Immortal forging

Chapter 50 Re-chapter Waitian Golden Gate, Opening Ceremony of the Mountain Gate

Bureau, this is a killing bureau.

This bureau has three parts.

Those who plan, those who want to kill, those who serve as bait.

In the sand palace.

On the roof of the Shawang Palace, there is a group of people who are used as bait. There are more than 20 people in total.The group of people on the right is a bad old man and a beautiful young woman who is bright and charming, while the group of people on the left is a middle-aged man with a pot belly, and behind them are more than a dozen people of all kinds.

The group on the right is naturally the old man Shen Wan and Qiu Meng from the Tianjinmen Shaguo branch, and the people behind them are all from the Shaguo branch.The group on the left is the Dongsha King, and behind the Dongsha King is the patriarch of the Dongsha Thirteen Clans.These two groups of people have different looks, different magic powers, different personalities, and different destinies.

The same is that they are all tied up now.

He was tied up tightly.

Jiang Chuan's identity and origins are all placed in Tianjinmen, and outsiders cannot know.Although Sha Zhiyuan's younger brother Sha Zhitu wanted to take revenge on Jiang Chuan, how dare he go to the Golden Gate to ask for information on Jiang Chuan's identity and origin.He could only arrest all the people Jiang Chuan knew well in the Eastern Desert.

Shen Wan, Qiu Meng, Shen Zhu, the King of Dongsha, the patriarch of the thirteen clans of Dongsha.Those who were related to Jiang Chuan were all arrested.These people were the bait to lure Jiang Chuan out.Of course, although this group of baits were tightly tied, they were still so close to each other that they could still talk.

"This person Sha Zhiyuan hides really deep. He has a younger brother, Sha Zhitu, who is a master of the foundation-building stage of Huangtu Gate. He didn't even know this before." Qiu Meng said: He set up an ambush and planned to lure Hall Master Jiang Chuan, but Hall Master Jiang might not be able to handle it. "

King Dongsha curled his lips: "Sandy Earth is asking for trouble. Sandy Plain was also very powerful more than two years ago, but when he faced Hall Master Jiang, he had no resistance at all. Tail, he was directly killed alive, that Sandy Earth is Sandy Plain's younger brother, so he must not be too powerful."

Shen Wan shook his head, he is old and experienced: "Sha Zhitu is not a kind person, he knew earlier about his brother Sha Zhiyuan being beheaded by Jiangchuan Hall Master, he will come to take revenge, only I am afraid that there are only two possibilities, one is that Sha Zhitu itself is a super master in the foundation-building stage, and he is stronger than Hall Master Jiang and his brother Sha Zhiyuan in the early stage of the foundation-building stage. The second possibility is that This time, Sha Zhitu didn't come alone, he also had other masters from the Foundation Establishment period of the Huangtu Sect to help him, with more enemies and fewer, he could defeat Hall Master Jiangchuan and besiege and kill Hall Master Jiangchuan."

The people who were used as bait were talking softly.

At this moment, King Dongsha suddenly shouted: "Look, who is coming."

Many people who were used as bait immediately looked at it. This group of bait was tied to the roof of the Shawang Palace. Come step by step.The young man in the black clothes walked neither fast nor slow, walking forward at a fairly constant speed. The young man in the black clothes was a little pale, and looked a little strange at first, but it was just that the young man in the black clothes walked more and more slowly. Recently, everyone realized that that face was so familiar, it was Jiang Chuan, the head of the Shaguo branch.

"The hall master is here."

"Hall Master Jiang is here."

The group of people who were tied to the top of the Shawang Palace as bait all shouted loudly. There was some kind of surprise in the shouts. Of course, Shen Wan frowned. This old man had a lot of wrinkles on his face. At this time, the frowning of his brows made his face look even more gloomy, but he was worried about Hall Master Jiang Chuan. This time, the ambush of the sandy soil at the Huangtu Gate might not be easy to deal with.

That's right, Jiang Chuan is here.

Jiang Chuan, who was full of confidence, came to the front of the Shawang Palace at a constant pace, and at this moment, a loud laugh sounded: "Section Master Jiang really came, I thought that Section Master Jiang would not come, but I have to worry about it Those of my friends are the weakness of human nature." Following the rough laughter, a not-so-tall rough man walked out. This rough man's face was sallow and sallow. Although he was not tall, he had thick hands and feet, and Jiang Chuan did not recognize him. Who came, and the people who were tied to the Shawang Palace immediately recognized that this person was Sha Zhitu, the foundation-building master of the Huangtu Gate, and he was the one who captured everyone.

Jiang Chuan sneered in his heart. Although he didn't know this person, Jiang Chuan also estimated that this person should be the Sandy Soil who invited him here. His perception was not bad, but this Sandy Soil was too stupid. He thought he was worried about his friends. These subordinates came here, but they didn't know that they didn't care about those things at all. It was because they had thirty low-level mana in the base, so they were full of confidence and came here to kill the sandy soil.

Kill all the people, don't stop killing half of them.

He killed Sha Zhiyuan more than two years ago, and today his younger brother Sha Zhitu came to avenge him, and he killed his younger brother too.

Of course, Jiang Chuan didn't say much, just stood there looking at the sandy soil.

Sha Zhitu laughed: "I am Sand Zhitu. You killed my brother more than two years ago. Today I am here to take revenge. A murderous game has three parts. One part is the bait, Shen Zhu, Shen Wan, and Qiu Meng." , King Dongsha and others are all bait I used to lure you out, but now it seems that this bait is more useful."

"There are two parts, one is the people who plan, and the other is the people who want to kill."

"The person who wants to kill is you, Tianjinmen Jiangchuan."

"I'm the one who made the layout, Huangtumen Sha Zhitu." Sand Zhitu said leisurely: "Of course, I also know that you, Jiang Chuan, can kill my brother two years ago. There are a lot of people, so I didn't come alone, but three people came together."

"The soil of the sand at the Yellow Earth Gate." The soil of the sand said.

"Huangtumen Qiufeng." A voice sounded from behind Jiang Chuan.

"Huangtu Gate Yellow Sword." Another voice sounded from Jiang Chuan's left side.

Jiang Chuan was not surprised at all. Just now, he felt another master appeared behind him, and another master appeared on the left. Both of them should have the strength of the foundation building stage. Jiang Chuan secretly estimated that the soil of the sand was An ambush has been laid here long ago, and a killing situation has been set up, waiting for myself to jump in. The three masters of the foundation building stage attacked him one by one, one behind the other, and the strength of everyone in the foundation stage was not too far apart. Playing one is basically a win-win situation.

The three masters of the foundation stage of Huangtumen surrounded a master of the foundation stage of Jiangchuan. In this situation, Jiang Chuan had no choice but to die.Cherish Books and Read Less

At this time, the face of Sha Zhitu in front of Jiangchuan showed a smug smile. In fact, normally speaking, the people of the Huangtumen should be competing with the foreign races of the Sand Kingdom in the Central Desert. Gaining some advantage, the battle was easy, so Sha Zhitu invited two fellow disciples to help him, intending to kill Jiang Chuan and avenge the murder of his brother.His two disciples are naturally Qiu Feng and Huang Jian. These two have always been friends with the sandy soil, and they also sell the sandy soil's face. It is a three-on-one situation, which is basically a win-win situation, so they both agreed. The invitation of the Sandy Soil, come with the Sandy Soil.

But now, Jiang Chuan has fallen into the siege of Sandy Soil, Qiu Feng, and Huang Jian.

Whether it was Sha Zhitu, Qiu Feng, or Huang Jian, all three believed that Jiang Chuan was doomed.

It's a difficult situation, and Jiang Chuan also knows that he is now in a predicament.

However, Si Xu's predicament cannot affect Jiang Chuan's will. If there are three brothers in the foundation period, then try to kill them and see if they can be killed.

At this time, the three foundation-building stage masters Sha Zhitu, Huang Jian, Qiu Feng and Jiang Chuan who were going to kill were already facing each other head-on, and the decoys could only watch the ending beside them. Jiang Chuan wins, if Jiang Chuan wins, they can get out of trouble by themselves, and they don't have to die here, but if Jiang Chuan loses, there is no doubt that the chances of these decoys surviving will be extremely low.

However, although the decoys all hope that Jiang Chuan will win from the bottom of their hearts, everyone knows that the possibility of Jiang Chuan winning is really too small. After all, the opponents are three masters in the foundation stage, which basically cut off all hope. Hall Master Jiang Chuan I'm afraid it's impossible to win.

At this time, Huang Jian, one of the three masters of foundation building, shouted violently: "Catch the sword!" A yellow sword pierced Jiang Chuan. The sword control skills of this sword must be unusual. Under this kind of sword, there is no need for any fancy sword control skills at all, and its power is extremely powerful.

Huang Jian stabbed fast with the sword, and Jiang Chuan's block was also fast. With a backhand move, a long sword of a lower-level magic weapon was already revealed, blocking Huang Jian's attack. Not fast, this kind of thinking is a big mistake, if Yu Jian is not fast, how can it be possible to use the Hundred Swords of Yu Jian in a very short time, after all, it takes time to get out of the sword.

And the blocking of Huang Jian's attack was completely within the expectations of the three foundation builders including Sha Zhitu. Suddenly there was a yellow wind in the sky, and the yellow wind blew extremely charming eyes. Qiu Feng, one of the foundation building masters, blows the yellow wind. Qiu Feng has two attributes of climate and soil at the same time. He cultivates the two attributes at the same time and develops a yellow wind. This yellow wind blows away sand and stones. Ambushing in the middle of the yellow wind, if one is not careful, he will die by Qiu Feng's unique move of the yellow wind.

At this time, Jiang Chuan found that the soil under his feet began to soften. This was the move of another of the three foundation building masters, Sand Zhitu. Yep, this trick is the earth spell - sand trapping.

The three master foundation builders of the Huangtu Gate moved at the same time, and the offensive was extremely fierce for a while.

Jiang Chuan was among them, so he naturally knew how powerful these three foundation builders were.

Jiang Chuan is also just a person in the early stage of foundation building, and it is not easy to face the attacks of the three great foundation building masters at the same time. He is in an extremely dangerous situation within a few moves. In this case, Jiang Chuan has only one way, that is It's just a unique move, if it is later, I am afraid that the unique move will not be used.

Baijian Yujianshu.

Jiang Chuan used the Hundred Swords Controlling Swordsmanship in an instant. Among the Hundred Swords Controlling Swordsmanship, there were seventy spiritual weapons and [-] low-level magic weapons. Baijian Yujianshu consumes the original mana so quickly, the mana is consumed like running water.

It turns out that supporting a hundred spiritual weapons can still support a stick of incense. After all, spiritual weapons require less mana.

But now, with the support of [-] spiritual weapons and [-] low-level magic weapons, Jiang Chuan only felt that his mana was being consumed like running water.

Jiang Chuan was secretly surprised that the lower-level magic weapon consumed mana too quickly, because he had been staying in the ninth underground palace for the past two and a half years, studying the forging materials left by Hunyuan Daoist, and had no time to actually fight.This is the first actual combat out of the Ninth Palace, so it is also the first time to discover such a fast way to consume mana.

Since it is such a quick way to consume mana, then let's fight, Jiang Chuan made such a thought.

When Jiang Chuan raised his hand and used the Hundred Swords Controlling Swordsmanship, none of Sha Zhitu, Huang Jian, and Qiu Feng were surprised at all. Sha Zhitu is a very careful person, and he has already studied Jiang Chuan and his brother's fight. Zhan, I know that Jiang Chuan, a master of the foundation-building period, besides the lower-level magic tools used in the normal foundation-building period, the most unusual thing is the technique of controlling the sword with a hundred swords, so he has already researched the technique of controlling a sword with a hundred swords. Yujianshu is all made up of spiritual weapons. Although the power is great, it is not so exaggerated. Three masters in the foundation period can beat Jiang Chuan steadily, so seeing Jiang Chuan raised his hand and played Baijian Yujianshu, that is No surprise at all.

The same is true for Huang Jian and Qiu Feng, they also knew this trick long ago.

The Hundred Swords Controlling Sword Technique has come, and Sandy Earth, Huang Jian, and Qiu Feng each used their own lower-level magic weapons to block a few swords in a row. The power of swordsmanship has been studied long ago, it is not that great, so there is no need to worry about its power.

The three of them were relieved, and they all planned to counterattack after blocking Jiang Chuan's attack. The three looked at each other, waiting for the opportunity to counterattack. Shocked, he took a step back, so powerful, the three of them looked at each other, secretly surprised.

It's not a spiritual weapon, but a magical weapon.

Sandy Earth, Huang Jian, and Qiu Feng were all taken aback. Unexpectedly, Jiang Chuan's Hundred Swords Yujianshu actually included a few low-level magical weapons among the hundred spiritual weapons, which surprised them very much.But Sha Zhitu sneered, these are just tricks, and being discovered by himself is no longer useful.

After all, Jiang Chuan's lower-level magic weapons are just a few, and it's fine to put one out of a hundred spiritual weapons for a sneak attack. If you want to attack by force, hehe, it's impossible. This is the common idea of ​​the sandy soil, the yellow sword, and Qiu Feng. .The three of them are still defending, planning to counterattack Jiang Sheng after defending this wave, and it's time to attack after this wave of attack.

Keep it up, keep it up.

The more you guard, the more wrong it becomes.

Jiang Chuan's attack was like a continuous Taotao river. At the beginning, he thought it was just a spiritual weapon. He thought that Jiang Chuan had only a few magic weapons, and he was nothing to be afraid of, but the more he guarded it, the more something was wrong.

The first magic weapon, the second magic weapon, and the third magic weapon.

There are more and more magic weapons, what a huge number of magic weapons, there are dozens of them, how can there be dozens of magic weapons.The number of dozens of handles may not seem like a lot, but if it is said to be a magic weapon, it is already quite a large number.

Magical artifacts are not like Chinese cabbage, they can be picked up anywhere.

With such a large number of magic weapons, they flocked to the land of sand, Huang Jian, and Qiu Feng. Jiang Chuan's attack at this time did not have any skills at all, nor could it be called exquisite. Not many people have seen such an attack. Dozens of magic weapons attack at the same time. No matter how strong your defense is, no matter how exquisite your moves are, what is the use in facing such an attack? Jian and Qiu Feng all had extremely astonished eyes on their faces, they were drowned alive by dozens of magic weapons of such a huge ratio, and disappeared under the attack of Baijian Yujianshu.

Blood is flying in the sword formation of Baijian Yujianshu, and the broken flesh of the head is flying in the sword formation. Jiang Chuan's fingers are waving quickly. Up to now, Jiang Chuan has consumed almost [-]% of the magic power. Such a short time Ninety percent of the battle mana was consumed, and Jiang Chuan didn't dare to hold back the slightest. He must kill the three opponents, and he dared to keep his hands if he guaranteed to kill the opponent. If he didn't kill the opponent at this time, then basically only [-]% was left Mana himself died.

Feeling that he had already killed his opponent, Jiang Chuan pointed his fingers and took back all the flying swords. At the same time, he was panting for breath. Fortunately, this time the sand soil only arranged three foundation-building periods. If four foundation-building periods were arranged, I'm afraid that my mana would not be able to keep up.

After Jiang Chuan took a few breaths heavily, he tried his best to gather his breathing. The hundred flying swords were retracted, and there was only a piece of broken meat on the ground. Jiang Chuan finally felt relieved. It seemed that he had won this battle, although it was a bit dangerous.

I was a little careless this time. The first mistake was that I didn’t expect that the sandy soil would arrange three foundation-building periods. The second mistake was that I didn’t expect that my Hundred Swords Controlling Swordsmanship would consume so much mana on a lower-level magic weapon* *, it seems that I have to make a good summary in the future, so as to avoid such mistakes again.

Jiang Chuan also knew that it was normal for him to make mistakes.

I am still a young person, so mistakes are naturally inevitable.

But after making a mistake, I will learn from the experience of the mistake, and then try not to make such a mistake next time.

After Jiang Chuan summed up his mistakes, he woke up and found that the surroundings were quiet, and there was no sound at all.

Yes, crows and sparrows.

Of course, if there is a sound, there is only the sound of blood flowing on the ground, and there is no sound at all other than Chuan Chuan. The decoys that were tied to the top of the Shawang Palace were still Huangtu's registered disciples in the Shawang Palace.

These people looked at themselves, as if they got monsters, demons,

You said how everyone would not look at Jiang Chuan with the eyes of a monster, just kidding, what did Jiang Chuan do just now.The same person who was on the second floor of the foundation establishment period overturned three second floors of the foundation establishment period by himself.

One overthrows three, what a heaven-defying thing, this kind of thing has never been heard in the Great Desert, not to mention the Great Desert, even the Seven Great Immortal Cultivation sects have very few such things, only in the extreme Only in rare cases.

Even Shen Wan, Qiu Meng, King Dongsha and others who were tied up obviously wanted to stand on Jiang Chuan's side. At this moment, they shouted perverted in their hearts, only thinking that Jiang Chuan's hall master is a pervert.

As for the registered disciples of the Huangtu Sect brought by Sha Zhitu, Huang Jian, and Qiu Feng, they looked at Jiang Chuan as if they had seen a big demon. The appearance also made them see in the eyes, but they were hostile to Jiang Chuan, so it was pitiful now, and everyone looked at Jiang Chuan with terrified eyes.

Jiang Chuan had had enough rest at this time, thinking that he had turned over three characters on the second floor of the foundation establishment period by himself, and felt that the battle was overdone, so the eyes of the people around him were normal, and they shot with a spiritual weapon with one hand. It came out, after the spiritual weapon was shot out, under Jiang Chuan's extremely subtle control, it had pierced through the ropes that tied everyone together.

There are many ropes for everyone, and many of them are tied into the flesh.

As a result, Jiang Chuan cut off so many ropes with a flying sword at such a distance, without hurting a trace of skin. Sure enough, his attainments in fencing are quite extraordinary.

Jiang Chuan looked at everyone: "Okay, the rest of the Huangtu Sect will be dealt with by you, and I don't want to take care of them." Jiang Chuan said to Shen Wan, Dongsha King and others, Jiang Chuan is also very tired now. It consumes so much mana, now why should I go to retreat by myself and have a good rest for a period of time.

The battles in the Eastern Desert are not too advanced, and the battles between the Foundation Establishment Stage are considered top-notch, which is eye-catching.

In the kingdom of sand, the real high-level battle is the battle between the central desert and the western desert.

The people living in the middle desert are the real overlords of the great desert, the foreign races of the kingdom of Sha, while the people in the west desert are now controlled by one of the seven sects of cultivating immortals, Huangtumen, the veteran of the alchemy period, Huang Huogun. Huang Huogun has a very fiery temper. It is said that when he was young, his temper was so hot that it would explode when provoked by others. He was like a powder keg, and he went crazy. The people are definitely not having a good time.

At this time, in a large desert tent in the Western Desert, Huang Huogun's eyes were staring extremely round, and his fiery red beard trembled: "What are you talking about, those three boys, Sandy Earth, Yellow Sword, and Qiu Feng?" I went to the Eastern Desert to find someone to avenge, but in the end they didn't get revenge, but were done by a second floor of the Foundation Establishment Stage."

"Yes." The spy who reported the secret said immediately, if you look carefully, you will find that this person is the one who was initially captured by Jiang Chuan with the mysterious Yin Jin Qi grabbing hand. , so he didn't go back to the Shawang Palace at all, but waited by the side.If Jiang Chuan was defeated, he would naturally go out to celebrate, but if it was Sha Zhitu's defeat, he would run away. As a result, the three of Sand Zhitu were really defeated. Afterwards, he realized that he was probably also responsible, so the old man who came to bring the latest news to the Western Desert was in a rage.

The yellow and red beard was shaking with anger: "I'm so angry, damn it, it's really useless. I lost to the kid from Tianjinmen in three fights. What was the kid from Jinmen's name that day?"

"Called Jiang Book"

"So, I remember this name." Huang Huogun shouted angrily: "If the foreigners in the Central Desert hadn't gone crazy recently, I wouldn't be free right now. I would go to the Eastern Desert to capture that kid right now. This kid is definitely a talent, and he can't keep such a talent for Tianjinmen.

"At the same time, we can't lose our face. We don't need to spread the news that Sha Zhitu fell under the Tianjinmen boy, so as not to lose face to Lao Jia." Huang Huogun shouted angrily.

"Yes, yes." The person who came to report the secret said immediately.

Huang Huogun suppressed the news, while Shen Wan in the Eastern Desert felt that the hall master should keep his strength hidden from others, and he also ordered other people not to publicize the battle of the hall master's First World War III, so Jiang Chuan The extremely terrifying World War I has not been publicized much.

As a result, Jiang Chuan was being watched by the elders of the Huangtu Sect here, planning to kill Jiang Chuan at the first opportunity, and the Tianjin Sect didn't even know that there was such a powerful disciple under his sect.

The mountains are green and the water is beautiful.

Jiang Chuan now only feels that the mountains are green and the water is beautiful.

In fact, this mountain is not too green, with a faint layer of green covering it, it is not too green. You must know that many mountains in this world are covered with large green patches.As for the water, it's not too clear, it's just an ordinary clear bottom, this kind of river water is really too common in Xiutian Continent.

It is neither green mountains nor beautiful waters.

However, if a person stays in the desert for a long time, then staying in this place will feel the mountains are green and the water is beautiful.

Jiang Chuan stayed in the great desert for nearly three years. For such a long time, nothing but sand is sand, and nothing but desert is desert. It is indeed a normal thing to feel that the mountains and rivers are beautiful.

Jiang Chuan is now out of the great desert.

Finally out of the great desert, it's not easy.

Things in the desert are neither too much nor too little, but people who stay in the desert will feel that the weather is normal, the desert is wild and sandy, but they will get tired after a while. Now that they are finally out of the desert, Jiangchuan is relieved in one breath.The affairs of the Eastern Desert are basically settled. The King of Dongsha is no longer the King of Dongsha, and he has gone to live in seclusion. He probably feels that his strength is not high, but sitting in the position of King of Dongsha is simply annihilation. Shen Zhu, Shen Wan , Qiu Meng and other members of the Shaguo branch finally officially received the order from the main gate, went to a quiet place to retire and practiced, and died.

Of course, Jiang Chuan is going to return to the main gate now, after all, the opening ceremony of the mountain pass once every ten years is about to begin. After feeling a lot of beautiful mountains and rivers, Jiang Chuan no longer pays attention to these things. The black light went straight to the place where Tianjin Mountain, the main gate of Tianjinmen, was located.

Tianjinmen is still majestic.

Every time I stand outside Tianjin Mountain, I feel quite touched. This is a huge school that has lasted for tens of thousands of years in the world of cultivating immortals. One or two of them can be glimpsed on the mountain guard formation that has not even been able to touch the corners so far.

With emotion, Jiang Chuan broke through the seal of the mountain protection formation with his unique magic, and entered the mountain protection formation. Xiandian.

Everything in Tongxian Palace remained the same, the Taoist boy guarding the gate was still tired and dozing off while guarding the gate.

Entering the hall, the registered Taoist boy was still busy.

Of course, there is also a Taoist boy.

There are three Taoist boys in Tongxian Temple, namely the doorkeeper, the registration Taoist, and the meritorious Taoist. The merits recorded are the achievements of completing tasks every time they go out.Jiang Chuan came to the Taoist boy who had made great achievements and reported his name. The boy who made great achievements nodded his head: "Your task is to run a branch church in the Kingdom of Sand, but you encountered a large-scale invasion of the Huangtumen. Your suggestion to cancel the branch church in the kingdom of sand and let the branch church in the kingdom of sand retreat to the outside of the desert is considered a normal suggestion, but you don't have any credit for this. Of course, because you killed the rebellious sand country, you can also be regarded as jb. "

"Okay, you can live in the house behind Tongxian Hall. The opening ceremony of the mountain gate once every ten years is about to begin. After the ceremony of opening the mountain gate, you will be regarded as an official disciple of the Outer Heaven Golden Gate, and no longer a registered disciple. It's gone." The Taoist boy who guarded the gate led Jiang Chuan to the back of Tongxian Hall.

Behind Tongxian Hall, there is a row of houses.

These houses are not exquisite, but they have the word quiet.

Jiang Chuan found that there were quite a lot of people living in this house, and he met more than a dozen people along the way, so Jiang Chuan asked what happened to the lazy gatekeeper and why there were so many people , the lazy gatekeeper Taoist said: "It's simple, these people are waiting to open the main hall of the mountain gate, and then enter the outer heaven golden gate."

"So many?" Ping Chuan was taken aback, there are quite a few of them.

The weary Taoist boy guarding the door said: "That's not too much, there are only a hundred or so in total. Among the [-] Qi training period disciples, there are various tasks to get the foundation building pill, and once you get the foundation building pill You can become a disciple of the Outer Heaven Golden Gate. Moreover, this time, the number of people who opened the mountain gate for ten years has accumulated to enter the Outer Heaven Golden Gate. Ten people in ten years will succeed in building a foundation in a year, and there will be a hundred in ten years. There are also some excellent disciples that the elders have recruited from outside the sect, so the hundred or so are not many at all."

Jiang Chuan couldn't help but nodded when he heard the explanation from the weary doorkeeper. The weary doorkeeper made sense, and it was indeed the reason.The tired doorkeeper pointed Jiang Chuan to a quiet house, and then yawned and went to sleep. Too many people came back to participate in the opening ceremony of the mountain gate recently, which really made the lazy doorkeeper a little tired.

After Jiang Chuan settled down, it wasn't long before someone came to visit him.

The first person who came to visit was a beautiful woman, and she was extremely handsome, extremely cold and arrogant, and the eldest lady Lu Bing was quite wealthy. Lu Bing was wearing silver clothes, which made her pure and refined. , the small face is pretty and white, the little hands are pretty and white, the clothes are all white, and the tall white riding boots are on the feet, looking extremely pure.

"You are finally here." Lu Bing was not polite after meeting Jiang Chuan. After three years of absence, the relationship between Lu Bing and Jiang Chuan was not unfamiliar at all: "I thought you were given by the mission of the kingdom of sand. Stuck, did not complete the task."

Jiang Chuan smiled: "How is that possible? Of course I will be there. If I miss it this time, I will have to wait another ten years. How about your experience in Han Country?"

Speaking of his experience in the cold country, Lu Bing raised his head: "I have three hundred female junior sisters in the cold country, and basically ruled the cold country. The royal family of the cold country will also give a big gift when they see this girl." While speaking An empress' demeanor could not help but emerge. Obviously, she has been trained well in the past three years, and her temperament is even stronger than before.

Lu Bing did a good job in Han Country, but Jiang Chuan’s results in Sha Country were not so good. All the people from the Sha Country branch evacuated, but Jiang Chuan didn’t care at all. When encountering the invasion of the Huangtu Sect veterans, the ones who didn’t escape would be bastards. Egg.Besides, Jiang Chuan found Hunyuan Daoist's Ninth Palace in Sha Country, and gained a lot and benefited a lot.

After a while, Lu He and Zhao Jinji both came. Zhao Jinji mainly liked Jiang Chuan, and Zhao Jinji liked people who could take his attack hard. Jiang Chuan fought him with a hundred swords. , Hard against hard, naturally suits Zhao Jinji's taste, and a completely feminine style of play like Lu He's is quite out of Zhao Jinji's taste.

As for Lu He, it was because he was Lu Bing's cousin. Of course, his status in the family was far inferior to that of Lu Bing.Lu Bingao glanced at Jiang Chuan, and rushed over as soon as he heard that Jiang Chuan was back, but he, Lu He, could not come.

Of course, there was another reason, Jiang Chuan, Lu Bing, Lu He, and Zhao Jinji were all in the same batch.

Under normal circumstances, people in the same batch will take care of each other a little bit, just like a hometown association or something.

The four got together and discussed some moving images from their respective three years.The country of cold that Lu Bing went to was colder, and the scenery was wonderful, with ice sculptures everywhere. Lu He went to the country of birds, where there were many birds, very beautiful, and there were many strange species of birds.Zhao Jinji went to a country full of battles, and he played very well. Among the four, Jiang Chuan basically had nothing to say. What can talk about the desert, except for wind and sand.

Of course, Jiang Chuan never regretted going to the Great Desert.

The great desert is originally a place where men have great pride.

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