan went straight to the Luotai Spring without hesitation.

In the direction of Luotai Spring, when I reached the sky above Luotai Spring, I found that the formations here are also very strange. There are so many formations, Ruyi Zhenxian is really a master of formations, so many formations?Do you want to do it? Under normal circumstances, I still don’t want to mess with the third-level immortals, but at this time, I have the power of 1000 dragons. The third level is just the power of more than [-] dragons. If the mana is not bad, why am I afraid of the real fairy Ruyi?After all, the method that True Immortal Ruyi is best at is formations, and in terms of formations, he is terribly inferior to True Immortal Ruyi.

Now, break this formation first.

Look at the Daughter Kingdom, Zimu River, Luotai Spring, all the weirdness, what is it?At this time, a sense of curiosity arose, so naturally I would not let it go easily.

Standing on the top of the Luotai Spring, he started to observe. At this time, the True Immortal Ruyi should not have found himself, so he observed and observed first. Jiang Chuan continued to observe. This time, it also took three days and three days to observe like this. At night, I almost observed the formation of Luotaiquan.

Luotaiquan should have a total of 49 layers of formations, the number of Dayan is fifty, and its use is 49. Ruyi Zhenxian should set himself as the escaped one of the formations, and the 49 layers of formations correspond to Dayan The number 49, and then, turned into the entire Dayan number fifty.

And the next number 49 of Dayan, each of these 49 formations is quite special. Although they are all transformed from the ten basic formations, the methods used are different. In terms of difficulty, they are actually compared to The formations set up in Daughter's Country are even more difficult.

Such a formation is quite complicated.

It can be said that even the fourth level immortal who has comprehended the law of space came here, and would be blocked for a long time when encountering such a formation, and could not easily shatter the void here.

good array

At this time, Jiang Chuan also thought about fighting skills. He was confident that he was ranked in the top three in the spirit world, and Ruyi Zhenxian was also the top three in the formation, so he asked himself to fight with Ruyi Zhenxian. After observing for three days, Jiang Chuan suddenly began to break the formation.

It took a long time to observe the formation, but it didn't take too long to actually break the formation. Although it was a full 49-fold formation, it didn't take too long to break through to the No.11 heavy formation. Time, at this time, the remaining 38 formations have begun to change.

True Immortal Ruyi has discovered herself.

However, so what if he found himself.

So he asked himself, who ranks in the top three formations in the world, and the Ruyi Zhenxian, who is also ranked in the top three, to fight to see which one has the higher formation. Xian also began to keep manipulating the formation, constantly changing and changing, the 38-fold formation, under his control, almost changed to a 380-fold formation.

This is the power of True Immortal Ruyi, who is familiar with the world's formations and various changes. Many formations are not even recorded in any ancient books. Big, should be able to be broken by people, this is the self-confidence of Ruyi True Immortal.

However, the self-confidence of True Immortal Ruyi did not last long, and he immediately discovered that the person who broke the formation was quite weird, no matter how he changed, the person who broke the formation could break it, no matter how complicated the change That person could be defeated, but this did not frighten True Immortal Ruyi.

Immortal Ruyi immediately used a higher level of transformation, and the formation was changed again, and the changes became more serious. At this time, the formation used by True Immortal Ruyi was already his highest formation, and this formation was not what he wanted. It is not created, but according to the records in ancient books-the great array of thousands of mountains and hundreds of millions of lands in ancient times.

This kind of big formation is almost comparable to the 360 ​​five-week star formation, one is in the sky and the other is on the ground.

One is the big formation of the sky, and the other is the big formation of the earth.

This kind of formation, Ruyi Zhenxian can only put it aside, the real principle, the change in it is not at all, it is said that this is the formation of the witch clan, but it is turned into his own when he gets it The strongest formation, once this kind of formation is set up, True Immortal Ruyi thinks that she will only be trapped in it.

The role of this ancient array of thousands of mountains and hundreds of millions of land is to turn it into an exhausted land, constantly absorbing the mana of the opponent, making the mana of the opponent much weaker, and once the mana is weakened, hehe, at that time it will be The battlefield of True Immortal Ruyi is about to begin, and this is exactly what True Immortal Ruyi wants to fight.

Sure enough, once this ancient formation is activated, the opponent's way of breaking the formation will slow down a lot. No, it should be said that the speed of the opponent's formation has stopped. True Immortal Ruyi wiped a bead of sweat, the opponent is so strong Formation master, where did such a powerful formation master come from.

Between heaven and earth, and in the spirit world, there is at most only one person who can do this. Why did another one appear? Now, True Immortal Ruyi also wants to see who has such a profound talent. The attainment of the formation is not inferior to his own. He was busy changing the formation just now and didn't have time to forget it. Now that he has trapped the other party in the ancient formation, he has a chance.

True Immortal Ruyi stopped immediately, and cast out the water mirror technique with a flick of his hand. He also arranged the water mirror technique in this ancient formation, but when he saw the face of the person who broke through the formation, he couldn't help being surprised. The person was actually Jiang Chuan who was killed by the five demon kings at that time more than a year ago.

At that time, in order to deceive the Queen Mother of the West, after killing Jiang Chuan on purpose, he said that Jiang Chuan was captured, and everything was for Hong Hai'er.

As a result, at this time, the person who had died a long time ago appeared here unexpectedly. This made True Immortal Ruyi not startled or afraid. True Immortal Ruyi couldn't help shouting angrily. Into the ears of Jiang Chuan who was trapped in the ancient formation: "Are you Jiang Chuan?"

"Why, the five demon kings teamed up to kill me back then, so why don't you even know me now?" Jiang Chuan smiled. At this time, there were thousands of mountains and hundreds of millions of lands around him. Jiang Chuan knew that these were not completely hallucinations. , nor does it really exist. This kind of illusion and real existence is quite mysterious. This is a rather terrifying formation, which is more terrifying than any formation I have seen before, but what am I afraid of? If you want to come, come here, what are you afraid of, let yourself take a look at this ancient formation, and let yourself break through it to see what is so mysterious.

But at this moment, when True Immortal Ruyi heard this, her expression changed: "It really is you, okay, okay, okay, since it's you, let me kill you again." Then I understood, if it wasn't for Jiang Chuan himself, how would other people know that it was the five demon kings who shot together, and how would other people know that Jiang Chuan was killed instead of captured at the scene.

This is indeed Jiang Chuan, and I don’t know what method he used to escape the shattering of the space. It’s hard to escape, if you don’t come into my formation, you can still survive, I can’t do anything to you, now that you have thrown yourself into the trap, you can’t blame me.” True Immortal Ruyi can’t help Jiang Chuan’s speed, but now Jiang Chuan entered After entering this ancient prehistoric formation of thousands of mountains and hundreds of millions of lands, he was completely immersed in this formation.

However, True Immortal Ruyi was a little strange at this time. How did Jiang Chuan find this place? If it has something to do with his secret, he will kill himself even more.

At this time, Jiang Chuan laughed: "You want to kill me. Last time the five demon kings teamed up, I escaped with my life. Now you still want to kill me. How is it possible? Your formation is indeed mysterious. I'm afraid You didn't invent it, let me break it for you today, so that you can understand what is the number one formation master in the spirit world."

True Immortal Ruyi naturally sneered. Although Jiang Chuan appeared suddenly, he was not inferior to him in terms of formation, but this ancient formation could not be broken by himself. He did not believe that Jiang Chuan could break this formation and kill Jiang Chuan in the world. Here, Jiang Chuan couldn't be spared in the first place, but now Jiang Chuan's coming here may be related to the secret he guarded here, so naturally Jiang Chuan would not be spared.

At this time, Jiang Chuan has no time to pay attention to True Immortal Ruyi. At this time, there are thousands of mountains and hundreds of millions of lands around him. Thousands of mountains and mountains are oppressing him, and billions of lands are sucking his mana. It's okay if the ancient strange array is not serious. At this moment, the brain is fully open, and crazy calculations have started.

These two fight fiercely, and it is necessary to distinguish which one is the number one formation master in the spirit world.

At this time, everything in the Daughter Country is still the same, but there is a faint yellow color, which is quite different from usual. Be anxious, the spring water of Luotai Spring has not changed much.

Daughter Country, Zimu River, Luotai Spring.

Because the formation was broken, there seemed to be some slight changes.


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