Chapter 42 The Return

Returning to the broken metal door, Su Xiao and Arima Ki escorted them to Takatsuki Izumi. There were many investigators guarding the door.

All of these investigators were injured, and there were several corpses of ghouls on the ground. It seemed that there was no peace in Area 24, and there were still ghouls trying to leave.

Seeing a group of people coming back, a figure squeezed through everyone and rushed to the front. That was Marutesai.

"Arima, Byakuya? Who is this?" Marutesai asked, pointing to Takatsuki Izumi who was being escorted by the two men. The two looked at each other, and finally Arima Kishou stood up to explain.

Arima Kisho was perfunctory, and the two of them knew they couldn't expose Takatsuki Izumi's identity at this time, otherwise she would definitely be torn apart by the angry investigators.

Amid the discussion among the surrounding investigators, Arima and Su Xiao escorted Izumi Takatsuki over, while Anze led the team away.

The two groups returned to the branch in District 24. Anze went to the logistics department to exchange the only supplies he needed, and then put them in the storage space.

"Brother Dark Soul, I will complete the camp mission as compensation." After returning to Area 24, Su Xiao sent a message to Anze.

"Thank you." Anze expressed his gratitude. He didn't want to hunt down those contractors anymore, so he just left it to Su Xiao.

Anze really doesn't like what the contractor can give him.

The main mission of the two can be completed after clearing out the contractors of the ghoul camp. This task will be more convenient for Su Xiao with the help of Izumi Takatsuki.

Because he participated in the mission of District 24, Anze was not trusted very much, so he got two days of vacation. At this time, the CCG also sent someone to monitor him.

Anze, who didn't want to cause trouble, just wandered around the ghoul world doing nothing.

About a day later, Anze received a return reminder from the paradise.

[Congratulations, Hunter, you have completed the main mission (3) and are eligible to return. There are 5 minutes remaining in this world. 】

It’s comfortable and the time to fish is great!

Anze has spent the past two days simply spending CCG money on having fun, and has lived a very comfortable life.

[The attached existence of the Hunter has been detected and the mission has not been completed yet. The Hunter will return to the park first and the world settlement is suspended]

Su Xiao is doing a hidden mission. His progress has nothing to do with Anze, so it will not affect Anze's return.

After waiting for a few minutes, Anze felt very

The familiar sap feeling made Anze feel a pain in the back of his head and his vision went dark...

Gorgeous dividing line——

Ronin Anze, holding a spear in his hand, received a notice from the paradise.

[It has been detected that the Hunter has returned to the park, please speed up the mission progress]

"Is the body moving so fast?" Ronin Anze muttered in a low voice, and then continued to chase forward.

He originally thought that his progress was quite impressive, but he didn't expect that Anze would be faster.

"It seems that we have to speed up." Ronin looked at the rankings that appeared on his irises and sighed.

The world mission of this world is to kill parasitic beasts, and around this mission, the park even provides a ranking of hunting points.

Now, his name is at the top of the list, and his points are more than the sum of the bottom twenty people. As for why it is the sum of the bottom twenty people, it is because there are only these twenty people left on the list.

Ronin Anze wants the reward for first place this time. The reward is soul crystal (small)*1 and a scroll - a skill level improvement scroll, which can be upgraded up to specialization.

Ronin Anze was peacefully hunting parasitic beasts and taking first place, until one person killed a contractor, everyone seemed to open the door to a new world, and the whole world changed.

Because after killing the contractor, he inherited the deceased's points and became the number one. After that, the world became a chaos of contractors.

An Ze, a ronin who only hunted parasitic beasts, was innocently affected, and had no choice but to act first and kill them all.

Ronin Anze is now hunting down the remaining contractors, and there are still 13 hours left before the world mission ends.

There are two people not far in front of him. He only needs to catch up and kill two people, and his world will end early. Counting these two people, 90% of the contractors in this world will die.

Originally, he planned to play with these two people for a while, but Anze has returned to the paradise, and the paradise has sent a reminder, so naturally he cannot be too far behind. Ten minutes later, Ronin Anze successfully caught up with his target. The physical attributes of these contractors were greatly different from Anze, and Anze killed them effortlessly.

After Anze easily stabbed one person to death, the paradise prompt just sounded.

[It has been detected that 90% of the contractors in this world, excluding hunters, have died, and the rankings will be settled in advance]

Glancing at the frightened contractor lying on the ground, Ronin Anze chuckled: "You are lucky."

He only kills people to stabilize his ranking and complete tasks quickly. He is not crazy enough to take pleasure in killing people.

[Hunter has been qualified to return and will return to the park in five seconds. Hunters, please be prepared]

Two white lights flashed, Ronin Anze felt a pain in the back of his head, and his vision went dark.

[The transmission is completed, the hunter returns to the exclusive room,]

[The exclusive room is an absolutely safe place, no one can enter except with the permission of the hunter]

[Hunter returns to Samsara Paradise and begins to settle mission rewards. 】

Derived World: Tokyo Ghoul.

Difficulty: Lv.3 (difficult).

Obtain the source of the world: 34.9%.

Number of tasks completed: 4 (main task*3, achievement task: Scavenger)

Overall rating: s-. (Note: The score ranges from E- to S+. The comprehensive evaluation is calculated based on the total number of sources of the world obtained and the number of completed tasks.)

Start collecting the source of the world...,

The collection of the source of the world is completed and the rewards start to be sent.

Rewards obtained: 14 attribute points, 18000 paradise coins.

The overall evaluation is s-, the hunter level is +3, and it is upgraded to Lv.6. (The level is improved based on the comprehensive evaluation.)

The hunter attachment bonus is being settled.

Derived World: Parasitic Beast

Predator-affiliated world rating: s-.

Obtain the source of the world: 29.1%,

Number of missions completed: 4 (main missions*4)

Rewards obtained: 13 attribute points, 13000 paradise coins.

The overall evaluation is s-, and the hunter level is +3. Since the low-level authority level can be raised to lv5 at most in a single time, the hunter level is raised to lv8.

The hunter level has been increased to lv8, and the storage space size has been increased to 8 cubic meters.

The settlement is completed and the reward has been deposited into the Hunter Brand.

It is detected that the hunter has completed the hunting mission and received the bronze badge of honor. The honor store is opened and the hunter's exclusive space is located. The hunter is invited to explore its functions.

[It is detected that the hunter’s soul damage is abnormal, whether to restore it]

[Whether to spend 10000 paradise coins to heal soul damage]

Upon hearing this notice, the two Anzes looked at each other, their mouths twitching, and then silently agreed. Fortunately, Anze was enough in the derivative world, otherwise, Anze would not be able to cure this injury.

(End of this chapter)

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