Chapter 28 Main plot (2) completed

But neither of them said anything about this. Anze and Yi Bingru silently put on their masks.

Then they walked towards the Yanliu Theater. Anze and Yi Bingru both brought concealed communicators, and Anze entered first.

Because if Yi Bing enters first, the situation may become confusing if he is discovered. In order to avoid this situation, it is better to let Anze go in alone first.

When I walked to the door of the theater, there were two masked ghouls standing at the door. They were tall and quite strong.


"Red blood r672a1." Anze reported a completely irregular code fluently. The two guards glanced at Anze and then let him go.

Anze walked in with a calm expression. There was loud music in the theater hall. Anze was a little upset by the noise, but he still showed a look of enjoyment and blended into the crowd.

Not long after, a pink-haired figure approached Anze, holding a metal suitcase in her hand.

"Bring it in?" Anze said in a low voice, and Yi Bingru nodded.

"Then I'll go set it up."

After saying that, Anze left the hall and went to find the theater's power distribution room to create an environment favorable to him in advance. Only in this way can the survival rate of the two of them be improved.

At the door of the power distribution room, as expected, Anze found someone guarding him, so he took a detour and prepared to go to the monitoring room.

First deal with the dangerous factors that need to be removed, and then start the melee.

At the door of the monitoring room, the ghoul responsible for guarding was not standing outside. The door was closed tightly, and Anze knocked lightly.

The door was opened, and Anze saw two people, one close and one far away. Anze was very fast. The moment the door was opened, he already had a black short knife in his hand. He stretched out his hand and cut his throat with the knife.

The black dagger was thrown by Anze, and then Anze ducked over. As soon as the ghoul knocked away the dagger thrown by Anze, Anze was pressed under him.

There was a click, and there was a sound of bone cracking. In order to prevent him from making a sound, Anze directly pinched his neck.

Anze glanced at the monitoring room, then turned off all the monitoring, and then rushed towards the power distribution room.

The guard in the power distribution room was not in the room, but outside the room. The distance between the two was not too close or too far, which was enough for them to support them in a short time, but it also made Anze unable to kill two people in an instant.

This was obviously someone who had been trained, so Anze stopped pretending, got close quickly, and shot directly at the two of them.

The two of them blocked Anze's attack, but two black lights controlled by Anze penetrated their eyebrows. Their throats made a whooshing sound, but they did not say a complete sentence.

After Anze dealt with this, he entered the power distribution room, holding a time bomb in his hand. Anze applied for this thing many times, and it was Hei Panyan who took Anze with him to get it.

Regarding firearms and explosives, CCG's control is so severe that Anze is unable to complain.

After planting the bomb, Anze quickly left the scene. The time of the bomb was set by Anze to be enough for Anze to return to the hall.

Only in this way can the theater be darkened, which will facilitate Anze and Yi Bingru's subsequent actions.

We returned to the theater to take a short rest. Not long after, a host walked to the theater stage and paused the music.

Then a low sound came, and the theater instantly went dark. Anze handed Yi Bingru a pair of night vision goggles, put them on himself, and then began to attack the ghouls.

The dull sound of a sharp weapon entering flesh was heard, and warm blood splashed onto Anze's face. Only then did the ghoul next to him notice Anze. Before he could scream, Anze had already crushed his throat.

Chaotic sounds continued to sound, and the sounds of An Ze and Yi Bingru assassinating ghouls were covered up.

But this was not kept secret for long. Yi Bingru's killing efficiency was not as good as Anze's, so he was discovered when he was killing three people close together nearby.

Then the man shouted to remind the people around him that Yi Bingru was under siege, but this siege still didn't pose much of a threat. After the attack failed, Yi Bingru distanced himself.

Because of Yi Bingru's exposure, this led to chaos at the scene. Hezi was flying everywhere. Although the two of them were wearing night vision goggles, they were injured by an attack from someone unknown.

The two took advantage of the darkness and chaos to try their best to kill the ghouls, and Anze notified the CCG members outside through the headset. Not long after, it was dawn, and the two men wearing night vision goggles and holding weapons stood out.

Anze took a deep breath and took off his night vision goggles: "Sir Yi Bing, you have to be more careful this time, you can easily die."

Then he took the initiative to rush towards the group of ghouls, which was regarded as attracting firepower and delaying time for Yi Bingru.

"Hey, we need support. The internal power supply has been restored. The situation is urgent and we need support."

Anze took out a few RC cell-suppressing gas smoke bombs from his clothes, pulled out the bolts and threw them on the ground.

Light gray smoke began to fill the air, making the air choking.

Anze doesn't mind using props to create advantages for himself. On the contrary, he feels that guys who simply rely on their own strength are fools.

Because the theater was already bright, Anze no longer had to worry about the fire and sound caused by using firearms.

The Skullbreaker appeared in his hand and fired at the surroundings without any scruples. The single-shot pistol felt like a semi-automatic rifle in Anze's hand.

The tongues of fire connected into one, and Anze felt that there was a bit more gunpowder in the air.

Broken meat flew everywhere, and several ghouls who were relatively close to Anze were beaten into pieces.

Three minutes later, Anze killed 27 ghouls, leaving 162 with 81.3% of his health remaining. It would take 5 minutes for the CCG's follow-up troops to arrive.

Yi Bingru killed four ghouls, and his blood volume was unknown.

Five minutes later, Anze killed 5 ghouls, leaving 62 with 109% health remaining. Yi Bingru killed 54.6 ghouls.

8 minutes later, CCG support arrived. Anze killed 96 ghouls, leaving 76 ghouls with 21.7% of his health remaining. When he could devour souls to replenish his mana, his mana was consumed to zero.

Yi Bingru killed 13 ghouls and fell to the ground due to serious injuries.

Helping Yi Bingru, who was already a little out of breath, to leave, Anze stuffed two salt rice balls into his mouth, chewed them voraciously, and then swallowed them. A warm current began to spread from his lower abdomen.

"Thank you for your hard work, Dark Soul."

"It's okay. You should send this guy back for treatment as soon as possible. I'm afraid he won't be able to save his life later."

Anze has tried his best to take care of Yi Bingru, the superior search officer, but Anze has not grown up with three heads and six arms. In this level of melee, Anze cannot take care of Yi Bingru too much. In the end, Yi Bingru still has nothing to do. Can withstand it.

"Yes, so do you. Go to the medical car first, and leave the rest to us."

I hope this guy is alive, after all, they killed so many times together...

An Ze was not an emotionless guy. He stuffed a seaweed rice ball into Yi Bing's mouth and helped her swallow it. This was the most An Ze could do.

It was impossible for Anze to give her the more precious recovery items.

This is the last part that District 13 needs to be involved in to eliminate Anze. Anze does not need to take action in the rest.

[Current position: First Class Investigator, CCG contribution value 2410/2000, yes/no promotion. 】

Anze chose to promote his position without hesitation.

[The superior search officer certificate will be issued later]

[Main mission (2) has been completed, do you want to submit it?]

 I just took a look at what Mosquito wrote and made some changes. I didn’t pay much attention when I wrote this before.



(End of this chapter)

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