Chapter 58 Contractor’s Attack

The black war sickle appeared in Anze's hand. Anze paused for a moment, then ducked and rushed towards Brand.

A war gun with a somewhat strange style was held in Brand's hand, facing Anze's war sickle head-on, with the gun shaft holding the sickle blade.

In an instant, the sickle blade appeared below. Anze raised it upwards. Brand was a little confused, but he still subconsciously dodged backwards.

The sickle blade passed in front of him, Anze stepped forward, the sickle blade in his hand turned into a big sword, and he turned and slashed.

The big sword hit Brand's hastily raised gun barrel hard, and with a bang, Brand was knocked backwards, his feet sliding on the ground, leaving deep marks.

Before he could stand still, a long knife fell in front of his eyes, dark green light flashed across, a long blurred mark was cut on his chest, and the armor was torn open.

Tazmi on one side was already surrounded by three beast warriors. Noticing this, subconsciously, Zheng and Anze looked at Tazmi with Brand's eyes, with some worry in their eyes.

"You dare to be distracted while fighting with me?" Anze felt a sense of contempt. He caught Brand's momentary distraction and launched an attack.

The series of attacks caught Brand off guard, and he was a little tired of dealing with them.

Anze's series of attacks have pulled the opponent into his own rhythm. In this case, let alone the opposite Brand, even the stronger Esdeath will only be beaten.

It's just that compared to Brand in front of him, Esdeath has other ways to break the move, so he won't fall into this situation.

Brand disappeared and used the ghost-haunted transparency ability to briefly make Anze lose his target and interrupt Anze's offensive rhythm.

Transparency? Not a bad way…

Anze closed his eyes and began to capture Brand's position by sensing soul fluctuations.

The powerful soul fluctuations were quite conspicuous in Anze's perception, and Anze found Brand's location without much effort.

At this moment, Brand is rushing towards him. In Anze's perception, the fluctuation of a soul that is constantly approaching him seems particularly abrupt.


A sudden collision made Brand a little dumbfounded. He didn't show any flaws, but he didn't know why he was caught by Anze.

"I caught you!" Anze reached out and grabbed a hard armor-like object.

The other hand was burning with dark green flames, and he punched Brand in the chest.

Anze's fist was blocked by a metal gun, and Brand was forced to reveal himself. He saw that invisibility had no effect on Anze. His continued invisibility was just a waste of his own energy.

Anze did not stop. He raised his knee and hit Brand with one knee. The force penetrated the evil spirit and hit Brand.

Brand resisted Anze, and hit Anze with a backhand blow. A black hand shield appeared on Anze's forearm, and Anze blocked the blow with his shield.

This is the plastic energy system, which can be used offensively or defensively. If the power of the abyss in the derived world is not too thin and difficult to mobilize, Anze will definitely teach these people a lesson.

With the spear in hand, Anze fired a shot at Brand's body, and tiny cracks were drawn out of the demon-ridden mecha.

Brand is not weak. If Anze fights Brand head-on, although the result will be the same, it will never be so easy.

It's just that this time Brand was upset after seeing Tazmi being caught by Anze, and Anze caught the flaw. Although he counterattacked, he failed to reverse the situation.

Brand was once again pulled into Anze's rhythm, and falling into the fighting rhythm of a technical system was a very dangerous thing.

Even though Anze is a half-dabble in the technical system, he can still make Brand in front of him feel the pressure from the technical system.

War sickle, tachi, broadsword, spear...    Various weapons changed flexibly in Anze's hands. The continuous offensive based on the characteristics of the weapons did not give Brand in front of him any chance to breathe.

However, after a short while, Brand's evil ghost was interrupted by Anze and was full of cracks. It was obvious that he could no longer hold on.

Anze's last heavy chop fell, and Brand was knocked out. The evil ghost on his body dissipated, and he flew out and lay on the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

The three beast warriors watching the show on the side saw Anze's expression of shock. This was the first time they had seen Anze take action. In the past, they had learned how strong Anze was from Esdeath's words.

This time I truly witnessed Anze's strength.

Suddenly, Anze subconsciously turned sideways, and a bullet flew past the side of his cheek, leaving a bloody streak and hitting the deck. A huge hole was made in the wooden deck.

"Contractor..." Anze turned and looked to the distance on the shore, where a sniper rifle was pointed at him.

There was a tingling sensation between his eyebrows. Anze immediately stood up the abyss barrier in front of him. A bullet hit the barrier. Anze was knocked back by the impact, leaving a long mark on the deck.

Anze quickly dodged, preparing to save Brand and Tazmi who were lying on both sides.

A bullet flew towards Brand, and Anze set up an abyss shield to block it. This was his mission goal.

The bullet turned into a discus, and a huge air wave came from the abyss barrier. Anze rushed over to catch Brand despite the air wave.

The soul spider web spread out from Anze's hand, stretched towards Tazmi not far away, and quickly tied up Tazmi. Anze pulled towards him, and the unlucky child was shot in the calf, half of it The leg was badly beaten and it was basically impossible to heal.

After rescuing the two people, Anze immediately ran towards the cabin.

The abyss barrier was set up in front of him, and Anze withstood the firepower of the sniper rifle. He grabbed the two of them and hid in the cabin, and invited the three of them to hide in together.

Damn it, who is this guy trying to steal monsters from me... If I kill her, I must kill him after that!

If the contractor had only taken action against Anze, Anze would not have been so angry. Unexpectedly, that guy actually took action against Anze's treasure chest. This was something Anze could not bear.

On the shore in the distance, a woman holding a sniper rifle spit out the chewing gum in her mouth: "What kind of monster is this? It resisted four shots from me and still saved two people?"

She looked at the blue weapon in her hand that was strengthened to +7, and fell into deep thought. She was wondering whether the weapon that she had strengthened at a large price was fake.

Dragging the two people into the cabin, Anze threw them in front of Esdeath and said to her: "Do you want to torture?"

Looking at Brand lying on the ground, Anze took a look. This guy still wanted to struggle. Anze stepped on his hand with a blank expression, and the crisp sound of bone cracking was heard.

Brand was still strong-willed and didn't scream. He was just sweating heavily.

"General, can you leave Brand to me?" Levi swallowed, opened the door, walked in, and said.

He was not afraid of Esdeath, he was afraid of Anze who caught the two of them.

"Mr. Liwa, are you trying to snatch the prey from me?" Anze turned his head and glanced at Liwa, his cold murderous intent spreading.

"Dark Soul, that's not what Levi meant." Esdeath glanced at Anze and defended Levi. She was giving him a step down.

"I won't say anything." Tazmi's face showed an expression of pain and struggle. The pain from his leg that had just been broken by a sniper rifle was unbearable.

Under Esdeath's gaze, Anze walked over expressionlessly, easily suppressing Tazmi's struggle, and with a click, ended the life of the protagonist who had not yet grown up.

(End of this chapter)

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