The addition of Esdeath will be of great help to Anze's future plans. Although Anze does not know Esdeath's combat effectiveness, he believes in Esdeath's ability.

The next step is to discuss with those people about the distribution of the spoils.

With Esdeath, Anze returned to the original conference room. The four of them fell into an eerie silence at this moment. Anze glanced at it, and all four of them focused on Anze.

"Guys, didn't the conversation go well?" Anze chuckled and sat down at the first place very naturally, with Esdeath standing behind Anze.

"Fire Bearer, this lady?" Neser's eyes lingered on Esdeath for a moment, and the meaning was obvious.

"It's okay, she knows it doesn't matter. She can trust it." Anze raised his hand and a transparent chair fell behind Esdeath. Esdeath took a look, raised his eyebrows, and then sat down consciously. .

"Guys, where have we been talking?"

"Headmaster Dai Lin is not very willing to share the profits." Mande pretended to speak casually, his eyes lingering on Anze for a moment.

Anze didn't take Mander's words to heart. Several people had reached a tacit understanding of exchange of interests. It was naturally impossible to protest at this juncture. The Eternal Night Temple had also accepted Anze's request, so it was naturally impossible to appear. Unwillingness to share profits.

The current purpose of several people is to put pressure on the Yuhuo Tower. This is just this lady's method.

"Chief Dailin, do you think today's matter can be ended so easily? President Orlais, has the person been found?"

"Of course, Dailin, do you need me to bring someone here?" Oulais tilted slightly towards Anze's direction.

Delin's eyes instantly became gloomy, he looked around and said to Mande: "Mande, that other person is..."

"Dai Lin, don't throw dirty water around."

"Dailin, you are indeed out of line in this matter." Nessel spoke up after Mander.

"Everyone thinks so. Leader Dai Lin, you should make some compensation. I will personally put forward some conditions and hope you can agree." Anze prepared to come up with a slightly higher plan. Of course, he would suppress it appropriately. Pressure the price of Yuhuo Tower.

"The first is the key I need. I hope you can give it to me. The second is the right to issue currency. I think it is better to give it to President Mande. And..." Anze prepared the three people in advance. The discussed plan was raised a lot.

Dai Lin frowned and spoke. Naturally, she knew that the next step was the pulling stage, where the two of them needed to pull down the residual fire. This could only be done by Dai Lin.

To Anze's expectation, the leader did not speak, but quietly watched Anze and Dai Lin's confrontation. Although the two of them were arguing with each other, in fact, they already had an agreement on how to distribute. Plan.

After a minute or two of stalemate, Dai Lin nodded reluctantly, and the drama came to an end.

Dai Lin was the first to leave angrily, followed by Mander and Oulais. Nessel did not leave, but waited for everyone else to leave before speaking to Anze: "The fire bearer can make this lady temporarily Leave for a while?"

"Of course, Esdeath, go out and wait for me."

As the door closed, the traces of the blue-haired woman disappeared in the room. Anze looked at Neser in front of him and slowly said: "Chief Neser, what are you going to say to me?"

"The Yuhuo Tower will fully assist in repairing the key, but Fire Bearer, can you try one thing before opening the road?"

"Artificial sun? Are you sure you can rely on me?"

"Tus. Sheila doesn't have just one research institute. We have made new discoveries, but they are very dangerous."

"I understand, it's good for me too, I'll go."

"Well, the Fire Bearer..." "The Ember Tower was completed together with the Fire Bearer. I won't invite those people, I will only bring my friends."

"We'll keep it safe."

"Thank you, Chief Nessel." Anze chuckled and nodded. Nessel had already walked to the door.

"I will send someone to pick up the materials later, but you know the process." Nessel has already informed Anze of the process, and Anze knows exactly what he needs to do next.

"I know, that monster's blood, I will try my best to solve it." Anze knows what Nessel is talking about. There is a very important manufacturing material, which is the blood of a certain monster born in this world because of eternal night. .

"I will come when the time comes."

Nessel pushed the door open and walked out. Anze looked at the third ring task in his task bar. He was originally worried about how to do this task, but things turned around here.

[Main Mission (Third Ring): The Name of the Fire]

Mission introduction: The fire bearer is not just a name. In the eternal night, the fire bearer is the light.

Mission content: Become a true fire bearer.

Mission time limit: 7 days

Mission reward: 1 real attribute point.

Mission punishment: forced execution

Although the task is current, Anze's first priority now is still the restoration of the key.

This main mission is obviously not the last link. Anze knows very well that the last link is absolutely inseparable from the blocked Sunset Land. Therefore, preparations for going there are still necessary. What's more, this is probably what Anze will do. Ze's next mission.

Regarding this matter, Anze can only place his hopes on what Nessel asked him to do. That guy doesn't seem like someone who would casually ask Anze to do something. He has probably discovered something and just needs some conditions. They can't.

As for whether Nessel will set a trap for Anze now, Anze has not ruled out this possibility. He still needs to verify it.

The verification method is also quite simple. Anze only needs to see what the Yuhuo Tower's attitude is towards Anze.

Anze will release the news of this operation in advance and let the other three leaders know. At the same time, Nessel will also know that Anze leaked the news.

This is a check and balance in a sense. If Nessel has thoughts about Anze, he will be afraid of the subsequent impact and dare not take action.

At least, now, Anze is a recognized fire bearer, and this identity is enough to compete with these old guys.

None of these people dared to let the news of their attack on Anze be made public.

After walking out of the room, Esdeath was waiting aside. Anze changed his expression, smiled and said, "Let's go and talk about your main plot."

"If there are any clues, I'll ask a few people to help you find them."

"For you, it's quite simple. It has something to do with these major forces."

"Really? Then, let's go and talk to them..." (End of Chapter)

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