Reincarnation Paradise: Do you understand what a clone is?

Chapter 20 The evil ghost comes out of the cage

Chapter 20 The evil ghost comes out of the cage

"District 13 is a gathering place for ghouls..., a common ghoul area..., a gathering place..." Two days later, Anze received the information from Su Xiao.

The method Su Xiao chose in the original plot was the fastest way to complete the main task, so Anze decided to copy the homework directly. ,

Choose to clear an area, and yesterday, Anze had already obtained the information collected by Black Panyan, and it was in his hands at the moment.

Compared with the information sent by Su Xiao, Hei Panyan's information was much worse.

Sure enough, it must be the ghoul who knows the ghoul better.

Anze clicked his tongue, then opened the door and got into the driver's seat.

"Sir Yi Bing, let's go." Anze put down the information in his hand and spoke to Yi Bing, who was also standing next to the car.

Yi Bingru took a deep look at Anze, then sighed and got into the car.

Anze's car was heading to the "battlefield", and Yi Bingru had already anticipated what Anze would take her to do.

District 13, a street in the North District, is the area with the most brutal gang violence. Anze and Yi Bingru got off the car together, and Yi Bingru was particularly eye-catching while carrying two metal boxes.

Anze took action only after Su Xiao sent the information. At this time, it was not long before the start time of most common areas.

The location where the two arrived was at the center of a large communal area in District 13.

Anze felt a lot of prying eyes as soon as he got out of the car, and every line of sight was filled with deep malice.

"Investigator, tsk, this is the first time I've seen an inquisitor coming. Isn't this looking for death?"

"Don't fight with me, this is my prey!"

Several figures with red eyes walked out of the alley not far away. Anze's dark eyes glanced around, and he roughly counted about six ghouls.

"Sir Yi Bing, it's time to go."

Two black shadows flew out, and before the ghouls could react, Anze had already smashed one of the ghouls' heads into the ground.

Feeling that the resistance was not too strong, Anze curled his lips.

"So weak."

Immediately, Anze punched the ghoul hard on the head. The crushing strength and physique brought a shocking visual effect.

The skull exploded, red and white things flew everywhere, and a big crater was made on the ground.

The power of the abyss released by Anze also penetrated the body of another ghoul.

A huge tail came sweeping towards him. Anze held it up with his arms and stepped firmly on the ground with his feet. The ground cracked and Anze did not move a step.


The bullet passed through Hezi, and the skullbreaker's shot hit the ghoul in front of him. Anze closed his eyes to prevent the splashed blood from flowing into his eyes.

A strong electric current passed through Anze's side. Anze felt some numbness on the left side of his body. A ghoul was hit by the electric current and his flesh became charred black.

In five seconds, four of the six ghouls were killed.

Anze turned to look at the remaining two ghouls.

The moonlight shines brightly, making the streets extremely bright.

A pair of dark eyes, a grinning mouth, and brain matter and blood dripping down his cheeks, all of which made Anze look like an evil ghost crawling out of hell.

When the two ghouls who feed on humans saw this scene, their legs became weak and they subconsciously turned around and wanted to run away.

"Bang, bang!"

After two gunshots and seeing the red blood flowers, Anze felt more and more lucky that all the two bullets hit.

One bullet broke the leg of one ghoul, and the other hit the other on the neck. The head flew up with the huge impact and rolled down in front of the other person.

The horrifying scene made the ghoul, whose leg had been broken, crawl as hard as he could for his life, but how could he escape without a leg. Anze walked over slowly and stepped on his other limbs expressionlessly. The sound of three bone cracks made Yi Bingru take a few steps away from Anze.

The severe pain made him faint on the spot, and he was a little unsteady. Anze grabbed his limp legs and threw him to the center of the street. Then he and Yi Bingru hid aside, waiting for the prey to bite the hook.

The smell of blood spread, and more and more ghouls gathered around them. The first few people were a little cautious, but as the number of ghouls increased, there were a few corpses on the ground that were not completely cool.

Together, let’s begin.

Minced pieces of flesh and blood and broken limbs were flying around in the crowd, and the gathered ghouls had completely turned into wild beasts.

When Yi Bingru saw this scene, he subconsciously tightened his grip on the Kukin in his hand.

"Eighteen, okay, any more may be dangerous." Anze walked out of the shadows, and the skullbreaker aimed at a ghoul.

The sound of gunshots made most of the ghouls turn their heads and look over. Anze faced more than a dozen pairs of scarlet eyes and refused to retreat but advanced.

He felt the blood all over his body became hotter and hotter, and his soul seemed to be cheering.

Immediately, he rushed towards the pile of ghouls, his black spear dancing. At this time, the spear skills that Ronin Anze had practiced on the battlefield came in handy.

The blood was evaporated by the power of the black abyss, but Anze's spear tip was still smooth. A ghoul with its armor spread out was stabbed through by Anze, and the killing began.

Several Hezi attacked, Anze's spear tip swept across, the black light flashed across, the bloody Hezi flew high, Anze strode forward to an A-level ghoul, and broke his spine with one shot.

Facing the lens flying from a distance, the black gun in Anze's hand extended and turned into a black shield.

Anze held the shield in one hand and took out the Skullbreaker with the other hand. The sound of ping ping ping was mixed with a bang, and not far away, a red and white flower bloomed in the night sky.

Yi Bingru, who was holding an AUS, had just joined the battlefield, and Anze had already killed half of the ghouls. Blood spattered, and Anze's expression, covered in blood, became a little crazy.

The strong smell of blood caused ghouls to rush here one after another, and every ghoul that showed up became the soul of Anze's gun.

In Anze's eyes, the milky white transparent phantoms were so densely packed in the sky above this street that Anze could even smell the sweet smell coming from these souls.

After killing all the enemies, Anze would rest on the corpse for a while until the next ghoul appeared and started a new round of killing.

As dawn broke and the sun rose the next day, Anze sat on a pile of corpses to rest, with a layer of corpses piled at his feet.

Yi Bingchu had two kouchin beside him, lying on the ground in a very unladylike manner.

There was thick blood flowing on the ground, mixed with a little white, which was the brain matter left by the person whose head was shot by Anze.

There was a faint layer of red mist floating in the air, and with every breath you could smell the strong smell of blood, mixed with the faint scent of meat.

Anze and Yi Bingru fought here all night. In the end, with Anze first arriving at the center of the street as a dot, nearly every inch of the ground for the nearby 300 meters was red.

Anze didn't know how many ghouls he had killed. He only knew that he had killed to the point where the talent brought by Ronin Anze was activated, and even his physical attributes increased by five points.

In the middle of the night, every ghoul Anze met was particularly troublesome. These ghouls came because of the corpses on the ground, but they all turned into corpses in the end.

That night, Anze killed enough ghouls to increase Anze's strength, agility and charm.

Coupled with the improvement in physical strength from Anze's other talent, Anze's attributes increased by four points after this battle.

Even because of eating too much, Anze increased his soul strength a little.

But even so, Anze felt that he might still be able to improve, because after swallowing, Anze did not continue to devour souls.

At that time, Anze felt a slight throbbing pain in his head and a slight double vision in front of his eyes, so he did not continue to devour.

Even now, in Anze's eyes, there are still dense afterimages of souls floating in the sky, which overlap and even make things at the top difficult to see.

Even though the feeling of "overeating" had subsided, Anze did not choose to continue swallowing. He believed that nothing could be improved without limit.

If you eat too much, you will definitely stretch yourself to death, so Anze feels that it is best not to "eat" anymore in this world and wait until it is completely digested.

‘Sir Yi Bing, do you still have the strength? Let's drive back to the branch. ’ Anze stood up with his hands on the body and walked to Yi Bingru’s side.

(End of this chapter)

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