Reincarnation Paradise: Do you understand what a clone is?

Chapter 5: God fails to fulfill his wishes

Chapter 5: God fails to fulfill his wishes

In the afternoon, Anze found that Takeda Kanyanagi was obviously in a hurry, as if something big had happened.

This made Anze feel particularly happy, which meant that his plan had taken another step forward.

However, because of Takeda Kanyanagi's reaction, Yasawa naturally wanted to express his concern.

"Mr. Takeda, what happened to you in such a hurry? Is there anything I can do to help?" Anze came up and asked with a serious face.

"No, no, no, Mr. Miyamura, you don't need to take action. It's just some urgent little things. Mr. Miyamura, you can solve it. It's just killing a chicken with a knife." Takeda Kanyanagi looked at Anze who came up, without any impatience. Attitude, he spoke.

Anze frowned, a little distrustful anger appearing on his face.

"Mr. Takeda, what you said is that I will eat the emperor's salary and worry about the emperor's worries. You can speak whenever I can be of use."

"I really don't need you, Mr. Yasawa, it's just a small matter, don't worry." Takeda Kanyanagi said with a slightly soothing tone.

Of course, Anze will not really help him. He just comes to test Takeda Kanyanagi's tone and expresses his position. This can make Takeda Kanyanagi believe in him even more.

After the two of them pulled each other, Yasawa showed a somewhat helpless expression, gave up the quarrel, and went to another place, while Takeda Kanyanagi continued to do what he originally planned to do.

Judging from Takeda Kanyanagi's reaction just now, it must be that Gao Hehui ran away, right? This way, when Fujita comes, it will be an opportunity.

Anze has already thought about the scene where he can easily cut off Takeda Kanyanagi's head with one knife.

But the development of things deviated greatly from his imagination...

That night, Goro Fujita did come to Takeda Kanyanagi's house, but he did not bring anyone with him. He even entered the Takeda house secretly without bringing the search warrant that Yasawa expected.

"Officer Fujita, 伱!" Anze was so angry with his pig teammates that he was almost speechless, and the originally easy task became extremely difficult.

"Miyamura, isn't it enough for the two of us to kill that guy named Takeda?" The expression on Fujita's face was full of confidence. He was particularly confident in Anzawa and his own force.

The corners of Anze's mouth twitched. According to the original plot, the two people were indeed strong enough, but now the Takeda family's defensive strength has been strengthened more than a little bit.

The difference between facing a thousand people and facing a hundred people is not only ten times the number of people, but also the difficulty increases exponentially.

Ronin Anzawa's swordsmanship was also practiced on the battlefield. He was extremely good at defeating many enemies with one person. Together with Goro Fujita, Anze had a good chance of winning against a mob of more than a hundred people.

But when facing more than a thousand people, Anze didn't even have much confidence in breaking through. Even if more than a dozen people broke through the defense line of more than a thousand people, it would be difficult.

In history, most of the elites who are said to have such achievements are praised by unofficial historians.

Not to mention that Takeda Kanyanagi also has a batch of firearms with quite high technological content. No, they cannot be called firearms. They are already modern firearms. After all, they all have Gatling.

Anze didn't want to welcome the baptism of Namo Gatling Bodhisattva. With a rate of fire of 3,600 revolutions per breath, Anze was sure that he couldn't withstand it.

Anze was a little puzzled by the behavior of his pig teammates, and asked Fujita why. It turned out that he was sanctioned by the government's administrative efficiency.

It would take one to two days to apply for a normal search warrant, let alone one targeting Takeda Kanyanagi, a wealthy businessman. According to the process, it would take at least about a week.

Goro Fujita believed that with the help of Yasawa, he could easily eliminate the cancer of Takeda Kanyanagi without the help of others, so he came so recklessly.

Thinking of the time it would take to issue the search warrant, Anze didn't bother to plan too much. Although it might take a lot of effort now, it was still within Anze's acceptance range.

What is more important now is to avoid those more than a thousand warriors...

"Hey, follow me next and don't make any noise to disturb others."

Anze sighed, and then motioned for Fujita Goro to follow. Anze had figured out the terrain while wandering around Takeda's house these days. He originally thought he wouldn't need it, but he didn't expect...                               The hope, the result, alas...

Although he lamented a few times in his heart, Anze still rushed towards Takeda Kanyanagi's usual place.

Goro Fujita followed him, and the two of them rushed over at extremely fast speeds. At this time, most of the servants had already rested, so the two of them had an unimpeded journey.

It wasn't until they rushed to the door of Takeda Kanyanagi's office that the two of them saw the number of servants. Anzai had no scruples and cut them with his sword, hitting the vital points. Coupled with Anze's current physical fitness, killing these people was like chopping vegetables. generally.

Goro Fujita, who was next to him, clearly looked at Anze with a lot of scruples. He didn't even unsheath his sword, and his running speed was much slower than Anze.

White and transparent figures floated out from the corpses of this group of people...

Anze opened his mouth slightly, and his soul turned into smoke and flowed into Anze's mouth. Anze felt a warm current flowing through his body, but it did not improve his attributes.

These servants were not the two's enemies at all. Within a few seconds, the two of them rushed to Takeda Kanyanagi's door.

Anze kicked the door hard, and the unlocked door was kicked open. The moment the door was kicked open, several male servants in suits and Takeda Kanyanagi inside looked horrified.

After seeing clearly that the person coming was Anze, Takeda Kanyanagi stood up and shouted, and Waiyin and Xuhai Fanshen who were standing next to him took a step forward.

"Miyamura Yasawa, what are you going to do!"

"What are you doing? Of course I'm going to kill you!" Yasawa was too lazy to continue acting with him, and rushed out with Goro Fujita behind him, and rushed towards Takeda Kanyanagi.

The office was not big, and it was already very crowded with three male servants plus Takeda. After adding Yasawa and Fujita, there was not much room to dodge.

The three male servants were killed by Anze with three swords, and the blood they spurted dyed the white suits they were wearing red.

Anze did not speed up and rushed towards Takeda Kanliu, because Waiyin and Xuhai Fanshen were still standing between them.

There are actually two people here. Takeda is really afraid of death. It's a pity that Gao Hehui still hasn't had much effect. It seems that it will take a lot of effort.

Anze regretted that the plan to use Gao Hehui to distract one of them failed, but with the addition of Fujita Goro, Anze believed that there was no problem in killing the two people in front of him.

Boom, the sound of metal friction came, and Anze's stab was blocked as expected. A short knife held Anze's blade, and a man wearing a white skull mask stood in front of Anze.

Anze pressed hard, and his current strength was much stronger than that of the original Ronin Anze. If he hadn't been worried about the encirclement and suppression of those warriors and Namo Gatling Bodhisattva, Anze would have killed him directly.

Waiyin, who was holding Anze's blade, obviously didn't expect Anze to have such great strength. He almost couldn't steady the knife in his hand. He leaned to the side and fell to his knees, struggling to hold Anze's knife with both hands.

When Goro Fujita on the side saw this, he rushed forward a few steps, drew his sword out of its sheath, and slashed with great force towards the outer seal. He knew very well how to take advantage of the enemy's illness to kill him.

Unfortunately, his movements and intentions were too obvious, and he was stopped by Xuhai Fanshen on the side.

At the same time, Anze did not stop at all. He increased the pressure with his hands, and at the same time, he stepped forward and kicked Waiyin in the face.

The outer seal's blade slipped, and his body turned to one side, guiding Anze's blade to the ground.

This move caused Anze to change his center of gravity. Although he quickly regained his balance, the intensity and speed of his upper kick were still much slower, and he was dodged by Waiyin.

At this moment, Takeda Kanyanagi climbed out of the window and jumped from the small balcony to other rooms, intending to find his Namu Dai Gatling Bodhisattva.

Anze did not pursue him directly, because he knew that the foreign seal in front of him still had a firearm, and there was a high probability that something would happen if he exposed his back to him. Although Goro Fujita might help him block the bullet, Anze did not dare to take a gamble.

(End of this chapter)

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