Chapter 26 Red Light District

The CCG's efforts to clear District 13 did not stop because of yesterday's events.

The next day, in the afternoon, the CCG convoy was ready again, planning to clear out the Shibuya area that was not cleared last time...

Anze had already changed his equipment, but because he knew the shape-changing function of the equipment, Anze changed his shoes to black.

The original blood red color is too conspicuous and does not fit well with Anze's aesthetics.

Then in order to sell equipment better, Anze once again spent 50 paradise coins and asked Su Xiao to be her dog sitter.

The two of them probably shared the news from both sides, and both of them knew each other's progress. The purge on Su Xiao's side was about to be completed, and the progress on Anze's side was 7.80%.

Because of the Bronze Tree siege two days later and the attack on Anze, the CCG has been quite busy these days.

These things caused the steady Hei Panyan to become a little impatient, so today's purge was led by Hei Panyan.

Kuropanyan is responsible for commanding and suppressing the formation, Anze is responsible for the main attack, and the red light district in Shibuya District will be completely cleaned up.

Because of the accurate information provided by Su Xiao, Anze and others did not worry about hitting the wrong place.

As for the last attack, after Anze thought about it carefully, he was more inclined to think that it was the revenge of the ghoul in District 13. After all, the CCG has really made a lot of moves in the past few days.

A considerable number of the ghouls in District 13 should be organized and would attack the CCG convoy in retaliation, which is considered normal in Anze's opinion.

After arriving in Shibuya's red light district, Anze led people to start walking towards a shop somewhere here.

This place is still operating normally, but the service targets are not humans. The humans who come here will become food, and the ghouls are the guests here.

There is not only one such shop here, but Anze and others will clear it out one by one. It will be a long night.

With neon lights flashing, Anze led people to surround a custom shop, blocked all exits, and then entered with Yi Bingru.

The black spear flew out and penetrated the beautiful ghoul standing at the front desk. As for the other customary ghouls, they were all inside.

There was no need to turn off the lights this time, which would have been more revealing and inconvenient. This mission will definitely be very... Anze is ready to go blind.

To clean up such a running place, the first thing you need to do is to control the security room and monitoring room on the first floor.

Then Anze began to search for ghouls room by room.


Anze expressionlessly destroyed the last two naked ghouls wearing only masks, and then walked towards the stairs with an expressionless expression.

He was almost numb to such a scene. He cleaned two floors and every room was empty.

The fierce physical collisions I saw today were more than Anze's three lifetimes combined. Anze could not think of any words to describe it.

All I can say is, they love this so much.

"Leave someone to deal with it. Follow me for the rest." Anze went directly to the fourth floor. The rooms on the third floor had been cleared out.

Now the third floor has received a considerable impact, many rooms have been penetrated, and Anze is a little worried that the house will not be able to bear it and collapse.

For some reason, Anze and others did not go to the elevator, but went up the stairs. As soon as they went up, they saw a group of disheveled and masked ghouls blocking the elevator entrance.

Anze knew that they couldn't possibly want to escape, because they could see the outside and they should already know that they were blocked.

"Sure enough, they are blocking the door..." Anze had already guessed this possibility. The movement below was too big. If Anze hadn't cleaned up the second floor very quickly, the third floor would have been like this. The black gun appeared, and Anze rushed into the dense pile of ghouls. This custom shop was quite large, and the corridor was quite spacious. Anze's gun could be moved.

This is not good news for the ghouls on the opposite side. Because of the large number of people, it is difficult for them to besiege Anze. At most three people can face Anze directly at a time.

Therefore, this environment is quite suitable for Anze battle. The difficulty is completely different between one against n and one against three.

What's more, Anze is not alone.

However, Anze did not let them move forward, because now they are only hindering Anze's performance.

While Anze was fighting to his heart's content with the three ghouls in front of him, two ghouls emerged from a door behind him and attacked Anze's back together.

An electric current hit Anze, and a ghoul was forced to retreat, but a ghoul's thorn still hit Anze. As for the electric current, Anze blocked it with an abyss barrier.

Yi Bingru's method of breaking out of the siege is very good, but it is only suitable for breaking out of Anze's siege. If anyone else is there, they will probably be electrocuted to death by her.

The two ghouls who rushed out from behind were entangled. Anze turned around and rushed towards them. He could not smile and say, "There are so many heroes in this world" to the sneak attack.

If you dare to sneak attack him, if you don't kill him, you must be prepared to be killed by him first. Anze ignores the three people's attack from behind and rushes towards the two ghouls as fast as possible.

The black spear penetrated, and the spear in Anze's hand turned into a blade. Starting from the chest, he divided the ghoul in front of him into two halves.

The Skullbreaker appeared in an instant, a gunshot rang out, seven bullets flew out, and the other ghoul was smashed to pieces along with Hezi, leaving no intact body.

With a little anger, Anze turned his head and rushed towards the group of ghouls.

"Next, it's you..."

The wall of the corridor was punched through, and after Anze killed seven or eight ghouls, the group of ghouls began to flee in all directions.

When they saw Anze, they all had a look of fear in their eyes, and they didn't have the courage to continue fighting Anze.

So they feel that escaping outside has a better chance of survival than staying here.

However, escaping is not such an easy thing. Not only are there the CCG investigators outside, but also Anze is chasing them. How could Anze let them escape so easily.

A ghoul that was falling rapidly was penetrated by a black light, and then fell to the ground, turning into a warm corpse.

Anze stood by the wall, watching the ghouls running away and attacking the defense line, then jumped down and continued to chase the group of ghouls.

In the melee, Anze didn't care about being injured by an attack from nowhere, but under such circumstances, Anze was very angry.

After all, it’s you who are setting up for a head-on battle, and it’s you who are conducting sneak attacks...

Anze's anger did not dissipate after clearing out the store, but because he tried the gluttonous effect, Anze's mood became quite good.

The feeling of coldness and warmth permeated the air, and Anze felt that his feeling of overeating had disappeared a lot, and now he even became a little 'hungry'.

The soul is also considered food, this wave of blood profit...

 I remembered that I recommended it today, so I will add an update.


(End of this chapter)

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