Chapter 49 New World

In the duel field, Anze held a black weapon shaped like a hook and sickle in his hand. The hook slowly slipped out of Anze's hand and flew towards the enemy opposite.

When the hook sickle was about to fall on the enemy, the enemy on the opposite side dodged. Anze stretched out his hand and pulled, and his body shot out along the hook rope.

Then, the shape of the thing in Anze's hand changed suddenly. A huge war scythe was held in Anze's hand. With rapidity, Anze swung the war scythe diagonally, cutting off the enemy in front of him from bottom to top. an arm.

This move is a trick that Anze has learned in many battles. When faced with people whose strength and speed are not as good as his own, almost no one can withstand Anze's attack intact.

The war sickle in his hand changed rapidly, and a broad sword appeared in Anze's hand. After the upward force disappeared, Anze slashed down with a heavy sword.

There was a huge collision, a burst of light flashed, and the two were sent out of the arena.

This is the fighting method that Anze came up with that is more suitable for him. He uses his control over the power of the abyss to control the energy of the abyss to change multiple times in a short time, and uses the characteristics of different weapons to form a continuous offensive.

Anze didn't have much rest and immediately started the next battle. There were still quite a few flaws in his tactics, which he needed to discover and make up for through battle after battle.

As soon as his eyes blurred, Anze appeared in the arena again. Opposite him was a man holding a huge sword. He was shirtless and had several tattoos on his body.

Anze raised his hand, a black long bow appeared, and black arrows shot out.

There was a "ping" sound, the arrow was bounced away, and then turned into a stream of light and returned to Anze's hand.

A war sickle appeared in Anze's hand. Anze ducked and rushed towards the naked man. He swung the war sickle horizontally. The sickle blade and the blade got stuck together, and there was a crisp sound from the collision.

Anze pressed with his backhand, and the shape of the sickle changed. The tip of the spear extended from the tail, and the spear pierced the enemy's abdomen. Anze then kicked him straight, and the sword man took a few steps back.

The spear turned into a long knife. Anze turned around and slashed diagonally down. An arm fell to the ground. The long knife flowed and turned into a glove covering Anze's hand. Anze took a step back and made an uppercut.

The man with the sword opposite him was stunned for a moment, and then Anze's eyes blurred before he returned to his lounge.

The enemy on the opposite side chose to surrender. Anze didn't say anything and silently started the next battle.

[You have won 32 consecutive victories]

[Arena ranking has been improved to 962]

Anze took a deep breath, sat on the sofa in the lounge, closed his eyes and rested.

Anze's mental state is not good now. Continuous fighting consumes a lot of mental energy, especially when the enemy's methods become more and more outrageous. Although Anze defeated them all.

But dealing with it is still a bit exhausting.

Then, Anze sent a message to Ronin Anze, asking if he wanted to fight.

After getting a positive answer, Anze returned to the exclusive room, while Ronin Anze came to the arena.

There is such an advantage in having many clones. It will be extremely fast to gain ranking in the arena.

Lying on the bed, Anze's fingertips were wrapped with a ray of abyssal energy. This abyssal power was constantly deforming under Anze's control.

Anze enjoys this feeling of growing stronger.

When Ronin Anze went to play competitive games, Anze walked to the corner of his exclusive room and opened a rather technological-looking device. This was the Honor Store. Anze was going to spend the Medal of Honor in his hand to buy a soul crystal.

But when he opened the Honor Store, in addition to the recovery potions and soul crystals he already knew, Anze saw two quite extraordinary things.

Peer certification authority*1 (This is the exclusive authority of the hunter. After redeeming this item, the hunter will be assisted in the second peer certification after the hunter's soul strength reaches the threshold)

Price: Bronze Badge of Honor*1 (This price has been reduced by 99.99%)

Note: This item will be replenished after winning the hunter world battle or completing the emergency mission arranged by the park.

Abyss Power Condensation (This item can only be redeemed by Hunters)

Price: Bronze Badge of Honor*1 (the price of this item has been reduced by 99.99%)

Note: This item will be replenished after the Hunter successfully participates in the World War or completes the emergency mission arranged by the park. The replenishment amount is determined based on the Hunter's contribution.

Looking at the items in the Honor Store, Anze admitted that his brain was pumped.

But after seeing the annotation below, Anze understood that this was just like the park simulated Su Xiao's awakening of the Green Shadow King in the Hall of Extermination. The park needed Anze to do something for the park, and he would reward Anze in this way if he made a contribution. Ze.

Looking at the bronze badge in his hand, Anze silently bought the power of the abyss.

Perhaps the most valuable thing is the certification authority, but Anze's soul strength is obviously not close to the threshold now, and Anze doesn't know how long it will take for him to reach it.

The most useful thing for Anze now is the power of the abyss.

A few days later, the two people's time in the reincarnation paradise was exhausted and they returned to the real world.

In the past few days, Ronin Anze has reached the top 100 in the arena rankings, and Anze is obsessed with the manipulation of abyss energy and the development of soul energy, which has greatly improved his combat power.

When he returns next time, he wants to be able to hit the top ten. Anze is really curious about the top ten rewards. After all, Su Xiao has never gotten the top ten in the first level.

A few days in this world flew by. Apart from dealing with some real-world matters, Anze spent the rest of his time studying abilities.

Soon it was time to move on to the next world.

When he appeared in the exclusive room, Anze looked at Ronin Anze with blood on his face and was confused.

After synchronizing the memory, I learned that this guy was found by the government and is now running for his life.

It's just that this didn't put any pressure on him, it just meant that he had to spend more time sleeping in the open air.

[Hunter level: Lv.8, you can receive a notification forty minutes before entering the derived world. The hunter will enter the derived world in one hour. Please wait patiently. 】

After hearing the reminder from the paradise, Anze walked out of the room and prepared to replenish some explosives and recovery items.

As soon as he went out, Anze heard the bustling cries. Every time the contractor's world opened, the time was almost the same, so it was relatively convenient to buy recovery items and explosives at this time.

After buying some food-based recovery products and potions, Anze returned to his exclusive room. After all, he still had more than 10,000 paradise coins, so there was no pressure to replenish the recovery products.

[Hunter will enter the derivative world in forty minutes: Zhan·Crimson Eyes. 】

[The hunter-affiliated existence will enter the derivative world in forty minutes: Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba]

Kill Chi? Demon Slayer?

(End of this chapter)

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