Chapter 61 Hunting Preparation: Haztec

As soon as Anze walked in, he saw Esdeath sitting on the bed with a cold face. By this time, she had finished washing and changed into loose pajamas.

Looking up, he saw that his loose pajamas were barely hanging on his body, exposing a large area of ​​white skin on his chest.

"General Esdeath, what's wrong?"

"There are no other rooms in the manor. You can stay with me for one night tonight. The furniture will not be re-arranged until tomorrow."

Listening to Esdeath's words, Anze felt that something was wrong.

Damn it, this guy is not coming for me. I won’t take Tazmi’s position, right? I am a contractor!

Then he saw the paving on the ground, and Esdeath pointed to the quilt on the ground, his meaning was obvious.

It was Anze who thought wrong.

After a moment of silence, Anze finally didn't ask why he didn't make the floor in his room.

At night, Esdeath was already fast asleep, and Anze still had his eyes open, not because of any sexy scene, but because of Anze's instinct to be wary of his surroundings.

Esdeath's position is in Anze's vigilance circle. There are strange soul fluctuations within this distance. Anze cannot sleep at all, and his instinct will wake him up.

Anze, who couldn't sleep at all, got up and walked to the bedside. He was bored in his free time. He was going to test his ability. He only relied on this part of the abyss power in his body, and he might not be able to do it in the future.

Anze wants to try how to pull the power of the abyss in the world quickly and on a large scale.

The power of the abyss condensed into crystals appeared in Anze's hands. He was wondering if he could use the power of the abyss as a primer to quickly draw the power of the abyss in the world. The concentration of natural elements and abyss power in Zhanchi's world was higher than that of Ghoul. The world should be planted high.

After all, this world has truly extraordinary abilities and extraordinary creatures, not ghouls.

The cold breath spread on Anze's fingertips and began to gather from all around.

Sure enough...

Anze was overjoyed. This way he had many more ways to deal with the enemy, and he could finally show off the prowess of the evocation system.

Until now, he could only be regarded as a half-assed person in the plasticity system plus the technique system. Now he can finally get rid of the half-baked skills in front of the plasticity system.

The aura of danger became stronger with the gathering of abyss energy. Of course, Anze didn't feel dangerous and was even excited, but Esdeath, who was sleeping, didn't think so.

Esdeath, who was still sleeping soundly, was awakened directly and looked at Anze who was standing beside the bed with vigilance.

"Dark Soul, what are you doing?!" Esdeath's voice was trembling, and she felt a strong dangerous aura from the thing in Anze's hand.

Hearing the sound, Anze looked back and saw Esdeath with a wary look on his face.

Anze waved his hand slightly, and the power of the abyss nearby dispersed: "It's nothing, just testing my ability."

Esdeath withdrew her gaze. She now felt that it was a mistake to let Anze stay in the same room with her.

Withdrawing the power of the abyss, Anze lay back on the bed and tried to close his eyes and rest.

Early the next morning, Anze woke up with some traces of dark circles under his eyes. Esdeath beside him was sleeping soundly.

He took a deep breath to relieve the fatigue caused by not sleeping all night. Although Anze's physical fitness would not be too tiring after not sleeping all night.

"Dark Soul, let's have a fight." Esdeath looked at Anze, who was still yawning, and invited him to fight.


The next day, Anze was taken by Esdeath to participate in the competition she talked about. Anze was very suspicious of her motives. When I arrived at the place, I discovered that, well, it was indeed the scene where Tazmi and she met in the original plot - the city's martial arts competition, and Esdeath also promised her a special reward on the stage.

Anze was very suspicious. This girl just didn't want to give out this reward, so she let him participate in the competition.

However, Anze remembered that this game only started after the Hunters were formed, but now he knows very well that the Hunters were not formed.

It seems that the plot line has fluctuated slightly because of him.

The process of the game was very boring. Anze's strength was completely crushed by these citizens. Anze's mind was focused on whether there were any night raiders coming to watch, and he kept looking at the nearby stands.

But after Tazmi was slaughtered by him, this game had nothing to do with the protagonist group. Anze did not find anyone from the protagonist group.

Quite bored, Anze dodged the attack of the opponent in front of him. He was wondering whether he should hold back anymore. After all, Anze was really upset after fighting with these people.

But in the end, Anze did not make a heavy move. After easily winning the championship, he and Esdeath went to receive the so-called special rewards.

"Dark Soul, are you a Teigu user? Your ability is not like the recorded ability of the Teigu." Esdeath asked, although she already had the answer.

"No, what?"

"Do you want an imperial weapon?" Esdeath asked. She was still qualified for the imperial weapon assigned to her subordinates.

"March of the Dead. Eighth Room, can you get it?" Anze tilted his head and glanced at Esdeath. This is the only imperial weapon he knows that is of greater use to him.

"There is already a user in the eighth room. I can let you take away one of the imperial weapons in the empire's treasury. Are you interested?" Esdeath frowned, but still replied patiently.

"What about the price?"

Esdeath fell silent, watching Anze stop talking.

"I understand, no need."

The transaction initiated by Esdeath failed. Anze took the list of dangerous species that Esdeath had given him before and prepared to set off after a night's rest to hunt the dangerous species.

As for the protagonist group, Anze is ready to wait for Esdeath to form a hunter before going hunting.

Early the next morning, Anze left the imperial capital and prepared to hunt his first target - the super dangerous species - Haztec.

Haztec, a dangerous species in the form of a dragon, can control and use wind. It is the same type of dangerous species as the Laruhtis that Anze met and Esdeath's imperial equipment materials.

In Anze's analysis, compared to other dangerous species in the data, Haztec is a relatively difficult category, much more difficult than the Laruhtis that Anze has killed. .

Because of his ability to control the wind, Haztec's strength and smoothness may be much weaker than Laruhtis's, but his speed is definitely top-notch.

For Anze, fast enemies are more difficult.

But because Haztec's place of appearance is the closest to the imperial capital, Anze's first choice is still him.

After all, this period of time is the time when the main plot breaks out, and Anze does not want to miss the opportunity to hunt the protagonist group.

Haztec's haunt was on a high mountain three to four hundred miles away from the imperial capital. Since the distance was not far, Anze arrived at his destination quickly.

Compared to the last time, Laruhtis's attack did not have much impact on the nearby environment, while Haztec's impact was much greater. On the mountain ridge, strong winds howled and the air flow was turbulent. Anze also suffered a lot when climbing the mountain. .

He decided to repay all this to Haztec.

(End of this chapter)

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