Reincarnation Paradise: Do you understand what a clone is?

Chapter 100 Creatures with Strange Souls

Chapter 100 Creatures with Strange Souls

The distant soul fluctuation gave Anze a very strange feeling. It was different from any soul with "temperature", "color" and "taste" that Anze had sensed in the past.

This soul is a blank in the true sense. It gives Anze the same feeling as when he first felt the soul crystal, blank and pure.

What kind of soul is this?

Anze frowned. There was nothing like this among any souls he had ever felt before. Even a newborn baby would have the "temperature" of the soul, but this soul didn't even have "temperature". .

After wondering for a moment, Anze slowly approached the soul, and Anze saw a scorpion man.

The shell is a dark brown color that is no different from yellow sand, and there is a transparent gemstone on his forehead, a long tail spine extending from his back, and a carapace on his chest.

This scorpion man was not tall, about 1.56 meters tall, and his face looked a little childish. Anze observed that this scorpion man seemed to be playing with the sand on the ground.

Anze was silent for a while, and then felt that this was very reasonable. People with such clean souls are naturally kind-hearted people, and there is nothing wrong with playing with sand.

The soul thread spread out from Anze's hand, and Anze invaded the soul of the person in front of him. This did not encounter any obstacles and basically happened in an instant.

How could it be possible? Does this guy have no self-awareness at all? There is no resistance at all. How is that possible?

Anze tried to control the Scorpion Man on the opposite side, but the feedback he received surprised him. It was not that it was not smooth, but that it was so smooth that Anze could not believe it.

He seemed to be controlling a puppet without self-awareness.

After a moment of silence, Anze released the control. There was no fear on the face of the scorpion man opposite him. He scratched his head in confusion, then put down the sand in his hand and walked in one direction.

Anze sent a message to Ronin Anze, and then hung far behind the scorpion man.

"A creature with an almost blank soul? True body, have you lost your mind and gone crazy?"

"Don't think I dare not hit you."

"Send it to me, and I'll come right away. I need to meet this guy."

Anze casually shared his location with Ronin Anze. The communication function between the two is very rich, which to some extent can be regarded as a preferential treatment in the paradise.

After chatting with Ronin Anze for a few words, Anze continued to follow. The monster in front of him made Anze very interested. After all, it was the first time for him to encounter this kind of creature.

After walking for a while, Anze felt more "same" souls. Apart from the strength of the soul fluctuations, there was no difference.

What kind of creature is this Teemo?

Feeling the two new "blank" souls in the distance, Anze felt a little dazed. The multiple blank souls made Anze a little scared.

Anze felt that it was unlikely to be a natural formation, and it was more likely to be an artificially created creature. However, Anze did not dare to think of someone who could create such a pure soul.

After a moment of silence, Anze took out the telescope from the storage space. Except for food and fresh water, the storage space was still usable and he could get anything.

Through the telescope, Anze glanced at the scorpion men gathered in the distance. Through the telescope, Anze saw two obviously much taller scorpion men surrounding the one controlled by Anze.

Through the perception of the scorpion man, Anze sensed the vague soul connection between these scorpion men, as if he could erode the two of them through this soul connection.

Does this kind of creature actually have a tribe?

The observed scenes told Anze that the three scorpion people in front of him were obviously a small family.

As for why Anze could come to this conclusion, it was because Anze saw the two scorpion men giving a serious lesson to the relatively short one that Anze met at the beginning.

Being able to form this kind of social structure basically means that this kind of creature forms a group. The difference between female scorpions and males is not particularly big. Apart from height and body shape, according to Anze's observation, only the color of the armor on the abdomen and appearance can be roughly distinguished.

Of course, this cannot be regarded as a conclusion, because this is the first group of Scorpion people Anze has met, and no conclusion can be drawn.

After receiving their children, this group of scorpions left with the original little scorpion, as if they were returning to their lair.

Anze followed quietly, preparing to find out. As for the issue of fresh water, just kidding, we have found living creatures. Do we still have to worry about not being able to find water and food?

Even if that doesn't work, Anze doesn't mind drinking blood and eating meat.

"Allah..." (Unknown language, the general meaning is: Allah, don't run around anymore. Children can't leave the tribe too far. Just leave the hunting to us.)

The tallest scorpion man spoke to the little scorpion man next to him.

"..." (Why, I have grown up and can hunt)

"You should wait until your Holy Spirit Stone grows before you say anything like this." The Scorpion man who just spoke spoke again, with a helpless tone in his tone, like a father's helpless warning to a rebellious child.

"I'm the most talented in the tribe, just wait!" the short scorpion man said.

"I believe that our little Ala will become the strongest warrior of the tribe in the future." The scorpion man next to him said with a loving face and soft eyes.

And Anze has been following them from a distance. After walking for an unknown amount of time, Anze saw an oasis in the distance. The oasis was very large. There were houses built of sand nearby. Anze saw Scorpion people patrolling near the oasis. .


Anze sensed the densely packed blank souls in the distance, swallowed, and licked his cracked lips due to long-term lack of water.

Sure enough, this creature already has a tribe. What kind of creature is it?

Anze took out his telescope and observed from a distance. He was thinking about how to contact the ethnic group in front of him next.

Not long after, Ronin Anze came to Anze's vicinity based on the shared location.

"Body, what's going on?"

"See for yourself." Anze hid behind the dunes and pointed to the oasis in the distance.

"What is this, a soul with nothing? Do they really have self-awareness?"

"According to my observation, there is." Anze said in a low voice.

"6... Is there any way to get some water? I can't hold on without drinking water." Ronin Anze licked his lips. He ran here to keep up with Anze and lost more water.

Hearing Ronin Anze's words, Anze pointed to the oasis not far away. The meaning was obvious, he had to drink the water there himself.

"Is there anything you can do?"

"Nothing at the moment. I don't know any information. I don't want to mess with this kind of creature. It's too weird..."

(End of this chapter)

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