"Hello, President Mande," Anze naturally pushed open the door of Mande's office and appeared in front of Mande in a somewhat mean manner.

"Firebringer, what's the matter with you?" When Mander saw Anze, he first raised his eyebrows and then smiled.

"I have something to discuss with President Mande. Why doesn't President Mande welcome me?" Anze pulled up the chair in front of Mande and sat down, speaking with a warm smile.

"How is that possible? Fire Bearer, please sit down and I'll have someone make tea for you."

"Hey, there's no need for that. President Mande, you know my personality. I'll leave as soon as we finish talking. I won't stay long." Anze sat down quietly.

"Then, Firebringer, just tell me what you have to say."

"President Mande, are you interested in coming with us to explore the abandoned Tus workshop in the tower." Anze stated his purpose directly.

"From the high tower? Those abandoned Tus workshops? No, right? The one he invited you to should be the newly discovered Tus workshops."

"Newly discovered, why do you say this?" Anze said with some doubts. The news he learned from Dai Lin was not like this.

"Because the association and the tower discovered it together, I also know about it, but the guy paid some money to let me go later." Mande truthfully told Anze the reason.

"Is this so? Then, Mr. President, are you interested? In a private capacity, I will negotiate with the leader, Mr. President?" Anze's eyes became deeper, and he was a little confused. Serge's idea.

"Of course, I originally planned to be the first to try it, but the price the guy offered was too high and I couldn't refuse." Mande spread his hands and showed a helpless expression.

"Then it's settled, Mr. President, I hope you won't break the appointment. I will go and negotiate with Chief Neser."

"I'm afraid that old guy won't agree. Fire Bearer, don't have such great confidence."

"Whether Chief Neser intends to agree or not, he has no choice." Anze's voice was calm.

"Well, then I'll look forward to it."

Anze didn't say anything more and silently stood up and left. From Mande, he learned a lot of information about the conflict with Delin, so he needed to re-analyze this matter.

However, Anze did not suspect that what Dailin said was false. What Dailin said was indeed the truth from his perspective. She just had some gaps in information. There was no problem with his attitude towards Anze at that time.

What he said was very true, but he didn't know the news.

From the reactions of Mander and Dailin, it can be seen that Nessel and Mander most likely concealed the news. They wanted to explore the existence of this Tus workshop in advance and pocket it.

After leaving the association, Anze headed straight in the direction of the Yuhuo Tower.

He needed to re-evaluate the deal with Nessel. After the previous chat with Delin, Anze re-evaluated the deal with Nessel, so he chose to continue to bring Mander with him.

But now that Mander has told Anze the information, this matter needs to be reconsidered, because Nessel is telling the truth.

To find out exactly what to do, you need to talk to Nessel and see how many people Nessel will send and what kind of people are coming.

Anze's response needs to be decided according to Nessel's arrangements.

Under the tower, Anze was respectfully invited to the top of the tower. Nessel had long expected that Anze would come, so he gave the order in advance.

Otherwise, with Anze's identity, although he could get in smoothly, it would never be so easy, and the attitude of these people would not be so respectful. Because Anze has never been to the tower before, the attitude of these guys is not very good to Anze.

Nessel's office door opened, and Anze walked in naturally. Nessel had already made tea and was waiting for Anze's arrival.

"Firebringer, Mander has already told me. I know your purpose of coming. Who are you planning to attract? Did I tell you that?"

"They are participating in a private capacity and I invite them."

"Private names, their names have already been marked with symbols. How can there be any private names." Neser's eyes swept over Anze with sharp eyes. Anze's expression was as usual, without any fear.

When his eyes passed over Anze, Nessel also released a sharp breath in cooperation.

"Chief Neser, I just came to inform you that Leader Dai Lin and President Mande are my friends, and they are also among them, participating in the exploration team." Anze knocked on the table lightly, and the black mist on his body lingering.

"Dark Soul. Sheila, do you know what you are talking about! Do you think that your name as a fire bearer is enough to negotiate terms with me?" Neser slammed the table and stood up with a ferocious expression. Angry.

"Leader Neser, I know very well, and you know very well, whether this fire bearer is qualified to negotiate terms with you. The fire bearer may not be, but now I have this qualification." Anze He also stood up, but Anze was much calmer than Nessel.

"Must bring it?"

"Personally, I promise."

"Okay..." Nessel's expression slowly recovered, and then he slowly sat down.

"How many people will you bring?" Anze asked softly.

"Except for Livington and Xiuwen, there is no one else. Everyone else is a burden on this expedition."

"When will it start? I'm in a hurry."

"The day after tomorrow, I need some time to prepare. I have some things to bring. How many people will you bring?" Nessel turned his chair and stopped looking at Anze. The two have already reached a cooperation. If there are more, there is no need for more. explain.

"Four, me, Esdeath, Mander, Delin. You know."

"I will prepare. I hope you can and do what you promised me."

"I promise, except for me, everyone else will do it privately." Anze nodded. From Nessel's words, he had already read Nessel's intention.

Neser's ideas are consistent with Anze's. Both the Tower of Ember and the Fire Bearer need to be re-recognized.

Although Anze's identity as a fire bearer has been recognized, it is not deeply rooted.

The identity of a fire bearer is not an honor, but a responsibility, a responsibility that can overwhelm people.

The Eternal Fire Tower needs a feat to regain recognition. Two failures have put the foundation of the Eternal Fire Tower in jeopardy.

Unlike other forces, the foundation of the Eternal Fire Tower relies on past achievements, not the current power. Only by being remembered for their achievements, even if the tower falls, it can be revived. On the contrary, if its contribution is erased, Even if it flourishes, it is destined to perish (End of Chapter)

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