Immortal forging

Chapter 68 Chapter Family

Xian forging Chapter 68 (1) Home

The world of immortal diagnosis has the order of the world of cultivating immortals.For example, the seven sects of cultivating immortals are not allowed to intervene in the city of Xianyuan at will. Personnel in the alchemy stage cannot enter the city of Xianyuan. The fighting power of the immortal cultivators in the Dan period is beyond imagination

Another example is a person with elder-level combat strength.It is possible to destroy medium-sized cultivating families, but it cannot be done too far to destroy large-scale cultivating families.That is even more taboo and absolutely not allowed.People like the Song family are in the unallowable range to prevent the city of Xianyuan from being constantly disturbed by external forces.

Of course, a certain order must be maintained.There must be a violent organ.

It's like a country without an army.It is impossible to maintain order in the country.

Since the world of cultivating immortals wants to maintain this order.With all kinds of regulations, there must also be violent agencies, that is, law enforcement officers.

The law enforcers are rumored to be quite a mysterious group of people. It is said that their law enforcement is even people in the alchemy stage, and they can't prevent people in the alchemy stage from being arrested by the law enforcement officers if they step into the city of fairy fate.Being able to arrest a powerful monk who has reached the alchemy stage shows how strong the law enforcement is.

Moreover, these law enforcement officers never come out, as long as no one disrupts the order, they will never show up. This is really a group of people who have obtained the law mysteriously.

The rumor that has been heard a lot about Jiang Chuan, the law enforcer, is that Lu Po, the pulse master, also said that he used his own strength to fight against the law enforcers.

Speaking of which, after Jiang Chuan wiped out the entire Song family, he only felt that Lixian City had turned a new page, and immediately walked out of the Song family.

behind.It was the Song family that was bleeding all over the ground.

With a movement of Jiang Chuan's hand, a few stars of flames were thrown out, and those few stars of flames landed on the Song Mansion behind him, but they exploded into a few huge balls of flames with a bang, and these flames grew bigger and stronger, eventually covering the whole The Song family was surrounded by flames.

Jiang Chuan came out alone.

"I really accidentally got some blood." Jiang Chuan murmured that it wasn't perfect to get a little blood on the pale finger of his right hand.

Behind him was a young man in black clothes stained with half a trace of blood, walking in the bloody place like a stroll in front of the flames.

This is Jiang Chuan.

Jiang Chuan suddenly found that the sky and the earth suddenly darkened, and when he looked again, he saw that there was a huge net covering the sky, and the net was pitch black.There was no light, the net fell directly on Jiang Chuan's body, but fell on the ground four meters high, and a large pitch-black net faintly appeared.

on the sky.There are four people, each clinging to a corner of the dark net in the sky.

There are also four people standing on the ground, each clinging to a corner of the black net on the ground.

eight people.Pull the big net straight.

The appearance of these eight people only needs to describe one person, because these eight people all look exactly the same, but it is not right to look exactly the same.It should be said that the heights of these eight people are basically the same, all wearing jet-black clothes as black as ink, which is darker and darker than Jiang's existence, as if they would never see the sun, black clothes, black belts, black pants and black shoes, and the faces of these eight people It is true that they all wear the exact same mask. It is a mask of Huadan, because of the mask, you can't see her joy or anger.

This is?This is!

Law enforcement has

Jiang Chuan had heard a lot of rumors about law enforcers earlier, but this was the first time he had seen law enforcers, but the sign of law enforcers was so easy to recognize. He was all black and wore a Huadan mask, which was the unique sign of law enforcers.Originally law enforcers were the best to impersonate, but no one dared to impersonate. All the ones who dared to impersonate were dead, including Lei Hidden, the veteran of Jingleimen. Even if an elder died for the seven sects of cultivating immortals, he could only swallow his anger, because this is the rule of the law enforcers, and no one can do anything about it.

Those who dare to impersonate will be killed.

Those who dare to violate the rules of the world of cultivating immortals will be watched or imprisoned or killed according to the regulations.

The only person who has broken the law enforcement regulations in the past few thousand years is Tianlinggenyan madman more than a thousand years ago, the generation of madmen who challenged the seven sects of cultivating immortals by himself and died in the end.

Jiang Chuan knew that he had violated the regulations of the world of cultivating immortals this time, and went to the city of immortal fate with the strength of an elder to destroy the Song family, a big local family.But never expected law enforcement to look like this.

The sky is densely covered with dark clouds and thick clouds are piled up. The morning sun that was rising just now was instantly blocked by the dark clouds, as if it was about to rain. Thunder and lightning rushed and roared among the clouds.The two big nets put Jiang Chuan in the middle. Although there is a gap of three meters, Jiang Chuan has absolutely no chance to escape. The heavy pressure is coming. The power of the leader.Facing such astonishing might and power, Jiang" can only be amazed.

The law enforcer at the east corner of the big net in the sky said in a cold voice: "Jiang Chuan. Elder Duan Bingfeng destroyed the Song family for violating the regulations of the world of cultivating immortals and imprisoned him for 50 years according to the law." His voice was completely cold and there was no fluctuation at all. No human emotion at all.

"Jiang" came with a smile. Fortunately, he was prepared for a long time and said proudly: "Back to the law enforcers. In the world of cultivating immortals, there is indeed a rule that elders cannot go and destroy the big cultivating families of the city of immortality. Otherwise, they will be punished according to the law. I have not forgotten to kill this.But note that here is the purpose of destruction. "

The enforcer in the east corner said coldly, his voice still did not fluctuate: "Oh, you have a reason."

Jiang Chuan nodded and presented the evidence. This part of the evidence was the full record of the Song family's support for the Lin family against the Jiang family and their plan to destroy the Jiang family in the next year or two that the Wang family had collected long ago.With this record in hand, Jiang Chuan approached the Song family confidently, otherwise Jiang "would be afraid that he would violate the regulations of the world of cultivating immortals and attract law enforcement officers.

Who in this group of law enforcers is not afraid and who dares to provoke them.

Jiang Chuan had to deal with more and more things, so he naturally had to be more calm when doing things.Otherwise, it would be unjustifiable. This information was handed over to the law enforcement officer in Zhengdongjiao. The law enforcement officer looked at it seriously for a while and said, "If the Song family wants to destroy your Jiang family, first you can tell the Jiang family to destroy the Song family. It is not against the state law." six

"Let's go." The law enforcement officer facing the east said, and the other seven law enforcement officers moved, and the black net in the sky and the black net on the ground disappeared completely. As soon as the body moved, it disappeared without a trace. It is not known where it came from.I don't know where it went from.

Jiang Chuan took a heavy breath and joked, and finally managed to deal with it. Jiang Chuan, the most mysterious and unpredictable law enforcement officer in the world of cultivating immortals, was also a little scared and helpless.The strength of this group of people is extremely high. They only enforce the law and do nothing else. It's really a headache to deal with it well.

The 50-year imprisonment of the law-enforcement is really a lie. It is said that 50 years is 50 years. The reason why Jiang "is particularly frightened by this. It is because the Tianlinggen Yan madman was also imprisoned by the law-enforcement. It is said that he was imprisoned in the deepest part of the law-enforcement dungeon. Not to mention the sound on the first floor, even the light can’t get in. Of course. The world of cultivating immortals knows this because of Madman Yan. The only person who has broken through the deepest layer of the Law Enforcer’s Dungeon for more than 1 years is Madman Yan. There is no second either.

Well, this matter has been dealt with, forgetting the mysterious and unpredictable law enforcers, and thinking about this group of people, I can't help but feel uncomfortable. The problem now is that the Song family has solved the four major families in Lixian City. It is good to become the three major families, and the Jiang family will not be destroyed by the Song family again.

Jiang Chuan waved to Wang Yi over there, and of course Wang Yi also saw the appearance of law enforcement officers, but everything was already prepared, so he didn't worry too much, and returned his hand with a smile, everything was like scratching.Nothing has changed.

The Song family is destroyed!This is unbelievable news.There are four major families Song, Qi, Wang and Chen in Lixian City.Among the four major families, the strength of the Song family's miscellaneous families, the emperor, the two kings and the three houses have always been said to be the best in Lixian City. Really, no force dares to confront the Song family head-on, not even the other three major families.

The Song family has always been domineering.

And now.The Song family was destroyed by the Jiang family.This is an absolute blockbuster news that spread throughout the city in an instant.At that time, when the Jiang family destroyed the old enemy, the Lin family, although everyone thought it was strange, they still felt that there should be some forces secretly supporting the Jiang family. For example, the Wang family might be supporting the Jiang family.


And now.But no one dared to say that the Wang family supported the Jiang family as a joke.Although the Wang family is one of the four major families.But it is definitely not as good as the Song family, and the Jiang family, a middle-level cultivating family, even defeated the Song family, so how could it be supported by the Wang family.

Therefore.So everyone is looking for the truth now.

And the name Jiang Chuan entered everyone's field of vision again, and only then did everyone know that this person turned out to be an elder and defeated the Lin family last time.He did it alone.This time, he single-handedly defeated the No. [-] Song family among the four major cultivating families. It is said that he broke into the Song Mansion alone and then fought all the way there, whether it was the Sword Mansion, the Barbarian Mansion, the Poison Mansion or the Heavenly King Hall.All the people in the Wang Tang tried to stop him, but he killed them cleanly, leaving no one behind.Finally killed Song Huang, the Patriarch of the Song family.Killed Emperor Song.

With the strength of one person.Killing to this point destroyed the entire Song family, even if Jiang Chuan is an elder-level combat power, but this matter still makes people feel too incredible and only makes people feel surprisingly powerful.

The Song family is definitely not a paper tiger.

And Jiang Chuan's ability to do this shows his ferocity.

Not to mention "Jiang" this time, he slaughtered all the top and bottom of the Song family ruthlessly. This ruthless thought is also frightening. Powerful people don't make people afraid of powerful and ruthless Talent is scary.

As for the mysterious and powerful law enforcer who appeared later, the appearance of the law enforcer who was only in the legend left Lixian City with another legend.You must know that law enforcers are legends in the world of cultivating immortals.In a city of fairy fate like Lixian City, it is even more a legend.But now that the legendary law enforcer has actually appeared, it really makes people wonder what to think.Of course the law enforcers that appeared this time.It was actually handled by Jiang Gang.It is even more speculative that the law enforcers retreated by themselves.Those who didn't see it on the spot didn't know why those law enforcement officers retreated.

From Xiancheng.For a while, two legends appeared.

One is the legend of Jiangchuan.

One is the legend of the law enforcer.

Legend after legend makes Lixian City no longer peaceful.In fact, Lixian City can't calm down now. The Song family, one of the four major families, is suddenly destroyed like this, and the power vacuum left by the Song family makes everyone jealous, but now no one dares to disturb; It's better not to provoke such a peerless killing god, just watch and talk about the situation, and then see if he can catch the power vacuum left by the Song family.

At this time, the big and small families in Lixian City received an invitation. The invitation card said it was an invitation from the Jiang family. At that time, there was Jiang Chuan, a peerless and god-like figure, where did he pick it up? If you dare not go, everyone doesn't want to be the second Song family.

In late spring, the wind blows the leaves.A pool of spring water.

In spring, the temperature is still higher during the day, but at night, it is quite cold and the cold spring breeze hits the face. People can't help but pull up the collar of their clothes. It is usually so late, what should everyone do?There are fewer activities in Lixian City at night. Everyone is used to activities during the day. In the evening, there are more killings and treasures, so under normal circumstances.The night in Lixian City was quite deserted. Everyone killed people and seized treasures in such an extremely deserted environment.

But today.Instead, something rather bizarre happened.The night in Lixian City was quite lively today.I don't know how many horse-drawn carriages drove out of the Xiuxian families, large and small, from Lixian City, and headed straight to the east of the city. I don't know where they are going to the east of the city. Especially today, everyone is Qi Yunsan, the king of the Wang family, who is riding a white horse. The dragon carriage, the Chen family's Chen Shishuang carriage, these three carriages representing the heads of the three major families, this high-status carriage also moved, I don't know who has the guts to make so many carriages move together.

What the hell happened?People who don't know the inside story are secretly guessing in their hearts that they need to know the three masters

It is relatively rare for Qi to go to one place, and the powers of the other cultivating families... have all moved yesterday, but no matter how estimated, nothing will happen.

Of course, it is no secret to those who know the inside story.

Jiang's house in the east of the city.This is where all carriages end.Today is the Jiang family's treat. Think about Jiang's performance before killing Xing Jiangchuan. Everyone should give some face no matter what. You don't want to offend Xing Jiangchuan.All of a sudden.The gate of the Jiang family was really bustling with traffic.

To say that the gate of the Jiang family is quite ordinary, but it is only a three-meter-wide gate. In the Xiuxian family, it can only be regarded as average, which is far worse than the gate of the big family. It is even more obvious that so many people stand here. It was very crowded and many lanterns were placed in Jiang's house to make the place brighter and prevent people from bumping into people.

As for the order of entry, it is simpler.Those who come early enter early, and those who come at the same time are naturally advanced with high status.

In the eyes of the owners of the Jiang family, all the scenery of the Jiang family is not worth mentioning, not particularly good.It can only be considered simple.If it was normal, I would have dismissed the Jiang family at all, but now I dare not, everyone stepped into the lobby of the Jiang family.

In the lobby, apart from the master's table, there are three tall ones, which are obviously for the mistresses of the three major families.In front of the bottom is a row of low positions.They are all for the heads of other families.

At this time, many Patriarchs appeared.It turned out that this was really a grand event. The heads of the cultivating families, big and small, from Lixian City were basically here, and it seemed that there was nothing absent.You must know that the various families in Lixian City are not united in order to realize the appearance of so many family heads.That is very rare, and it can be seen from this that Jiang Chuan's single-handed defeat of the Song family really touched the people in Lixian City. Otherwise, these people would not be so shocked that they would all be present.

At this time, the head of the Jiang family, Jiang Qinghai, appeared. At this time, Jiang Qinghai felt a little high-spirited, smiled and walked out with his hands in his arms, and none of the heads of the families who were saluted by Jiang Qinghai dared to entrust them. The head of the big family Qi, Wang and Chen.They all clasped their fists in return.

Jiang Qinghai smiled and invited the heads of the families to sit down. After some politeness, the heads of the families took their seats one after another.

After being seated, there was some polite nonsense. Anyway, the people in Xiutian Continent are very proficient in polite language, but it looks like this kind of politeness has been going on for more than an hour. Everyone also drank a few glasses of wine and felt a little drunk. Jiang Qinghai I finally put forward my goal: "I also know that the Jiang family's current foundation is extremely shallow and far inferior to the big family, so the Jiang family is still the middle-level cultivator family of the Jiang family, but no big cultivator family in the east of the city can intervene. In it." This is the condition of the Jiang family.The Jiang family is now unable to swallow the power vacuum of the Song family.But other big families are not allowed to enter. As for small and medium families, hey, come in. As long as you dare to come in, don't blame anyone for being destroyed by Jiang Chuan.In the rules of the world of cultivating immortals, Jiang Chuan can only destroy large cultivating families, but medium cultivating families can.

Jiang Qinghai's statement basically shows that our Jiang family's current strength is not enough.And Jiang Chuan has to go back to Tianjinmen, so it is not called a large cultivating family, but no one can occupy the cultivating site in the east of the city, so be honest, otherwise, you will die without knowing how.

In the past, if the Jiang family wanted to occupy such a large area, they would probably be played to death.But now the various patriarchs who originally wanted to be furious thought of "Sha Xingjiang" behind Jiang Qinghai who destroyed the Song family. No one was quiet at the moment.

Everyone is waiting to see the three major families, Qi, Wang, and Chen. The heads of the three major families are all elders.Now it depends on whether the three patriarchs object to Jiang Qinghai's words. If the three patriarchs object, it will be easy to say that it is not so cheap for the Jiang family to occupy the east of the city.

At this time, the head of the Wang family, Wang Yiba, coughed: "Is this good? The Jiang family defeated the Song family. Naturally, the territory should belong to the Jiang family." The Wang family was afraid that they were colluding secretly, and they all shuddered at the moment.

At this time, the head of the Qi family and the head of the Chen family looked at each other. At this time, the Song family was destroyed by the Jiang family. It is also reasonable for the Jiang family to take over this territory."

As for the Patriarch of the Chen family, he also smiled slightly: "It's exactly this gift."

The patriarchs of the three major families of Qi, Wang, and Chen all supported it, so the rest of the people had nothing to say and could only nod their heads in support.

At this point, it is certain that the result of this time is that the Jiang family is not a large cultivating family, but the power in the east of the city belongs to the Jiang family.

The goal has been achieved. The head of the house, Jiang Qinghai, laughed: "Everyone, cheers." At the moment, the lobby is in a lively atmosphere. No matter whether you are really happy or not, you can sit here and drink a few glasses. Occasionally, you have to make a drink order or something. The drinking order is higher than the boxing drinking order in the mortal world or the low-level Qi training period, with a bit of elegance in it.

And this time, "Jiang" didn't come out to the banquet from the beginning to the end.

God is pitiful.Most of the Patriarchs came to the Jiang Family Banquet this time to meet Jiang Chuan and see Jiang "What does this killer look like? How strong is it and can kill the entire Song Family.

The spring day at night is very beautiful.

Under the moonlight, the pavilion is covered by the shade of trees and only a corner is exposed.The sparse shadows of Haoyue's suspended railings scattered across the ground in a quiet and elegant manner.

The sky is as clear as the water, the wind is light and the dew is thick.

The pink spring peach blossoms are even more colorful under the moonlight.

Jiang Chuan sat in the middle of the courtyard and meditated quietly.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the courtyard. After a little perception, he knew who was coming and said, "Come in." Someone came out.The man was dressed in rags.With a rather chic smile on his face, it was Wang Yi, the young master of the Wang family.Wang Yiyue waited for "Jiang" to sit down with one finger: "My father has already supported the Jiang family, the Qi family and the Chen family at the banquet. In this situation, the situation is stronger than others, so we can only be forced to agree. "

"Jiang" smiled slightly: "The overall situation has been decided."

Wang Yi nodded: "The overall situation has been decided." In fact, it was not Jiang who came to help the Wang family this time, but Wang Yiba, the patriarch of the Wang family, who came here by himself. Wang Yiba is such a shrewd person that he has already seen Jiang Chuan's help. Quite extraordinary, so Wang Yi was sent here, but I don’t know whether Jiang Chuan has fought against the Song family, so he didn’t come here. Now Jiang Chuan not only won, but also completely won, and he didn’t even suffer a single injury. Let Wang Yiba understand Jiang Chuan


Poor potential for such.A person who is extremely terrifying must of course invest well. Because of this, Wang Yiba immediately went on to invest in Jiang Chuan and offered to help Jiang. Hand. Don’t help Jiang Chuan now when he can. When Jiang Chuan reaches the alchemy stage in the future, he really doesn’t need his help.

Jiang" nodded: "Thank your father for me. "How could Jiang Chuan not know the thoughts of Wang Yiba, the Patriarch of the Wang Family? Head-to-head did not give him time to play tricks and kill him directly.

Jiang Chuan said at this time: "Oh, the five friends who are walking together, you also come out."

Jiang Budong, who jumped into the five-man-made man outside the courtyard, said strangely, "How did you find us?"

Jiang Bubu was also surprised: "That's right, we hide very well.

Jiang is not cursing: "You two are stupid Jiang" the elder is an elder-level combat power and we are only registered disciples. How big is the gap between us? "Obviously. Jiang didn't act as the truth party this time. Often, Jiang is also the easiest person among the five to become the truth party.

Jiang Buyuan looked at Zhoujiang and Jiang Buyuan with quite contempt: "Two idiots.

Jiang Bujia concluded: "No, it should be said that two big idiots

The five live treasures who are walking enemies together like to play gags at any time, which makes people dumbfounded.Jiang Chuan smiled.Waving his hand, "I want to make a gag. I have something to tell you. Now that the matter has come, the overall situation of Xiaojiang's family in Lixian City has been decided, and with the support of the Wang family, and even though I am not here, I am going back to Forging Bingfeng. But as long as I am still alive, I am afraid No one dared to take advantage of Jiang's family. It's time for me to leave too."

Jiang Butong was surprised at the moment: "Elder Jiang Chuan is leaving?"

Jiang Chuan nodded: "Well, I have other things to deal with after the matter of Lixian City is finished." Jiang Chuan wants to go back to his hometown, Bazhang Village. Of course, this matter will not be revealed to the outside world. The true source of every immortal cultivator is a secret. No one likes their secrets to be known by others.

However, before going to Slap Village, Jiang Chuan still dealt with everything that should be dealt with. Because of the alliance agreement with the Wang family and his own strength, he could kill the family by himself.Once the Jiang family's situation stabilized, he could naturally leave.

Don't wait for Wang Yi to say anything to the six people who are friends with your colleagues. Jiang Chuan said: "If the time is up, you go back to Tianjinmen first, and I will come back later by myself. Wang Yi, you are now in the foundation building period, and you can officially join the outer Tianjinmen to choose. The three peaks and the three veins have joined, whichever vein you want to join is small, and you are walking with friends There are five more brothers to take care of each other. Your current task is to keep doing various large-scale missions to snatch the Foundation Establishment Pill. With the strength of the five of you now, it is not difficult to win the large-scale missions and snatch the Foundation Establishment Pill. I am waiting for you to hurry up. The point is to grow into a foundation-building disciple." The biggest advantage of the five brothers who are walking with each other is that they have a large number of people.I don't know how high the probability of five people doing the task together is.

Confess what should be explained to Jiang" has already drifted away.

Killing a person in ten steps does not stop him from traveling a thousand miles.Flick your clothes to hide your achievements and fame.

Obviously, it is impossible to hide merit and fame deeply. After all, Jiang Chuan’s reputation is not so great now, where he can hide merit and fame, but even if he can’t hide merit and fame.

Jiang Chuan went like this.Although it made Jiang Qinghai and others feel sorry for the comparison, they knew it.The Jiang family couldn't trap someone like Jiang Chuan."Jiang" being able to live in Liren City for so long to help the Jiang family solve the great crisis and put the Song family in the behemoth is already quite good, and it is considered to be a family that takes care of the same blood.

People like "Jiang". It was impossible to stay in Jiang's house all the time.

Let's say that after the Jiang family left, because of Jiang Chuan's peerless killings, people dared to mess around, and they had the help of the Wang family in various aspects.The Jiang family's footsteps in the east of the city also slowly gained a firm foothold and became the biggest force in the east of Lixian City.

The Jiang family went up and down.Whether it is the elders of the family or the disciples of the family, their strength has improved greatly recently. The reason is that Jiang Chuan has instructed everyone in the Jiang family to break through the recent obstacles in practice, so naturally they can make great progress.

And the disciples of the first courtyard, the second courtyard and the third courtyard all took Jiang Chuan as their goal and practiced hard. Among them, Jiang Buqun from the first courtyard was the one who worked hardest.At any rate, Jiang Buqun was also the first disciple back then, and he was greatly touched by Jiang Chuan's competition. Now he has to work hard.

Then the Jiang family was only selling ore materials, but they didn't know much about forging, but after that, the Jiang family knew a lot about forging techniques. I heard that some people in the Jiang family can forge low-level magic weapons that are extremely difficult to forge. .It really surprised the people of other families, and with this ability, the Jiang family's position in Lixian City is as stable as Mount Tai.

Mountain after mountain.

The majestic mountains seem to rise to the sky.

So many mountains.It is a wonderful scene. If you come here to enjoy the scenery, you will only feel that the majestic mountains are really a scene.

But when the scenery is like this.The people who live here are suffering.

There are too many mountains in this place, and there are too many beasts in the mountains, so we need to make a living here.Not easy to get tight plus traffic jam ratio.

The mountain road is difficult and the mountain is difficult.

On this rugged mountain road, a young man in black walked with his hands behind his back.The young man in black walked not too fast, and seemed to be hesitating at every step.Take a closer look at this young man in black, his liver is very good, unlike the people in the mountains, his skin is extremely white, and his car is as pale as this.Not to mention the people in the farmland who are used to the sun.Orion family.

"Finally going home." The pale young man in black murmured.

This person is Jiang Chuan who stabilized the situation in Lixian City and made the Jiang family very stable in Lixian City.

"Jiang" has a family. A family. The family is from Lixian City. Jiang" and that family have the same blood relationship, and the same relatives will naturally take good care of them on the way of cultivating immortals. In addition, Jiang's family is very good to Jiang Chuan. That's right, so Jiang Chuan helped the Jiang family become the overlord in the east of the city.Moreover, the situation there has been stabilized so that there will be no troubles.

And "Jiang" has another home, which is the home of Bazhang Village.

After settling the matter of the Lixiancheng family, it's time to return to the home of Bazhang Village.Ten years away from home.

Only then did Jiang Chuan Yujian fly straight and fly much faster when he came out of Lixian City.Just longing to get home sooner.But the closer to the palm village, especially when flying into the mountains, "Jiang" found out that his speed involuntarily slowed down, and Jian Guang's walking speed couldn't help but slow down step by step.

How much hope and how much fear.

Jiang Chuan used to read a poem called: "Lingwai Yinshu breaks the scriptures and winter returns to the spring. Near the hometown, I dare not ask people who come here." When I was young, I couldn't understand the meaning when I read it when I was in Qinglong. I can already understand the meaning of this, so I am so close to my hometown that I am even more timid to ask people.

With a wry smile, I often hear people say that cultivating immortals and cultivating immortals will break the world.

Some people even say fairy lust.

"Jiang" doesn't know about real immortals, but "Jiang" knows that for a cultivator like himself, the fate of the world is not so easy to cut off. It is a kind of family affection where blood is thicker than water.For example, when I face no matter how strong an opponent is, I am not afraid at all. The heart of the war, which was as tragic as the great battle of complete annihilation of the disciples of the two veins, just speeds up. It is not fear but excitement.And at this time, the closer I get to my hometown, the more excited I am and I dare not approach easily.Jiang Chuan understood.I am afraid.

Fear of how much hometown has changed?

I am afraid of how my father, who was already very old, has been doing for more than ten years?

The vicious monsters who feared the mountains did not threaten the family.

I am afraid that my family members will still remember me as a prodigal son who left home at the age of 14.

You know you shouldn't be afraid, but you're still afraid.

"Jiang" took a deep breath, and now that things have come to an end, there is no need to be afraid anymore. He settled down and continued to move forward. The pace of progress has been accelerated a lot, and at this time, a village suddenly stands among the mountains. The mountains around this village are too crowded, and the sky is only as big as a palm block. But it is Jiang Chuan's hometown, Palm Village.

At this time, Jiang Chuan quickened his pace and walked quickly to the middle of the palm village. The houses in the palm village looked quite strange, but they looked familiar, which was somewhere between familiarity and strangeness.In fact, not many new houses have been built in the past ten years. After all, it is not easy to build a new house in Bazhang Village. However, due to the changes of the years, many places have become dilapidated and many years have not been seen, so it is normal to look familiar and unfamiliar.

At this time, a person came out from the horizontal. That person looked at Jiang Chuan and looked at him a lot.So suddenly came here, it is difficult for outsiders to not attract attention, the person looked at it for a long time, but still can't recognize it, after all, Jiang Chuan has changed a lot After staying in the ninth palace of the real person for a period of time, it is underground and does not see the sun all year round, so the skin becomes pale involuntarily, and the appearance and temperament have also changed greatly.

And then another group of children jumped out. The group of children also looked at Jiang Chuan curiously Candy was quite a generous act. At the moment, the group of children were laughing and dancing and following Jiang Chuan, obviously also curious about Jiang Chuan, a foreigner.

"Jiang" didn't take it seriously. This group of children was a bit like me when I was young. At that time, I was also curious about everything. I was also quite curious about the outside world. In my dreams, I wanted to leave Bazhang Village. When I saw people from other places, I couldn't help following them. I hope that one day I will leave Slap Village too.

Jiang Chuan continued on.I arrived at my home with my memory.

yes home.

A row of five houses.And they are all green brick and black tile houses. Although they are not unique in the village, they are also quite rich.The family back then was built with the silver that Jiang Chuan earned from the Qinglong Gang. These five houses were built. Among the five houses, there is one in Jiang Chuan. In fact, Jiang Chuan earned a lot of silver back then, but it was kept by his mother. According to his mother My mother said that I would leave it to Jiang "to marry a daughter-in-law.

Marrying a daughter-in-law hehe, it's a pity that it is obviously impossible for him to marry a daughter-in-law again.

Jiang Chuan looked at the gate of the blue brick and black tile house, which was completely mottled, but it was brand new ten years ago, oh yes.I remember that when my younger brother got married, there were extremely festive big red happy characters on the edge of the door.The scene of ten years ago, Yiyi, is so festive, it is really nostalgic.

"Cough cough cough cough. By the way, Jiang Juan hasn't been in the mountains for a while since he came back." The voice was old and familiar.You don't need to think too much about "Jiang" to know that it is your father's voice. Although you haven't heard it for ten years, although the voice has changed a lot, it is quite easy to hear that there is some cough in your father's voice.

"I'll go out and have a look." It was also an old and familiar voice. It was the voice of his mother. More than ten years ago, his mother suggested that Jiang Chuan go to the Qinglong Gang to see if he could join the Qinglong Gang. If there was no mother's decision.I'm afraid there won't be the current Jiang Chuan.

Miss going out.The face is so familiar, the corners of the eyes, the forehead, everything is familiar, although it is much older.

Jiang" exhaled involuntarily: "Mother!"

A thousand words in one word. (to be continued)

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