Chapter 38 Bloody Eyes

Soon, the group of people entered the depths of the cave and came to the area where liquid was dripping from time to time. Anze knew that the liquid was highly toxic because he knew the plot.

So when he was about to pass by, he spoke to remind those behind him: "Watch the top of your head, this liquid is highly toxic."

Anze asked the people behind him to pass back layer by layer. Most of them paid attention to the top of their heads. Only a small number of idiots with eyes higher than their tops did not believe Anze's advice.

Soon, they paid the price for their stupidity. A new second-class investigator ignored Anze's reminder and was hit on the head with a drop of liquid.

Painful moans sounded from his mouth, his scalp was corroded, and a plume of smoke came out. Then the moans turned into a whooshing sound. Ten seconds later, he lay on the ground and lost his breath. , at this time, Su Xiao had just squeezed through the crowd and arrived.

Anze glanced back. The man's face was pale, his blood vessels were light green, and his eyes were wide open.

"Watch the top of your head, I don't want to say it a third time."

Anze reminded them again helplessly, but did not stop for even half a second. The team continued to move forward, leaving only a cold body on the ground.

Because the time was short and the route had not changed, the group soon arrived at the purgatory created by Anze and Su Xiao. The ground was covered with corpses of ghouls, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Many people in the team looked pale, obviously they had never seen anything like this before. Almost all the first and second-class investigators and a small number of first-class investigators were included in this group.

Anze didn't care about the thoughts of this group of people. He was holding a microcomputer in his hand. There was a green dot far away on the computer, which was the position of Noble General Arima.

The green dot flashes from time to time and disappears from time to time, but according to the location, Noble General Arima should be deep in Area 24, several hours away from Anze and his party.

Anze held the compass in his hand, with his soul perception turned to the maximum, and with the guidance of Manato Akatsuki, he passed without any danger along the way.

Soon we passed the 24-minute journey deep into Area 40. After that, Mato Akatsuki's directions became less accurate, and Anze's soul perception became very necessary.

Along the way, Anze and others also encountered several groups of ghouls, but the number was not large. If there were too many, Anze would suggest a detour unless it was a route that must be passed.

What's even more strange is that these ghouls did not attack the team, but quickly retreated as if they were frightened. Therefore, Anze did not lead the team to bite, but simply skipped them.

Anze's perception was somewhat affected by the nearby wall of flesh. Compared with the ground, the range was much smaller, but still within an acceptable level.

"Boom!" A loud noise came from the ground, and Anze's feet trembled slightly.

Anze closed his eyes for a moment and let all his senses go. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes and continued to lead the team forward.

Relying on the microcomputer and soul perception in Anze's hand, the group walked through the 24-hour journey deep into Area 2 without any danger.

What now appears in front of the team is a corner.

In Anze's soul perception, there was a large group of dense soul fluctuations behind the corner, and they were rushing towards them quickly.

"Baiye, the enemy is coming, get ready." Anze shouted to Su Xiao at the end of the team, and Su Xiao led Lingwu Shizo to the front of the team.

Rapid and chaotic footsteps sounded one after another, and a large group of ghouls appeared. The appearance of these ghouls was a bit strange. They were dressed as if they lived in ancient times. They were wearing grass skirts, some even wore bone and tooth necklaces, and painted on their faces. Graffiti.

It was strange that these ghouls were different from the other ghouls Anze saw in Area 24. They did not show their weapons. Anze was a little confused. After all, in a dangerous area like Area 24, it was normal to display weapons at any time.

Soon, Anze realized his mistake. After seeing the rescue team, these ghouls seemed to see prey. More than forty ghouls rushed over.

Anze gripped the black gun and stabbed it. Although he still shot through, Anze felt obvious resistance. The muscles of these ghouls were far tougher than other ghouls Anze had met. He glanced at the side and Yi Bing entered. The AUS knife can't cut through the muscles of these ghouls.      You must know that aus is a kuk'in made by the S-level ghoul Hezi.

Anze tried his best to block the ghouls in front of him, but only he and Su Xiao had this ability, and the passage was eight meters wide. The two of them could not block the impact of the ghouls at all, and many ghouls rushed in. into the search officer formation at the rear.

However, these have nothing to do with Anze. He has already done what he should do. Whether he can survive depends on the abilities of these investigators.

Screams came one after another from behind, and many people asked others for help. Some people even shouted the names of Anze and Su Xiao. Anze turned a deaf ear to this, and so did Su Xiao.

These two are their commanders, not their nannies.

About ten minutes later, more than forty ghouls were killed. These ghouls did not shrink from the death of their companions, but became more ferocious. This made the rescue team's losses larger, probably six or seven. Investigator.

After briefly counting the number of people and injuries, the team continued to move forward without stopping too much. However, two warm corpses were left on the ground. They were two seriously injured people. Su Xiao gave them a shot of morphine and Cyanide, send them down in advance.

After that, Anze remembered the soul fluctuations of the primitive ghouls and tried his best to lead the team to avoid encountering the primitive ghouls, but in the end it was still unavoidable. The rescue team still encountered two or three groups of primitive ghouls.

Except for Akatsuki Mano, all the first and second-class investigators were almost dead, and the rest were all injured. However, they were all elites, and their traveling speed increased instead of decreasing.

Anze glanced at the green dot on the mini-screen. Arima Kisho's position had changed again. Anze was already somewhat accustomed to this, and he began to sense the surroundings with an expressionless face, preparing to adjust his route.

Suddenly, Anze felt a powerful and manic soul wave, like some kind of large creature, but because of the isolation of the wall of flesh, Anze could only roughly determine the direction.

"Pay attention to the surroundings, there are big guys." Anze reminded, then turned around and started to pay attention to the rear.

After Anze reminded him, there was a loud roar from behind, followed by the sound of a huge thing hitting the wall.

The entire passage was shaking, and Anze felt the vibration under his feet.


The wall of flesh at the rear was shattered, dark red flesh and blood flew everywhere, and a huge head poked out, almost occupying most of the passage. In the center of the head was a striking red eye with red pupils on a black background. It belonged to a ghoul. Eye.

Anze glanced back and saw that the monster spread far out of the passage. Anze estimated that it was about tens of meters long. The scales on its body were glowing. At a glance, it was clear that its defense was unshakable.

What kind of monster is this?

Anze swallowed, and then received the monster information sent by Su Xiao.

Blood Eyes (Elite Creatures)

HP; 100%

Mana; 110

Strength: 30 (extreme value in this world)

Agility: 12

physical strength:? ?

Intelligence: 11

Charisma: 2

Skill 1, elite creature (passive): strength +10, agility +5, stamina +10

Skill 2, Thermal Sensing (Passive): When hunting for prey, increase the tracking success rate by 60%.

Skill 3, Ancient Creature (Passive): Defense +6, abnormal status resistance increased by 30%.

Skill 4, Crazy Bite (Active): Blood Eye is a mutated and modified creature with shark-like sharp teeth, and its bite force has exceeded the range of normal creatures. After being hit by Crazy Bite (Active), if its health value is lower than 80%, it will The physical attribute will be judged. If the judgment fails, an instant death effect will occur.

Skill 5: ? ? ?

Skill 6: ? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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