The faint light of the plants in his hands did not have much illuminating effect. Anze was a little curious as to why this group of people did not choose to use the simplest fire for lighting.

This doubt has always existed in Anze's heart, why are the lighting tools in the Evernight World all made of algae instead of fire.

Anze asked curiously and received Mande's reply: "Fire Bearer, you are still a little immature. It seems that you have not participated in the adventure. In the eternal night, the flame will be summoned to the eternal night. Although the monster is not powerful, it is still very troublesome."

"Is that so? Got it, I understand." Anze nodded. Then Anze slowed down his horse and kept pace with Esdeath. When the other three saw this scene, they accelerated forward with great discernment.

"By the way, does the workshop you mentioned have a specific name? Do you want to ask those guys about it later?"

"I don't know. The mission items are inside, and I may get some profit later. Can those old guys agree?"

"Not sure, but I have to try." Anze is quite firm on helping Esdeath.

When chatting with Esdeath, although Esdeath lowered his voice, Anze did not. He deliberately made his voice louder to ensure that the three people in front could hear Anze's words.

The three of them did not look back. They naturally understood what Anze meant, so after chatting for a few words, the two of them followed the three of them.

Traveling in the eternal night, even without the use of flames, cannot guarantee safety, and the presence of monsters is also a headache for explorers.

Even Anze and the others cannot avoid this situation.

From the shadows, several strange-looking monsters suddenly flew out and appeared in the light.

Anze reacted quickly, but his weapon took some time. Before Anze made a move, the three of them were already prepared to do so.

The weak light disappeared, and a short knife on Mander's waist was unsheathed, cutting these monsters into pieces, and black blood spattered on Anze's face. At this moment, the weapon in Anze's hand had just taken shape.

Because of what happened, Anze focused on the three of them, and their expressions didn't fluctuate much.

"Firebringer, you can't be too relaxed when exploring. It's better to be cautious." Nessel's voice sounded at the right time, and he glanced at Anze.

"It's President Mander who is too strong and has quick reactions. That's what Leader Neser said." Anze flattered Mander lightly, not intending to get into trouble with Nessel.

Mander smiled and said nothing. He did not intend to interfere in the relationship between the two people.

After the episode passed, the group continued to move forward according to the original plan. Mande took out a bunch of algae that had been extinguished in Anze's hand and handed it to Anze. Anze took it with a smile and thanked him.

There were quite a few beasts encountered along the way, and Anze also learned a lot about these creatures. No one was surprised by Anze's performance, because they knew exactly what Anze's origins were.

"By the way, President Mander, where is the Fire Fire? In this operation, why not complete the plan to repair the key."

"Tenderer, the materials needed for the key cannot be collected like this. The blood of the fire is not so easy to preserve. We did not bring the appropriate utensils this time." Mande said helplessly after hearing Anze's words.

Anze's time is very tight, but this group of guys is not like that, so they are not as urgent as Anze.

"So, it's better to give up on this plan." After Mander finished speaking, Delin also added. The two of them had already expressed their attitude by singing in harmony.

When things developed like this, Anze no longer had anything to say. He laughed twice and took up the topic.

In the endless night, a few scattered light spots slowly moved forward, like a lonely boat on the sea, floating with the waves of the night. In the eternal night, Anze had forgotten how much time it took to travel. Under Mander's command, several people found a place to rest.

There is no shelter here, and Anze can only see a few trees in his field of vision.

Under the skilled command of the three people, a somewhat crude camp was set up. There was no fire or even a light source. Several people sat together in the darkness, relying on special means to determine each other's positions.

One of the things Neser gave to Anze was a special iron ring tied to the hand. When several people kept quiet, this bracelet would stay on their hands. When the distance changes, other people's bracelets will vibrate slightly.

The environment of the Evernight World has created such a situation. Creatures are extremely sensitive to light sources and sounds. Although Anze and others are not afraid of these monsters in the dark, their purpose is to explore the ruins.

It is a very stupid decision to waste energy on the road and deal with unnecessary troubles.

In the darkness, Nessel walked up to Anze and spoke to Anze in a voice loud enough for others to hear: "Firebringer, let's talk."

Anze knew what Nessel wanted to talk to him about, so he readily agreed and left with Nessel.

"What does she need?" Nessel lowered his voice and asked.

"I don't know." Anze looked directly at Nessel in the darkness. In this situation, Anze really couldn't see his expression clearly.

"So, if necessary, I have to let him out?" Neser asked again. Anze took a step forward, wanting to see his expression clearly, and also wanted Neser to see his expression clearly. .

"Not necessarily, but it must be." Anze's voice was calm.

"Are you sure?" Neser put his hand on Anze's shoulder and exerted slight pressure.

"She is more important than you." Anze raised his hand and knocked Nessel's hand off before speaking again.

"I am more important than you." Nessel put it up again.

"You can try."

"Just kidding, can you give the stuff to me later?" Neser suddenly laughed and put down his hand on Anze's shoulder.

"Mostly it's okay." Anze also laughed and patted Nessel's shoulder with his hand.

"That's no problem."

"Then, let's go. We're going back. We're far away, so it's not convenient. The things on my hands are a little in the way."

Anze held down the vibrating bracelet on his hand and returned to the gathering place with Nessel.

These few words of chat with Nessel have allowed Anze to determine what Nessel's situation is.

This exploration was not a whim, but was planned. There were things in the ruins that Nessel needed very much. It was not for fame and fortune as Anze had thought before.

But I came here for the harvest in the ruins... (End of this chapter)

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