Immortal forging

Chapter 79 Practice without leaking

Generally speaking, those who cut the diameter are thieves.But now, no one dared to say that the one who cut the trail was a thief.

No way, not many little thieves are as overbearing as Jiang Chuan. "The robbery king is indeed the robbery king, not an ordinary thief who cuts the path, he can be called a super thief in the world of cultivating immortals.

This time, the battle between the realms of the Seven Kingdoms caused a sensation again. This time, in the battle between the two factions of the Seven Kingdoms and the realms, three elders were lost at Forging Bing Peak, and nine elders were lost at Wangtu Peak. In this battle, Jiang Chuan's performance made Jiang Chuan's name famous all over the world again.

The time when the disciples of the two lines were completely wiped out, it can be said to be a matter between disciples, and it does not deserve too much attention.

That time in northern Xinjiang.Jiang Chuan's record is impressive, but it is too far away, and not many people pay attention to the matter that happened in the northern border.

But this time, the great war on the boundaries of the Seven Kingdoms happened around everyone, in the Central Plains.Jiang Chuan killed six elders by himself, which can be described as prestigious.If it is said that in the Northern Xinjiang War, Jiang Chuan killed Bei Jiandu, Bei Tiehua and others were too far away from the Central Plains, it was just a symbol to everyone.So, this time, Jiang Chuan killed six people, Sha Laoli, Sha Feng, Sand Stone, Sand Chong, and Sand Mud.Sha Yuxian and other six elders, these six elders all enjoy a lot of reputation in the Central Plains, especially Sha Yuxian, the desperate witch, is even more famous. Jiang Chuan killed these six elders, which can be regarded as the official land of the Central Plains. The elder-level immortal cultivator knows Jiang Chuan's horror.

The original Jiang Chuan.The impression given to everyone is that the new elder has potential, and being favored by the pulse master Lu Po, he may be the next pulse master of Forging Bing Peak.

And now Jiang Chuan.It gave people the impression that it was scary, how could it not be scary if one person killed so many elders.

This is the first time a cultivator in the Central Plains knows how terrible Jiang Chuan is.

As a concubine of one person.Forcibly killing the six elders, forcibly relying on his own strength to turn the tide, defeating Wangtu Peak, and causing Wangtu Peak to suffer an immeasurable loss.

Of course, people with insight have discovered that the era of peace has begun for a long time. In the original era, almost no elders died. There was a great shock, but now, elders are constantly falling.

The long-standing era of peace is over, and the era of chaos has basically begun.

The world of cultivating immortals will definitely fall into chaos.

In other words, it has fallen into chaos.

At this time, in a remote fairy mountain outside the Seven Sects, this Xianrang.Among them, there is a small pavilion.

On the pavilion, there was an old man in a Taoist robe with a white beard, and an extremely coquettish young man in a red dress.

"The era of peace has passed for a long time." Said the old man in Taoist robes with white beard.

Wearing red clothes, the extremely coquettish young man smiled coquettishly: "It's true, it's over, but I guess those guys from the Seven Sects and 21 Veins still regard this as Madman Yan. Little farce, but this time, it is the biggest battle that has swept across the entire Xiutian Continent for 6 years, it is really ridiculous, those ants of the Seven Sects."

"A group of ants trapped in the black iron age with scarce resources."

The old man in the Taoist robe with a white beard didn't say much, he just said: "Liang Tianzun." But he didn't say anything.

And the coquettish young man in red was waving the wine gourd in his hand leisurely, with an extremely leisurely look.

The two sat down.White clouds are rolling.

God is in the heart but leaks out of the mouth.

God is not in the heart and leaks from the mouth.

Jiang Chuan murmured over these two sentences.

Jiang Chuan now.The mana was blocked on the ninth floor of the foundation building, and he could not advance an inch.The reason was that he hadn't practiced "no leaks" and completed the third "no leaks and no leaks". When Jiang Chuan was thinking about these two sentences.But he has already stepped into the library, and now Jiang Chuan can enter the fourth floor of the library, where there are many elders who have left their breakthrough experience.

The two in front are not missing.Not missing the eyes is to practice the visual ability of the eyes, whether to find the target and the enemy in an extremely chaotic environment.

Not leaking ears is the ability to practice listening. If one can easily hear countless things, that means not leaking ears.

But now, "Jiang" needs to practice not leaking.

Don't leak your mouth, this can't be done violently.

Jiang Chuan has now started to read some notes left by the elders in front of him. The function of the eyes is to see, and the function of the ears is to listen. What about the function of the mouth?

The function of the mouth is twofold.One is to eat, and the other is to say, as for kissing and the like, in the world of cultivating immortals, apart from some double-cultivators who study, there are also people who study. When Jiang Chuan was looking for the notes of the predecessors, he also saw a certain elder who used to be double-cultivated. , It is said that the mouth can still bite, the mouth can bite, what does this mean?"Jiang" thought about it for a long time, and finally slapped his forehead suddenly, and pronounced the words separately, uh, in the notes of this double cultivator, there are also some content about the separated words, what posture, what level, etc. But it is extremely lewd, and this level can almost be compared with Sha Yuxian, the desperate witch. Sha Yuxian, the desperate witch, had the upper hand in the fight with Jiang Chuan, so she wanted to get Jiang Chuan back to herself in the mansion to fornicate.

The evil way, that is to enter the evil way, but as a cultivator, he studies those things, but he definitely falls into the evil way, Jiang" thought in his heart, but he did not read that note again, but began to read other predecessors' notes. Notes. I finally read the notes of the predecessors, what is the function of the mouth.

And the function of the mouth is to speak.

That's right, the function of practicing not to leak is to speak.

I heard that there are some elders.When you practice not leaking your mouth, you can say it directly, so that the flowers in the sky fall from the sky, which is also a miracle.It's so amazing that it doesn't leak out, it's rare to see it, and it has only appeared once in the world of cultivating immortals for thousands of years.

Anyway, it is to practice the ability to speak.This is the true role of no gap.

The previous ones were eye-catching.Not leaking ears is for fighting, but this not leaking is not for fighting.

Practice without leaking.It basically has no effect on combat, but it has a great effect on the promotion of religion.To develop the world of cultivating immortals, it is not only necessary to show the traces of immortality to ordinary people, but also to continuously develop religion.Therefore, there is the item of not leaking, which came into being.

Although this kind of not leaking is not helpful in combat, if it is not practiced, it will not be easy for promoting one's own religion.

In Xiutian Continent, of course Fanyi, hit.But Dao Shifeng fights, there is actually a religion under each vein. Look at the religion under the Bing Peak. It is called the Zhenxing Sect, and the lineage under the Jianfeng Peak is called the Zhenxin Sect. And there is not only one sect in Xiutian Continent, There is such a sect under other medium-sized Xiuxian sects and small Xiuxian sects.

There are about 21 influential sects in the Immortal Cultivation Sect, all of which are owned by the [-] Meridians and other middle-level Cultivation Sects.

These industries make money.earn people.Wait, wait, that's pretty good.

All branches send people to specialize in this kind of industry.

The practice of not leaking is of great use to this kind of industry. "If you want to practice not leaking words. Go to the True Nature Sect, one of the industries below our Forging Soldiers Peak. The pulse master Lu Po touched his bald head and said: "When you get there, you will naturally find a way to practice not leaking words. Lu Po, the pulse master, saw that Jiang Chuan was going to practice without leaking, so he nodded immediately.

Although the four-way battle is tense.However, the elder with the most potential among the 28 elders at Forging Bingfeng went to practice without leaking.This is also quite important. After all, the elders with the most potential grow up as soon as possible, which is really good for Forging Bingfeng. Therefore, Jiang Chuan is still in the process of practicing. Fighting, in fact, can only be regarded as occasional. If it really comes here often, Wangtu Peak will lose a lot of money and send out the elders of the alchemy stage. No matter how powerful Jiang Chuan is, he will only have hatred.

After all, Jiang Chuan's current strength is only in the foundation building stage.

Nine floors of foundation building, a strength that is neither high nor low.

"Okay." Jiang Chuan nodded.

In the eyes of cultivators, the Xiutian Continent is quite orderly, with seven factions and 6 veins. 21 powerful forces, together with several middle-level cultivating sects and some fragmented small cultivating sects, constituted the entire power of cultivators.The strength of those cities of fairy fate is too weak to be mentioned.

Of course, there are also mysterious and unpredictable law enforcers who enforce the law for the entire world of cultivating immortals. Their purpose is unknown, they are extremely mysterious people in the world of cultivating immortals.

This is the Xiutian Continent among the cultivators, a simple and clear world.

There is a saying that the world in the eyes of different people is completely different.

This sentence is quite correct for both immortal cultivators and mortals.

The world is like this in the eyes of immortal cultivators, but it is not like this in the eyes of mortals.

In the world of mortals, there are many countries on the Xiutian Continent.Among other things, there are so many countries called Chu, so many countries, so many monarchs, people can't help but sigh, this world is really not ordinary chaos, there are wars between countries from time to time.

Other than that, of course.In the eyes of mortals, there are still thirty or so sects in this world. These sects do not participate in any fights. It is often decided by the method of debate. Of course, the method of debate here refers to two or more people sitting together to debate the scriptures.

There are more than [-] sects with different teachings. Their teachings are not limited to national borders and spread in different countries. Some sects teach people to be good, some sects teach people to do evil, and some sects The doctrine is to let people do what they want, and the doctrine of some sects is true feelings and authenticity.

More than 30 sects, more than 30 ideas.

Between these teachings and these thoughts, through the legal defense conferences that start from time to time, these ideas are constantly colliding with each other, and the side that wins the small legal defense conferences will have greater influence.The one who loses can go to refine the teachings and try to win.Of course, the influence of the teachings of the losing party is naturally smaller.

A collision of ideas.Naturally, there will be some outstanding people with far-reaching thoughts. If these people enter the world of cultivating immortals, they will get twice the result with half the effort.

Of course, these don't have much impact on mortals, they just often see different defense conferences.that is it.

Not many mortals know that the so-called thirty sects are actually industrial sects subordinate to the powerful sects in the world of cultivating immortals, that's all.

Jiang Chuan Yujian was flying in the sky at this time.

The blue sky is dark and the sky is vast.

Jiang Chuan was thinking about what Lu Po, the pulse master, said before leaving the Forging Peak: "The novels of more than 30 sects below the Xiuxian world are white. They all increase their influence. The greater the influence, the easier it is for outstanding people to invest Among our sects, for example, if the authentic sect under us influences more people, then the probability of producing more talents will be higher. In this way, the development of Forging Bingfeng will grow stronger, that's it

"Of course, there is another reason. Each sect and each peak will maintain such a sect under their hands, so that every elder can practice without leaking. The same is true for the True Nature Sect under our Forging Peak."

The True Nature Sect, Jiang Chuan was meditating, flying straight with his sword.

This time Yujian flew straight, and it didn't fly too far, it just passed through thousands of mountains and rivers, in response to such a sentence.Thousands of mountains and rivers just waited, flying all the way through the vast blue sky, looking at the map in his hand, he was about to arrive at Bingguo, the location of the Zhenxing sect.Jiang Chuan understood.I just want to practice not leaking in this military country.

Jiang Chuan flew straight all the way.Although the territory of Bingguo is large, it didn't take too long to reach the Zhenxing Peak after flying thousands of miles across the sky with the swordsmanship. base camp.

The Zhenxing Sect is also a subordinate force of the Forging Peak. Naturally, there are immortal cultivators here, and it is impossible to be completely stationed here. Jiang Chuan only reached the Zhenxing Peak, and was blocked by the guards flying with the sword. Those guards Immortal cultivators have been in the Zhenxing sect for a long time, but have not returned to forging soldiers, so they don't know Jiangchuan.

"Jiang" immediately took out the golden jade seal that represented the identity of the elder. The golden jade seal was really different. After the immortal cultivators examined it carefully, their expressions immediately changed. Arching his hands, he said respectfully to Jiang Chuan: "It turns out that the elder is here, so I'm sorry.

These disciples are all powerful figures in the True Nature Sect. In addition to the leader of the True Nature Sect, anyone who puts them in their eyes, even the kings of the world, Erchuandian, must be respectful. After all, they are high-ranking disciples. Gao Zailong's immortal cultivator Xingyi "The men and women of the sect, not to mention seeing them, are so respectful.

However, it was the elder who came back this time.Even if these foundation establishment disciples take Joe, they will never dare to take Joe in front of the elders.

Jiang Chuan nodded casually.Seeing this, the Foundation Establishment disciple said, "I don't know why the elder came here this time?"

"I want to practice without leaking words, so I came here." Jiang Chuan replied casually: "Take me to meet the leader here."

I heard that they came to practice not to leak, and many foundation-building disciples became more respectful. What does it mean to come to practice not to leak, that is the strength of the peak of the ninth floor of the foundation. They are considered good players, how dare these foundation establishment disciples be careless, and fly in front of them with swords to lead the way respectfully.

On their side, Yujian flew to lead the way and soon landed in front of the Zhenxing Pagoda. The Zhenxing Pagoda is the highest pagoda of the Zhenxing Sect. To see what is sacred in the end, you can directly introduce it into the Pagoda of True Nature.

Looking at this pagoda of true nature from the outside, one can only feel that the pagoda is extremely high, and there are floating clouds covering the middle of the pagoda. At first glance, even ordinary cultivators might not be able to see clearly the existence of this pagoda.

Of course, for Jiang Chuan, this is just a small trick, but these small tricks are enough to fool people, and the main purpose of the more than 630 sects in Xiutian University is to expand their influence and absorb more outstanding talents. If you can hold it, you can hold it, it's nothing.

Jiang Chuan entered the pagoda of authenticity.

Entering here, on the first floor, you can see a piece of fairyland full of green bamboos and green bamboos, full of fascinating fairylands, and then write some poems about the goodness of the gods: "The gods have been good since ancient times, and you can't grow old after being a fairy" and so on. Return here.As long as one enters this place, one's spirit will be involuntarily attracted to it, and go to Mu Na to find the way of immortality.

And in the second layer, there are some people who don't admire the cultivation of immortals, and their souls are scattered after death, or they are reincarnated in the six realms of reincarnation. There are countless words of bitterness written on it, and the words of bitterness are sad and very contagious.However, Jiang Chuan's Taoist heart is as clear as washing, so it is so easy to get infected.

On the third floor of the pagoda, there are some teachings of the True Nature Sect, the teachings of the True Nature Sect.Generally speaking, people should act with true feelings and true nature.Don't practice falsification, in this way, everyone on Xiutian Continent is true, and everyone is false, so there will be a lot less hypocrisy and a lot less disputes.

Jiang Chuan went up the stairs all the way, and on the seventh floor, he met Wang Zhenxing, the leader of the Zhenxing Sect, who is also one of the elders of Duanbing Peak.

When Jiang Chuan saw Ye Zhenxing, he couldn't help being taken aback.

Jiang Chuan has met many elders, such as Elder Fang Shu who squints his eyes and is good at forming formations, Elder Fang Ziye who is thin and thin and has a big body when forging, Elder Zhou Ru who is not very good-looking female elder, Elder Lu Yong who likes flamboyance , and the elders in Northern Xinjiang, etc., but to be honest, Jiang Chuan has never seen such an imposing elder.

The leader of the Zhenxing sect, Wang Zhenxing, one of the elders of Duan Bing Peak, has a rather ordinary face, but the more he looks, he hums some shapes of fairy wind, fairy windbreaker, etc.

The head is snow-white, like a fairy in a mortal painting.

Eyebrows, quite kind, with a faint smile, like a fairy in a mortal painting.

The corner of the mouth is also like a fairy in a mortal painting.

Its clothes, its robes, its shoes, and its various shapes and sizes are all like the immortals in ordinary people's paintings.

Looking at the elder named Wang Zhenxing, "Jiang" seemed to have seen the immortals in the New Year paintings of every household when he was in Bazhang Village. They were exactly the same. There was almost no difference, so Jiang Chuan was surprised when he saw it. He really thought he saw the fairy in the New Year paintings Like a fairy.

Then Wang Zhenxing looked at Jiang: "Is it Elder Jiang? Not long ago, Duan Bingfeng came to Feijian to pass on a letter. He said that Elder Jiang Chuan would come here to practice without leaking words. It seems that Elder Jiang Chuan has really come."

When Wang Zhenxing was talking, he saw Jiang Chuan looking at him without blinking, and he understood the reason immediately: "Hey, there is no way, I just look like this, and it seems to be exactly the same as the immortal in the mortal New Year painting. Ways to do

"Jiang" nodded solemnly: "Yes.I finally know why Fengmai asked you to preside over the True Nature Sect. You are indeed the best candidate to preside over the True Nature Sect. "

Elder Wang Zhenxing naturally knew what Elder Jiang Chuan was talking about. He meant that his appearance was too much like the fairy in the New Year pictures, so he could only smile wryly.

The two looked at each other and smiled, until now.Some of the unfamiliarity has disappeared long ago, Wang Zhenxing dare not make things difficult for Jiang "Everyone understands. Jiang Chuan is the future master, the future immediate boss, and Wang Zhenxing is just the leader of an industrial truth sect under Duan Bingfeng. The position of the future pulse master is far higher than him. How can he dare to embarrass Jiang Chuan when he is younger than the leader.

As we talked, we got to the point.Elder Wang Zhenxing said: "Elder Jiang Chuan, you came here this time to practice not leaking. Before you can practice not leaking, you have to listen first, listen first. Only after you can speak can you practice not leaking."

You have to practice the sword before you try it with the sword.

Listen before you speak.

This is an extremely simple truth, "Xiao Jiang" naturally understands. Wang Zhenxing said: "There are often people from our Zhenxing sect who come here and there. Although these are low-level fairy envoys, they still have some skills. Elder Jiang Chuan You can go and listen.Of course, besides that, there is also the Jingtu Sect here, and the grand meeting there is also Jingmiaoer. Elder Jiang Chuan can go and listen to Jiang Chuan's farewell to Elder Wang Zhenxing and fly out of the Zhenxing Pagoda.Go to the Congress of the Communist Party of China everywhere.

"Jiang" Yujian flew straight, this kind of Yujian flew above the clouds, flying over the Bingguo, and when he arrived at the Bingguo, he found that the Bingguo did not match the data. Statistics of the customs and customs of various places. Jiang Chuan is a person who values ​​information and information, so he searched for the information of the Binguo before coming to Binguo, and said in the information that this Binguo advocates force. There are constant military attacks. However, This time Jiangchuan Yujian flew over here, and found that the information here is really different from the information in the information, there are actually many

Here I want to explain what is Buddhism.In the world of cultivating immortals, Taoist cultivating immortals occupies the absolute mainstream, and all 21 branches of the seven sects are Taoist sects.However, Buddhism has gradually become popular in these years. There is a sect called Xinchanmen, which is also called the eighth sect, and the sects below Xinchanmen are called Xinchan sects.

The Buddhist sect popular in Binguo is not the Xinchan sect, but a sect called the Jingtu sect under the Jingtumen.

Jiang Chuan flew over the Binguo this time with his sword, and found that Binguo seems to be quite popular with the Jingtu sect, and from time to time, there are Buddha envoys of the Jingtu sect holding a grand meeting.

No matter what Buddhist envoys or immortal envoys of Taoism, Jiang "now only cares about the things that he does not leak, but has no interest in other things at all.

At the moment, Yu Jian flew down to listen to the fairy envoys of the True Nature Sect under his hand. Jiang Chuan went to listen to the speech for his own practice. The teachings of these fairy envoys were quite good, and Jiang Chuan listened with great enthusiasm.

The teachings of the Zhenxing Sect are basically true nature and true feelings, as long as they do not violate the conscience of heaven and earth, it is enough. Of course, true nature and true feelings are not hypocritical. These are the daily habits of Duan Bingfeng, so such teachings, It seems that Jiang Chuan is very appetizing, and Jiang Chuan is also interested in hearing it.

Even after listening to the teachings of the Zhenxing sect, Jiang Chuan would listen to the teachings of the Buddhist envoy of the Jingtu sect.The teachings of the Buddhist envoys under the Static Land Sect.Completely different from the True Nature Sect, this Jingtu Sect pays attention to the past life, present life, future life, and suffering in this life for the reward of the past life.Do good in this life.Build a foundation for future generations, and future generations can enjoy blessings.

"Jiang" heard the teachings of the Jingtu Sect, and only thought that the teachings were interesting. The main purpose was to persuade people to be good, and it was true to persuade people to be good. However, as far as Jiang Chuan knew, the so-called good is rewarded with good, and evil is rewarded with evil The eight words are simply wrong.

Don't you see that the thief who steals the country lives high in the temple.

Money Rat.The wealth of the family is immeasurable.

Thief of state wealth.The rich are billions.

There is no evil reward for evil here, but for doing good, hehe, it will not cause any retribution or the like. Occasionally there will be good rewards, but it is not inevitable.Good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil.The words are completely wrong, and everything in the world is just following the trend. There is no such thing as good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil.

God's order.Whether there is good or evil, this is Jiang's experience, and there will be no good and evil, and there will be no good and evil.

Gossip back.Jiang Chuan has heard a lot recently, and only feels that he has made great progress in his realm, but if he wants to say that he has reached it, he seems to have not, and there is still something vaguely missing, right, talk.

just listen.Without speaking, how to calculate it is completed without leaking, the word of mouth lies in speaking.

"Jiang" gave a few speeches and held a few symposiums. Jiang "was an elder at any rate, so it was very easy to hold a symposium. All the preparations before were prepared by the True Nature Sect. .Jiang Chuan's talk about the way of forging can be wonderful, but now when he talks about the teachings of the True Nature Sect, although it is wonderful, it seems to be faintly inferior.

It's just a matter of saving some of this, so that the method can be practiced without leaking.

What's wrong with me?At this time, Jiang Chuan was sitting in the Pagoda of True Nature, resting his chin on his fingers, meditating.

I speak my way.

I said, but what kind of way.

By the way, my own is the avenue, go to the avenue.

When I was practicing not leaking my ears, I listened to all the sounds between heaven and earth, and then practiced not leaking my ears.So now I have to practice not to miss my ears. What I want to talk about should be the voice of the Dao. Where is the voice of the Dao?

If you want to practice speaking, you must first practice listening. If you want to speak the voice of the Dao, you must first listen to the voice of the Dao.Jiang Chuan had finished listening to the voice of Dao, and what he had to do now was to speak out the voice of Dao. Jiang Chuan was thinking like this, and quickly began to talk about Dao.


among the crowd.speaking with a human voice.

In the valley, speaking the voice of the valley.

On the earth, speak the voice of the earth.

In the middle of the forest, the voice of the forest is spoken. "

crowd, valley.The land, the mountains, the sound of rivers and rivers can be heard everywhere.

This is what Jiang Chuan thinks is the way.

The avenue is elusive.No one can clearly describe what the Dao looks like, but Jiang "believes that the Dao is what he imagined, then the Dao is like this, which is determined by Jiang Chuan's absolute ability to understand, it must be so , that's it.

In ancient times, people said, I can fly, so people can fly without any training.People say, I have great supernatural powers, so people don't need any practice to have great supernatural powers. This is because people in ancient times had strong beliefs, coupled with the extremely thick vitality of heaven and earth at that time, so they can do it. Such a thing.

At this time, Jiang Chuan believed that this was the avenue he was looking for, so this is the avenue he was looking for. The avenue, the affirmation of the avenue here, it is ideal.

Jiang Chuan walked all the way, walking all the way, talking in various voices, but doing this, Jiang Chuan found that the traces of his breakthrough in the realm became more and more obvious. The previous experience of not leaking ears, after breaking through the last kick, it is not too difficult.

There is now a rebellion in the southeast of the military country, one is the rebel army, and the other is the suppression army. The two armies are fighting in a place called the Southeast Plain.

Here and now.Both sides are preparing for a big fight.

The rebel army over there claims to have an army of 30. Of course, the so-called is the so-called. It is impossible to have an army of 30. There is an army of [-]. You must know that the rebel army has always had a tradition of falsely reporting the number of people. Such false reports Counting the number of people, everyone heard that, with so many people, they couldn't help feeling much safer.After all, people have a herd mentality, and the more people who report rebellion, the more people will feel more stable. If so many people are reported at the same time, other people who are preparing to rebel will also join the rebel army.An army of one million, rolling across the land, is also quite impressive.

On the side of the suppressing army over there, there are 30 troops, and the [-] troops are not very many.But don't underestimate the [-]-strong army, the [-] soldiers in Mozhou" are the elite soldiers of the Binguo court, a complete military system, this is absolutely elite, and it is completely different from the group of rogues on the opposite side. Although there are only [-], but Absolutely terrifying, its power is overwhelming, it is extremely normal for [-] to break [-], plus there are legendary immortal cultivators in the imperial army, so it is full of confidence and is not afraid at all The rogue army on the opposite side is said to be [-]. In front of the elite army of the regular military system, rogues are rogues, so they hum about millions of rogues. It is not a difficult opponent.

People from both sides surrounded this plain, preparing for a big battle. People from both sides are full of murderous intent now.

Above the head, there is a bright sun.

The yellow sand is rolling and the sun is shining brightly, which further indicates that this will be a big battle.

Once this battle breaks out, I don't know how fierce it will be, but it seems that it is impossible to fight within half a day. The coaches on both sides have their own considerations, and they are all waiting for the opportunity. A long howl sounded, and with that long howl, a voice resounded through the clouds: "Kill."

This kill, two words, seems to have a strange magical power, as if it is awakening the deepest fighting spirit in the soldiers' hearts, and now the people on both sides are called to fight, but there is basically no fighting spirit on the other side. The fighting spirit of the army of rogue bandits has been aroused to fight in their hearts. The rogue bandits were originally an elite army that feared the government's military system, but after being awakened at this time, they secretly thought in their hearts that they and the elite army on the opposite side were actually the same. It's a human, with one neck and two hands. It's as if the neck was cut and the heart was stabbed. It's really whoever is afraid of whoever is coming. At the moment, there is no fear at all, so I rushed over.

This is the beginning of an extremely tragic battle, just like the beginning of such an extremely tragic war.The coaches on both sides couldn't bear it and rushed to kill.No matter how arranged by the two parties, they are all just killing non-stop.The only group of people who were sober were probably the immortal cultivators in the battle formation. The immortal cultivators suppressed the fighting spirit in their hearts, and even thought to themselves, which one shouted the word "kill".With such magic power, even the cultivators could not bear to kill after hearing these two words.

I really don't know who that person is.

That person was naturally Jiang Chuan.

Jiang"'s pursuit is the way of dagger, and the path Jiang Chuan chose is the way of fighting and killing, so he has to practice it without leaking. In the end, he has to come to this battlefield and roar. Normally, after roaring like this, Jiang Chuan discovered the mana in his body, boiling like boiling water.

Such mana is scorching hot like boiling water, but the barrier that originally prevented Jiang Chuan's mana from advancing was suddenly opened with a bang, "Jiang" felt a mysterious force coming from his heart, and this mysterious force came to him In the mouth, "Jiang" felt his mouth numb, and seemed unable to say anything for a while.

mouth.Since I was born, I have been communicating with the outside world.

And suddenly, a mysterious force sealed the mouth. This feeling is hard to explain, hard to describe.A kind of unspeakable weirdness, summer insects can't be said, there are too few people who have this feeling, and no one has created the corresponding words, so that for a while, "Jiang" didn't know what to say.

The sound of "snap" seemed to resound in the heaven and earth, and it seemed to resound in "Jiang"'s body. The idea flashed through Jiang Chuan's mind. Yes, thinking of this, I can't help but feel refreshed, such a breakthrough, but there is an indescribable pleasure.

Finally reached the tenth floor of the foundation, no longer trapped in the ninth floor of the foundation.Jiang Chuan had just reached the tenth floor of the foundation building.He just felt a wave of mana pouring into his lower dantian, this mana was quite huge."Jiang" went to check it out and found out that it was a huge Jing Nei Dan. It was only after thinking about it that he remembered it. After Bei Qianhua was killed in Beicheng, he could have absorbed Bei Qianhua's Jing Nei Pill. However, the mana has been trapped in the ninth floor of the foundation, so it has not been absorbed, but the inner elixir has been kept near his lower dantian, and now he finally broke through this barrier and reached the tenth floor of the foundation. Beiqianhua's inner elixir finally poured into the lower dantian and began to take effect.

Back then, Beiqianhua was a master at building the eleventh floor of the foundation.Jing Neidan's magic power is extremely strong, and Jiang Chuan absorbed it this time, and directly transferred Jiang's legal affairs from the early stage of the tenth floor to the middle stage of the tenth floor. I don't know how many years of hard work have been saved. Let Jiang Chuan couldn't help being overjoyed.

It's a pity that Beiqianhua has died like this, and there are no elites in the northern border. It is not realistic to rely on the inner alchemy of the elite clan to upgrade. In other words, in terms of northern border, the other three Xinjiang.There are few elites higher than Beiqianhua, and there are very few elite inner pills that can be obtained, even if Jiang Chuan kills them.I'm afraid I won't be able to get any fine inner alchemy.

But no matter how much it is, now it has finally reached the tenth floor of the foundation building, and it has improved a lot compared to before, and its strength has greatly increased.

"Jiang" was thinking like this, but he left the battlefield where the rebel army and the suppression army fought within the Binguo. Such a low-level war is not interesting, and it can be said to be quite interesting. Jiang Chuan flew straight to Zhenxing Peak The Zhenxing Pagoda on the top. Went to meet the Zhenxing leader Wang Zhenxing there.

"Elder Wang is well." Jiang Chuan has now reached the tenth floor of the foundation building, and he is full of indescribable happiness.

"It turned out to be Elder Jiang. I wonder how well Elder Jiang has practiced in not leaking?" Elder Wang Zhenxing asked casually.

"It's done." Jiang Chuan replied casually.

"Succeeded, uh, what! Achieved!?" Wang Zhenxing was a little dazed: "I heard correctly. You have practiced without leaking and reached the tenth floor of foundation building?" But he couldn't believe it.

"That's right, it's done. I've reached the tenth floor of the foundation building. Do you have any questions?" Jiang Chuan said.

Hearing this, Wang Zhenxing felt like he was going crazy. Elder Jiang Chuan had only reached Zhenxing Sect for half a year, and the speed of practicing without leaking in half a year was too fast, almost breaking the previous record of Duan Bing Peak, oh, No, not nearly broken.

The future pulse master is really talented!Wang Zhenxing also had to praise it.

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