Chapter 36 Reinforcements

Su Xiao, who was beside him, made several calls to call for support, and Anze went to find Yuna who was resting and recovering her strength.

After briefly explaining the beginning and end of the matter, Yuna quickly agreed and joined the support of Arima Kisho in the 24th district.

When the two came out, they saw Su Xiao appearing with a ghoul couple and a child.

"Bai Ye, what is this?" Anze asked out of curiosity.

"The survivors who came out of the underground, can you ask for some information and ensure their safety?" Su Xiao turned to look at the staff on the side, and the staff he saw nodded quickly.

The few people nodded in agreement without saying anything, and then watched the family of three leave, waiting for support.

"How much longer?" Anze tilted his head and asked Su Xiao.

"More than half an hour, right?" Su Xiao replied somewhat uncertainly, and the two of them waited for other investigators to arrive.

Anze silently pulled out a stack of Three Kingdoms Kill and placed it in front of Su Xiao: "Are you coming?"

Su Xiao raised her eyebrows, then nodded, and the two of them started fighting the Three Kingdoms Game as if no one was watching.

About an hour later, the follow-up reinforcements of the CCG investigator arrived.

There was a sudden sound of brakes outside the entrance, and a large group of investigators rushed into the entrance.

"Baiye Zhunte, how is the situation now?"

A decent-looking investigator with a fair face and small eyes walked into the entrance, followed by a dozen investigators.

Anze took a look. He had seen this person in the CCG files. He was the quasi-special investigator Hoji Kosuke.

Behind Hoji Kosuke, there is a new investigator named Takizawa Masamichi, who is a relatively promising newcomer. This is a guy who has appeared in the plot, and Anze still has some impressions.

After graduating from the Ghoul Investigator Academy, some top-ranked new investigators will be arranged to learn experience next to superior or quasi-special investigators.

There were other investigators behind the two, but Anze did not recognize most of them.

Anze took a look, and a few of them boldly came up to say hello to a few of them, but more of them were frightened by the murderous aura of the three killing gods.

Then the group of people packed up Area 24. The smashed metal door fell aside. The group of people directly crossed the remains of the metal door and walked towards the depths of Area 24.

Anze looked at the surrounding walls of flesh with some curiosity. It was the first time he saw it and he was a little curious.

But it didn't take long for Anze to withdraw his curiosity.

"Get ready to fight, the ghouls are coming." Anze sensed a large group of dense soul fluctuations. Anze could guess with his feet that it was a large group of ghouls.

"How do you know?" Yuna spoke first. Although she believed in Anze's combat ability, she...

Su Xiao has already set up his posture. In the previous battle, he has already seen Anze's perception ability.

Seeing that Su Xiao was ready, Yuna was stunned for a moment and then got ready.

Because of the two people's leading role, all investigators were ready.

Not long after, the sound of rapid and chaotic footsteps came, and within a few seconds a dense crowd of ghouls came. Anze and Su Xiao silently went to the front.

The swords were shining, the spears were flashing, and the two of them withdrew the ghoul's attack.

Others at the rear were also providing assistance to the two of them. The long-range Cook's firepower suppressed the ghoul in front, while Yuna supported the two of them, helping them deal with the attacks coming from the blind corner.

The ghouls in area 24 are far stronger than those on the ground, and Anze feels that the souls absorbed have replenished more mana.

After about ten minutes, nearly one-half of the ghouls who attacked again were killed, and the remaining ones were killed.

The group of people rested where they were. As for reinforcing Noble General Arima, they had to go back a little bit first.

Replenishing their physical strength is the most important thing for them to do now. The three leaders Anze sat on the corpse of the ghoul, holding instant noodles in their hands and eating them extremely deliciously. As for other people, because the scene was too bloody, when they ate, most of them couldn't eat at all, and most of them even drank a lot.

Halfway through eating, Anze felt the vibration coming from his pants and took out his phone. Anze looked at the name on the phone and fell into silence.

When I was with Shukichi, this was the director of CCG.

Anze picked up the phone and heard the middle-aged male voice on the other side.


"Hello, this is Dark Soul Quasi-Special Investigator. Hello, Director."

Anze is now the investigator of CCG, so he still needs to do face-saving work.

"Dark Soul, how is the situation at the entrance to Area 24 now?"

"There is no danger of being breached for the time being, but it is not far away from being breached. A large number of manpower reinforcements are needed here. Bai Ye and I are somewhat weak and need the reinforcements of more investigators."

Anze said it without blushing. After all, he didn't want to help CCG fight all the time, which would also affect his income.

As for the contribution value of ccg, Anze does not need this thing. Apart from the bottle of supplies, Anze is not interested in anything else. His contribution value is already enough now.

"I have sent additional manpower, the number will be at least 200, and there will be reinforcements in the future.

"Then call Baiye Zhunte. I have something to tell you two."

Anze glanced at Su Xiao, and the two walked deeper together. Then Anze turned on his phone and said, "Director, what's the matter?"

"Dark Soul is accurate, White Night is accurate, just leave guarding the exit to others. I have other tasks for you."

Anze glanced at Lidya Su and saw the smile hanging on the corner of his mouth, and then handed him the phone. The meaning was obvious, the next negotiation will be left to you.

Then Su Xiao ripped off CCG, while Anze listened happily and echoed from time to time.

Halfway through the conversation between the two, Su Xiao cast a look, and Anze nodded, meaning that he and Su Xiao would advance and retreat together to ensure their gains.

The two of them are not afraid of the threat of CCG at all now. They have already communicated about the main task (2). They can complete it at the same time and then leave CCG. Even if there is main task (3) by then, it will definitely have nothing to do with CCG.

Having said this, the two of them moved closer to where the investigators originally gathered.

Waiting for the follow-up from the other side and Shukichi.

Su Xiao once again struggled with Xiu Jishi, but he finally let go.

[Faction mission: Reinforcement. 】

Difficulty level: Lv.5.

Mission introduction: Go deep into District 24 to reinforce the special investigator: Arima Kisho, and assist Arima Kisho in dealing with primitive species.

Mission information: CCG camp missions will not be counted in the clearance evaluation.

Task period: 2 calendar days.

Mission reward: 15000 camp contribution points.

Failure penalty: CCG official position will be reduced by one level and demoted to senior investigator.

Looking at the CCG contribution value of the mission reward, Anze was silent for a while. The benefits of this mission were not in line with his expectations, but it was better than nothing.

Su Xiao then extorted money and turned the hezi they got when they killed the store manager together into a kookin.

"Then Bai Ye Zhunte and Dark Soul Zhunte, please go to reinforce us as soon as possible."

 Chapter 3 added



(End of this chapter)

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