Chapter 24 The attacked convoy

The mission of eradication continues, this time the destination is a special area in Shibuya District, which is completely controlled by ghouls.

"Dark Soul, wait a minute, are you sure your information is true..."

"Why are you in a place like this?"

Anze listened to Yi Bingru's chattering voice, and Anze felt that his brain hurt.

"I'm sure, it's not strange that a place like this is controlled by ghouls. The source of the information is Bai Ye from District 14. He has also been purging it in the past few days."

"So, the intelligence is 100 percent reliable."

Anze interrupted Yi Bingru who was still about to say something. He once again found that his partner talked so much.

Before Yi Bingru could speak again, a violent collision made her shut her mouth.

The fire in front made Anze realize what happened, and they were attacked.

"Have you been attacked? Superior Yi Bing, get ready." Anze immediately opened the door and got out of the car. The surrounding sounds were enough for him to make a judgment.

The CCG investigators were fairly well-trained and were quickly prepared after realizing they were being attacked.

Anze was one of the first to get off the bus, and as expected, he received the most intense "reception."

An ink-green barrier stood in front of Anze, and attacks like raindrops hit the barrier. Anze took out the Skullbreaker and fired a shot into the darkness.

"It's really..." The black barrier slowly flowed and turned into a gun that was held in Anze's hand.

In an instant, Anze's figure disappeared from the ground, and a few feathers were stuck on the car's shell. Only then did Yi Bingru, who was carrying a metal suitcase, get out of the car.

"I don't know whether to live or die..." Anze's voice rang in the ear of a ghoul, and the black gun penetrated through his eye socket and was nailed to the ground.

Anze's words were not pretentious. The combat experience of these ghouls was quite weak. All the ghouls had already swarmed over and there was no effective formation organized.

And the number is not absolutely overwhelming, the ccg sent quite a lot of people this time.

So after the ccg members reacted and organized their formation, they could quickly counterattack.

In the end, the damage to these ghouls will inevitably be greater than that of these investigators. In this kind of melee, cooperation is much more effective than force.

And Anze is very sure that there is no one among the ghouls who can be far superior to his own. After all, Anze is there.

Therefore, it is only a matter of time before these ghouls are repulsed, and many ghouls will pay the price for their recklessness.

Anze doesn't mind and lets them pay more.

Bang bang bang, seven gunshots rang out one after another. With such a density of ghouls, Anze was too lazy to aim. He emptied the magazine directly, and seven blood flowers exploded.

Three and a half corpses were lying on the ground. As for why there were three and a half corpses, one of them was a relatively miserable ghoul. He was shot three times by the skullbreaker, and the corpse was completely changed beyond recognition.

Anze flipped his wrist and the Skullbreaker disappeared. Holding the black gun in both hands, he rushed into the group of ghouls.

Turning his head to avoid a huge tail, Anze kicked the ghoul. Anze heard a clear sound of bone cracking.

The ghoul in front of him flew out in a V-shape, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Bang, a loud noise rang in Anze's ears, and a big crater was made where Anze was standing just now.

In just one second when Anze jumped up, four sticks came towards him. Anze's expression was constipated.

The black gun in his hand became shorter, and the black barrier condensed. Anze was knocked away, leaving a long mark on the ground.

Before Anze could land and stand firm, he immediately flew to the side. The ghoul's attack was like a gangrene attached to the bone, and it had already caught up with Anze. "Dark Soul, wait a minute, on the left." A female voice came from behind Anze. It was Yi Bingru's voice. Anze rushed directly in the direction of Hezi's attack.

Electricity passed behind him, a violent explosion sounded, the gun light flashed across, several thorns were cut off, and Anze stepped on the thorns of several ghouls and ran.

Where the electric current exploded, the impact of the ghoul was temporarily suppressed, giving Anze a chance to get closer.

The irregular surge under his feet was completely ignored by Anze. The black shuttle flew out from his side, and a black light penetrated the head of a ghoul, bringing out a bunch of red and white liquid.

One of Anze's choices fell to the ground powerlessly, and Anze took advantage of this opportunity to land.

As he gradually approached the ghouls, Anze took out the Skullbreaker again. Blue light surged and several bullets flew out.

Blast off the heads of one or two ghouls in front of you, duck forward, shoot through a corpse from bottom to top, and throw the corpse out.

The sharp blade transformed by Jiahe cut open the corpse, Anze's face appeared through the blood, the black gun pierced his throat, and pierced the body of a ghoul without losing its force.

The ghoul smiled, grabbed the black gun, and then swung the gun towards Anze.

The black light around Anze flowed, and a samurai sword appeared in his hand. The black gun dissipated, then gathered again, turning into a sharp sword and piercing his head.

"I don't have a long memory..." Anze chuckled in a low voice, and then continued to kill other ghouls.

A Cookin flew past Anze, and a prosecutor's weapon was shot away by a ghoul, landing not far in front of Anze.

Anze looked at the barrier he was resisting Yu He's attack, and silently dissipated. The black stream of light flew past and pierced the head of the ghoul.

At the cost of being pierced by a few rhombus crystals on his side, Anze got a handful of Cookin in his hand.

The weapon like a giant sword was quite uncomfortable in Anze's hands, but Anze still used it to shoot away a ghoul.

"Hold your weapons." Anze took a few steps back, dropped Cookin, and then headed towards the ghouls again.

The smell of blood covered up the strange smell in the air. Anze knew that the commander was ordering the investigators to use RC cells to suppress the gas. After all, he also wore a headset.

Bang, a car hit Anze. Anze looked at the giant thing flying in front of him and sighed.

Anze's figure appeared "in front" of the flying car, and then kicked him up. The car flew a few minutes faster, flying towards the ghoul on the other side.

However, one of the unlucky CCG guys was hit on the head by a flying car, and then he was pressed to the ground, with red and white blood all over the floor.

As time passed, the ghouls present became weak due to the RC cell suppression gas, and CCG's counterattack gradually began.

Realizing that something was wrong, the ghoul tried to retreat, but it was too late.

Although ghouls attack from all directions, Anze is not the only one who can hunt down ghouls.

The originally menacing ghoul fled, leaving corpses all over the place, and this attack was in vain.

"Hey, Hei Pante, there is something wrong with this mission. We were attacked, and this mission cannot continue."

After the incident, Anze, who was covered in blood, took a bite of the salt rice ball and said in a somewhat unclear tone.

At this moment, he was sitting in a scrapped car and spoke, his eyes coldly sweeping over the investigators present.

He doesn't mind killing a few more ghouls or spies...

(End of this chapter)

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